Online Games Are Coming: Start Ten Thousand Times Reward

Chapter 697

It can be said that there is nothing to do with this formation.

Archers can spread out quite a bit because they have a long range, farther than magic.

The elf queen sneered: We elves are a peace-loving race. I didn't expect you to come to us today. Do you really think we won't fight? Then prepare to accept our anger. You probably don't know what you are facing. What is it?

With such a formation, even if the gods and demons come, they will still have a headache.

But gods and demons... It's not that Qin Feng has never fought before. He has already thought about how to deal with such a posture.

Since you said that, I'll say it up front.

Qin Feng also came with a gift first and then soldiers, Hand over the tree species, and I will withdraw immediately. Qiu has done nothing wrong. If there is resistance, I will kill whoever dares to resist. There is no discussion here. If five hundred people resist, I will kill them. Five hundred people!

..... .. 0

This seemed to be an oath. Everyone heard it, and for some reason, they were a little terrified.

Is this really a stunned young man who doesn't know anything? Could it be that he still has some magic weapon?

Get ready, aim at the target!

The elf queen raised her slender hands, and her petite figure also looked extremely solemn.

Qin Feng's words can't affect her. After all, the queen doesn't believe that Qin Feng has any good way to deal with it.

Unless there is some absolutely powerful artifact body protection, it is impossible for anyone to survive this kind of attack. Qin Feng is not like a boss with amazing blood volume and exaggerated defense power. How can this be blocked?

Five hundred elves put their bows and arrows on the ground in unison, and everyone's arrow tips were shining with cold light.

Each of them is an excellent archer. With so many gathered together, it is not impossible to kill gods and demons.

However, Qin Feng has already done such things as killing gods and demons, and he took the arrow slowly.

I'm standing here, shooting at you, and I will lose if I move a single step!

Also, if you don't all die, I won't stop. You are the ones to resist. Now that it has started, I will decide when to stop. If you make a move, you have to consider the consequences.

It turned out that Qin Feng was righteous and strict, of course he was justified, in order to save all the players, he had no choice but to be desperate!

===Chapter 641 No Suspense===

First round, salvo!

The elf in the lead saw the gesture of the elf queen and gave an order to let his troops shoot a volley.

It is estimated that many people have never seen this kind of battle before playing games. It is quite terrifying. The rain of arrows fired by salvos is all shot by elite archers. This round of arrow rain alone is enough to instantly kill gods and demons. !

However, Qin Feng responded immediately, started the wind walk, changed the rhythm, and then started to shoot arrows by himself.

He couldn't escape the rain of arrows, every arrow was actually shot at Qin Feng's body, and Qin Feng's blood volume decreased visibly with the naked eye.

Although the arrows hit Qin Feng one after another, but five hundred arrows hit him one after another, even the boss with the highest blood volume couldn't hold it.

What is an archer? It is the main force of output, and most teams will train archers as continuous output units.

This is because the range is long and the sustain ability is too strong. With this range alone, half your life is already lost if you can get to the front. The general team still has protection. If a soldier stands next to him, he is invincible!

A complete team, they can hit you, you can't hit them, this is the perfect output.

As for these five hundred archers, Qin Feng could not deal with so many targets by himself, and he couldn't resist after one round.


What, his blood volume has increased?

The Queen of the Night was also watching. She reckoned that Qin Feng would die in the first round, but if she judged rationally, she thought that Qin Feng still had some unique skills, but she thought that Qin Feng's unique skills would be magic.

It's not magic. There is no magic fluctuation on Qin Feng's body at all. At this time, Qin Feng is also shooting arrows...

Almost at the same time, Qin Feng's arrows were shot out, five hundred people, just aim at one of them, Qin Feng is also a temporary archer skill, he used some before, but not all of them rose to the top, and now he fully clicks it top.

Because he followed Lu Man, Qin Feng didn't need to upgrade his archer skills.

Because of Lu Man's special talent, she is much better than an ordinary archer as an archer. Qin Feng doesn't have the talent of a night elf, so he simply doesn't order those skills, even if he has more skills.

But now, Qin Feng has put his skills to the top.

He just wanted to use bows and arrows to show these elves what the real output is. When the opponent's arrow just left the string, Qin Feng shot his own arrow. His position was just so that the opponent's attack would not reach him at the same time. body.

Because the five hundred elves are spread out, this is to ensure that they will not be taken away by Qin Feng.

But the disadvantage of such a position is that their attacks will not arrive at the same time, and as long as Qin Feng moves reasonably, their arrows will be shot one after another. As long as they are not shot at the same time, it is impossible to drop people in seconds.

Archers are not explosive professions, and they generally can't kill people. Currently, only Lu Man has this ability with Yulongwu.

Therefore, as long as Qin Feng doesn't let the arrows hit him at the same time, it is impossible for Qin Feng to be killed in seconds.

However, not being second does not mean that you can survive the first round, because five hundred people...

But no one knows that Qin Feng has a blood sucker. After he took two arrows on his body, his own arrow also shot at the opponent. One of the five hundred archers was shot by him. own blood volume.

Then the second shot hit, and Qin Feng's blood volume decreased again...

It doesn't matter if it is lowered, Qin Feng prioritized the rate of fire, and his rate of fire has reached the highest level in the game.

Continuously shooting out, Qin Feng's blood volume recovered with the blood-sucking ring, and it reached a balance!

Qin Feng returned as much blood as he lost, and his blood was recovering in a whizzing manner. At the same time, he was shooting head-to-head with five hundred elf archers. Method.

What is the strongest output? Back then, it was believed that the strongest output to players was the group of archers.

It is also incomparable for the magician to cast forbidden spells all at once, because the forbidden spell is not an attack on a single target, but AOE damage, and the magic resistance equipment can resist part of it, but the direct real damage of the archer is difficult to prevent.

For this proposition back then, Qin Feng came up with a more extreme solution, flickering is shooting at each other, sucking blood and continuing!

What, his blood volume is constantly recovering, this is a blood-sucking attribute!

Only then did the Elf Queen realize that Qin Feng's way of coping was really holding her back!

The Queen of the Night was also stunned. She also did not expect that Qin Feng's blood-sucking attribute was so perverted that he could shoot at five hundred people!

But there are reasons for this, one is that blood sucking must be high enough, and the other is that the attack power is high enough...

Sufficient high attack can absorb enough blood. This is an unchanging truth. Qin Feng has a large number of attribute points and skill points. Isn’t that just strengthening casually? He just didn’t get them before, but now he is satisfied with shooting. own needs.

The third is the most important doubt, you can't let the opponent's attack fall on you at the same time!

This is the key to avoid being dropped in seconds. As long as he doesn't get dropped in seconds, Qin Feng can restore his blood to full in an instant.

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