Online game: Start by slaying a dragon and becoming a necromancer!

Chapter 44

"Chen Mo, I was wrong! Please, spare my life!"

Biao Hongxue groaned and begged for mercy with tears and snot.

Seeing this, Chen Mo sneered and said, "Great!"

"You said you were wrong, then tell me, where did you go wrong?"

This question confused Biao Hongxue.


Looking strange, she thought for a moment and was speechless.

At that moment, Chen Mo said again, "Forget it, let me help you."

"You don't know you are wrong, you just know... you are going to die!"

After that, Chen Mo shouted coldly, "Flame!"


A loud bang was heard!

Chen Mo held a ball of blue-purple high-temperature fireball in his hand.

New talent of fire element control, let you try the knife!

The next moment, the fireball was pushed out and flew straight to Biao Hongxue.


"No... No!"

"It's so hot, so hot, it hurts so much!!!"

The extremely high temperature flames quickly exploded and spread all over Biao Hongxue's body.

After a while, she was burned into a big fireball.

But this dead fat pig was full of fat, which further fueled the fire.

For a while, it was a huge and spectacular scene.

But it was also extremely tragic!

"Oh my god, it's so scary!"

"This Chen Mo is definitely a lunatic. Does he really dare to kill people?!"

"Damn it, I shouldn't have gotten involved in this mess! Now it's over. He killed Biao Hongxue and his brother. Will he come to deal with us later??"

"Not really?! We are just here to help. We have no grudge against Chen Mo!"

"I believe it, but it's useless. The key is whether Chen Mo believes it or not!"


Looking at the tragic end of the two leaders.

The thugs brought by Biao Hongxue and his brother were all panicked!

What to do?

What to do? !

How will Chen Mo deal with us next? ? ?

My God!

This feeling of waiting for trial is so painful!

I hope he can be kind and spare our lives!

For the time being, I didn't have time to deal with this group of little bastards and accomplices.

Here, after Biao Hongxue was completely burned into charcoal.

Chen Mo waved his hand and grabbed her ugly soul again.

Since it was just an ordinary soul, the origin level was low and it had no value.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not plan to absorb it himself to upgrade or use it to make skeleton warriors.

Besides, this was his great enemy.

Although he killed her today, he got rid of his anger.

But the resentment accumulated over the years has not been completely washed away.

Let's follow the old rules.

Light the soul, put it in a glass bottle as a decoration, and continue to torture!

"Chen Mo, you beast, you will die!"

"Ahhh, it hurts so much, it hurts so much!"

"I will take revenge in my next life and kill you!"

"Please, please, put out this fire! It hurts so much!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong..."

"Please let me go!!!"


Tighten the lid of the glass bottle and stop listening to Biao Hongxue's boar-like howling.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Okay, the two most annoying people are dealt with."

"Now, just kill these little Karami and it's over."

What? !

He really didn't plan to let us go!

Hearing Chen Mo's words, a group of accomplices and thugs panicked.

They all begged for mercy and shouted.

"Chen Mo, stop it now!"

"Brother Mo, all this was instigated by Biao Hongxue, it has nothing to do with us!"

"Oh, right, right, it's all Biao Hongxue and Biao Xiaohu's fault, we know nothing!"

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha! Chen Mo, stop doing evil! Do you really want to go to hell?!"

"Go to hell!" Chen Mo sneered, "You know better than me, right? After a person dies, the soul leaves the body and slowly dissipates into the air.

There is no such thing as heaven or hell!"

"Alright, stop shouting!"

"You all keep saying you are innocent, ignorant, Love! Do you really think I'm a fool!"

"You know my name, and you know that Biao Hongxue is here to kill me. If you didn't want to get involved, why did you follow me?"

"It's not about the actions, it's not about the heart! I don't care what you think in your heart. If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences!"

"If you dare to attack me, Chen Mo, there is only one outcome!"


After speaking seriously, Chen Mo waved his hand decisively and ordered: "Quick, clean them all up!"

Bone Hunter: "Yes, Master!"

Then, it waved its knife fiercely: "Kill them all, don't leave any alive!"


The symphony of screams played.

Three pointsAfter a minute, everything returned to calm.

Collect the souls, compress and refine them, and reward them to the skeleton warriors for upgrading.

Chen Mo said calmly: "Let's go, Teacher Lin, we should go to the second cafeteria and continue the cleaning task."

Lin Xi came back to her senses in a trance: "Oh, okay, okay!"

To be honest, everything that just happened was still a bit shocking to her.

So many people died!

The blood flowed like a river, and the whole place was devastated!

Chen Mo, how can you be so calm?

Your heart is too strong!

Regarding Lin Xi's doubts, Chen Mo just wanted to say: Practice more if you are new!

You will get used to it after seeing it more.

In the last life, let alone this small scene where only dozens of people died.

Even the purgatory-like scene where thousands or tens of thousands of people died, Chen Mo has seen countless times!

The mental shocks again and again have created his firm rock heart now!


The undead army set off again.

According to today's plan, we are going to Binhai University of Science and Technology's No. 2 Canteen to carry out the occupation and material search mission.

However, halfway through the journey, Chen Mo's cell phone rang.

Cai Xiaoyu, who stayed at the guesthouse base, called.

Chen Mo picked up: "Hey Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

"Brother Mo, are you free now? I have a few things to report to you, it's a bit urgent!"

"That's perfect, I just solved a small matter here, and I'm free now. Xiaoyu, tell me, what's the problem? Is the guesthouse okay?"

On the other end of the phone, Cai Xiaoyu said: "The guesthouse is fine, Brother Mo, don't worry!"

"The first thing I want to say is about your cleaning mission!"

"Just now, I got the information that a large number of zombies gathered near the No. 2 Canteen, the situation is very dangerous! Brother Mo, have you been to the No. 2 Canteen?!"


A large number of zombies gathered!

And it just happened to be in the No. 2 Canteen where my buddy is going now?

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I haven't gone yet, but I'm preparing to go now."


Cai Xiaoyu was shocked and said, "Then you better be careful, don't let anything happen!"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do. But your reminder is very timely and useful."

"Apart from this information, is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes, there is more!" Cai Xiaoyu quickly continued, "At the guesthouse, I have been receiving the survivor transport team sent by you, Brother Mo.

Now there are two small problems, I have to ask you for instructions to see how to arrange it!"

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