Only Item

Chapter 113

Another possibility

“· · · · Oops. ”

Min-hyuk felt trembling and joyful at the same time.

Successful crafting of items is certainly a delightful result. However, now, when biosynthesis fails, the way to know what happens is forever lost.

As I was tightly prepared, I was dumbfounded.

But once I realized it was a success, my mouth stuck in my ears and I didn’t come down.

“Did it work? There doesn’t look like anything wrong. ”

“Yes. Yes. But what changed · · · Hmm?”

Min-hyuk looked at himself in the mirror on one side.

Then information appeared about myself.

[Park Min-hyuk Enhancer]

-Expert level transcription synthesized crystals of transcription to increase the absolute volume of error.

Error +5,230

“· · · · · · · This is true. ”

Min-hyuk took a moment to reflect on his information.

If you interpret this information as it is, Min-hyuk is now coming to Expert.

Of course, I’m not saying it happened because of actual training, but because of the amount of error that I received at Expert level.

This is the expected outcome.

But the problem was the lowest letter.

Error +5,230.

Are you referring to the added error rate to me? ’

I don’t know what the criteria are, but the power of the error has been quantified.

The problem was that there was no scale that could be determined by this standard, so we couldn’t figure out how much this amount was.

There have been Percentage Enhancement items so far, but it was hard to get a sense that they would add numbers directly like this.


Min-hyuk tried to summon his Status Spear to the air for no reason · ·.

“What are you doing? ”

“No, it’s nothing. ”

It couldn’t have worked.

There were many similar aspects to the ability of mindless reform to play, but this world was not a game.

Eventually, that number 5,230 did not come out as an abstract image unless there was nothing to compare.

However, there was a way to find out how strong Min-hyuk himself had become.

“Teresa, do you mind if I spar with you for a moment? Disarm all the other equipment. ”

“Without equipment? Are you serious?”

“Yes, I think we should. ”

“I don’t care. ”

After a while.

The two of them go to the arena and face each other with wooden swords.

“Can I start now? ”

“Wait a minute. ”

Min-hyuk grabbed the wooden sword and focused on the senses inside his body.

You feel a different energy than the hall in your lower ship.

A much larger and more intense energy than his error hall.

“Maybe this is the power of 5,230 decision making?” ’

Min-hyuk moved the power.

Min-hyuk muttered to himself after seeing how well he moved and reacted to his will.

I can do it. ’

And Min-hyuk blew his error into the wooden sword.


Glug glug.

The energy of error rises like a flame on the wooden sword of Minhyuk.

The timing of exposing the error externally.

It was a clear error of Expert.

“You. Did you magnetize the error? ”

“Such · · ·. Is it the same?”

Min-hyuk was also somewhat nervous.

I thought it would be, but seeing it coming true, it was a new feeling.

Exports are an area you can’t climb without effort.

Even if it is not a genius, only those who are blessed with gifts rise up.

It was Expert who shouldn’t have said it simply, he shouldn’t have done it in his life.

Min-hyuk went up there because of his unique gift.

“Though only the error rate. ”

Theresa nodded and agreed when she heard the murmur of Minhyuk.

“Expert usually learns to deal with his strength naturally during his training. But in your case… I don’t know what will happen because it’s so unusual. ”

“Well, we’ll see about that, won’t we? ”

“Of course. Let’s get started! ”


Theresa bounces forward as soon as the word “G” ends.

At the same time as the sound of the ground thumping, her body reached just ahead of the reform.

They are often mistaken for heavy armor when they are attacked in front of their enemies and battle based on their strong defensive strength.

Teresa is slower than Min-hyuk.

In conclusion, it was absolutely not.

Even though Min-hyuk increased agility with items, all physical abilities were far superior to Min-hyuk’s when she, the chief paladin, decided to run the errands.

It was the same in terms of speed.

The only reason she didn’t move as quickly as usual was because she didn’t have to.

Min-hyuk, who cannot be attacked from the front, fights around the enemy, but Teresa can be attacked from the front instead.

Even in plate mail, the people behind her can fight with confidence because she is always a solid wall that can take on an attack from a troll much larger than herself.

In other words, her fighting style was only tailored to her needs, and her abilities were never unique.

As she determined and moved, she was faster than Min-hyuk, never slower.

If it was the usual struggle, the moment Teresa came into her arms like this, Minhyuk would still take a shoulder and fall back.

But · · ·.

“Suck!! ”


Min-hyuk took over Teresa’s shoulder.

It is usually said that he has been suffered a lot and has become accustomed to it, but it is still that he has given weight and narrowed down the target and responded · ·.

