Only Item

Chapter 167

Create and manage fisheries

After making love as much as he wanted, Min-hyuk tried to tuck Teresa into his arms and ask her to sleep.

But Teresa talked to Min-hyuk about what she hadn’t told him yet.

“But, you · · · · ·. I was talking about earlier · · · ·. ”

“What was that about? You’re so cute. ”

“Not that · · · · ·. ”

Teresa shakes her head and says,

“Well, the plan is that you accept a new ally among the estramorwn. ”

“Yes, I did. Well, I’m still thinking about it, but is there something wrong with it? ”

“Instead of a problem · · · · · ·.

Teresa hesitates and blurs.

“It seems to me that you still lack the strength to defend yourself against the malice of the powerful. ”

Min Hyuk gave a serious look at what she said.

“The Malice of the Authority · · ·. ”

Min-hyuk thought a little and said,

“I think I’m in pretty good shape now, too. ”

“That’s right. At least in this area, no nobleman will presume to exercise authority over you. But what do you think of those at the heart of true power? ”

Min-hyuk thought for a moment.

The influence of reform is now quite absolute in both the cities of Rootgart and Havana.

Although it is classified as a Class A adventurer, other Class A adventurers treat Min-hyuk as a higher level than they are.Even mercenaries who shrink from day to day behave like Park Min-hyuk.

The Wizard Guild is being treated as a valuable customer who buys scrolls in bulk and the Adventurer’s Guild leader is awesome.

But that’s all there is to it.

If you go elsewhere, there are more people who do not know the existence of Park Min-hyuk than people who still know.

Even though the name sparkled once, it was already quite blurry because it was an image that was as good as an acclaimed asshole.

“Hmm · · · ·. Mighty people who rule the center of the nation will see nothing yet. ”

Teresa nods at Minhyuk’s words.

“Yes. In that situation, what would you expect to see if you were to capture a precious talent? There is only disaster for those who do not have the strength to protect the treasure. So you’re hiding your unique gift, aren’t you? ”

“ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Min-hyuk was silent.

Teresa knew that the verse was true.

Strangers with strong talents are treated as valuable talent by their very existence.

Min Hyuk knew that when he started to settle in this world, he remembered the difference between himself and Choi Jae Kang’s treatment.

Min-hyuk, who finally understood the reality, sighed and said.

“If we recruit too many valued talents, we’ll be left with nothing but trouble. ”

“Unfortunately, not in this situation. ”

To be honest, Min-hyuk was very sad.

The sudden spill of foreign nationals could have been an opportunity to attract talent.

As a fisherman, a large amount of fishermen are coming into the net.

And you can’t even touch the tastiest fish?

It wasn’t hard to lose strength.

“By the way, it doesn’t matter if you increase your head because you are patient with medium power. ”

When Min Hyuk said this, Teresa said,

“The choice is yours. But I urge you to make a careful decision. ”

Teresa doesn’t care about this advice because she also loves her current life.

As the power of Min-hyuk grew, he was able to help not only the children at the orphanage, but also other poor people.

Teresa has always wanted to be able to give charity and help the poor person faithfully.

I also liked the relationship between Min-hyuk and other colleagues.

Teresa was enslaved and had to obey Min-hyuk, but she did not want the current situation to collapse.

The current life is because all of her body and body are satisfied.

That’s why I gave her this advice, and Min-hyuk took her advice seriously.

And Min-hyuk thought for a few days.

I carefully considered Teresa’s advice and what to prioritize by weighing the current opportunity on both sides.

And I came to a conclusion.

‘It’s such a shame to give up like this opportunity. But let’s not risk it. ’

The conclusion was a compromise.

I decided to recruit talent from a line that did not oppose the power of the world or the great powers of the world.

Min-hyuk made a plan to do so and went into preparations.

The day has come when new estramorwn will be freed.

At the Warp Gates of Rootkart and Havana, many wandered about, aiming for the estramorwn who were set free.

Some of them were trying to recruit talent, some were trying to recruit favors, or some were very determined to hit their backs and suck their way to the bone marrow.

But Min-hyuk didn’t fit in the basket.

Min-hyuk relaxed, drinking coffee in his own room, placing Song Yura on his knees, and just frozen with her.

Song Yu did not restrain Min-hyuk’s behavior of kissing his cheek, but he also said a word of concern.

“Aren’t you going to go out to the square with the Warp Gate? ”

“Yes. I’m not going out. ”

Min-hyuk answered as if it wasn’t worth worrying about and patted Song Yura’s soft thighs.

“Why? We’ve been waiting a lot for new recruits to come in this time. ”

Song Yura asked, Min-hyuk slightly kissed her neck.

“Competing intensely there doesn’t mean much for me to earn income. I’ll start by thinking about the leaves when I’m done Thinning. Then we go to the recycling corner. ”

“ · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·? ”

Since it was so metaphorical, I didn’t understand the words of Song Yoohyuk.

