Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The Violent Boyfriend

Located by Jialing River in the city, the Hiding Dragon Club was the top club in Shan City, so people who came here for dinner and entertainment were either rich or had high social status.

Near noon, a taxi arrived at the gate of the club. As the car door opened, Ning Tao and Jiang Hao got off.

Jiang Hao, of course, didn’t wear her uniform. She wore a black dress with matching heels. She was already tall and slim, so this dress made her look over 1.8 meters tall, almost as tall as Ning Tao. Coupled with her natural elegant and magnificent aura, she attracted much attention as soon as she appeared.

Ning Tao didn’t take his small wooden box, but he had got the Sacred Needles with him. He did not change, still in his short-sleeved shirt with a washed-out collar, wrinkled trousers, and paint-shedding leather shoes.

The appearance of the graceful and unapproachable Jiang Hao and the loser Miracle Doctor Ning immediately drew many people’s attention, and some whispers.

“That woman is so tall and beautiful.”

“Who is that poor guy? Why is he walking with such a gorgeous woman?”

“I’ve never seen such a tall and pretty woman, but who’s that guy?”

Ning Tao didn’t care others comments. He was poorly dressed, but his aura of confidence and calmness that was due to his cultivation was unable to get no matter how expensive clothes others wore.

“Are you regretting tearing up the check for a million yuan?” asked Jiang Hao, leaning close to Ning Tao’s ear.

Ning Tao grinned and replied, “Would you mind not mentioning the million? I have never regretted the decision I made, and you can’t convince me to change my mind.”

“You are really an enigma,” sighed Jiang Hao. Then she suddenly reached out and took Ning Tao’s arm.

Ning Tao’s arm stiffened, but just as he was in startle, Jiang Hao’s arm tightened and she pulled him toward the gate of the Hiding Dragon Club.

A staff of the club got in their way.

Jiang Hao showed the invitation.

The staff checked it, then glanced at Ning Tao, and said, “Sorry, Miss Jiang, your invitation only has your name on it, so you can only go in by yourself.”

Jiang Hao frowned and questioned, “Why?”

“Sorry, Mr. Jiang has booked the whole club today, and he has made it a point not to let the irrelevant people in,” explained the staff.

The news made Ning Tao’s heart sink. He seemed to anticipate something. He began, “Please… ”

But before Ning Tao could finish, Jiang Hao went on, “He’s my boyfriend, and the Mr. Jiang you’re talking about is my father. If you keep blocking me and my boyfriend, I’ll have my father come over and tell you himself.”

“I… ” The staff’s eyes were filled with surprise. How could this guy, who didn’t dress as well as he did, be the boyfriend of Jiang Yilong’s daughter?

Just when he was stunned, Jiang Hao pulled Ning Tao into the club.

“Er… Don’t get me wrong. I was just dealing with the staff,” Jiang Hao said in a hushed voice.

Ning Tao awkwardly replied, “Never, never mind. I won’t take it seriously.”

As soon as he said that, Jiang Hao flushed a little, and then let go of his arm.

The entrance to the banquet hall of Hiding Dragon Club was covered with red carpet. Jiang Yilong and Zou Yumei were standing at the entrance, and Zou Yulin stood beside them, with a large group of strong men in suits standing behind him. Dressed like a gentleman, these men all appeared evil, and had a fierce look in their eyes.

The people who came to the party all had status in Shan City, except Ning Tao, so Ning Tao immediately became an alien.

Jiang Yilong’s expression changed when he saw Ning Tao.

Ning Tao met his eyes with a faint smile, but his eyes were a little cold.

He saved Jiang Yilong’s life, but Jiang Yilong didn’t invite him to the party. He didn’t really care about that, but there was one thing he had to care about—the prescription pact for sins of evil intention that he gave Jiang Yilong asked Jiang Yilong to give away all his money, but Jiang Yilong was throwing a big party at such a luxurious club. Obviously, he had no intention of giving away his fortune!

“Hao, come here, I have something to talk to you.” Jiang Yilong waved to Jiang Hao, beckoning her over.

“Dad, Doctor Ning is also here,” Jiang Hao reminded him.

Just then Jiang Yilong greeted Ning Tao, “Oh, Doctor Ning, you’re here.” After the simple greeting, he looked at Zou Yulin and said, “Yulin, please treat Doctor Ning for me. Don’t be a poor host.”

Zou Yulin came up to Ning Tao and said, “Doctor Ning, please come with me.”

Before Ning Tao spoke, Jiang Hao demanded coldly, “Where are you taking Doctor Ning?”

Zou Yulin smiled and said, “Jiang Hao, I’m your uncle. How could you talk to me like that? And what can I do to Doctor Ning when you, a superintendent, are here? Am I right, Doctor Ning?”

“Go ahead, Miss Jiang. I’ll go with Mr. Zou. I’ll see you later,” Ning Tao said in a placating voice.

“Be careful, see you later,” Jiang Hao stated and walked over to Jiang Yilong.

“Please, Doctor Ning,” Zou Yulin said and went in the opposite direction.

