Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The ABC of Elementary Cultivation Method

The first thing Ning Tao did when he came back to the Sky Clinic was to open the ledger of bamboo slips and check the rent balance. When he saw the 107 points of sins of evil intention, he was so excited that he almost cried.

The clinic was quiet. A black smoke curled up from the good-evil tripod, like a snake dancing in the air.

Ning Tao closed the ledger and walked towards the good-evil tripod. Before he was close to the tripod, he felt a ghostly and evil breath coming for him. He carefully approached the side of the tripod and found a small pool of dark liquid at the bottom of the tripod, which was the source of the black smoke dancing like a snake.

The good-evil tripod, which had been empty before he treated Ron, now had this small pool of black liquid, and there was a balance of 107 points of sins of evil intention on the ledger. All this seemed to show that the black liquid was the sin of evil intention that was extracted from Jiang Yilong!

Suddenly, the good-evil tripod buzzed.

Startled, Ning Tao took a small step back, but then he was attracted to the tripod.

After the buzz, the crisscross river-like pattern inside the tripod began to shine, and became brighter and brighter. Then the pattern at the bottom was like the stars in the sky falling into rivers!

A rent of sin of evil intention seemed to have awakened both the good-evil tripod and the clinic and turned them on. If the Sky Clinic was compared to a car, the good-evil tripod was the engine of the car, the good-evil rent being the fuel, and Ning Tao being the driver who could start the car!

In a twinkling of an eye, something appeared inside the tripod and sparkled.

Ning Tao’s eyes popped in surprise because there were some traditional Chinese characters and patterns!

It was the ABC of elementary cultivation method.

At the sight of those words, Ning Tao got confused.

He could understand the meaning of the ABC of cultivation method and the meaning of the elementary cultivation method, but what did the ABC of elementary cultivation method mean? Was there the ABC of intermediate cultivation method and the ABC of advanced cultivation method?

However, Ning Tao did not have any other choice. The nameless medical book that Chen Pingdao gave him was not about cultivation methods. If he wanted to live and became a true practitioner, he must practice the ABC of elementary cultivation method.

The characters and patterns in the tripod were constantly changing.

Ning Tao stared them intently, afraid of missing a word. When he was highly concentrated, he seemed to establish a mysterious connection with the good-evil tripod, a same tripod with the same words and patterns emerging in his mind.

These patterns were pieced together to form a human figure.

The words were incorporated into the human figure, some flowing in the meridians, some in the brain around the sea of consciousness…

The ABC of elementary cultivation method was a vulgar name, but it was by no means simple. Through the magical deductive method, Ning Tao, who had never really practiced cultivation method, got the point.

The ABC of elementary cultivation method was divided into two parts. The first part was the cultivation method of gathering the energy of good and evil to refine spiritual power, and the second part was the skill of transforming spiritual power into the necessary fire for alchemy.

A short while later, the words and patterns in the tripod disappeared and the black smoke filled the air. Remarkably, whenever Ning Tao thought about the ABC of elementary cultivation method, the good-evil tripod and the disappearing words and patterns would come to his mind.

Ning Tao comprehended the cultivation method in his mind again and again, and then got a recognition—”I’m different from others. I’m a natural go-between of good and evil, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is useless for my cultivation. What I need is the energy of good and evil.”

At this moment, what lingered in the good-evil tripod was the evil energy of sins of evil intention, namely the material that needed in his cultivation. From this perspective, he and the Sky Clinic were inseparable and integrated.

When he understood most of the ABC of elementary cultivation method, Ning Tao started his first practice.

To his disappointment, his practice was not smooth even with the cultivation method and evil energy.

The first attempt failed.

The second one failed.

The third one failed.

He failed again…

Despite failing again and again, Ning Tao didn’t give up.

Finally, he felt a cool and refreshing energy coming from the depth of point between his eyebrows!

Between the eyebrows was the Niwan acupoint. It was a person’s spiritual point, the collection of vitality, the source of body fluid, the room of the soul. It was also the most important point for a practitioner. In short, it was the core of a man!

The little bit cool energy in the Niwan acupoint was a practitioner’s spiritual power.

However, the trace of spiritual power was not practiced by Ning Tao himself, but was given by Chen Pingdao when he bit Ning Tao.

Yet, Ning Tao still got excited about it. After that he kept trying as if he were possessed.

He kept on after a failure.

On and on…

He did not know how long he had been practicing.

