Only Item

Chapter 13

adapt to the world

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook ran hard without looking back.

In the meantime, it was rewarding to move in the forest so often that they were able to move at a reasonably fast pace.

However, I couldn’t be faster than the Orcs who have lived in this Abyssal Forest since birth.

“Take advantage!! Humans, stop!! Takeover!!”

“Stand or I’ll kill you! Takeover!!”

The Orcs threaten to keep the distance.

“Huff-puff. I’ll kill you on the inside and talk to you. ”

“Just run!! ”

Seeing his sighing and grumbling partner, Min-hyuk shouted.

‘Maybe he died and floated around the Jordan in a bronze dress. By the way, I might get caught like this. ’

Min-hyuk saw the Orcs coming closer and closer.

We wanted them to follow us to our destination, but we couldn’t get caught before.

‘I’m afraid I can’t help it. ’

Min-hyuk took out a dagger from his arms.

You hurl your dagger at the Orcs who are chasing you behind.

Shhh! Shhh!

“Take advantage!! Humans! Kill!! ”

Was he lucky? It was just a dagger thrown to make time for a short time, and it hit the Orc’s forehead that was running at the very front.

If you had mastered proper catapulting, the Dagger’s Day would have pierced the Orc’s glabella.

However, Min-hyuk’s dagger couldn’t pierce two thick skulls, only wounding the hide of Orcs.

‘What a pity · · ·. ’

Min-hyuk muttered to himself, seeing the coming Orc bleeding on his face.

I thought I’d try practicing throwing a dagger later.

Since I have a gift, it will be soon enough.

After all, the throwing of the dagger left the Orcs for a short time, and as a result, Min-hyuk was able to get the distance he wanted.

“Good. Here we are. Jin-wook, get ready. ”

“I’m already doing it. ”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook arrived at their destination in combat.

And three Orcs charged in front of them.

“Takeover · ·. Humans kill!! ”

“I’ll kill you. Takeover!!”

Orcs rush with bloodshot feet in their eyes as if they were at their peak.

And that strong force did them no harm.

“Lift him up!! ”

When Min-hyuk signaled, Jin-wook and Min-hyuk lifted the trap that they had prepared in advance.

Then something like a barricade with a bunch of windows on the ground appeared slanted.

It was just not an ordinary barricade.

A deadly trap with sharp spear blades coming from Orcs.

Puff! Puff!!

“Takeover!!! ”

“Take advantage! Take advantage!!

Orcs can’t beat the rush, so the Orcs are stabbed at the Barricade.

This was prepared by Minhyuk, who fastened several windows together with long bars.

This is more of a booby-trap concept than a trap. It can be left shallow on the ground and then lift it up like now to inflict a critical injury on the attacker.

After stopping the opposing team’s charge with this barricade, there is another preparedness.

“Suck!! ”

“Stab!! ”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook raised their spears that seemed to be 1 meter longer than normal spears.

This was also buried shallow on the ground.

The user first stops the target from charging in with its Barricade Gate. This also creates a distance.

The next move was to stab the opponent with a long spear in a place he couldn’t reach.

Self to be safe and less dangerous.

It was a very simple strategy, but there can’t be a more effective one if we can achieve it.


“Take advantage!! ”

The first Orc to charge was already severely wounded by the first Barricade.

Min-hyuk pierced my heart and finally died.

And furthermore, you pierced the Orcs from beyond the Barricade with your spear.

“Die, you talking pigs!! ”

“Take advantage!! Human slaughter · · · · profit!! ”

Phew!! Phew!!

Orcs tried to attack the Minhyuk Combi, but it wasn’t as easy as they thought.

In front of you is a barricade holding up sharp thorns. Trying to clean this up, it interferes with the stabbing spear’s relentless attack.

In the end, two of the three Orcs fell fatally wounded at the edge of the spear.

“Taking advantage ·. Take advantage!!”

And the remaining orc turns back and runs in a disadvantage.

“Shit, he’s getting away! ”

“Grab it!! He’s almost dead. ”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook tracked the Orcs beyond the Barricade. Orcs were wounded, so they didn’t run away so quickly, and Min-hyuk was able to catch up.

“Die!! ”


The storm of Min-hyuk cut off the Orc’s back.

“Take advantage!! Human!!! ”

The Orc is furious with the fire attack on its back.

He struck Min-hyuk with the axe in his hand.

Ka ‘ang!

Min-hyuk stopped the attack with a sword, but the sensation on his wrist felt pretty heavy.

‘Are Orcs like this? ’

Min-hyuk’s expression hardened slightly because of the heavy feeling never felt before in the Goblin Daggers.

If you try to take on three Orcs on your own, you may have to risk your life to win or lose.

If we fight together with Yi Jin-wook, we may be able to win, but we will not be able to win in one piece.

But things are different now.

Orcs are exhausted from their wounds and have only one number.

“Suck!! ”


Min Hyuk pushes his axe with his sword.

Then, he saved the life and swung his sword at the Orc’s chest.


“Take advantage!! ”

The Orc was struck by the sword of Min-hyuk and screamed once more.

However, Min-hyuk filled his tongue with the lack of feeling in his hands.

‘I can’t penetrate the hide with a slash right now. Should I stab him?’

