Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

Chapter 440

439: Battle Against Gao Tianyuan!

After sharing the task, Zhang Yang summoned Rotes and Antoun together.

Tianzhao looked at An Tuen and Zhang Yang behind An Tuen: “But, this is Gao Tianyuan! 35

Zhang Yang’s tone was cold, as if the life below was not life, but grass.

Big Tengu was scared.


“Please forgive me!”


The same goes for slippery scoops.

It’s Susano’s man.

Different from Casillas’ excitement when he met a powerful enemy, Zhang Yang looked at the sword energy that fell from the sky, destroying all the objects in his path, and his eyes became more and more cold.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to let Casillas go to the sky to fight, he heard and saw a man dressed in luxury in the distance, pointing to this side.

The summoned Baer looked stunned and looked at Zhang Yang with a very serious expression, as if he realized something.

Feeling Zhang Yang’s angry will, Casillas nodded and held the knife in his hand.

Even with the entire first district, not a single one escaped, and they all died together.

“Kill her!”

“Are you all right?”

Casillas nodded and placed the long knife on his waist.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared and rescued the girl.

“That’s fine.””

They all thought that Susanoo was fighting against other gods, but they never thought that Susanoo’s enemy was an outsider.

Da Tiangou covered his missing arm and looked at Zhang Yang coldly: “What are you doing here?

Those who can survive in this world are not foolish and sweet.

Both Rotes and Antoun sensed that Zhang Yang’s emotions were a bit wrong, but they didn’t have any doubts and shot directly.

Rather than saying that it is similar to the ancient times of the flower garden, it is better to say that this is the medieval period of the foot pot chicken.

As a demon, Baal doesn’t have so many emotions.

The others, Susanoo didn’t even bother to mention it.

As Casillas murmured, the surrounding air became solemn.

The terrifying demonic energy flashed on the big tengu: “Don’t you know, my big tengu…”



“If there really is hell, I believe this is the deepest hell.”

Zhang Yang flew up, and Rotters beside him. Antoun. So does Barr.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang felt more and more that the chicken was a little hasty.

“Why do you remember calling me?”

Casillas saw this scene and looked back at his master.

After seeing that Amaterasu was all right, the eight-headed snake turned his head with confidence and looked at the tiny Zhang Yang: “Outsiders, suffer!

“Kill a thousand ghosts!”

“it is good!””

Power unfolds.

Susanoo saw the palace in the distance, and several figures flew out: “Amaterasu and the others are here, you outsiders, stay here forever for me!”9

“This guy isn’t dead yet.

Zhang Yang looked at the girl in his hand and put it down gently.

If I had known earlier, Jiu should bring them the end of the world once a day, so that they can experience what true despair is.

As long as she knew, it was right to obey Zhang Yang’s orders.

Susanoo is a well-deserved NO.2 in this world, except for the woman Amaterasu, no one is his opponent.

“Come out, Bar! 35

“You are strong. 35

There is no one else in the palace, only herself.

As the battle between the two escalated, the surrounding buildings were destroyed.

Facing this attack that was comparable to Susanoo’s strongest blow, the big tengu felt like he was going to die!

Orochimaru looked at An Toun, who was like a pet turtle, and laughed wildly.

And the Big Tengu was the direct line he brought up with one hand.

The fastest Amaterasu came here, and saw the ruins of the ruins of the royal family of the foot pot chicken that was destroyed under his feet, and his chest was up and down.

A flash of sword light flashed, and the big Tengu stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.


Zhang Yang walked over following the voice and saw the scene that made his fist clench.



Although it is also the god of Takamurahara, it was completely promoted by Susanoo.

“Are you OK?”

Afterwards, they entered a hidden map together.

Rotes’ violent mental power caused a terrible mental storm, involving Amaterasu.

“Then keep killing!


The same thing happened in other palaces.

As Amaterasu’s pet, Orochi Yagi is as powerful as Susanoo, and the two are even rivals to each other.

When he came to the place next to the Heavenly Ascension Palace, Zhang Yang stopped.

