Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 23: You Really Are Our Little Angel!

“If I want to play with you, do I need to register an account?”

Xia Yuan tilted her head and looked at Mei Fang.

“No need, I happen to have two accounts.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Yuan frowned and said, “Do you usually play with someone else? Why do you have two accounts?”

Mei Fang felt extremely guilty and said, “Uh, well, my dad occasionally plays with me…”

“You have a really good relationship with uncle.”

Xia Yuan’s tone was filled with envy. “My dad is always busy with work and doesn’t have time to play with me at all, let alone my mom…”

“Haha, yeah…”

Mei Fang immediately regretted making up this excuse.

Because when he was about to enter the account, he suddenly remembered that Lin Youxi’s game character name was “Shan You Lin Xi”.

Lin Youxi’s name comes from the ancient Chinese poem “Song of the Yue Boatman”[1] from the pre-Qin Dynasty period. The poem has evolved into many different versions, and there is indeed a line from that poem with “Shan You Lin Xi” (There are trees on the mountains and there are branches on the tree, I adore you, oh! you do not know.). Lin Youxi’s mother spent a long time searching for ancient poems to come up with this name.

Lin Youxi told about this matter to both Mei Fang and Xia Yuan, not to mention that it is obvious who the owner is just by looking at the username.

“Why did you stop?”

Xia Yuan curiously looked at Mei Fang. “Did you forget your account password?”

“No, no!” Mei Fang scratched his head and said, “My dad’s account has items, and I’m afraid he will scold me if I use them. So… let me teach you how to register an account.”

“Wait a minute… Let me see what your account name is.”

Mei Fang’s account name is “Ni Tian Xiao Fang Fang” (Heaven Defying Little Fang Fang). In this era where “Martian language”[2] is prevalent, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi’s naming habits can be considered unique.

Upon seeing this name, Xia Yuan immediately expressed her disdain. “Aren’t you embarrassed to choose this name?”

“What’s there to be embarrassed about… You haven’t seen what Shamate[3] looks like.”

Mei Fang clicked into the registration interface. “What name do you want to use? I’ll help you type.”

“I learned typing in the computer room. I can do it myself… Just help me with the pinyin input.”

Xia Yuan spent 20 minutes on choosing a username.

In the end, she settled on the username “Guai Guai Xiao Yuan Yuan”. (Well-behaved Little Yuan Yuan”).

“Guai Guai Xiao Yuan Yuan… This name… is quite symmetrical with my name.”

Mei Fang deliberately pronounced this name while propping his cheek, causing Xia Yuan’s ears to turn red, and she fiercely punched Mei Fang.

“Why did you say it out loud!? You’re really… so annoying!”

“It’s nothing… Are you sure you want to use this name?”

“Yes, yes, hurry up.”

After successfully registering the account, Xia Yuan followed Mei Fang into the game with great anticipation.

Mei Fang taught her how to choose a character, place bombs, identify items, and move around. Xia Yuan tried her best to learn and get the hang of it.

“This character named Baobao is so cute, I really like her!”

“I don’t want to play the dungeon map, can we play a district map instead… I want to play District 10.”

“Ah ah ah, Mei Fang, I’m going to be killed by my own bubbles, come save me!”

“What’s wrong with this person!? Why does he keep chasing me and releasing bubbles!”

The usually well-behaved and obedient Xia Yuan also screamed and shouted when playing games. The two of them shared a computer, squeezed onto one chair, and their arms were pressed against each other.

However, this intimate behavior was already commonplace for Mei Fang and Xia Yuan, at least Xia Yuan did not show any special affection.

Although Xia Yuan, as a beginner, played poorly, she could feel that she was truly happy and did not try to please Mei Fang by playing with him.

Children of this era are exposed to completely new things, unlike the children later on who easily become overwhelmed by the vast world.

Although their team kept losing under Xia Yuan’s influence, Mei Fang did not discourage her enthusiasm, but actively guided her in playing.

Unknowingly, time passed quickly. Xia Yuan said she would play for one hour, but ended up playing for a full two hours. She reluctantly got up and left when her mother called.

