Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 A Presentiment

The black and white spiritual power circulated through the neural network in Lin Qingyu’s brain. It was like a stream of sweet water flowing through the rivers, repairing their cracks and moistening the dry riverbeds deprived of water.

“How comfortable! I feel as if my body and mind are soaking in a hot spring and getting relaxed…” Lin Qingyu muttered. She had never been so relaxed since her nervous breakdown, and her head had never been so comfortable.

However, when she completely loosened up and enjoyed the nourishing and massage of Ning Tao’s spiritual power, the trace of the spiritual power suddenly left her body and returned to its owner’s Niwan acupoint.

Ning Tao yanked the four Sacred Needles off Lin Qingyu’s body. “It’s over. You can put on your clothes now.”

Lin Qingyu looked back at Ning Tao with a strange expression, keeping the tempting pose of lying on the sofa. “So soon?” She asked.

Ning Tao nodded and put the four Sacred Needles back in his small medicine chest.

“Can you do it again?” Lin Qingyu asked with a little eager light flashing across her eyes.

“It’s no use,” Ning Tao replied. “My acupuncture is unique. I can’t give you acupuncture as you want. More acupuncture is not good for your health. I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take medicine to get your nerves back on their feet.”

Lin Qingyu was a little disappointed. She got up from the sofa, took her shirt and coat off the sofa and put them on.

Ning Tao squatted by the tea table to write out a prescription for Lin Qingyu.

After getting dressed, Lin Qingyu suddenly bent over the tea table, with her hands on the carpet.

The unexpected gesture immediately drew Ning Tao’s eyes and his hand, which was writing, paused.

He saw that her breasts were like two high mountains hanging upside down, and that her cleavage was dimly visible. What a charming scene!

Lin Qingyu suddenly stared straight at Ning Tao with her two beautiful black eyes.

Their eyes met, as if the collision of spear and shield.

Lin Qingyu abruptly stood up and pulled her shirt unconsciously.

Ning Tao took his eyes off her and went on with the prescription seriously.

An awkward atmosphere prevailed in the office all of a sudden.

A few seconds later Lin Qingyu broke the silence. “My back doesn’t hurt anymore. It turns out that what they’ve said is true. You’re so young that I didn’t expect you had such great medical skills.”

Ning Tao didn’t reply anything, only to continue writing the prescription.

“I’m going to make a phone call,” Lin Qingyu said as she walked to the balcony. As she reached the balcony, she closed the glass door.

Ning Tao looked up at Lin Qingyu talking on her cell phone. Unfortunately, the glass door was so soundproof that he couldn’t hear her. He thought to himself, “How could a proud woman like you take off your clothes and let me do acupuncture? It would be strange if you didn’t have an ulterior motive…”

A few minutes later, Ning Tao finished the prescription and Lin Qingyu walked back to the office from the balcony.

Ning Tao handed her the prescription and said, “Here’s my prescription for you, Miss Lin. Go to the drugstore and buy medicines on the prescription. In addition, I’m really sorry that I practiced medicine in your company without asking your permission, so your medical fee will be waived. That’s all. Good-bye.”

Then Ning Tao walked to the door with his small medicine chest.

“Wait,” Lin Qingyu called and stopped Ning Tao again.

Ning Tao turned to look at her and asked, “Miss Lin, what else do you want?”

Lin Qingyu asked, “Can you do me a favor?” Before Ning Tao could respond, she added, “Don’t worry. Money is not the problem.”

“That depends on what you want me to do,” Ning Tao said blandly.

“My elder brother is ill and his health is getting worse. I want to invite you to my home and treat him,” Lin Qingyu stated.

That was what she had in mind, and that was why she was willing to take off her clothes and have Ning Tao practice acupuncture on her. She did it all for her big brother.

“What’s the matter with your brother?” Ning Tao inquired.

“I don’t know.”

“Didn’t he go to the hospital for a physical?”

“Yes, but the doctor didn’t find out what was wrong with him. His condition is strange and it’s hard to explain. You’ll see if you go and see him,” Lin Qingyu replied and her mood darkened a lot in the twinkling of an eye.


“I can’t leave just yet. How about this, give me your cell phone number, I’ll call you when I get off work, and then I’ll take you to my house to treat my brother,” Lin Qingyu proposed.

Ning Tao thought for a moment and then said, “All right, I’ll give you my phone number and you can call me after work.”

Ning Tao then left Lin Qingyu’s office after telling her his phone number.

Walking through the large office area, he overheard an employee secretly call out Lin Qingyu’s nickname “Destroy Nun”, which amused him. He couldn’t figure out why such a strange nickname could be given to such a proud and hot woman.

After leaving Blueprint Biotechnology Company, Ning Tao went to the Sunshine Orphanage instead of wandering about the streets and practicing medicine. He bought a lot of candy and children’s books. He wanted to see Zhou Yufeng, Su Ya and the lovely and funny girl, Li Xiaoyu.

As the taxi stopped at the roadside, Ning Tao got out of it and walked towards the gate of Sunshine Orphanage with his small medicine chest in one hand and a big bag in the other.

