Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 7: The Food is Delicious

Mei Lijun’s motorcycle is a straddle-seated motorcycle. It was a bit difficult for the children to sit on it by themselves. After finally carrying Mei Fang and Lin Youxi onto the motorcycle, Mei Lijun put on a raincoat and covered Lin Youxi and Mei Fang’s heads with it.

Because Mei Fang was sitting in the middle, he could stick his head out from the opening behind the raincoat. Lin Youxi could only lower her head, with her forehead against Mei Fang’s back.

“Sit tight, hold on tight, we’re ready to go!”

Mei Lijun’s motorcycle engine made a terrifying sound similar to a tractor. The feet hanging in the air could feel a strong vibration from the motorcycle. At this moment, Lin Youxi still had her hands on her legs, afraid to touch Mei Fang.

“Lin Youxi, hold onto my clothes, aren’t you afraid of falling off?”

Mei Fang’s voice was drowned out by the sound of the engine and thunder. When the motorcycle started, due to the sudden recoil, Lin Youxi’s whole body pressed against Mei Fang’s back, and her arms instinctively hugged him tightly from behind. She didn’t let go until they arrived home.

“Phew… it’s raining heavily.”

Mei Lijun, who returned home, was well protected by the raincoat, while Lin Youxi and Mei Fang looked like two soaked chicks, in a very miserable state.

“You’re back, go take a shower quickly, so you don’t catch a cold…”

Xiang Xiaoxia brought a dry towel to the door, ready to wipe Mei Fang’s face, but she saw a little girl standing next to him, always looking down.

Mei Fang quickly explained, “This is my classmate from kindergarten, Lin Youxi… her dad hasn’t come to pick her up.”

“I see, come in together! Um… I’ll help you find Mei Fang’s clothes, and we can take a shower together. Later, I’ll help you wash, too.”

Lin Youxi neither nodded nor shook her head, just stood there foolishly. Mei Fang pulled her, whispering, “After showering, let’s have dinner at our house, okay? You must be starving.”


Lin Youxi could only talk children.

Lin Youxi’s experience in kindergarten reminded Mei Fang of something from the past, which was the reason why he reached out to help Lin Youxi.

He had also encountered an unpopular female classmate in middle school, who was a chubby girl.

For some forgotten reason, the teacher seemed to dislike her, and classmates liked to call her “fat girl”. They often teased her, but she didn’t resist, silently enduring it.

As for Mei Fang, because he had sat next to her for a while, he knew that she was actually easy to get along with and not as unbearable as the classmates described. However, he didn’t talk to her much.

One time, she didn’t bring money to buy lunch, and Mei Fang lent her money to buy bread. After she repaid the money the next day, she also gave Mei Fang an extra bottle of milk as a thank-you gift.

However, that classmate eventually transferred schools, but when she left, she left a postcard for Mei Fang, expressing her gratitude and saying that he was her best friend in the class.

What Mei Fang considered a simple act of kindness was regarded by others as a precious and sincere friendship. This incident still makes Mei Fang feel emotional to this day.

Apart from the factors of this matter, Lin Youxi is Xia Yuan’s good friend. Considering the fate that did not exist in the previous life, she can barely be considered an old acquaintance.

Leaving her there like that, Mei Fang couldn’t bear it in his heart. He couldn’t stand seeing such kind of thing…

When Mei Fang’s mother took Lin Youxi to the bathroom to take a bath, Mei Lijun crossed his legs and started lecturing him.

“What’s wrong with you recently? You used to have nothing to do with girls, but now you seem to care about them? First it was Xia Yuan, and now it’s Lin Youxi… You’re quite a player at such a young age, huh? But… this does have your father’s style, back in the day…”

“Stop bragging.”

Mei Fang couldn’t help but mock his pretentious father, “If you were so capable, you wouldn’t have married a wife who doesn’t even give you 10 yuan as pocket money. What a hardship!”

“You… how dare you speak ill of your mother! Who raised you to be so chubby and well-fed, you ungrateful brat… Your mother is the most virtuous and beautiful woman within ten miles. Who else should I consider as a partner if not her?”

This flattering and cheesy speech was obviously meant to please his wife, without even needing to think about it.

Xiang Xiaoxia came out with Lin Youxi, who had finished bathing. Before that, she had already blow-dried her hair for her. She didn’t seem unhappy because unexpected guests had come to the house. On the contrary, she seemed quite happy with Lin Youxi.

