Only Item

Chapter 123


However, there are occasional outstanding beings of any kind.

The roast once encountered a dwarf who accidentally came out of the ground out of curiosity.

That dwarf was injured and dying, but Lost found him and healed him.

And he introduced Lost to an old abandoned mine that they no longer use for their lives.

That’s what Min-hyuk inherited now.

‘If you give me this information, Mr. Roth has actually decided to retire. Well, you almost died once. ’

However, as a reform, we decided to do well based on this Abandoned Mine.

Many human adventurers are active in the Abyssal Forest.

And the most important thing in that building is secrecy, too.

The Abyssal Forest is essentially the realm of the xenogens, and they attack as soon as they realize that humans are nesting in their realms.

So it is common for human adventurers to hide in a very secret location in the borders of the heterogeneous realms.

However, there are other exceptions for adventurers of the 10th rank, but that’s a slightly more complicated case, so I’ll talk to you later.

Anyway, for the average first-class adventurer, the most important thing in creating the site was secrecy, and then the road.

Min-hyuk, however, was both able to find the best place to live.

The Dwarf’s Abandoned Mine was the best in stealth.

No matter how good the Elven Spirit is · ·. No, I can’t find any more with animosity.

The blessing of the earth in the Dwarf’s Abandoned Mine is essentially the energy of nature like a Spirit.

If you search with an animisty technique, you can only pour water into colorless water.

It’s literally useless.

In addition, the location of the building is the best.

This location is now the outer corners of the realm of Elves.

Depending on your mind, you can target Elves or even monsters or other Demibeast Warriors in your borders if you expand your area.

But there were first things to do for that future work.

“First, let’s take a look inside. ”

“Yes, I’ll do that. ”

Minhyuk read Rost’s activity journal and knew the internal structure of the great river.

According to the records, the abandoned mine is not just a digging site, it is converted into a living area.

Despite the tightness of the cave, he said he could start a fire and that he had a simple bed and a place for people to sleep.

And the results of checking the interior facilities exceeded expectations.

“I heard it was big, but I didn’t know it was this big. ”

“I thought you said this was from Mr. Roth’s party. Then there must have been dozens of people staying. ”

Within this Abandoned Mine, there were close to ten rooms where people could stay.

The walls were neatly trimmed, and there was a candle that could serve as a light if I complained.

Plus, with the Dwarves’ technology, there were kitchens, toilets and bathrooms.

Estimated value of a groundwater aqueduct facility was literally a thousand.

Leaving the simple convenience problem and being able to supply drinking water, the point was that even if the location of the site could be found, long-term agriculture could be possible.

If I told you to stay here, you’d be able to live. ’

Rene said as if he was worried when Min-hyuk was satisfied.

“But will security be okay? You’re telling me that the members of the Lost party know the location of this place? ”

Rene said with a cautious look.

“That’s the problem. But it’s gonna be okay for a while. Your party’s gonna be totally ruined. But just in case, we’re gonna have to be careful. ”

“I see.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that right now. Let’s unpack and get some rest. And Renee.”

“Yes, Min-hyuk. ”

“If you can go out and hunt, do something. It’s okay to come back empty-handed, but don’t let them know where you are. ”

“I understand. Sofia, Ioana. Follow me.”

“Yes, Rene. ”

“I understand.”

There were no monsters within the realm of the Elves, but there were abundant animals and plants.

Just a little snooping around here should be easy to find.

“What can we do? ”

“Hmm · · · ·. Nothing to do right now · · ·. Ah! Let’s explore inside here. ”

Although living spaces are noticeable, this is originally a mine.

Once inside, it connects to the tunnels dug by the dwarves.

I went to the end of the Roast Activities Journal and checked, but I couldn’t find a single piece of gold.

However, I also felt that I would have to check Min-hyuk with my own eyes.

‘At least it won’t be dangerous. ’

“Yura, light, please. ”


Song Yura launches a minefield into the air and the three begin investigating the mine shaft.

The Abandoned Mine extends quite long inward.

Out of the living area and into the depths, the ore harvesting shaft was opened.

“Usually I thought these tunnels would collapse easily · ·. I don’t see any chance of that. ”

Teresa said to Min-hyuk,

“According to the literature, the dwarf’s shaft is strong enough to withstand a magical explosion inside. Unlike what humans make. ”

“Is that possible because it’s a species blessed by the earth? ”

“Probably. I don’t know the details. It’s been a while since the Dwarves concealed themselves from this world, so there’s no detailed data left. ”

“I see. If you’re not worried about collapsing anyway, shall we go in? ”

Min Hyuk took Teresa and Song Yura deep into the Abandoned Mine.

And all the way to the end.

“Is everything okay? ”

Basically, the mine was built strong.

This was just an ordinary synthetic cave, except that it was cleaned up to the root of the vein.

After examining the end of the Abandoned Mine, Teresa said.

“I’m sorry there’s no vein left. ”

“Mmm-hmm. Well, the value of this Abandoned Mine is in the lair, so that’s fine. ”

Min Hyuk mumbled so much that he now returned to his living space.

‘If I could, I could use that big space as a storage space. ’

As Min-hyuk returned to his living space, Renaissance returned with prey.

They brought a fat deer and a piece of tree fruit.