The paint-shedding iron gate was closed, and the building behind the yard walls was old and shabby, just as it had been when he had left last time.

Ning Tao frowned slightly and then wondered, “Didn’t Jiang Yilong donate five million yuan to the orphanage? Although Aunt Zhou had lost her memories of the orphanage, Su Ya could use the money to improve the conditions here. Why hasn’t anything changed here?”

At the gate, Ning Tao reached out and knocked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Wait a second.” Soon, a clear girl’s voice came from behind the gate.

A smile appeared on Ning Tao’s lips. He recognized Li Xiaoyu’s voice.

Then the iron gate opened a little and Li Xiaoyu’s little head came out through the crack. Her watchful expression turned to a smile as soon as she saw Ning Tao carrying a big bag. “Oh, Uncle Ning. Come on in, come on in… Wow, let me help you to take the bag!”

Ning Tao smiled and said, “Help me with the medicine chest.”

“No, let me carry the bag!” Without Ning Tao’s consent, Li Xiaoyu grabbed the big bag of candy and children’s books from Ning Tao’s hand. As a result, she and the bag fell to the ground the moment Ning Tao let go of the bag. The bag was too heavy and she was too small.

Ning Tao reached out and pulled her up, laughing. “I know you want candy, but you don’t have to be in such a hurry. Don’t worry, Uncle Ning has bought a lot of candy, everyone has a share.”

“I want a double,” Li Xiaoyu said.

“Why?” Ning Tao asked.

“Because I’m pretty and cute,” Li Xiaoyu responded and even made a cute gesture to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao couldn’t help laughing. “Well, Uncle Ning will give you some more sugar later.” He picked up the big bag which had fallen on the ground, walked in the door before inquiring, “Where is your Sister Su Ya?”

“Sister Su Ya went out last night and hasn’t come back yet,” Li Xiaoyu answered.

“She went out last night?” Ning Tao’s heart suddenly filled with curiosity and worry. “Did she say why she went out?”

Li Xiaoyu shook her little head and replied, “No.”

“Well, did she say when she would be back?” Ning Tao questioned again.

Li Xiaoyu shook her head again. “No.”

“Didn’t you call her?”

“I tried calling her with the phone in the orphanage,” Li Xiaoyu replied, “but Sister Su Ya’s cell phone was off.”

Ning Tao turned gloomy. “Where is director Zhou?”

“She went out after breakfast and hasn’t come back yet,” Li Xiaoyu answered.

“Hasn’t she told you that what she’s going to do or when she’ll be back?”

“I asked her, but she ignored me,” Li Xiaoyu said with an aggrieved look. “My friends and I haven’t had lunch yet. I’m starving.”

Li Xiaoyu’s words made Ning Tao poignant in his heart. He touched her little head and comforted, “Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll cook for you.”

Li Xiaoyu said sweetly, “Uncle Ning, you are so kind. The girl who will marry you will be very happy.”

Ning Tao chose not to reply.

Li Xiaoyu’s innocent words made him happy for a moment, but the happiness only lasted for a few seconds before his heart sank again. The fact that Su Ya had been away all day and night, and Zhou Yufeng had been away all day somehow made him uneasy and feel that something bad was happening.

Li Xiaoyu called out her friends. Ning Tao handed out the candy to the kids and then gave Ge Ming a call.

“Chopper, it’s Ning Tao. Do you have time now?”

“Yes, I have plenty of time,” Ge Ming replied, sounding a little self-deprecating.

“You sound strange today. What happened?” Ning Tao asked.

With a sneer, Ge Ming replied, “You might not believe this. My boss Jiang Yilong seems to have lost his mind. He had sold his shares in the company and gave money to various charities. Jiang Yilong is mean, but he is kind to his staff. When the new boss took over our company, he claimed that the market was tough and thus fired dozens of employees. I was one of them. Don’t you think I’ve got plenty of time for the time being?”

Ge Ming’s words made Ning Tao a little guilty. After pondering for a minute, he proposed, “Chopper, why… why don’t you come to the Sunshine Orphanage to be a cook and help take care of the children here?”

“Are you kidding?” Ge Ming asked in surprise. “I can’t even take care of myself. How could you ask me to take care of kids?”

“4,000 per month. Do you want the job? “Ning Tao asked directly.

“Wait for me. I’ll be right there!” Ge Ming accepted the job without hesitation.

After the call, Ning Tao went to cook a pot of noodles for the kids. While the children were eating noodles he came into Su Ya’s room.

Su Ya’s room was very simple, with only a bed, a lame small wooden table, a simple cloth closet and a plastic stool. The small wooden table was set beside the window, on which were cups, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and several romantic novels.

Ning Tao tried to call Su Ya in the room, but her phone was still turned off. He looked around the room for a clue to Su Ya’s whereabouts, but found nothing. Finally he sat down on Su Ya’s bed and activated his skill of smelling.

Hundreds of smell poured into Ning Tao’s nose, including one that smelled like fermented hormones but mixed with a little mysterious smell. All in all, the smell was strange.

Ning Tao quickly targeted it. Then he followed its source and bent over the edge of the bed. As he looked down under the bed, his brow creased…

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