“Okay, if you want to. ”

However, until now, I convinced Min-hyuk to have an idea.

“I just want you to understand. Then I have some free time. Shall we go to bed? ”

“Hmm · · · ·. Well, if you want to? ”

It was a song that was not particularly subtractive.

In Min-hyuk’s view, the foreigners who were thrown into this world were just like seeds sown in the field.

Some seeds do not bud and die. Some seeds are trampled or budded at all times.

And some seeds grow strong and grow big.

After all, it is only a matter of time before we observe the situation to see who is superior and who is incompetent.

Even if the seeds that are dying are gone in the first place, even if they sprout, there is no need for those with yellow leaves.

Well, sometimes it grows strong like a thousand-year tall tree as soon as it starts out like Choi Jae Kang, but it’s an exceptional case.

Usually it is quite difficult to hide without looking for some time.

After all, Min-hyuk was watching the situation as it flowed and waiting for a bud there worth growing.

So Min Hyuk did not intervene in the scout competition, but separately, the collection of information through the Houl Merchant Guild or the Guild was steady.

And when the new estramorwn settled into the world and about three weeks passed,

Min-hyuk is starting to move.

First, Min-hyuk went to the Adventurer Guild and got a bunch of documents.

“Min-hyuk, what is that? ”

When Renee asked the question, Min-hyuk smiled and replied.

“Opposite versions of the blacklist. What do you call a white list? ”

“ · · · · · · · · ·? ”

Rene smiled and said, although he was expressing a lack of understanding.

“You’ll see. ”

The list Min-hyuk received from the Adventurers’ Guild lists the new foreigners who took up their positions as adventurers and began to stand on their own diligently.

Among them, Min-hyuk came up with the top five teams by looking at their income records.

‘Everyone takes off an Orc’s back. The top two teams have already hunted the Lizardmen. ’

These were the leaves that Min-hyuk wanted.

Those who have the judgement to fall into the low world and to distinguish between risk and opportunity, and are willing and eager to live in this harsh world.

Those were the characters that Min-hyuk drew out.

As a team, five teams.

In terms of numbers, it was a little over 40.

“Let’s spread the net, shall we? Renee, why don’t you get Ioana and Sofia? ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

At the words of Minhyuk, Renee also brought in two other half-elven women.

“I brought you, Min-hyuk. ”

When the three of them entered the room, Min-hyuk smiled and said.

“First of all, would you like to try these on? ”

That said, Min-hyuk handed me the clothes prepared according to their size beforehand.

“Huh? This · · ·. This is the first time I’ve seen this. ”

“Is this the dress on your side of the world? ”

“It’s a little tight. I’ll get dressed.”

The three of them dressed according to Min-hyuk’s words. For the record, it was never a dirty outfit.

What · ·. Although it is often dressed as an AV according to human preferences, it was never the clothes themselves that made use of it in your industry.

It was a women’s suit worn by three people.

“Well, good. Put your head on it. Renee, you wear glasses. ”

Min-hyuk said so, and he directly coached three people.

In front of Min-hyuk, three very talented career women appeared.

He had the same sense as an excellent secretary with intelligence and beauty.

‘They’re actually good. ’

Min-hyuk thought so, and shared it with the three of them, giving them directions and letters.

“Take this and do as I say. ”

Min-hyuk instructed three women who had transformed into career women.

The people were originally ordinary people living on Earth.

I worked pretty hard on my job in front of graduating from university, but I was going to be a social worker soon because I lowered my eyelevel so much.

And I followed my friends to an idol concert.

It was not that interesting to Idol, but I just followed it with interest in the sense of relieving stress before becoming a social person.

But I had no idea that I was going to die because of IS terrorism.

After all, he was resurrected into this world and quickly adapted to this harsh reality.

I learned about it at the Temple with friends I used to know, so I registered as an adventurer with friends who made friends and settled down to catch Orcs reliably.

Since it was a five-person party, if you did not peel off nearly ten Orc Lamps a day, it would not be profitable, but if you think it is still early, it was quite capable.

Many foreigners who entered this world with motive were still hesitant about how to live. Even though they were on the road as adventurers, the man was doing well compared to those living with Goblin eyes and muscles.

But man’s greed is boundless.

He was thirsty in a better future.

“Tsk, is there any good way? ”

Choi Jinsoo, a friend who heard the soliloquy of the people, asked.

“What are you talking about? ”

“How to boost the power of the party now. It’s a dark future just by peeling off an Orc’s back. ”

“Don’t worry too much. You cry better than the others, though, don’t you think? ”

“That’s right. The youngsters who came to this city with me and the people are still digging Goblin eyes. ”

Choi Jin-su, a friend, and Kim Ji-min, a high-school colleague who came to this world, comforted the public.

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