Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Aristocratic Pride and Prejudice

Elegant Luster Mansions was located by the Jialing River, with mountains behind it, symbolizing backer, and rivers flowing by the gate, symbolizing rolling in money. It was said that it was the best place in Shan City in geomancy, and the people who lived in Elegant Luster Mansions were either rich or noble.

Lin Qingyu’s house was in Elegant Luster Mansions. It was a single villa with gardens in the front and back, and an outdoor pool and viewing platform on the roof. In a word, her family was extremely luxurious.

Ning Tao was led into the house by Lin Qingyu and met Lin Qingyu’s father and mother. Her father Lin Donghai was in his early fifties, appearing thin and refined. Her mother Fang Meiling looked like only in her thirties, who was not out of shape at all. Fang Meiling’s face was similar to Lin Qingyu’s and had no wrinkles. She was as beautiful as ever and looked like Lin Qingyu’s sister.

As soon as Ning Tao entered the room, Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling, who were sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea, focused their eyes on him.

Fang Meiling’s reaction was odd. Her face lit up with excitement when Ning Tao, a handsome, perfectly energetic young man who stood straight, followed her daughter through the door. However, as she was about to say hello to Ning Tao, she noticed that Ning Tao wore cheap clothes from a street stall with a shabby wooden box in his hand, and that to top it all off his leather shoes was paint-shedding. Instantly, the smile on her face disappeared, and there was a trace of contempt and vigilance in her eyes.

“Qingyu, who is this?” Fang Meiling asked in a frosty voice.

“Mom, this is Doctor Ning,” Lin Qingyu introduced. “I took Doctor Ning home to let him see my brother. Doctor Ning’s medical skill…”

Before Lin Qingyu could finish her sentence, Lin Donghai got up from the sofa. “Qingyu, is all your education in vain?” He snapped with a grim look on his face. “How can you trust a roving doctor? If this get out, our family will become the laughing stock of others!”

Fang Meiling added, “Qingyu, be careful in your interactions. Your brother’s sick, and I’m counting on you to help your dad run the company. Why are you so immature and random to bring people home?”

The couple’s reaction was not only full of doubts about Ning Tao, but also with a strong aristocratic prejudice and discrimination.

“It looks like I made the wrong decision to come here, Miss Lin,” Ning Tao said. “Well, I’m going home.” Then he turned and went away.

Lin Qingyu grabbed Ning Tao’s hand urgently and said, “Doctor Ning, please don’t leave.”

Ning Tao struggled a little, but Lin Qingyu clutched his hand to stop him from leaving.

“Dad, mom,” Lin Qingyu said anxiously. “Just hear me out, Doctor Ning has cured more than a dozen employees in our company. I also asked Doctor Ning to treat my lumbar spine disease and neurasthenia. His medical skills are amazing. I’ve seen them firsthand. My brother has been ill for nearly three months, all the big domestic hospitals could not cure his disease, and even could not find out the cause. Why don’t we give Doctor Ning a try?”

“Nonsense!” Lin Qingyu’s explanation not only did not make Lin Donghai have any compromise, but also made him really furious. “What do you think your brother is? How can I allow a roving doctor to treat my heir? Let him go. We have a very important guest this evening. I don’t want the honored guest to see any riff-raff in our family.”

“Qingyu, we’ve reached out to the best hospital in America. When they’re ready, we’ll take your brother there for treatment,” Fang Meiling went on. “I know you care about your brother, but you shouldn’t bring a quack into our house. You are the top student graduated from Beidu University. How can you trust his quack remedies?”

Lin Qingyu felt anxious and wronged, tears welling up in her eyes as beautiful as stars.

Fang Meiling turned to Ning Tao and said, “Well, you can leave now. I won’t let you come for nothing, I’ll give you 500 for the trip. Take a taxi yourself.”

“No,” Ning Tao refused courtly. “I’m not so poor that I can’t even afford a taxi. I don’t want the money for your trouble either. That’s it. Miss Lin, can you let go of your hand?”

Just then Lin Qingyu let go of Ning Tao’s hand in a slow and hesitant manner. She seemed very reluctant.

Ning Tao turned and headed for the door.

Ding-dong, ding-dong!

The doorbell rang suddenly.

Ning Tao, who had just reached the door, paused for a moment before he stretched out his hand to open the door. As a man came into sight, he was stunned.

The man standing outside the door was Jiang Yilong.

Jiang Yilong also froze. Apparently, he never thought Ning Tao would open the door for him at Lin Donghai’s house.

“Oh, Mr. Jiang, here you are. Come on in, come on in,” Fang Meiling immediately came to greet Jiang Yilong.

Lin Donghai also came over with a kind smile on his face. “Here comes Mr. Jiang. You really grace my house with your presence. I’ve got a nice bottle of wine. Let’s drink it while talking later.”

It turned out that Jiang Yilong was Lin Donghai’s guest of honor.

Jiang Yilong, however, acted as if he didn’t hear Lin Donghai or Fang Meiling talking to him. He looked at Ning Tao and nervously asked, “Master… Master Ning, why are you here?”

Ning Tao didn’t say anything and he made way for Jiang Yilong.