The monster opened its bloody mouth and was about to swallow the girl into its belly.

The girl knew that she was dragging her feet here, so she hurriedly brought her younger brother Li Kai here.

Zhang Yang unfolded his mental power and poured directly into that person’s mind, reading the memory roughly.

Zhang Yang’s tone was cold: “Cut off its vitality completely!”

“I see you can…”

“Want to hurt him?”

Susanoo didn’t say too much nonsense, he cut out a sword energy and rushed towards Casillas.

“You are finished!”

As a god who is also in the form of a beast, although the body of the eight-headed snake has reached a height of more than fifty meters, in front of An Tuen, it is no different from a small insect.

A scarlet energy whip appeared in his hand, and at the same time as the attack, it also poured the power of the God of Magic into it.

A violent collision occurred.

Others…such as Shuten Douji, are not opponents of Datengu at all.

A monster with eight heads appeared, blocking this attack for Amaterasu.

Nine Heavens Palace.

The monster looked at the girl in his hand, his huge eyes full of greed: “But the girl in despair and guilt is the real delicacy! 55

He felt the space that had been shrouded in sword qi locks, and looked at the big tengu, whose whole body was scratched by the floating sword qi, with an extremely cold expression: “Who did all this?”

Susanoo looked at Casillas, who was still charging, and drew out the divine weapon belonging to Gao Tianyuan – the cloud from the sky, aiming at Casillas: “Use your life to pay for the offense to me. Go!” 5

Fortunately, all the people here have escaped without causing many casualties.

Susanoo stood up: “Could it be that they forgot the power of my cloud of the sky? 359

But he did not expect that his master had become so powerful.

“Master! 99

Zhang Yang did not disturb these ordinary people who had lost their energy, but looked at the luxurious palace in the distance.

The girl’s heart is very calm at this moment.

Before, he was only attracted by Zhang Yang’s terrifying spiritual power, knowing that he would meet more and stronger enemies sooner or later with such an existence.

Does it look miserable.


Just then, a figure suddenly appeared on the block.

“It seems that there are not all people who grow flowers here.”

As the forces of the two sides collided, the entire Gao Tianyuan was shaken.

“Destroy this place.

Zhang Yang looked at the big tengu, his tone was as cold as the cold wind from the eighteenth hell: “Come for the killing!”

“Is it… simulacrum?”

“Damn it, you guys actually played my resurrection state?! 35


Gao Tianyuan, the third block.

But soon, as An Toun’s true body was revealed, it couldn’t smile at all.

They all subconsciously ignored this question.

Now in a huge pothole, lying with bruises all over.

Susanoo wanted to say something, but Casillas interrupted.

The Great Tengu, who was successfully resurrected, exuded monstrous devilish flames all over his body: “You guys, damn it!””

Zhang Yang didn’t even bother to lift his eyelids in the face of Datiangu’s anger: “He talks too much.”

Endless Tower, Hidden Map, High Tianyuan.

An Toun raised his legs, covering the sky like a pillar of optimism.

“Is it the Orochi?”

Next to the female corpse, there was a crying little boy with tears in his eyes.

Zhang Yang also saw the appearance of those figures, and his tone was neither salty nor light.

And the girl who was about to die had complicated emotions in her eyes, including fear, fear, and guilt.

At this time, his subordinates were put into a resurrection state, which made him very unhappy.

Unlike other cruel Gao Tianyuan gods, as the main god of Gao Tianyuan, Amaterasu, the image is a standard foot pot chicken girl image.

Before dying, she turned around and looked at her brother who was still in distress. The body relaxed, and after groping with both hands on the body, he closed his eyes.

With the words of Amaterasu, the sky of the whole world becomes dark and wide.

“This power…”

“I’m fine.”

Susano looked at the excited Casillas in front of him with an ugly face, gritted his back molars and asked, “You guys are definitely not from Takamura!”

“Hopefully…the effect of the drug will take effect quickly.””

Susanoo, who was drinking and having fun, suddenly stood up, and the maids serving by his side were torn apart by the violent force before they could react.

