Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!

Chapter 411 Lin Bei's hole card!

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When Lin Bei heard this, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's done!

On the other side, Third Master Hu also snorted coldly in his heart.

He naturally saw the loopholes in the contract between heaven and earth, but he didn't care, as long as the other party handed over the fox jade according to the contract, then he would directly take action and kill this hateful boy with thunder. In his opinion, it is acceptable to travel 30,000 miles to the war zone.

Although this kid is not strong, he has great potential.

In exchange for a 30,000-mile war zone, in the eyes of Mr. Hu San, it is worth it!

The oath has been fulfilled, hand it over!

Third Master Hu said coldly.

Hearing this, Lin Bei smiled even more intensely.

This time, he's going to make a big splash!

He has a hole card, but he hasn't used it since it was developed.

That's right, it's the Dowen bomb!

With the improvement of his strength, the power of his Daowen bomb has become stronger and stronger at this time.

But how strong it is, he himself doesn't know.

There happened to be a projection of the power of about seventy veins of the Great Dao in front of him, and it happened to be used to try the effect.

His Daowen bombs are divided into two types.

One is that a single Dao text condenses the power to explode. Although the power is also strong, it is limited and has a single effect.

The other kind of Dao Wen bomb is the highlight. This Dao Wen bomb combines multiple Dao Wen powers into one body. Once it explodes, it will explode with multiple Dao Wen powers at the same time, resulting in an attack effect far exceeding expectations.

So far, he has mastered hundreds of Daoist texts. Once all of them are fused together, he feels that the projection of the power of Lord Hu San may not be able to bear it.

And just as Lin Bei was thinking about how to give Grandpa Hu a bursting opening, the latter was also thinking about how to solve the former with a thunderous force.

Your Excellency is really happy! I like happy people!

Lin Bei accepted the contract of heaven and earth,

Glancing at it, there was a big smile on his face.

Stop talking nonsense, where is the fox jade? Hurry up and hand it over! you want to taste the feeling of being backlashed by the power of heaven and earth?

Third Master Hu said indifferently.

Now, he has decided on the other party, as long as the other party surrenders the fox jade, he will shoot and kill the other party in an instant.

If the other party insists on not handing over the fox jade, then the backlash of the power of heaven and earth will destroy his spirit and soul. At that time... the other party breached the contract first, and he is eligible to take back the previous promise.

As for Hu Yu...he will think of other ways.

At this moment, his goal is not only to rescue Hu Yu, but also to kill this talented human from the Profound Sky Realm!

If this person is not eliminated, one day in the future, he will definitely become a great disaster on the void battlefield!

At the very least, he doesn't think that among the younger generation of his Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan, there is no one who can have the talent of this kid.

Even if you look at the entire southwestern region of the Void Battlefield, there may not be many of them.

Fox jade? What fox jade?

Lin Bei scratched his ears with a puzzled look on his face.

He had no intention of handing over the fox jade at all.

As for the backlash of the power of heaven and earth, what are you kidding about? He didn't cultivate the power of heaven and earth, nor did he rely on the power of heaven and earth, so why talk about backlash?

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, if he can really backfire on him, as long as he kills the power projection of Lord Hu San before the backlash, someone on both sides of the vow will die. In this way, even if the fox jade is handed over by him, no one will accept it .

In any case, he didn't panic.

It's almost the limit.

Lin Bei felt the Daowen bombs gradually forming in the pocket space. With his current strength, he could only condense the Daowen bombs formed by ninety-nine Daowuns. If there were more, he would not be able to bear it.

But even so, this Daowen bomb is scary enough.

Just sitting still, his pocket space felt like it was about to be torn apart.

One must know that after his pocket space has been strengthened several times, the space structure has become very stable, even if the powerful people with about fifty veins of the Great Dao Realm come, they cannot shake this space.

But the Daowen bomb just remained motionless, almost tearing the space apart.

This is enough to show that the power of this bomb is terrifying!

Boy, you are so brave! I want to see! How did you die under the backlash of the power of heaven and earth!

Third Lord Hu's eyes turned cold when he heard the words, but soon he regained his composure, with his arms folded around his chest, waiting for the power of heaven and earth to come and tear it into pieces.