Jiang Yilong became more nervous. He didn’t dare to go the way that made by Ning Tao, so he stood at the door.

Fang Meiling didn’t see Jiang Yilong’s reaction at all. She walked up to the door, stuffed 500 yuan straight into Ning Tao’s hand, and said, “Go. We have a distinguished guest. You must not stay here any longer.”

Ning Tao let go and dropped the 500 yuan on the floor.

Lin Donghai questioned coldly, “Do you think I’m underpaying you? You want me to call security!”

Before Ning Tao could say anything, Jiang Yilong suddenly asked emotionally, “What’s going on? What’s the matter?”

Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling couldn’t help but glance at each other. Their eyes were all full of confusion.

Lin Qingyu was also very surprised and asked, “Uncle Jiang, you…”

Jiang Yilong suddenly pointed at Lin Donghai’s nose and swore, “Damn you! How dare you talk to Master Ning like that? Are you courting death?”

“What?” Lin Donghai was shocked by Jiang Yilong’s reaction.

Fang Meiling was also stunned. Shan City was not big, and the top circle was actually small. She knew Jiang Yilong’s identity and status very well. Even though Jiang Yilong had a wealthy background, he shouldn’t lose his cool like this.

Yet this was only the beginning.

Jiang Yilong kicked the money off the ground and reprimanded angrily, “Do you know what you’re doing? You’re insulting Master Ning!” He pointed to Fang Meiling’s nose and shouted, “If it weren’t for our long connection, I’d punch you at once!”

“You…” Fang Meiling was transfixed by Jiang Yilong’s curse.

Lin Donghai was also one of the few famous entrepreneurs and billionaires in Shan City. He had never been scolded like that before. But considering that the thing was a little strange, he held back his anger and asked, “Mr. Jiang, what’s wrong with you? Is there some misunderstanding?”

As he finished, Jiang Yilong burst out again, shouting, “Misunderstanding? Do you know who this is? This is my savior Master Ning! Without Master Ning, there would be no me. That you are disrespectful to Master Ning means that you are going to mess with me!”

Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling’s eyes all fell on Ning Tao’s face, dumbfounded. They couldn’t understand why Jiang Yilong, a rainmaker in both underworld and government, called a poor young man, who dressed in the clothes worth no more than 100 yuan, “Master”.

Lin Qingyu also turned her eyes to Ning Tao, her eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

Ning Tao’s face, on the other hand, remained calm without any obvious change. He was a natural go-between of good and evil, the owner of the Sky Clinic, who could not only cure all diseases but also enforce justice on behalf of Heaven. Anyway, he held aloof from the world. Was it worthwhile feeling glad because of Jiang Yilong’s deliberate ingratiation? Besides, was it worthwhile getting angry because of Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling’s discrimination? It was not worth it. Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling thought they were superior to others and were the elites of the world, but in his eyes, they were not elites but just richer than ordinary people.

“You… You’re not mistaken, are you?” Asked Lin Donghai after he startled for a short while. Until now he couldn’t believe what was happening.

“Lin Donghai, shut up!” Jiang Yilong was still overreacting. “You are blind but I am not! Master Ning, how do you want to handle this? I’ll do it for you even if I will be smashed to pieces!”

His words immediately made Lin Donghai and Fang Meiling nervous.

“Jiang Yilong, why do you still like to threaten people?” Ning Tao questioned. “When can you get rid of this habit? It makes me…”

Before Ning Tao could finish, Jiang Yilong was horrified. Regardless of the presence of Lin Donghai, Fang Meiling and Lin Qingyu, he got down on his knees with a flop in front of Ning Tao and said in panic, “I was wrong, I was wrong… Master Ning, please don’t angry. I’ll change. I’ll definitely get rid of the habit!”

The present Lin family was dumbfounded again.

Jiang Yilong’s reaction was off the mark. A big shot like him went down on his knees to apologize due to Ning Tao’s light and unthreatening remark. What was going on here?

Ning Tao reached out and helped Jiang Yilong up. “Why do you kneel so easily? I’m telling you, I will have a fit if you do this again. I was going to say you embarrassed me. What did you think I was trying to say?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Jiang Yilong repeated obsequiously, “I remember, I won’t embarrass Master Ning from now on.”

“What are you doing here?” Ning Tao asked casually.

Jiang Yilong answered immediately, “I came here to sell a land and then I took the money to build Hope Primary Schools in poor mountainous areas. My lot has a great opportunity to add value and several companies are competing for it. I thought that Lin Donghai was discerning, and we used to have pleasant cooperations, but I did not expect that he dared to make you unhappy, Master Ning. I’m leaving right now. I’d rather donate that land to the government than sell it to him!”

“That’s your business, not mine. Just remember what you have to do,” Ning Tao said and walked past Jiang Yilong and out the door.

“Master Ning, I’ll see you off.” Jiang Yilong went out with him, not even casting a glance at Lin Donghai.

Lin Donghai panicked, and hurried out, begging, “Mr. Jiang, Doctor Ning, don’t leave please! I’m really sorry about what just happened. I… It was a misunderstanding.”

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