Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Eating His Candy and Working for Him

The children had gone out to buy candies, and the whole orphanage had become quiet, like a deserted place.

Under an old locust tree in the yard, Su Ya handed Ning Tao the medicine chest, acting like a thief who was caught on the spot. “Here is your box. You may go now.”

Ning Tao opened the box and checked it. Nothing in it was lost.

Su Ya also approached to look at the contents of the box. Ning Tao cast a glance at her and she hurried back, saying, “Your box is unlocked, but why couldn’t I open it?”

“There’s a mechanism in it.” Ning Tao stated.

Actually, he lied. He could open it because he was the owner of the Sky Clinic.

“You can leave now.” Su Ya urged.

“Let’s have a talk.” Ning Tao suggested.

There was a hint of caution in Su Ya’s dark eyes. “About what?”

“About director Zhou. I want to know about her and then treat her.” Ning Tao replied.

“Xiaoyu said you’re a doctor, but I don’t think so.” Su Ya stated.

Ning Tao was a little speechless before he asked, “Why do you think I’m not a doctor?”

Su Ya stared at him up and down, then into his eyes, and said, “Which hospital has a doctor who dresses like you in such a shabby way? And have you ever seen a doctor drink all the soup while having rice noodles?”

Ning Tao was tongue-tied.

“I warn you, I have friends in the Mob and they will protect me. You’d better not play tricks, or I’ll make you suffer for it!”

Ning Tao was furious and amused. “If you really have someone to protect you, you wouldn’t be hiding on the roof when I came. And the girls who have protectors have tattoos on their bodies, and you don’t.”

“I… I have! It’s covered by clothes, and you can’t see it!” Su Ya argued fiercely.

“I don’t believe you.”

Su Ya spat, “You hooligan!”

“If you don’t believe I’m a doctor, let me see you.” Ning Tao stated.

“Mental!” Su Ya swore.

Ning Tao didn’t mind it. His eyes and nose were instantly aroused after a move of his will. He saw that Su Ya’s body was wrapped in a colorful cloud of air, and the smell released by Su Ya’s body, including the smell of internal organs, also poured into his nose.

Su Ya savagely cried, “What are you still standing here for? I have already returned your box to you. If you don’t leave I will call the police!”

“You have a poor nerve because you’re stressed and depressed,” Ning Tao said. “Do you often lose sleep recently? Do you have nightmares even when you’re asleep? And do you wake up with a headache and sore eyes?”

Su Ya was stunned.

“But don’t worry. You’re young, and you can recover with a little adjustment.” Ning Tao then added, “Plus, your body lacks multivitamins because of partial diet and poor nutrition. What you lacking the most is the B vitamin, so the tips of your fingers have very thin skin, which often peels off, so your fingerprints are blurry, and particularly sensitive to heat. Your left leg bone was injured, but you didn’t get the treatment you needed. So your legs hurt in wet weather. Am I right about this?”

Shocked, Su Ya asked, “How, how do you know?”

Ning Tao answered, “You don’t have to know why I know this. I’m telling you this just to convince you that I have the ability to cure director Zhou, but I need your help.”

Su Ya was silent for a moment before she said, “What do you want me to do?”

Ning Tao conjured up a smile and stated, “I need a room with no windows. When I treat director Zhou, you guard the door and don’t let anyone in, including you. There is something else for you to do, but I cannot tell you at this moment. I will write it down on a piece of paper. You just have to follow the instructions on it.”

Su Ya looked straight into Ning Tao’s eyes. “You better not lie to me, or I…”

Ning Tao calmly waited for her threat.

“I’ll keep stealing your stuff all my life! I won’t leave you a pair of underwear!” After leaving the tough-talk, Su Ya strode away.

Ning Tao stared after her for a moment.

Su Ya was preparing the room when the children came back. They laughed and played, and the Sunshine Orphanage restored the original lively. Li Xiaoyu licked a lollipop as she stood guard at the door for Ning Tao, with a happy smile on her dirty little face.

In the tile-roofed house, Ning Tao took out the ledger of bamboo slips from the small medicine chest and put Zhou Yufeng’s hand on it.

Zhou Yufeng gave a weak sigh and said, “Doctor Ning, I know you’re kind to help me, but… I know my condition. The hospital said I had to change my liver to have any hope of surviving, but I have no money at all. I can’t even afford painkillers now, and I can’t pay you.”

Ning Tao comforted her, “Aunt Zhou, I don’t want your money. You don’t have to change liver. I can cure you.”

Tears welled up in Zhou Yufeng’s eyes. “You don’t have to comfort me. I knew my days are numbered. I’m not afraid of death, but I worry about the children in the orphanage. They have no family. Su Ya is still so young that she isn’t able to take care of so many children…”

“Aunt Zhou, don’t worry. I’ll help you.” Ning Tao took Zhou Yufeng’s hand off the ledger and opened it.