Joey walked behind Zou Yulin, but his eyes were on Jiang Yilong and Zou Yumei. “In the hospital Jiang Yilong was angry with Zou Yumei and Zou Yulin, and Zou Yumei and Zou Yulin really wanted him dead. Why did they make up after only two days?” he wondered.

Zou Yumei turned her eyes on Ning Tao, and a viperous look flashed across her eyes.

Ning Tao took his eyes off her and followed Zou Yulin.

As the noise faded away, Zou Yulin took Ning Tao to a small building. Then he opened the door and went in.

Ning Tao stopped at the steps and asked, “Mr. Zou, what place is this? What did you bring me here for?”

With a fake smile on his face, Zou Yulin replied, “Doctor Ning, my brother-in-law has prepared a great gift for you to thank for your magic hand. There are too many people outside to take it out. Come in and have a look.”

“Have you set a trap for me to fall into?” Ning Tao asked lightly.

Zou Yulin beamed and said, “Doctor Ning, you’re kidding. We did have an argument, but it was nothing and over. You are my brother-in-law’s lifesaver. How could I trick you? I’m not the kind of person to bite the hand that feeds me. Please trust me.”

“All right, I’ll go in and have a look.” Ning Tao stepped up the steps and entered the door. As he brushed past Zou Yulin, his right hand touched the back of Zou Yulin’s hand and his arm brushed Zou Yulin’s arm.

In a split second, a gleam of blue light flashed across the back of Zou Yulin’s hand, like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water.

Zou Yulin didn’t feel anything and turned to close the door.

Ning Tao pretended to be surprised and asked, “Mr. Zou, why did you close the door?”

Zou Yulin’s expression changed in an instant. “Some things are better done in the dark,” he said with a sneer.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of pithy and poignant bodyguards in suits and ties flooded into the living room from a passageway at the back of the building’s living room and immediately surrounded Ning Tao.

Ning Tao pretended to be scared and said, “What, what are you doing?”

“What are we doing?” Zou Yulin grunted coldly. “I’ll settle with you about what happened in the hospital!”

Ning Tao showed his weakness to him, saying, “I cured Mr. Jiang. I’m his savior. You can’t do this to me. Let me go, I will never bother you and Mr. Jiang anymore.”

“Ha ha ha!” Zou Yulin laughed. “You’re really just a naive student. Don’t you understand? It’s not just me getting even with you, it’s also Jiang Yilong’s idea. He doesn’t want to see you again. He asked me to teach you a lesson and let you stop bothering him. I’m telling you, it’s too late to beg me! I wanted to kill you when we were in the hospital!”

“You painted my door and wall, didn’t you?”

Zou Yulin replied in an icy tone, “Yes, so what? You were lucky to escape it last time. How dare you to come here!”

Ning Tao looked up at a surveillance camera in the corner of the living room.

“What are you looking at it for? I have had someone to shut them up,” Zou Yulin uttered.

Ning Tao tensely said, “What are you up to? I’m still a student!”

Zou Yulin ordered coldly, “Go!”

A big bodyguard swooped on Ning Tao and punched him in the back of the head with a hammer-like fist.

Before the bodyguard’s fist landed on the back of his head, Ning Tao turned his head sharply to avoid the fist as if he had eyes on the back of his head, and grabbed the arm of the big bodyguard from his shoulder. By dint of the force, he sidled, and yanked the bodyguard. The big bodyguard flew over his shoulder with a whistle.


The bodyguard weighing at least 100 kg was slammed to the ground by Ning Tao. For an instant the whole living room seemed to be trembling.

Ning Tao put his foot out and stomped on the bodyguard’s belly.

“Puff!” The bodyguard could not help but spit out a mouthful of things, including pieces of steamed stuffed bun and deep-fried dough sticks. Food and blood sprayed on his own face.

Everyone was stifled for a moment.

Ning Tao suddenly lunged forward and kicked one of the bodyguards in the abdomen. The bodyguard immediately screamed and flew up, hit a pillar before he fell on the ground hard and could not get up.

“Damn, what the hell are you still doing there? Beat him!” Zou Yulin thundered.

The bodyguards swarmed up on Ning Tao…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of blunt instruments hitting the body, the crack of wooden furniture and screams were constantly sounded in the small building.

In a few minutes.


The last strong bodyguard fell on his back and his nosebleed and teeth fell out of the air in at least two seconds.

There were only two people standing in the living room, Ning Tao and Zou Yulin.

Zou Yulin was completely dumbfounded. The bodyguards that he brought were all professional, who had learned martial arts and had plenty of practical experience. However, all ten of them were thrown to the ground! They couldn’t beat a college student!

Ning Tao walked over to Zou Yulin.

“Stay, stay away from me!” Zou Yulin shouted fearfully.

Ning Tao rubbed his waist and muttered, “You guys are so cruel. Your blows are so hard that I ache all over.”

Zou Yulin couldn’t resist looking at his bodyguard sprawled on the floor. Words could not express his shock.

Ning Tao passed by Zou Yulin and didn’t touch him. He opened the door and calmly walked out without even giving Zou Yulin a glance.

Zou Yulin looked at Ning Tao’s back until he was out of sight.

Suddenly, the back of his left hand was itchy and he scratched it subconsciously…

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