Online Games: God Of All People, Unlimited Evolution At the Start

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

Chapter 654: Break the King

The status and prestige of this old man in the clan has always been second only to the clan leader Wang Ming, and he is also very appealing in the clan.

Everyone tacitly assumed that he was the next patriarch.

Therefore, everyone has always been polite and respectful to him.

He has never been refuted by the police like this in front of everyone like today.

Hearing that Wang Yi had openly refuted him in front of everyone, he felt a little annoyed, his face suddenly stiffened, and his face could not help but get a little angry look.

He thought that he had a good intention and just wanted to comfort him to show his elder demeanor. After all, Wang Mingji had just died at this time. If he wanted to succeed as the next patriarch, he still needed a good reputation.

I didn’t expect that Wang Yi was so ignorant of the good and bad, so openly in front of everyone, he would not be able to get off the stage.

When everyone present heard Wang Yi’s words, most of them also felt that what he said was reasonable.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is clear that Heavenly Court’s actions today are not in the attitude of wanting to be good with Wang~you.

Whether it is from the brutal beheading of the patriarch Wang Ming, or from the fact that they are now bringing troops to invade the area where the king’s statue is located, they all clearly want to tear their face with the king. The gun comes one hard steel one at a time.

Wang Jingjing, who was present, listened to Wang Yi’s words and thought about it carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. My expression became even more intense than before.

At this time, many members of the royal family in the crowd also agreed:

“Are these bastards in Tian Court deceiving the king and no one?”

“Yes, their behavior is too outrageous and hateful!”

“Yeah, this is obviously not paying attention to the king statue at all.”

“So deceiving people is too much, don’t we have to be afraid of them.

“Fight them!”

Everyone in the crowd was filled with righteous indignation, gritted their teeth, and discussed each and every word.

Clearly, no one wanted to let things go.

I don’t want to suffer from this fuss.

At this time, when the old man saw that the situation was not right, he couldn’t help but change his expression.

Quickly said:

“He has been bullied by Heaven, and it is impossible for me, Wang Xiangren, to swallow his anger.

“But now that the patriarch is gone, it is impossible for the king to act without a leader, without organization and purpose. 99

“There’s always someone to direct the deployment, isn’t it?

After listening to what he said, everyone felt reasonable.

But now the situation is urgent, and it is too late to seriously think about the intention of the old man in front of him.

At this moment, Wang Yi, who was standing beside him, smiled even more lightly after listening to the old man’s words.

He didn’t know what the old guy’s intention was.

Doesn’t his uncle just want to be the patriarch!

Following the high-sounding rhyme, that’s all, it’s not a matter of disputing who is the patriarch.

The situation is urgent right now, and seeing that Heavenly Court is about to bully the door, it is already burning the eyebrows.

He didn’t even want to bother with this old thing anymore.

Besides, there is some truth to what he said.

It is impossible to leave the crowd of royal clan without a leader. If you choose a patriarch, everyone will have more backbone.

At that time, it will be much better to have unified command and organization actions than the current unorganized situation.

You know, if you let everyone work their own way and go to separate actions to deal with the heavenly court.

Some people may really turn around and choose to seek refuge in the heavenly court and inquire about selling the king’s statue.

If he hastily stepped forward and competed with his old uncle for the position of the patriarch.

Not to mention his young age, his status and prestige in the clan, once he becomes the clan leader, will he convince all the ancestors present.

Besides, if he really chooses to compete with his old uncle for the position of the patriarch at this time, he will have to struggle with this old uncle again.

If so, the current situation is indeed waiting for no one.

Uncle, if you want to be the patriarch, be the patriarch!

Wanting to understand this, it didn’t take long for the old uncle to finish speaking.

He immediately opened his mouth and said:

“What the old uncle said is also reasonable, and this is also for the sake of the current situation.

“I propose my old uncle to be the new patriarch.

“I don’t know what everyone thinks?

After listening to his words, the old man couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief instantly. He always thought that Wang Yi would definitely stop him from becoming the patriarch.

After all, he just made himself unable to step down, as if he wanted to go against himself.

Now that he agreed to be the patriarch, he couldn’t help but feel inexplicably relaxed.

Following that, he unconsciously put a smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth slowly filled with a determined smile.

After hearing Wang Yi’s words, the other members of the royal family who were present thought to themselves that Wang Yi had no opinion, and they would not have any opinion.

So everyone also expressed their agreement that the old uncle would become the new next patriarch.

Wang Yi decided the appointment of the patriarch in an instant.

Considering the situation facing you, Wang, he immediately felt extremely anxious.

He didn’t dare to delay, and he didn’t want to hesitate.

The next moment, he turned around and clasped his fists with both hands, gave a slight salute to the old uncle, and said resolutely:


“The situation is tense right now, and I hope the team leader will issue an order early.

“Quickly summon the royal family and go to the city gate to defend against the invasion of heaven. 93

After hearing what he said, the old uncle also agreed with him very much.

He also followed the order and asked the leaders to convene the clansmen of the clan to go to the city gate to resist the invasion of the heavenly court.

After the royal family received the order, they did not dare to delay in the slightest.

Hastily summoned a branch of the clansmen to the city gate to defend against the heavenly court.

The leaders of the king here are also very fast in gathering their clansmen.

In addition to the king statue, the leaders can use the sound transmission in their hands to quickly gather their clansmen.

Also because of the king’s tower, although some of the main checkpoints were quickly occupied by the Zero Snakes and the Elves, but because the towers of the king’s statue stretched for dozens of miles, these towers surrounded the entire king in a semi-circle shape.

This made it impossible for the Zero Snake Clan and the Elf Clan to completely occupy these towers. It was inevitable that when Chen Yang’s army came outside Chenmen, they could enter the city unimpeded.

But it was also inevitable that the guards of the castle towers, and other royal family people discovered the invasion of Xiaotianting.

These royal family members ignited the wolf smoke above the city tower while passing the news back to the clan.

A large number of Wang’s soldiers gathered up and moved towards the city gate, fighting to the death with the troops walking in front.

So when Wang Yi rushed along the main street with the Yiju clan, he saw such a scene of death,

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