“I’m back, Min-hyuk. ”

“Well done. Let’s rest today and get back in shape. I’m gonna take a few days off and get back to work. ”

“How many days? Why are you resting so much? ”

“You touched the Elven Patrol, didn’t you? Their emergency alert must have dropped, so in the meantime, it’s best to remain as quiet as a dead rat. ”

Song Yoo nodded as if it seemed to be the case in Min-hyuk’s words.

“Hmm · ·. But it’s gonna be a little awkward to stay in here. If you knew this, would you have brought a book to read? ”

Min-hyuk smiled at what she said. I could say it was a bit loose, but the room was safe enough for her to say so.

So, Min-hyuk also accepted the words on behalf of the Lord.

“Bring it back when you can. If you’re bored, I’ll play with you tonight. ”

“Never mind.”

I used to think it was Minhyuk who would refrain from sleeping with them when I entered the Abyssal Forest, but I thought it would be okay if I was inside this closed mine.

Min-hyuk’s judgment was correct.

Elves have been scouring the area around here for some time, exploring the enemy’s presence.

Since the patrol evaporated without leaving a body, it was natural to judge that it was an enemy.

However, even with elven animisty exploration, it is impossible to find a group of people hiding in the dwarf mines.

While the Elves were exploring in vain, Min-hyuk was preparing for various things in the obsolete mines in the militia.

I didn’t come all the way to Elven territory to risk my life in the lair.

The first thing I did was biosynthesize the spirit crystals I obtained from the Elves before this.

There were three Spirits’ Crystals, and they were four that could be synthesized.

Renee, Ioana, Sofia, Song Yu.

In the case of Minhyuk and Teresa, it was impossible to synthesize spiritual crystals because there was no spiritual power.

In fact, Min-hyuk hesitated a little.

It is because we do not yet know the risks of biosynthesis failing.

Rene, however, actively suggested that you try biosynthesizing him.

At first, Minhyuk hesitated because the risk of failure was great, but Rene insisted persistently and the other parties decided to persuade him.

‘Yes, it’s not the ability to leave it alone. ’

Min-hyuk thought so, and decided to biosynthesize Renee’s spirit crystals.

The processing potential of Spirit Crystals is 42%.

It was never high, but it was higher than the warrior’s decision to synthesize it to Min-hyuk before.

Min-hyuk prepared Teresa to immediately recover Renee in case of an incident in the bay.

and results of trying biosynthesis · · ·.

[Biosynthesis failed.]

Was he too tense to be mentally unstable?

The first attempt at Min-hyuk failed. And that was the reaction that appeared to Renee.

“Ahhhh!!! ”

Renee suddenly screams and falls to the ground, vomiting blood.

“Oops · · · Teresa!! ”

Before Minhyuk could summon Teresa, Teresa began to heal Rene by exerting her divine power.

“Ahh · · ·. Ahh · · ·”

Renee is still in agony, but the groaning turns down to see if the pain has subsided.

And Renee’s pain lasted about 10 minutes.

“You okay, Renee? How are you feeling? ”

Min-hyuk asked as Rene seemed to be feeling better. Then Renee breathed and wiped his forehead and said,

“It’s okay. I think I’ve got some internal injuries, but Teresa’s treating me. ”

“What about the sequelae? Is something wrong with your body? ”

At the words of Minhyuk, Rene closed his eyes for a moment and checked his condition.

Then he opened his eyes, shaking his head.

“I’m a little low on stamina, but I’m fine. I don’t think there’s any sequelae. ”

Min-hyuk sighed of relief in her words.

‘Thank goodness.’

And relieved Min-hyuk said, looking at the two remaining spiritual decisions.

“I don’t think we should use this lightly. I didn’t know it was this dangerous. ”

When Min-hyuk said that, Song Yu-ra who was listening next to him shook her head.

“It’s not like that. You should be more aggressive with this. ”

When she said something unexpected, Min-hyuk said with a surprised expression.

“Why do you think that is? ”

“If the side effects of biosynthesis are damaging to your body, you can offset them with potions or Teresa’s divine power. I mean, it’s a little extreme, but there are no other side effects. Unless your abilities are diminished or life-threatening, this is something you can live with. ”

“But · · · · · · · ·. ”

“You agree with me in your head, right? ”

“ · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Don’t be so sorry to us. We’re here for you whenever you want. ”

“That’s right, brother. ”

“Pain is nothing to help you. ”

“I agree with you. I felt that while healing, the damage done to my body was real, but not life-threatening. It was just a lot of pain. ”

As they actively encouraged each other to do biosynthesis, Min-hyuk felt grateful and sorry for them at the same time.

‘Why is this · · · · · I am the villain who engraves you with a slave seal · · ·. ’

Min-hyuk was also precious to them.

Even in the fact that their power was the power of the party, there was something about mixing the flesh at night.

But I was drawing them with a corner of my mind.

That’s why they were accepted after the slavers were engraved.

Of course, she tried to buy their minds with many things to make them truly devoted to herself, but that was not even the pure favor of Minyuk.

But now that they are actively taking the pain for themselves, Min-hyuk was very impressed.

“Thank you all. ”

I was just saying that.

It was because it seemed like there would be a gap in my mind when I said something more.

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