When Min-hyuk is thinking that way.

My partner responded to Min-hyuk’s thoughts.

“Suck!! ”


Lee Jin-wook, who caught up with the Orcs a little later, put his sword through the back of the Orc.

“Take advantage!! ”

The Orc kept screaming because his heart was pierced, and Minhyuk also swung his sword once more and cut his head off before the Orc could act.


“Key · · · ·. Kiei · · · · · · ·. ”

The attack on Min-hyuk blew the Orc’s prayer.

Eventually, the Orc collapsed, making a sound like a gust of wind.

“Phew ·. I did it.”

“Great. Three Orcs!! ”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook felt achieved at the same time, and their palms met naturally in the air.


I’ve gotten used to hunting Goblins, but I’ve never seen an Orc before.

Three of them.

“Let’s dismantle it quickly. ”

“Okay, hold on. I’ve never disassembled an Orc before · ·. Let’s do what the guild taught us first. ”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook dismantled the three Orcs.

Goblins have no use for anything but their eyes.

But in the case of Orcs, it was still more money than Goblins.

In the case of Orcs, there are two molars protruding out of their mouths, and this became money.

These molars are the hardest of the Orc bodies, so they can be trimmed and used as arrowheads or as nails for securing columns when constructing buildings.

And the hide of the Orc was also valuable because of its unique tough material.

Sometimes they are overlaid with shield or leather and then made into armor.

You can skin all the Orc’s whole body, but because it takes a long time and is inefficient, ordinary adventurers only peel the Orc’s broad back skin.

It was the widest area and the most difficult to process.

In addition to fangs and hides, Orcs often carry plunder from humans.

Goblins do not use Daggers because they are not like other Goblins, but Orcs can use almost any Human weapon, and sometimes Orcs who steal their armor and wear it.

They were also quite lively imports.

Min-hyuk took the weapons the Orcs had, pulled out their teeth, and skinned their back.

“Careful with the leather. ”

“I’ve never done anything like this before. Damn it. If you knew this, why didn’t you practice with Goblins? ”

“Oh! It’s torn there, isn’t it? ”

“It was torn in the fight. ”

Min-hyuk and Lee Jin-wook slashed off all the Orc hides.

You peel off only the skin of your back, but the skin of all three hides weighs quite a bit.

“We’re done hunting for the day. Let’s just set the trap back and walk away. ”

“Okay, I wish I could fold it quickly. ”

Min-hyuk and Lee Jin-wook, who earned unexpected income as three Orcs, decided to stop hunting earlier today.

And they entered the guild with the price of hunting.

“Huh? Did you catch those Orcs? Those Goblin Eyes that were selling everyday were pretty good, huh? ”

The guild store clerk smiled at the Orc Hide that Minhyuk brought.

“Stand up a bit. It’s a good price. ”

“Yes, I understand. This is your first Orc hunt, so I’ll give you a good one. ”

And the cashier carefully examines the condition of the Orc Hide. And after a while · ·.

“The hide is a bit damaged, but it’s not much damage, so I’ll pass it on this time. First of all, three hides and three gold pieces. And six molars is 60 silver. And the byproducts these guys have. Wow. This axe looks good.I ‘ll give you 50 Silver in 2 gold. And hit this sword with 1 gold. And how about six gold and 70 silver Goblin Eyes together? ”

When she heard the shopkeeper’s appraiser, Min-hyuk couldn’t help but pounce.

And the Lee Jin-wook next to me was extra elastic.

“Really? That much? ”

The shop owner who heard Lee Jin-wook said with a smile.

“Surprised you never caught an Orc before, huh? You don’t know that. There’s a big difference between selling Goblin Eyes and peeling Orc Hide. ”

The two nod their heads when they hear the shop owner’s words.

In fact, adventurers make a lot of money and spend a lot of money.

Because strong monsters made so much money from rare monsters, and because they needed a lot of preparation to catch such monsters, they also needed a lot of money in terms of equipment support.

Many young people in this world have strong aspirations and admiration for being adventurers because they make a lot of money.

Given the fame of famous adventurers, the feelings of young people in this world will be similar to those of teenagers on Earth who feel for celebrities.

However, not all celebrities earn wealth and fame, but not all adventurers make a lot of money.

To make that kind of money, the risk is greater. However, adventurers are willing to take that risk because they will be rewarded with sure rewards.

Are Adventurers’ main prey Goblins? Orcs? I can make more money with this.

That’s why the elite adventurers sell Goblin Eyes when they see the lesser adventurers. It says, “I make a mockery.”

Min Hyuk and Lee Jin-wook have been catching Goblins for about one gold to 50 silver a day.

However, the income increased several times at once by catching three Orcs.

Even though the byproducts are priced well, I will earn 6 gold 70 silver.

Korean money is roughly 60 to 700,000 won.

It may not be that big, but making this money in one day made me excited.

Then Lee Jin-wook said in a gentle voice.

“Min-hyuk, now that I have the necklace too. It can’t be that bad, right? We’re adults in this world. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I have a cold.

Cough… It’s quite a cold, so I can’t even go to my favorite stamp and lie at home.


I don’t know if I would have gone into recreation if I didn’t have stockpiles.

Watch out for the flu.

The virus is unusual this year.

Your support is a great power for writers.


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