On the ledger appeared the content about director Zhou, “Zhou Yufeng, born on the seventeenth day of the sixth lunar month in the forty-fifth year in a cycle of sixty years; the first merit is to save and raise 16 abandoned babies, and to adopt 57 orphans… She owns 169 points of the merit of good intention. A prescription for merits of good intention would help to dissolve her disaster, cure her disease and prolong her life.”

The seventeenth day of the sixth lunar month in the forty-fifth year in a cycle of sixty years was the year of 1968, so Zhou Yufeng was actually not that old, and had just turned 50.

Zhou Yufeng’s high merits of good intention surprised Ning Tao. But that made sense. What made him sigh with feeling was that such a good person had such a disease and even could not afford painkillers.

Fortunately, there was always justice and Karma between heaven and earth. Good and evil would always be rewarded.

It seemed that the fate was unfair to Zhou Yufeng, but who knew whether Ning Tao’s arrival was also her fate.

Ning Tao put away the ledger and began, “Aunt Zhou, your illness can be cured and you will be healthier after the cure. You can live to be 100.”

Zhou Yufeng shook her head and said, “You don’t have to kid me to make me happy. I… Ahem… I know my situation very well…”

“Just believe me once, and give yourself a chance. Please let me treat you,” Ning Tao persuaded.

“I can agree with you, but you have to… ahem… promise me one thing,” Zhou Yufeng returned.

“Aunt Zhou, tell me. Whatever is it, I’ll promise you,” Ning Tao gently answered.

Zhou Yufeng looked at Ning Tao, and said, “I can tell you’re a good man. Can you help these children when I die? They are so pathetic…”

“Okay, I promise,” Ning Tao agreed.

Just then Li Xiaoyu’s voice rang out the door, “Sister Su Ya, you can’t go in!”

“You get out of my way.”

“No, unless you step on my corpse!”

Su Ya scolded her, “Li Xiaoyu, that’s enough. You were bought off with a piece of candy. You’re so easily fooled!”

Li Xiaoyu snorted, “I’m going to be a supermarket owner! I’ll eat as much sugar as I want, but I won’t sell it to you!”

Su Ya pushed the door open and came in. Li Xiaoyu, holding Su Ya’s hot pants, was dragged in. She was actually bought by Ning Tao’s candy. She had eaten his candy, so she worked for him.

“I have prepared the house as you asked. What else need I do?” Su Ya asked directly.

Ning Tao pushed the note that he prepared into her hand and said, “See it when I treat Aunt Zhou. Now help me to help Aunt Zhou up, I’ll carry her to that room.”

Su Ya put the note away and then helped Zhou Yufeng get on Ning Tao’s back.

After that, Ning Tao carried Zhou Yufeng out of the tile-roofed house and followed Su Ya to a room in the building. There was only one bed in the room. The sheets and quilts were fresh and clean. There was also a bedside table with Su Ya’s towels, basin and a thermos flask.

Ning Tao put Zhou Yufeng in bed and said to her, “Aunt Zhou, please wait a minute. I’ll be back after a few words with Su Ya.”

Zhou Yufeng just nodded without speaking. Apparently she didn’t trust Ning Tao to cure her. She cooperated with him because she believed Ning Tao would fulfill his promise— to help Su Ya take care of the children in the orphanage after her death.

Ning Tao called Su Ya out the room and told her, “Remember, no one, including you, is allowed to come in no matter what happens. I shall need about forty or fifty minutes, and then I will call you in when it finishes.”

Su Ya still kept her fierce look. “The same words, if you lie to me…”

Before she finished, Ning Tao turned and went in, closed the door and bolted it.

Looking at the closed door, Su Ya stubbornly finished what she was about to say, “I’ll keep stealing your stuff all my life! I won’t leave you a pair of underwear!”

Li Xiaoyu came over with the lollipop in her small mouth, and stood silent on the other side of the door.

Su Ya asked curiously, “Li Xiaoyu, what are you doing here?”

“Watch the door,” Li Xiaoyu grunted.

Su Ya rolled her eyes at Li Xiaoyu angrily and remembered the note Ning Tao had given her. She took out the note and opened it.

The note read, “Director Zhou has a high chance of memory loss after treatment. She’ll probably forget everything here. You need to tell her more about the past, take care of her, and help her readjust.”

Su Ya couldn’t help thinking of the scene when Ning Tao treated her under the old locust tree. She was confused, murmured, “How can he be so sure that director Zhou will have amnesia before he treats her? What a strange man… ”

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