Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 A Fierce Tiger in Sheep’s Clothing

It was Yang Hai who asked Ning Tao to stop. Beside him stood four fierce looking young men, all tattooed, who were obviously not good persons.

Ning Tao guessed from his phone conversation with Ge Ming that Yang Hai tried to pick on him with a bunch of hooligans. But he didn’t expect that they found him as soon as he hung up the phone. Had it happened before yesterday, he might have turned to run away. Now he would not hide, not even thinking of it.

Ning Tao looked at Yang Hai with a bright smile on his face and asked, “Yang Hai, my old classmate, what do you want to see me about?”

“What do I want to see you about?” Yang Hai sneered. “You know what you’ve done!”

Ning Tao shrugged and said, “I’ve done more than I can remember. What are you talking about?”

“Damn, you recommended the love hotel to me yesterday, and then you called director Tang to tell on it!” Yang Hai thundered. “While I was in the bathroom with Tang Ling, her dad kicked the door open!”

Ning Tao was speechless at what Yang Hai said.

“You recommended the hotel to me. If you didn’t tell on director Tang, who did it?” Yang Hai snapped as his eyes grew colder. “Not only that, but you dare to beat Chief Ma!”

The smile on Ning Tao’s face disappeared and his voice turned frosty. “Now that you mention it, let’s talk about it. You bribed Ma Fuquan to take my place. What are you going to do about it?”

Yang Hai was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that when he brought four hooligans to come to Ning Tao and make trouble, Ning Tao wanted to settle the matter of taking his place without showing the slightest fear!

“Are you deaf?” Ning Tao’s voice grew colder. “I’m asking you, how are you going to deal with this matter?”

“Hahaha…” Yang Hai laughed angrily. “Damn you, did you get your head caught in the door? You really think I can’t beat you because we are in campus? Guys, beat him!”

The four tattooed men pounced on Ning Tao.

Ning Tao turned and ran.

“Chase!” With a roar, Yang Hai started to run after Ning Tao.

Ning Tao didn’t run towards the school gate, but towards the wood near the playground. He slowed down deliberately, and looked back after running for a while, in case Yang Hai and the four tattooed men fell too far behind to catch up with him.

Entering the wood, Ning Tao stopped in a woodland glade.

Yang Hai and the four tattooed men chased him into the woods. The four tattooed men dispersed quickly and blocked all the escape routes.

Yang Hai walked over to Ning Tao with a cold smile on his face. “Do you have any way to go? Where are you going?”

The moment these words were spoken, Ning Tao slapped Yang Hai in the face.


The clear slap rose from the wood.

Yang Hai froze for a second before his involuntary put his hand over his face and looked at Ning Tao in horror. There was a question mark as big as an egg in his mind. “How dare this guy slap me in the face without hesitation when I took four people?” He wondered.

The four tattooed men instantly charged Ning Tao.

Ning Tao lifted his leg and kicked the tattooed man in the abdomen who lunged at him from the front. With a thud, the man was kicked back and hit his back hard against a tree before falling to the ground.

Another tattooed man hugged Ning Tao from behind.

Ning Tao jerked his head up and smashed the back of his head into the man’s nose. The man’s nose bled like a faucet and he let go of his hold on Ning Tao in pain. Ning Tao turned around and kicked him in the stomach. He fell to the ground and slid backwards for several steps before stopping, never getting up again.

The other two tattooed men who were about to jump on him stopped and looked at Ning Tao in fright.

But the next second, Ning Tao jumped right in front of them…

Bang, bang, bang!

The two tattooed men fell down, black and blue all over.

Yang Hai was completely dumbstruck.

He had thought it would be a group of wolves fighting a sheep, but unexpectedly the sheep was a fierce tiger in sheep’s clothing!

Ning Tao walked over to Yang Hai, his eyes holding a stern look.

“Get away from me!” Yang Hai was afraid and stepped back. After a few steps, he tripped over a stone and fell down.

Ning Tao took a step forward and stomped heavily on the vital area between Yang Hai’s legs.

“Ah—” Yang Hai immediately let out a scream and wailed, “Don’t step on that… It’s going to break, it’s going to break…”

Suddenly a beam of torchlight flashed through the trees, and a voice shouted, “Who’s in there? Which class are you from? Come out!”

It was the school security.