Just one blow, that terrifying sword energy was completely destroyed by Zhang Yang!

Zhang Yang looked at the first block in the distance: “Is it all there? 39


The girl opened her eyes and saw a face that even Yongyuan could not forget.

Zhang Yang nodded to the girl: “Go, take your relatives and leave here. 35

And at this time, Casillas’ Thousand Ghost Killing had also finished charging up and was released.

Casillas raised the long knife in his hand: “Don’t talk so much, come and fight!

…for flowers

“Datengu…is it put into a resurrection state?

It’s the Orochi!

On the other hand, An Toun raised one leg and smashed it down.

When Dang Zhang Yang’s spiritual power left, this person’s soul had already dissipated.

With just one leg, it is even taller than the Orochi.

According to his understanding, this palace houses the gods who need to be killed in this mission.

“Who are you!”

He never thought that Zhang Yang would be so strong!

In the next second, a phantom shadow appeared in the sky and fell towards Tianzhao.


Zhang Yang glanced at it, the girl was a member of the mission, and said without any emotion.

The streets are full of chicken-style buildings, as well as those who have no hope in their eyes, insensitive human beings-.

The violent force destroyed the palace.

“Desperate mothers are indeed incomparably delicious.”

“Of course we are not from Gao Tianyuan!

“Good! 99

The terrifying sword qi collided together, and even the space reinforced by the Gao Tianyuan Protoss could not withstand the collision of these two terrifying forces, and countless cracks appeared.

Because, in this world, aside from himself, there are only the top three powerhouses, Amaterasu, Yaqi Orochi, and Tamamo.

One of the Orochi’s heads turned back, and some CCB looked at Amaterasu.

In terms of wheel strength, it is at the bottom of the Nine Great Gods of Gao Tianyuan.

“I have to go and see, I can’t let them destroy Gao Tianyuan!””

Accompanied by the sound of divine punishment, a dazzling electric light struck from a distance, cutting off the arm of the monster who was doing evil, that is, a god who needed to be killed in the mission requirement – Datengu.


When it fell, the entire first district… no, the entire Gaotianyuan shook.


“I’m fine. 35

Amaterasu’s voice was cold: “They are invaders, kill them!””

Zhang Yang summoned Baal from Harrogath.

“just you?

And that girl speaks Chinese for flowers.

“Is this Susanoo?”

Just as Zhang Yang was about to leave and head to the palace, there was suddenly a faint begging voice not far away.

“You, who are you?”

It is also a little stronger than Slippery Ladle and Shuten Douji.

The endless sword energy blocked the entire space, causing the eyelids of the Big Tengu to tremble constantly.

Amaterasu Palace.

Casillas’ eyes became brighter and brighter: “The person who can cut out this sword energy is a strong one.”

Just as Datengu was incontinent, after closing his eyes like an appointment, a voice full of anger suddenly resounded through the entire Gao Tianyuan.

“Then let them recall the prestige of my Susanoo!

Amaterasu sensed the collision of these two terrifying forces and stood up: “Who is fighting against Susanoo?”

“Who the hell did it?


Because of Gao Tianyuan, there have been no outsiders for countless years.

“Take care of yourself first, let’s talk about it! 99

“Who is the one who dares to attack me?”

What followed was a terrifying sword energy.

With the addition of divine power, this energy whip hit the sword energy with lightning speed.

“The commoners are all flower growers, but are all the nobility of the chickens?”

Casillas sensed it and found that the Big Tengu was still alive, reminding Zhang Yang.

A monster that didn’t seem to be related to human beings savagely grabbed the neck of a young girl, and beside the girl, there was a female corpse whose body was incomplete, but still her weak arms bound the monster’s legs. .

Zhang Yang looked at the big tengu whose body was split in two, and nodded to Casillas who appeared next to him at an unknown time.

Unlike what the girl said, this guy spoke the language of a chicken.

An Tuen’s figure stood in front of Zhang Yang: “Defeat me now!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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