Online Games: Gou Cheng Is Terrifying, Exposed By The National War Inventory

Chapter 61

060: National War And National War! The World Is Going Crazy, The Five Servers Are Attacking The East!! [For Automatic Subscription]

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!

Because the national war is about to start!

And the national war, there are too many things involved!!

Let’s not talk about how the game is, just the reality of the pattern, it is already attracting everyone’s attention!!

That night, the players in the national server, or the players in the foreign server, couldn’t sleep, and they were all looking forward to the outbreak of the national war tomorrow.

“Tomorrow, I must lead the people of my guild, destroy the invaders of the national uniform, and establish a prestige!”

Blood Moon Yongxun was lying on the bed tossing and turning, thinking to himself.

He is the president of the Blood Moon Guild, the top ten national service guilds!!

“Tomorrow, I will lead tens of millions of people to participate in the earth-shattering battle!!”

Tianmeng Tianshui fantasized in his heart.

He is the president of the Heavenly Dream Guild.

Either the Longxing Guild, the Shura Guild, or the Carnival Guild, in short, the more powerful guilds in the national server are all fantasizing about tomorrow’s national war.

Some people even dreamed that they were a peerless hero who was pacifying those who invaded the national clothes!!

Time passes slowly.

This day is finally over.

Heaven and earth ushered in a new day, the rising sun is falling, and all things are prosperous.

Eight o’clock!!

This is the time to start the national war!!

Before eight o’clock, players all over the world were basically gearing up for this moment.

They are all looking forward to the outbreak of the national war!!

This is definitely a moment that will go down in history and become eternal.

【Ding Dong!】

【Please pay attention to all players, please pay attention to all players!!】

[Eternal opening up to now, through ups and downs, we have ushered in many times. 】

[Everyone has grown up and witnessed many legends and history together. 】

[However, six points in the world, in the east, have national clothes. In the north, we have White Eagle, in the west, we have the European Union, in the south, we have Tianzhu, in the extreme west, we have the Commonwealth, and in the sea, we have cherry blossoms! 】

[Six servers, dividing the entire continent of eternity! 】

[If the world is not unified and the continent is not level, then it is impossible to break through the shackles, and everyone cannot go further. 】

[Now, the border barriers of the six major forces are about to become empty, and the national war begins!!]

[Please take an active part in the national war and help unify the world. 】

【Ding Dong!】

[Because the national war is about to start, activate the following attributes now! 】

【First: National Fortune!】

[The national fortune value is a standard for measuring the overall strength of a server. The higher the national fortune value, the stronger the server strength. 】

[The initial national luck value of each server is 1000 points! If the national luck value is reduced to 0, it means the country will be destroyed!]

[For every 100 reduction in the national fortune value, the overall player strength of the server will decrease by 10%. On the contrary, the National Fortune value is increased by 100, and the overall strength of server players is increased by 10%. 】

[Plundering artifacts and holy artifacts from servers in other countries can increase the national fortune value of your own server and reduce the national fortune value of servers in other countries. 】

[Occupying the city of another country’s server can also increase the national fortune value of your own server. 】

【Second: Honor Value!】

[Honor points are the values ​​that each player can obtain. Honor points can be exchanged for honorary titles and many precious materials. 】

[Plundering other countries’ equipment and breaking other countries’ cities can increase the honor value! 】

For the above information, the system swiped bright red three times in each player’s chat bar.

Countless people are excited!!

They have figured out the rules of the national war.

Each server needs to have an initial 1000 points of national fortune value?

Decrease the national luck value by 100 points, and the strength will decrease by 10%. If the national fortune value is cleared, it means that the country is shattered.

And plundering artifacts and sacred artifacts, or breaking the city, can weaken others’ national fortune value and increase one’s own national fortune value.

What does this mean?

It means that we are going to invade other countries’ servers and steal their artifacts or holy artifacts!!

It means that we want to fight and break through the city of other people’s servers!!

“The city is dominated by the main city, and under the main city, there are also large, medium and small cities. Breaking these cities can increase the value of national fortune!

“Plundering artifacts and sacred artifacts can also increase the value of national fortune?”

