Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!

Chapter 79 Include the Guardians of the Ruins!


A loud bang resounded through the sky.

The entire ruins shook three times.

Togg's soul smoked directly and was blown up alive by his own gunpowder.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the shock wave swept the entire ruins, uprooting all the plants on the ground.

Honey, as expected of playing with explosions, the power of gunpowder is amazing!

Lin Bei was amazed.

The gunpowder in the game is different from the real world.

Most of the gunpowder here is mixed with the alchemy of the Second World. In terms of power, it is outrageously strong!

Just five boxes of explosives have just produced such a huge effect, which is simply appalling.

If this is moved to the real world, I am afraid that a county will be destroyed.


Lin Bei was amazed. If he could incorporate Tog, let him refine gunpowder and arrange for his guild in place. Even if the level is lower than the other party, as long as the gunpowder is used in place, the weak can defeat the strong. Less wins more! take it slow first and see what he has to say.

Thinking of this, Lin Bei immediately gave an order, which made Puxian and Pudu, who were eager to try, extremely depressed.

They watched Lenier blew Tog up, and now they were excited, and they thought they would be happy, but now they were suddenly stopped by Lin Bei, and they didn't feel uncomfortable, that was impossible.

This is already on the line, and it is actually necessary to hold back.


However, they can only give up.

As for Lin Bei, his idea is very simple.

Since these gunpowders are so powerful, they cannot be wasted casually.

Keep it in your hands, there are magic benefits!

Cough, cough... Brothers, please be merciful, don't blow up again! If you blow up again, my soul may be blown to pieces!

After the resurrection, Tog coughed violently, obviously in a bad mood.

Those black gold boxes are not ordinary gunpowder, but the super gunpowder he is developing!

Not only is it powerful, the key is to cause trauma to the target soul, but the purity of the gunpowder is not high, and it has not been fully developed. Otherwise, the five boxes of gunpowder just now will directly make his soul fly away!

As for resurrection?

Think beautifully!

Die up!

You explosives, can you still hurt your soul?

Lin Bei was surprised and asked with interest.

These guardians, one by one, have been trapped in the ruins for thousands of years, and they have all been trapped into tech giants!

Needless to say, Puxian and Purdue have been trapped for thousands of years, and they have developed the technique of transferring souls. Tog, who is in front of him, is also very powerful. He has actually developed a super explosive that can damage the soul. This thing is simply It is superb!

Even in the last life, Lin Bei didn't know much about tools that could hurt the soul.

This kind of thing is the strategic material of the major guilds!

A player's soul is broken in the game, which means that the account role is deleted and completely abolished!

Although it will not have any effect on the real body, this kind of prop is enough to make all players tremble with fear!

Especially those top players, if they are a little careless, if they are plotted, they will be doomed!

Lin Bei couldn't help but think of the top assassin who used the dueling vest function to make a fortune in the last life. This guy is now a member of his team, but in the last life, he was the number one target of being besieged by several major guilds!

In the end, he disappeared. Now that I think about it, it must have been a plot by someone who used special props to shatter his soul, resulting in the account being forcibly deleted!

Haha, this thing is good! How much do you have?

Uh... these are only half-finished products. I have only made progress in the past thousand years. Before you have used the amount for five hundred years,

There are only five boxes left.

Tog said helplessly.

Your number is a little too big. In a thousand years, you can make ten boxes? Too few.

Lin Bei frowned.

Oh, I don't want to, but the resources in the ruins are scarce, and we have no room for manipulation! If there is a lot of materials, let alone a thousand years, I can make ten boxes a day!

Togg sighed.

It's almost the same, by the way, your goal of exporting dirty has to be changed, you know?

Ah? Why?

Why, it's not easy to pass the trial.

Passed the trial?

Okay, you don't understand after I said it. You should stop swearing in the future, do you understand?

Lin Bei waved his hand, then introduced the technique of soul transfer to him, and asked Tog's opinion.

You're telling the truth? Great! I promise you! As long as you can get me out of this hellish place, you'll let me do anything!

Togg's eyes lit up when he heard the words, That's so...cough, when will we start?

Just now, you pick a clone, I'll help you operate, remember, just don't resist.

Okay! Then... happy clone.