Throughout the ages, there have been many people who dared to fight against the heaven and the earth, but those who dared to ignore the heaven and the earth in such a state, every one of them died a miserable death!

Hmph, even the race of the ancient Wuqiang clan eventually suffered the scourge of God because of their actions against the sky, and became a robber clan with declining luck. Then you are a mere brat, although you have some talent, talent is not strength. You Going against the sky like this... Tsk tsk, just wait for your soul to fly away!

Third Master Hu sneered.

He looked at Lin Bei with disdain and sarcasm.

Although it would take a long-term plan to rescue Hu Yu, it was also a beautiful thing for him to be able to watch the arrogance of the Profound Sky Realm fall.

And these people in front of him, except for this Tianjiao, he recognizes the others, they are twenty-eight constellations under the command of a heavenly emperor in the Profound Sky Realm, their strength is average, and they can be destroyed with a single hand.

Afterwards, he only needs to use the secret method, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to get news about Fox Jade from these people!

Hehe, Heavenly Emperor... There are fewer and fewer of your old ministries who are able to have some strength. Apart from relying on you alone, you, the old ministries of the Heavenly Court, are really worthless!

Third Master Hu sneered, and in his mind, a Confucian figure with a warm smile appeared on his face, and he immediately gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for him to stop them, their demon clan from outside the territory would have pushed the battlefield for countless miles, and killed them directly at the gate of the Profound Sky Realm!

Damn Emperor of Heaven! Just wait and see, your power is limited after all. Even if you assimilate part of the will of heaven and earth, with the cooperation of our foreign allied forces, your defeat will only be a matter of time!

Third Master Hu's expression was gloomy, for the Emperor of Heaven, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan wished to crush him to ashes.

Without him, since the opening of the Void Battlefield, among the monarch-level combat power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan, three people died at the hands of the Heavenly Emperor alone!

These three people include his second elder brother, his master, and his junior junior sister!

Now, his body is also confronting more than a dozen monarchs in a secret realm, but even if they set up a killing array, it is very difficult to kill the Emperor of Heaven.

Without him, because the Heavenly Emperor has already integrated most of the will of the sky and the earth in the Void Battlefield into himself, what they can do is to contain it, and it is almost impossible to kill him!

And the Emperor of Heaven seems to enjoy it too. In his words, such restraint is mutual, and he also restrained more than a dozen monarch-level powerhouses from outside the southwest region. Naturally, it will be much easier.

In this way, the two sides have confronted each other for hundreds of epochs.

Still nothing.


Hu San, why do you have a weird expression, you old man? Did you have a stomachache?

In an empty and distorted sea of ​​flowers, colorful rays of light are shining. A man in white is sitting at a stone table, sipping his tea, blowing his breath, and looking up at a fox demon outside the barrier. The old man asked with a smile.

This person was the Heavenly Emperor who was restrained in the secret realm, and the Hu San he was talking about was the third Lord Hu who projected a ray of power and confronted Lin Bei and others on the void battlefield.

Hearing this, Hu San snorted coldly and turned his head to the side.

At this time, he separated a power projection, but he couldn't show his feet, otherwise, if the emperor seized the opportunity to resist a wave, the dozen or so monarchs who maintained the enchantment would also be impacted by the power of heaven and earth to impact their meridians. Be careful, there is even a risk of injury.

Hey, your face is a bit ugly. Old fox, we two have a good friendship. I have a prescription in my hand, which is specially used to treat constipation. It is also effective for hemorrhoids. If you want to come in and talk, I will give it to you for free. you.

Seeing Hu San's indifferent face, the Heavenly Emperor turned his head to the side, and immediately rolled his eyes, becoming interested.

Now, he was almost certain that the old fox must have encountered some trouble, otherwise, he wouldn't have such an indifferent face.

Hu San, in fact... I was merciful at the beginning, and I didn't completely wipe out the vitality of your little junior sister. In this way, we are not acquainted. If you agree to drink with me, I can kill the last thread of life. Life is given to you, what do you think?

And... your second senior brother has been coveting the little junior sister you have been thinking about for a long time. I personally made a move for him, which can be regarded as a great help to you. Don't you really want to say thank you?

