Online Games: God Of All People, Unlimited Evolution At the Start

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh auction

The little girl didn’t answer directly when she heard what Ying Cheng said, but continued to speak after thinking for a while.

“There is only one way. When the Daqin Academy arrives, use the connection between heaven and earth at that moment to absorb the spiritual energy from the real world.”

Hearing this, Zhuang Cheng sighed, and he knew that when the Daqin Academy’s summoning channel was not mentioned, it might overlap with their position.

Just because of Gangdai’s plan, all the disciples of Daqin Academy will be ambushed, and there is no possibility for him to absorb spiritual energy at all.

Moreover, all his powers were sealed by the traditional system, and even if he came into contact with the spiritual energy, he could not gain anything.

Therefore, Zhuocheng can only think of another way. The first thing he thinks about is why the power of the flesh is forbidden in this world.

If he can use a little bit, even if it is just the physical strength of the original sincerity, he can escape from here.

So, he started the experiment.

While being led by them to walk, he kept sensing the change of power in his hands.

However, regardless of his induction, his physical power seemed to be repelled by the entire world and could not be exerted, as if the original 677 original power was evacuated in an instant.

However, he also found a strange thing, that is, in the team of these people leading him, they will have some black runes carved on their bodies, like tattoos.

In the tattoo, Ying Cheng can clearly feel that there is a source of equity, which is also the source of the power of these men in black.

Could it be that this tattoo is the power in this world?

Earning Cheng began to analyze.

First of all, this is a battlefield of ancient gods. In ancient times, it was likely to be the center of the battle between the two armies, because in ancient times, they were all bosses, and everyone’s punch and kick attacked 10 points of terror.

It is very easy to smash the original source law that exists in heaven and earth, which leads to a deficit in the entire world, and there is no source law that can be used by people.

And this source also includes the source of power.

Therefore, Su Cheng will not be able to exert any power here, but unless Fan Tong returns all his power, since then, with his high status, he can forcibly mobilize the law of heaven and earth.

Although there will be some restrictions (daff) here, the same is true for others, and they can still maintain their invincible combat effectiveness.

Thinking of earning honesty here, I understand that tattoos are almost always the source of their power, similar to a medium.

After understanding this, the idea of earning honesty will be smooth, that is to wait for a suitable time to secretly get these tattoos, and then use the traditional force to communicate the power of heaven and earth on yourself to restore the combat effectiveness.

So he looked at the girl next to him again and began to ask.

“Do you know where we’re going now? Is there a way to get some respite?”

You originally looked at Zou Cheng who was dumbfounded and thought that he had given up, but at this moment, hearing his question, the girl opened her mouth somewhat ignorantly.

“Yes, that is, we will be locked in a small room before we are auctioned. At that time, we can get along alone, and we don’t have to rely on these chains.”

Hearing the little girl’s words, Zhan Cheng nodded.

Immediately, they no longer struggled, and after a short while as the team slowly advanced, a pitch-black city appeared in front of them.

From a distance, every brick on the city wall is made of black unknown metal, and it emits a cold light from a distance.

On both sides of the city wall, there were also policemen standing in armor and wearing hoods. They were the number one here, and everyone who passed through the city gate entrance had to be checked by them.

As for the reason of injury, Zhuancheng and his group entered the city safely after a direct and simple check.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhuancheng saw the completely different scenes on both sides of the road.

First of all, some of the items sold by the hawkers are earning earnestness and have never been seen before, such as some props and equipment.

Because there is no use of spiritual energy here, nor the use of physical equipment, it is also engraved with runes, which is a rune weapon.

Some stalls even sold meat scales and various materials of some wild beasts, and Ying Cheng even saw a vendor, bottles and jars, stalls of various items.

At this time, their caravan was also advancing rapidly, and soon came to the core of the city, where there was a huge auction venue.

Good guy, go around and go to the auction.

Earning Cheng was filled with emotion when he saw the auction, but he was a bidder a few days ago, but he didn’t expect that it would become an auction item a few days later.

“Hurry up and keep up with the latter, otherwise I will train you into puppets and sell them at the auction house!”

At this moment, the man in black who grabbed Zhan Cheng turned around, grabbed Zhan Cheng’s iron chain, and took the group to the middle of the auction venue.

Being touched by the iron chain, Zhuan Cheng could only go to the front of the bay quickly, and soon came to the auction.

After that, everyone in Zhuancheng was affixed with a spell, which looked like the kind that could suppress cultivation.

Immediately after that, like selling beasts, they locked Yingcheng and the others in a cell, and even began to clearly price them.

Perhaps it was because of Zhuocheng’s cold eyes, or because of his special status as an outsider, the man in black came to Zhuancheng alone and hugged Zhuancheng’s neck.

“It’s not bad boy, as long as you resist, I will cut a few more pieces of meat from you for research and research, maybe I will let you go.

Earning Cheng’s eyes were cold, “Really, then you’d better be able to live until that time.

The man in black sneered, ignoring Zhuan Cheng.

In this world, such as Zhuancheng, who occasionally strayed into some space-time cracks in the outside world and came to this world, in fact, their fate has also happened in the past few hundred years, and all of them have been used for experiments. Or become a tool for some big man.

And Li Zhuancheng is obviously used for this purpose, and he must escape before becoming an experimenter.

Then those people took it. Earning Cheng and others were detained in a room, and then left, watching everyone leave, earning Cheng began to feel the power.

It was at this moment that he suddenly felt that the little bit of the original power that the girl had left in his body at the time, the original power of yours has not disappeared.

It’s just hidden in the body of Zhuancheng, and the power of Zhuancheng’s suppression by Fantong is also frightened at this time. With the help of the girl, the rules of heaven and earth are gradually returning.

According to the speed, Zhuancheng can calculate that he can recover his full strength soon.

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