All of a sudden, there was a slight vibration in Ning Tao’s Niwan acupoint. Then, a trace of evil energy from the good-evil tripod flew to the point between his eyebrows and plunged into it.

At that moment, Ning Tao felt as if he had fallen into a dark grave. The feeling of coldness, eeriness, horridness, and other uncomfortable sensations swept over every nerve. Hatred and anger filled his heart, making him want to destroy everything. He also had an insatiable dark desire. He wanted to plunder everything but he could not!

It was worse than death!

A little scared, Ning Tao stopped practicing. Then the pain and horror subsided.

Ning Tao lost himself in thought and then understood. “Good and evil,” he murmured, “good and evil, good and evil need to maintain a balance, so as to achieve the state of mutual restriction, and the practice can be successful. In the good-evil tripod, there was only evil energy of sins of evil intention and no good energy of merits of good intention. If I keep practicing like this, I’ll probably be dead before the Sky Clinic takes a cut of my life. So I have to earn a sum of merits of good intention as soon as possible.”

After a while, the pain completely disappeared and Ning Tao calmed down. He closed his eyes and tried to sense the spiritual power he had developed. At first, he had no idea what to do with it. After a few attempts he came up with the trick he had learned from the ABC of elementary cultivation method. He imagined his body not in the real world, but in the inner world that he imagined.

In the description of the ABC of elementary cultivation method, the inner of a person’s body was equal to a world, and the Niwan acupoint was located in the center of the world, and was the core existence and the central palace of the physical world. As long as the mind of the practitioner was focused enough and the innate spirituality was strong enough, he could enter the physical world and see his palace.

One of Chen Pingdao’s little Nirvana Elixirs awakened Ning Tao’s innate spirituality. So Ning Tao had what it took to enter his physical world.

After several more attempts, Ning Tao finally succeeded in entering his physical world. There, he saw the white sky and the white earth, and the “central palace” standing in the heart of the white heaven and earth. He was instantly stunned by what he was seeing.

What he imagined was a splendid palace, but in front him was a whirlpool mire. It was not even a thatched hut, let alone a grand palace.

Two creatures that Ning Tao did not know whether they were snakes or fish struggled in the mire. One was black and white, the other black as ink.

When Ning Tao saw them, they were evenly matched, but in a flash the inky one had the upper hand. It wrapped itself around the black and white one, and swallowed it in a few bites. Then the inky one was noticeably fatter than seconds ago.

Looking at the sence, Ning Tao suddenly understood. “Isn’t that the spiritual energy I just developed? That black and white one must be the spiritual energy that delivered to me by Chen Pingdao,” he cried.

Then the inky spiritual energy plunged into the mire and disappeared.

Ning Tao’s mind exited the physical world. He sighed in his heart, “If I don’t practice, I may not see such a magical scene in my life. My Niwan acupoint is an ugly mire. Rex’s Niwan acupoint should be a palace.”

Ning Tao began to try to awaken the spiritual energy he had trained himself.

After many attempts, he clearly felt a shiver in his Niwan acupoint, and then the spiritual energy came out of the Niwan acupoint and ran through his body. Wherever it went, the part became cold.

Ning Tao drew the spiritual energy into his palm, and then there was a distinct black line, like a palm print. When he drew it to his fist, and the black line was added to his fist.

Having played enough, he came up with a bold idea. He walked to a stone wall of the clinic and punched it.


“Ouch!” Ning Tao let out an exclamation and covered his fist with the other hand.

He thought that with a little spiritual power, he would be stronger. But the fact showed that his strength did not increase, and nor had his fist hardened. He could not yet use the spiritual power for alchemy, talismans or magic arts.

“What is your function?” Looking at the inky spiritual energy swimming around on the back of his hand, Ning Tao felt a little helpless.

Out of control, the inky spiritual energy returned to his Niwan acupoint.

Dare not continue to practice spiritual energy beside the good-evil tripod, Ning Tao opened the door carrying the small wooden box.

The moon was shining brightly, and Garden Street was deserted without even a soul.

“Oh my god, I spent a day and a night in the clinic!” gasped Ning Tao in surprise.

What shocked him even more was that he was still full of energy and did not feel a bit tired when he hardly had a rest in the past day and night!

High energy and difficulty in getting tired were the benefits of cultivation.

“I’m going to study the acupuncture in the nameless medical book tonight. There are only four Primary Elixirs that Chen Pingdao gave me, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to refine it on my own. I can only use the acupuncture.” Ning Tao wondered, locking the door and leaving.

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