“It’s late now… Let me walk you downstairs!”

Mei Fang accompanied Xia Yuan as they walked on the paths of the neighborhood. Although there was no moonlight, there were countless stars in the sky.

Unlike walking in a big city 20 years later, where you can only see the night sky with any stars.

“I didn’t expect the game to be so fun, no wonder you’re addicted to it, Mei Fang.”

“Well… addiction is one thing, but this is also my dream,” Mei Fang casually said, “Actually, when I grow up, I want to be a game designer.”

“I see… that’s great! I will definitely support you!” Xia Yuan thought for a moment, “I have learned piano, maybe I can help you with music or something…”

“Are you also interested in learning to draw? I think you’re really good at art class, maybe you should consider studying art?”

“Well… let’s see when the time comes, it’s still too early now!”

Xia Yuan was pleased with herself because Mei Fang needed her, without realizing that the heartless Mei Fang only wanted her to become his game production tool.

Xia Yuan walked beside Mei Fang with her hands behind her back, “By the way, Mei Fang… about me playing games with you, Lin Youxi…”

“Don’t tell her, I won’t say anything!”

These two are really good best friends… They even think about things together.

If I had known she was willing to play games too, why did I have to worry and struggle with Lin Youxi for so long earlier…

“It’s not that I won’t tell her,” Xia Yuan turned around and said, “I want to tell her about this, do you think it’s okay?”

“You want to tell her?”

“Mhmm.” Xia Yuan nodded, “I think, if we could play this interesting game together with Lin Youxi… I just don’t know if she likes playing games or if she thinks it will affect her studies… And it wouldn’t be good if we only got closer and neglected Lin Youxi…”

“Stop talking, stop talking!”

“What’s wrong?” Xia Yuan looked puzzled, “Why do you suddenly want to stop me from talking…”

Mei Fang suddenly grabbed Xia Yuan’s hand, looking excited, “You really are our little angel, Yuanyuan! Compared to you, I’m just a scheming, heartless dog…”

“Why are you suddenly calling me that, shameless!”

Xia Yuan broke free from Mei Fang’s hand and pinched Mei Fang’s nose, “You can’t call me by my nickname when there are other people around, got it!”

“I got it, Yuanyuan!”

Mei Fang, with his nose being pinched, made a funny sound, causing Xia Yuan to giggle.

After learning about Xia Yuan’s feelings from Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, who felt both excited and guilty, told Xia Yuan the next day about playing games with Mei Fang for many years.

At first, Xia Yuan felt very annoyed, but after careful consideration, she realized that her previous attitude towards games was indeed terrible, so she forgave the two of them.

However, not holding grudges didn’t mean there would be no punishment. Xia Yuan stated that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang needed to teach her how to play various games step by step before she could forgive them.

She would participate in any online game that Mei Fang and Lin Youxi had played together.

For most games, Xia Yuan registered a new account herself, and the names were all similar to Mei Fang’s, such as “Guai Guai Xiao Yuan Yuan”. (Well-behaved Little Yuan Yuan”).

Only “Fantasy Westward Journey” was an exception, after all, it was the game that Mei Fang and Lin Youxi had mainly played over the years. If Xia Yuan wanted to play with a level 1 character, it would require too much effort. So she asked Lin Youxi to change her name and let them share the account, and the latter readily agreed.

Thus, the name of Ni Tian Xiao Fang Fang’s wife has been renamed from “Shan You Lin Xi” to “Yuan Xi Xiang Ban” (Yuan Xi, Bound Together) in “Fantasy Westward Journey”.

“Your names have such a weird vibe, it’s so embarrassing!”

Mei Fang’s untimely lack of taste immediately received a double attack from Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi.

From then on, Mei Fang’s computer at home was occupied by Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan playing together for a long time, and Mei Fang was basically left out.

Translator’s Notes:

  1. https://en. wiki/Song_of_ the_Yue_Boatman↩︎
  2. https://en. /wiki/Martian _language↩︎
  3. Chinese subculture is similar to emo in looks. (ref: https://aesthetics. /Shamate) ↩︎

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