‘I see it. It’s not like I can’t keep up with my strength or speed. ’

Not only error, but also the physical ability of the reform has risen to the level of Exports.

Theresa, whose shoulder is blocked, attacks Minhyuk with a wooden sword from there.

Phew! Phew!! Phew!!

The sound resounded as the wooden sword struck each other with error.

Against the attacking Teresa, Min-hyuk rarely pulls back.

“Phew · ·. ”

An authentic swordsmanship that is honest and simple, but not that thorough, pushed Minhyuk hard.

However, Min-hyuk was pushed backwards and was actively stopping the target’s attack.

I fought a lot with her, but this was the first time I stopped Teresa’s sword for more than 20 matches.

“Amazing. Am I really on Expert’s trail?” ’

Teresa said briefly and sharply when Min-hyuk was thinking that way.

“Caution is forbidden! ”

And her wooden sword sharply pierced through the left shoulder of Minhyuk.

Min-hyuk shrugged his shoulders and avoided the attack due to a sharp and treacherous attack so that he did not notice the foresight of suffering at all.


It was Min-hyuk who avoided the attack while grazing his shoulders, but the center of his body tilted completely to one side because he twisted his body and avoided it.

And without missing that gap, Teresa shook her knee against the pride of the reform and struck the chest of the reform hard with the handle of the wooden sword.


“Khh · · · · · · ·. ”

Min-hyuk went backwards as his center collapsed.


Teresa pointed her sword at Min-hyuk, who had fallen backwards.

“That’s far enough.”

“Ugh · · · ·. Can’t you hurt him a little bit? ”

“Then you won’t be trained. And · · ·. ”

“And what? ”

“I can’t afford that anymore. ”

At Teresa’s words, Min Hyuk smiled.

Teresa said that she had lost, but that she had gained that much access to her power.

“What do you say? Can I say Expert now? ”

Teresa thought for a moment about what Minhyuk said.

“It feels subtle. ”

“The subtle feeling? What’s that supposed to mean? ”

“The absolute value of strength, speed and error does not lack Exports. However, there still seems to be a problem with the skill level in dealing with it. ”

“Are you saying you can’t master power? ”

“You can see it that way. It’s as if a child lacking in horseplay is being forced into a frenzied wild horse. ”

“A slightly miserable metaphor. ”

“It’s true. After all, it’s not the strength you trained so hard, but the sudden power, so there should be some side effects. ”

After listening to Teresa, Min-hyuk nodded his head by himself.

‘Obviously it is. ’

Even though Min-hyuk thinks to himself, his abilities are a bit overwhelming.

You took down an Expert-level war bear Demibeast and turned it into a crystal form to absorb its power?

Isn’t this almost indefinitely empowering? It made me think.

‘Well, it’s an ability that we don’t know what the risks are yet. ’

The important thing is that if you use this ability well, you can mark Expert at random.

Min-hyuk insisted that he should pay special attention to prevent his abilities from appearing in the world.

To reveal this power to the world, I thought it would only be possible once I had at least a tenth grade of power.

Before that, revealing my abilities was practically like advertising me to catch and kill.

“There’s only one way to get used to abilities, anyway. ”

“You mean you have to practice steadily? ”

Teresa nodded, nodding her head as if it were natural.

“Plus, it’s a good way to do it. I recommend that you enter the Abyssal Forest frequently, even if it is a measle for a while. ”

“Is that so? Hmm · · · ·. If it were a one-man operation, the party wouldn’t need a gun now, would they? Eura and the Renaissance have started training recently. ”

“I’ll go with you. ”

“Good. That’s the decision then. Every day for the next two days. ”

“It’s not a date. You tend to treat your training too playfully. ”

Teresa sighs and says that, but no more.

It’s because I knew it wouldn’t be fixed if I said it anyway.

She was getting used to Min-hyuk as well.

The group is shocked to hear that Minhyuk has risen to the top of Expert.

And each one of them was thinking that they should accelerate their training.

Minhyuk was on Expert’s footing because his colleagues shouldn’t be that strong either.

Song Yura started training hard with the goal of 4 circles, and the three Half-Elf Triads were also working together to add to their training.

And Min-hyuk trained again and again every day to skillfully handle the new power.

After the morning duel with Teresa, you entered the Abyssal Forest and started training against the Orcs in the outer corners.

Teresa used to accompany us just in case, but now that she’s working alone as a kite, she’s not much of a problem.

In fact, Teresa is keeping her arms closed in battle with the Orcs.

How familiar is Min-hyuk with his power, not hunting Orcs? That’s why she was so distracted.

All she had to do was carry an Orc’s back in her backpack with her, which had been dealt with with by the power of Minority Reform when she returned.

Ah! There’s just one more thing to do.

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