Countless players are excited.

Such a setting provides them with a clear idea of ​​what to do and how to do it in the national war.


If you plunder other countries’ artifacts or sacred artifacts, players from other countries will definitely not ignore them, right?

In short, the outbreak of war in the country is inevitable!!!

“What is this honorary title?”

“It turns out that honor points can play such a big role? 35

“Haha, doesn’t this mean that after the national war starts, we are encouraged to participate more in the national war.”5

Countless people are discussing.

At this time, someone was at the seaside and discovered the endless colorful light shrouded in the depths of the ocean, and suddenly it trembled, and a huge gap appeared in it.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that the middle of the colored light cover has been cut, and a cut appears.


“That’s the opening of the border barriers.”

Countless people exclaimed.

In the past, when the national border blocked, no one could cross the national border except the pervert of An Yexuan.

Now, the border barriers have been broken, which means that everyone can cross the border.

Players in our national server can travel through the past, and players in foreign servers can also travel in.




One after another huge voice sounded, and the players at the border saw gaps in the border barriers at sea. In the south, in the north, and in the west, they saw gaps in the border barriers.

Opened up!!!

The passage from the national server to the foreign server has been opened up!!!

National service, facing five gaps!!

Similarly, in the Sakura server, there is also a gap of five servers. It can be said that for every server, there are five gaps!

This shows that the six servers can attack each other!!

At this time, in the national uniform, there was a man standing on the seashore in the east, looking at the huge gap in the ocean.

He said solemnly: “I am willing to take tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, take a huge ship, and attack the country of Sakura! 35

“I want to destroy Sakura Country!!

In the huge grassland in the north, someone looked at the gap that appeared in the grassland.

A man said: “I am willing to lead tens of thousands of troops, guard the northern passage, and prevent anyone from the White Eagle server from entering our country!!”

In the west, there was a man guarding the passage and said in a deep voice: “I lead tens of thousands of people and guard the passage in the west. As long as someone wants to come in, come in and I will kill one!”

In the extreme west, in the south, there are people leading troops to guard!!

Just as the national server was making various responses, suddenly, the spies hiding in the rest of the servers reported the news. After learning the news, all the players in the national server became silent.

Everyone’s mouth was wide open, full of disbelief.



“There’s nothing wrong with this news?”

Many are sluggish.

The spies just reported.

It is said that in the EU server, the EU first Adam has led nine strong players, leading 300 million players in the EU server, ready to go, ready to invade the national server!

“Did you make a mistake?”

“The ten powerhouses in the EU server, leading 300 million players, are ready to attack us?”9

“They invaded us by convincing?

“It shouldn’t be!!

“Could it be that the EU server should not fight with the federal server, Tianzhu, and Sakura?”

“They also opened five channels, and the other four servers can also attack the EU server. Are they not going to war? 35

“Why are so many people in the EU attacking us!!

The players in the national service felt terrified and quiet at this moment.

“Report!!! 35

The spies of the federation server also reported the news.

Players in the national server check this news.



“No, no, no?”

“Federal server, under Thor’s call, there are actually 300 million players gathered, ready to attack our country’s servers?

Jump up!

When the national server players knew the news, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, and there was silence.


The spies hidden in Tianzhu country reported news.

“Fentian has called on nine strong men, leading tens of thousands of people, and they are gathering outside the border barriers to attack our country’s servers at any time!!

The news of Tianzhu Kingdom also came.

At this moment, the players of the national clothes really jumped up!!

“No way?”

“is this real?””

“Why is this so?”

Shocked, shocked, shocked!!

At the same time, the battle report from the north also came. Andre, the first of the White Eagle Country, also led thousands of people, waiting at the border barriers of the White Eagle Country, preparing to attack the national uniform.

Similarly, the Sword Saint of Sakura Country is also preparing to attack the national uniform!!

“Oh my God!!”

“Players from the five servers have all assembled players, ready to attack our country’s servers?


At this moment, the players in the national uniform are completely stunned!!

The player who was waiting by the sea was shaking all over, and his eyes were all round.