Also... Hu Lijing is your master, right? That old lady is not a good thing at first glance. An old Bi Deng actually covets the beauty of his apprentice, and in order to get him, he even deliberately matched his second disciple. And fourth disciple, why do you think this is?

The Emperor of Heaven said eloquently: Because in this way, she can completely cut off the thoughts in the heart of the third disciple she loves, and let him play poker with me!

By the way, you don't know what playing poker means, do you? This is a new word I learned not long ago, this is it...

The Emperor of Heaven waved his hand lightly, and a picture emerged, and there was an endless sound of pa pa pa pa in it.

It's enough!

Third Master Hu let out an angry roar, his beard and hair were flushed, and his eyes were burning.

Old fox, don't get angry, talk about it. Getting angry is easy to get hemorrhoids, and it's not friendly to your constipation.

Fuck your fart!

At this moment, Hu San was furious, and he couldn't help it anymore. He stared at the emperor with a gentle smile on his face, and said viciously, Hmph, don't think you don't know what's going on in your heart, don't you just want to Did something happen to me so that you could get out of the barrier and leave? You are dreaming! Let me tell you, I will immediately notify the Sky Demon Alliance and let them send two more Sovereigns to suppress you! At that time, there will be a total of twenty Sovereign-level suppression, I want to see how you escape!

What? Is there such a good thing? Hurry up! Hurry up! If there are two more, my mouth will be crooked! There are two more people here, and we will lose two difficult opponents on the frontal battlefield! This The a good deal!

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven clapped his hands and exclaimed: By the way, who is here? Can I choose it myself? I think... Qiu Mietian of the Shura clan is good, strong enough, and hot enough! There is also the bird-human clan. Sera, a piece of top-quality green tea! I like drinking tea very much, why don't you invite her to come too? By the way, and...

Shut up! Heavenly Emperor, don't you think that we can't do anything to you if you integrate the will of heaven and earth!

Suddenly, a skeletal figure shouted in a deep voice: Wait for a while longer for our Southwestern Allied Forces to fight, and you Xuantian Realm will definitely be defeated! At that time... part of the will of heaven and earth in you will also dissipate! When your power declines, we People... are enough to kill you!

Oh? Really? If I remember correctly, it seems that Venerable Bone of your Bone Clan failed to be reborn not long ago. It is said that he is your grandnephew. You paid a lot of money to resurrect him, right? By the way, I I heard that this time your nephew is completely out of his wits, and it seems that even all the treasures in his hands have been taken away, is there such a thing?

The Heavenly Emperor looked at the skeleton figure with a smile.

The skeleton body trembled violently, and there was a creaking bone rubbing sound, but he himself stopped speaking and fell into silence.

The Emperor of Heaven spread his hands, and turned to look at a woman in black. The second daughter has a graceful figure and long hair like a waterfall, but it's a pity... her face is dry and looks extremely terrifying.

Lord Manduo, I heard that your face was ruined by the Flame Demon Clan. In this way, you release the water, and I will make you a mask later to make sure it is as good as before!


The woman in black snorted coldly and ignored the Emperor of Heaven.

However, when the word Blaze Demon Clan rang in her ears, a strong murderous intent flashed clearly in her eyes.

Not far behind the woman, a figure wrapped in lava shuddered inexplicably, stood up and moved a few hundred meters away. Although he was a member of the Balrog clan, in terms of seniority, he was more powerful than the Monarch of Manduo. He is a generation shorter, and the person who made the move back then has been suppressed by the karmic fire abyss of the Flame Demon Clan for tens of thousands of epochs. He suffers from the karmic fire every day, and his life is worse than death.

Logically speaking, this aunt's anger should be reduced a bit.

Why just now... not only did her killing intent not weaken, but it became much stronger?

This... shouldn't be.

It's just a face, is it really that important to a woman?

It's really important, your magic skills are superb, isn't it the same to change into a pretty face casually?

Alas, woman... so complicated.

No wonder there is a training in the clan that it is forbidden to talk to any woman. Sure enough... the ancestors did not deceive me.

Don't talk, even if you don't talk, it's dangerous.

Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, can't you calm down a bit? I'm just here to clock in for work, and I don't want to cause trouble! Besides, I'm not interested in your fighting in the void battlefield! I just want to go back and practice with peace of mind.

The man of the Flame Demon Clan felt helpless.

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