Tog pondered, Playing with fire, I occasionally hurt myself. It should be good to have this avatar with the ability to recover as my body.

Lin Bei heard the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, agreed to his request, and transferred his soul to the happy part.

The happy clone changed and finally became the appearance of Tog, and his attributes also changed, weakening by about half, but also, under the influence of Lin Bei's potential explosion, all attributes increased by 150%, compared to before, instead A bit stronger.

Okay, give me the divine props, and remove all your gunpowder, maybe it will be useful in the future.

it is good!

Tog nodded when he heard the words, and gave all the divine props on his body to Lin Bei.

Lin Bei took a count and grinned.

Two divine crystals, three divine fragments, and eight divine dust.

Nice catch!

Soon, after everyone's corrections were completed, Lin Bei set off again for the next target.

Next, it went a lot better.

Because there are many helpers, and there are many old acquaintances among them, it is much more convenient to do things. Soon, Lin Bei recruited six emperor-level guardians.

In addition to Puxian, Purdue, Rainier and Tuo, there are two more people, namely Lena the Freezer and Zhou Tu the Bloody, who control the field and the main attacker, which is not bad.

Next, only Jianba is left.

Lin Bei smiled slightly, this Jian Jiu's younger brother, I heard that he is not very easy to mess with.

And he seems to be a fighting maniac. If he doesn't fight well, he probably won't join me.

Yep, it's too smooth, it's really boring.

Just a little challenge.

How much do you know about Kenpachi?

Lin Bei asked the others.

Tog: That Zangmu Jianpachi? Damn, it's a man! I admire him! Awesome!

Puxian: Amitabha, the benefactor of Zengmu, his strength is not weak, if you can take refuge in my Buddha...

Bloody Zhou Tu: Damn Jianba, I can beat ten of them!

Ice Master Reina: My assessment is that it is not as good as Master.

Rainier's face was embarrassed: Cough, I am ashamed to say, before I became a guardian, I used to be his...cough, that, mount.

Lin Bei was surprised when he heard the words: Uh... are you so weak?

Rainier was helpless: There's no way, the skills are not as good as others. To be honest, in my opinion, in terms of combat effectiveness alone, we are not his opponents together.

Lin Bei asked curiously, Is he really that strong?

Rainier shrugged and said, Yeah, the more he fights, the more powerful he is. If he keeps fighting, I'm afraid he will be able to wrestle with the emperor-level powerhouse.

Lin Bei's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

Listening to Rainier's evaluation of Kenpachi, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

So far, he has not met an emperor-level guardian who can let him exert his full strength, but this Kenpachi... has a show!

This is the last special dynasty relic marked with a golden mark. That is to say, in addition to the emperor-level relics, this is the last place to obtain divine crystals.

Lin Bei looked up at the entrance of the blood-red ruins in front of him, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

It is a pity that Jian Jiu only knows the distribution of ruins in the southeast region.

By the way, do you know the location distribution of other ruins in the secret realm except the southeast area?

Lin Bei suddenly turned his head and asked.

Everyone shook their heads, not knowing.

Rainier said at this time: Jianba may know, because before he became the guardian of the ruins, he used to go to other areas. If you take him down, you can ask, maybe he still remembers!

Really? It seems that we really have to touch it. You first transform into a necklace, and first ambush with one hand. If I am defeated, we will shoot together and kill him!

Lin Bei nodded when he heard the words, secretly wrote it down, put away many clones, and stepped into the ruins in one step.

[You found the ruins of the Zergi Dynasty (lv.98, 5200)]

It's actually a level 98 relic! And it's more than 5,000 years old! Generally speaking, only emperor-level ruins are more than 5,000 years old, right? There are very few dynasty ruins that can exceed 5,000 years.

Lin Bei couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that this sword eight is really not simple!

Hahaha, after waiting for so many years, someone is finally here again!

A loud laughter pierced through the heavens and the earth, and then a golden beam of light shot up into the sky. A figure stepped out of the golden beam of light, only to see him wearing a black blindfold, and his eyes looking at Lin Bei were full of madness and excitement.

Come on! Fight with me! If you can take my eight swords, I will count you as a successful challenge!

Lin Bei: (; ̄д ̄)

This set again?

Sure enough, it's not a family, don't enter a family.

Brothers from the Jian family, they are all urinals.

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