Before he was in high spirits, he also said that he would take tens of millions of people on a giant ship and attack the country of cherry blossoms.

But now, he was stunned and completely stunned.

“Depend on!!!

“Juggernaut with 400 million players, ready to attack us?”


He turned around and looked behind him, good guy, I only have ten million people with me!!

And the Sword Saint, brought 400 million people directly?

I, this Nima, how can I fight?

Likewise, the players guarding the northern passage were also stunned.

There are 300 million players in the White Eagle Country attacking.

The people he brought were only 10 million!!

Players in the West, the extreme West, and the South were all stunned.

They were completely stunned by Wufu’s actions.


“Why isn’t there a war between them?”

“Why do they want to unite collectively and attack our country’s servers?

In many people’s minds, the border barriers of each server are broken through and should be mutual. They thought to themselves, the EU server will go to war with the federal server, will it go to war with Tianzhu Kingdom, will it go to war with Sakura Kingdom?

Therefore, when they fight with us, they also have to divide their forces and fight with other servers.

In this case, the pressure faced by our country’s service will be much smaller.

Similarly, the Federal State does not play against other servers? Tianzhu Kingdom does not play against other servers? Sakura Kingdom does not play against other servers?

But now?

Those servers actually stopped fighting each other.

They put their eyes on the vision of our country’s clothes?

This this this?

How shocking and shocking is this!!!

at this time!

Around the border barriers!

Although the border barriers have been opened, there is still an endless white fog.

This obviously means that the border crossing is still being formed.

When the white fog dissipates, there will be a national border passage, which means that you can officially enter.

If anyone sees the outside based on the five channels of the national service, they will find a magnificent picture.


Dense people!!

They gather outside the border barriers, like ants, there is no way to count them!!

It is said that each server has at least hundreds of millions of people!!

Among them, the cherry blossom country has the most, and the cherry blossom country has gathered 400 million!!

The rest of the servers also gathered 300 million.

At this time, Adam took 300 million people and stared at the fog in the passage ahead.

They are waiting for the mist to clear.

Behind Adam, there are nine strong men in the EU server, and behind them, there are countless people.

A full 300 million!!!

A smile suddenly appeared on Adam’s face.

“”. Haha, I just got the news that Thor, Andre, Fen Tian and Juggernaut each led hundreds of millions of people to attack the East!!

“We move the whole country to attack the east! The other four servers also move the whole country to attack the east.””

“It seems that, in their eyes, An Yexuan is also someone who absolutely wants to get rid of it (money is good).””

“An Yexuan is not dead, how will we fight the national war?”

“This time, the players in the national server have been stunned, right?”

Adam is in a great mood.

They led 300 million, the Federation Server led 300 million, Tianzhu Country led 300 million, Sakura Country led 400 million, White Eagle Country led 300 million, how many players are they combined?

1.6 billion ah!!!

1.6 billion players, this number exceeds the total number of players in the national server, right?

Even if we spit a mouthful of saliva, we can drown the national clothes!!

“This time, the national uniform will definitely destroy the country!!

“Yes, when we are all united, there is only one national server and only one dark night hall, how can we stop so many of us from attacking?”5

“We want to destroy the national uniform and An Yexuan as soon as possible!!

“Expect, expect, expect!!!” 9

Countless people stared at the white mist on the passage with endless anticipation.

At this time, the national server players were stunned.

“Crazy, crazy!!”

“Players all over the world are going crazy.””

“Why did they unite? 35

“A total of 1.6 billion players!!!

The players in the national clothes were frightened and felt suffocated.

At this moment, they felt hopeless.

Even if the national war has not yet started, they have already felt the pressure of the mountain and fell into the abyss.


The fog between the border passages dissipated, and a huge and wide road appeared in the sight of countless people.

That’s the border road!!!

If you set foot on the road of national borders, you can set foot on the road of invasion of other servers! Mao!

Civil war!!!


“Go ahead!!!

At this moment, almost all the players around the world have their eyes fiery and their blood boils!!!!!

I beg for the monthly pass of the Flower Evaluation Ticket, I beg for automatic subscription, I beg for the support of all readers, thank you my brother.

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