Online games: permanent invincible buff at the beginning!

Chapter 600

Chapter 600 actually brings mining

Although Qin Feng said so, he was still very serious.

However, Wang Tian didn't know if he would really do this, because it could feel it from the latter's eyes, and he must take away the things next to those dry bones, so he was willing.

He just sighed, and stopped arguing with Qin Feng about this matter.

A minute later.

He had already followed Qin Feng back to where he was before.

But this time, the two of them didn't speak, just stared blankly ahead.

Qin Feng didn't know what Wang Tian was thinking in his heart, and the latter was also worried that Qin Feng might find someone to take all those things when no one was around.

His Qin Feng was very distrustful!

Qin Feng also noticed that Wang Tian had been staring at him with his eyes, but he yawned a little tiredly, and said, "What do you mean by this? "

"You are. Wang Tian said this sentence with a slight complaint in his voice.

Qin Feng originally wanted to say, "Isn't it just taking something", but he felt that if he really said this, it was likely to arouse the other party's strong suspicion.

Thinking so, he decided to stay where he was for the time being.

Qin Feng really didn't do anything.

The two men looked at each other like this, and then paid attention to the brazier between the two of them.


Qin Feng actually really left.

Wang Tian was naturally no stranger to this result, but he was a little worried about the things next to the dry bones that he had been caring about before.

When I got to the previous location, I realized that the thing had not moved.

He looked into the distance with some curiosity, not knowing what he was thinking.

The other side.

Qin Feng thought about whether to go back again and put all those relics into his backpack.

But thinking of Wang Tian's face again, he could only smile bitterly.

He didn't think it was a big deal to just pick up the equipment, but it was useless to say anything now.

He just walked slowly towards the front.

I don't know how long I walked.

Qin Feng stopped and also noticed a ruined temple in the distance.

Although there were enough ruins to see on the road, it was rare that there were no monster attacks ahead.

Of course, he didn't feel the breath of the demon beast either.

It's going to be quiet here.

Thinking so in his heart, he also quickened his pace, but as soon as he took a few steps, he saw a group of black shadows suddenly rushing in front of him.

I just said that this place is quite quiet, why is there another group of people?

Qin Feng also muttered a little in his heart, but he still walked forward slowly. Suddenly, a dark red light and shadow appeared in front of him.

Light and shadow mingled with the dark shadows that had preceded them.

Seeing this, Qin Feng could only speed up his pace, and it didn't take long for him to step on the sand and come to the vicinity of those people before.

He wanted to ask them what they were doing, but they started to assign tasks.

They obviously included Qin Feng among them, which made Qin Feng feel a little novel.

Could it be that these people are just recruiting at random?

He had this thought in his heart for a moment, but now he was just going as far forward as he could.

At this time, he and another person were assigned to the position of exploring the way ahead.

Qin Feng originally wanted to catch them and ask them carefully, but then after thinking about it, he felt that this might also surprise the snake, since this was the case, it was better to continue to do it according to their wishes.

"Hey, what's up there? Hurry up and get that thing with him. With such unceremonious words, he shouted at Qin Feng like this.

Qin Feng had a fire in his heart, but his face was still full of smiles, and he also said that he knew.

The people around also noticed that Qin Feng's demeanor was a little abnormal.

"What's the matter with this guy, he still looks angry?"

"Who is he recruiting, could it be that those people are good at this?"

"I don't know, who knows where they were recruited. "

There was a lot of talk, but the people quickly shut up.

Finally, Qin Feng and these people successfully took back some of the nearby signs, of course, they encountered the mechanism halfway, but fortunately, the person who followed Qin Feng was more shrewd and capable, and he also dismantled all the mechanisms one step in advance.

Qin Feng looked at the face of the person who had dismantled the mechanism before, and wanted to thank him, but who knew that the guy suddenly squatted down.

He also glanced at Qin Feng with a curious gaze and said to him, "How did you get caught in this place?"

"Caught?" Qin Feng pronounced these two words suspiciously, but then showed a suddenly realized expression.

He continued: "Actually, I was just walking in the woods, but there was a group of people..."

"Over there, speed up and don't speak!" the other strong man shouted as he waved the whip in his hand.

The whip hit the ground and instantly crackled.

However, Qin Feng only chatted with him for a few words, and the latter no longer paid attention to Qin Feng, but fell into deep thought.

Qin Feng also felt that it was not much point to talk to him, so he turned around and continued to do the so-called work.

Finally, they had finished moving what they were going to move.

And the man in front of him also showed a cruel smile on his face, and said, "Since you have all finished your work, then I will let you go as agreed." "

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