Compared to usual, Lin Youxi looked much fresher. She was wearing Mei Fang’s clothes, clean and tidy, and her mother had tied her hair into a high ponytail.

“How about it… do you like the ponytail I tied? Lin Youxi, lift your head, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

When in the presence of authority, one cannot help but lower their head. Lin Youxi reluctantly lifted her head, but quickly lowered it again.

Mei Fang silently praised his mother.

She does look quite cute like this, hehe…

“I was wondering why you were taking so long blow-drying your hair in the bathroom…”

Mei Lijun sighed, “The food has gone cold.”

Mei Fang didn’t respond like his father, but instead said, “Mom, the ponytail you tied looks really nice.”

“It’s not just that your mom is skilled, Lin Youxi is also very cute!”

Xiang Xiaoxia gently pinched Lin Youxi’s cheek, her expression filled with happiness, “Ah, if only I could have a daughter…”

“We’re all within the system, so forget about having a second child, okay?”

“It’s no use thinking about it, especially with you talking so much.”

The quarrels and bickering between parents were a common occurrence for Mei Fang, something he had been hearing for decades. But during this period of time when their family situation was still decent, it felt particularly relaxing to listen to.

When the family was about to sit down for dinner, Mei Lijun received a call from Lin Youxi’s father. After a brief conversation, Mei Lijun handed the phone to her, who went to the balcony to talk. Xiang Xiaoxia asked in a low voice, “What did he say? Is he coming to pick her up soon?”

Mei Lijun shook his head, “Her dad said there’s been a problem at the construction site, so he’ll be a bit late.”

“Such heavy rain, safety first.”

Xiang Xiaoxia responded, “By the way, speaking of which, Lin Youxi’s father should be the third son of the Lin family in Dongmen Shuichan Street, the one who works in engineering.”

Mei Lijun nodded and looked at Lin Youxi, who was talking on the balcony with her father. She whispered, “Last time, Lin Youxi had a little conflict with Mei Fang. I have seen her father, the one whose wife passed away in a car accident two years ago.”

“You should bring her home. It’s so pitiful for a young girl to grow up without a mother.”

After listening to their parents’ conversation, Mei Fang finally understood why his father had agreed to his request so generously today.

Mei Fang’s parents didn’t have much ability, but they had influenced him a lot in terms of how to treat others.

After finishing the call, Lin Youxi was warmly invited by the family to sit at the table, with a glass of cola poured for her.

“Here, Lin Youxi, try this… Today, we specially cooked a chicken. You and Mei Fang each get a chicken leg… No, you can have Mei Fang’s too.”

Lin Youxi’s bowl was filled with love from Xiang Xiaoxia, while Mei Lijun signaled his wife not to be too forceful, but she completely ignored him.

Mei Fang’s bowl only had a few pieces of vegetables and beans.

Lin Youxi often scattered unfinished food on the table at school, but she always behaved well at Mei Fang’s house, eating her food carefully and even trying to swallow the things she usually didn’t eat. Seeing her struggling, Mei Fang leaned over.

“Can you finish it?”

Lin Youxi shook her head.

“If you can’t finish it, give me some. Don’t force yourself.”

Lin Youxi scooped some rice and meat onto Mei Fang’s bowl. While sharing, she suddenly leaned towards Mei Fang and whispered.

Mei Fang smiled slightly after listening.

“Don’t be shy. If you like, you can directly tell my parents.”

Lin Youxi shook her head, blushing, and quickly lowered her head.

“What are you two whispering about over there? Tell me too.” Xiang Xiaoxia was interested in the secret conversation between the two children.

Mei Fang looked up and told her mother, “Lin Youxi said that your cooking is delicious, and she wants to come to our house for meals in the future.”

Just as Lin Youxi was about to retort, Mei Lijun burst into laughter.

“Hahaha… There’s nothing embarrassing about saying that! When your father comes, I’ll tell him to let you come to our house for meals regularly, every day!”

“Okay, that’s good.” Xiang Xiaoxia nodded. “It’s like I have another daughter… Shall I braid your hair nicely every day?”

Lin Youxi couldn’t resist the enthusiasm of Mei Fang’s parents. She remained silent for a while, then shook her head. Seeing Mei Fang enjoying the chicken leg she had given him, she became a little annoyed.

She reached out and fiercely pinched Mei Fang’s thigh, causing him to scream in pain.

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