Ning Tao then lifted his feet between Yang Hai’s legs and left in the other direction.

Ning Tao calmed down when he came out of the wood. In retrospect, he thought that it was pretty fantastic.

“Chen Pingdao just gave me a little bit of cultivation and I’ve become so powerful. Will I be stronger if I start on the path of cultivation?” Ning Tao thought. “I want to be a cultivator!”

After leaving school, Ning Tao took a taxi to Garden Street. He could have opened a door with the key and gone back to the clinic, but that required his blood. Since there was no place for it, and he saw no need for it, he gave up the shortcut.

After returning to the clinic, Ning Tao found a small wooden box and filled it with the account book, bamboo slips, medicine bottles, prescription labels and other things. It might a medicine chest belonging to one of the owners of the clinic. It was suitable in size and unusual. It looked like made of rosewood, but it was heavier than an iron box of the same size. Ning Tao knocked on the wooden box with something sharp, but no trace was left on it!

Half an hour later, Ning Tao was in Liberating Square.

“Tao.” It wasn’t long before Ge Ming showed up. He was a little chubby with a harmless round face.

Ning Tao walked up to him and asked, “Have you found out what I asked you to inquire?”

“You haven’t told me what you’re going to do with my boss’ daughter. Tell me first.” Ge Ming said and stood still.

“I’m going to treat her father.” Ning Tao replied.

Ge Ming was stunned, looking perplexed for a moment. “Tao, you are making me confused. I know you are a medical student, and I can understand you treating my boss, but what do you want with her daughter?”

“His wife wants him dead right now. I’m sure I can cure him, but I need his daughter to take me to him, dumb.” Ning Tao replied.

“Brilliant!” Ge Ming grinned. “Come with me and I’ll drive you to her hotel.”

Ning Tao followed him and casually asked, “You bought a car?”

“Yeah,” Ge Ming said proudly. “I have a car now. My next goal is to find a girlfriend.”

Ning Tao smiled, genuinely happy for Ge Ming.

In the parking lot, Ge Ming opened a battered Wuling Sunshine and got into the driver’s seat. Then he looked at Ning Tao who was in a daze and cried, “What are you doing there? Get in the car!”

Ning Tao got into the passenger seat and insincerely flattered, “Nice car.”

“Hey, of course it’s a nice car. It cost me 5,000.” Ge Ming said while turning the key and starting the car.

Toot, toot…

Two minutes later the Wuling Sunshine finally started and headed for the hotel.

Ning Tao had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he couldn’t say a word. He just muttered to himself, “If a woman has a crush on Ge Ming because of this car, there must be something wrong with her eyes!”

On the way, Ge Ming handed Ning Tao his cell phone and said, “There is a photo of my boss’ daughter in the album. Have a look, in case we don’t recognize her even if we bump into her later.”

Ning Tao opened the phone album and a picture of a young woman appeared on the screen.

The woman in the photo wore gym shorts, tank tops, and boxing gloves. She was tall and had long legs, with obvious muscle tone and definition, which did not rob her of her feminine beauty, but gave her a feeling of valor and strength. Unfortunately, as this was a profile, plus the hair to cover part of her face, Ning Tao could not make out her face.

Somehow Ning Tao had a sense of familiarity with the woman in the photo. But that idea was quickly dismissed. How could he have met Jiang Yilong’s daughter?

“Her name is Jiang Hao,” Ge Ming introduced. “The guy who gave me the photo told me that she seemed to be a cop. She lives with her mother in Beidu and seldom comes here. By the way, my boss’ name is Jiang Yilong and his current wife is Zou Yumei. I tell you all this before you ask me again.” Then he added, “Tao, refuel my car with gas of 100 yuan later. I spent all my money on the car.”

Ning Tao was speechless momentarily.

The Wuling Sunshine traveled halfway across town and ended up in front of a Seven Days Inn.

To Ning Tao’s surprise, as a billionaire’s daughter, Jiang Hao stayed at such a cheap hotel.

Without any inquiry or registration from the hotel reception desk, Ge Ming took Ning Tao directly through the lobby and into the elevator, and then came to Jiang Hao’s room.

“I’m not sure it was a good idea,” Ge Ming said. He was a little nervous for no reason.

Unlike Ge Ming, Ning Tao had no sense of tension. He reached out and knocked on the door without hesitation.

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