Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The Fake Doctor and His Clinic

Jiang Hao released Zou Yumei’s hand and looked at Ning Tao with a little anger and doubt in her eyes. She didn’t expect that Ning Tao was a senior without a medical license. The fact startled her.

Ning Tao didn’t explain, and only calmly said, “Miss Jiang, if you believe me, just give me a chance. It’s also giving your father a chance; If you don’t believe me, you can turn me out at any time.”

Jiang Hao’s mouth twisted, but she didn’t say anything.

“Who’s making that noise?” A man’s loud voice suddenly came from the corridor, sounding angry.

Tang Ling took a look in the direction of the voice and answered, “President Chen, someone is pretending to be a doctor and insisting on seeing one of our patients. I tried to stop him, but he hit me.”

“Who is so bold?” A man came up, followed by two hospital guards.

He was Chen Zhengyi, the president of the Shan City Medical University. He seldom worked on duty and didn’t expect such a situation to happen today.

“Who hit my staff?” Chen Zhengyi snapped as he entered the ward.

“No one hit your staff,” Ning Tao hurriedly replied.

“President Chen, this is Ning Tao, a senior in Shan City Medical University,” Tang Ling said. “He’s the one who is pretending to be a doctor and cheated our patient here. Besides, he hit me!”

“Do you look like a wounded person when you’re in great shape?” Ning Tao asked.

“You… ” Tang Ling was speechless.

“You are Ning Tao?” Chen Zhengyi scowled. “As a senior, you didn’t pass the internship assessment and don’t even have a medical license. How dare you come here and pretend to be a doctor? Give me a convincing reason, otherwise, I will not only call the police to arrest you, but also ask the school to expel you!”

Ning Tao still remained his composure. “I just did my friend a favor and came to see her father. I didn’t do anything wrong. Why should the school expel me?” he asked.

Tricked by Chen Pingdao, and becoming the owner of the Sky Clinic, he did not care about the graduation certificate now. All he wanted was the good and evil values for rents!

Chen Zhengyi laughed angrily and cried, “You are so stubborn. I will call the police now.”

Then he took out his cell phone to make a call.

“No need to call the police, I’m a cop,” Jiang Hao said.

Chen Zhengyi stopped dialing and looked at Jiang Hao. “Who are you?”

“I’m Jiang Yilong’s daughter, Jiang Hao, and I work in the special police department in Beidu,” Jiang Hao said. “This is my identification.” She took out her identification, opened it, and presented it to Chen Zhengyi.

On the identification, Jiang Hao’s photo was stamped, along with the words “Special Operation Section.” It showed that Jiang Hao was a second-class superintendent, at the rank of deputy chief.

Chen Zhengyi’s expression suddenly changed and he said politely, “Oh, superintendent Jiang. May I know Ning Tao is your…?”

“He’s my friend, and I asked him here,” Jiang Hao replied.

Chen Zhengyi immediately put his phone away and said, “It turns out to be a misunderstanding. Superintendent Jiang, let me know if you need anything. I’ll make an exception.”

His attitude changed faster than opening a book because, in Hua Country, officials from Beidu rose to a higher rank when they were in other places. What was more, Jiang Hao was a second-class superintendent, and Chen Zhengyi, as the president of a local hospital, could not afford to offend her.

“Thank you, president Chen. Please give me a minute to have a word with Mr. Ning,” Jiang Hao said.

Chen Zhengyi nodded and gave Ning Tao a significant look, considering himself lucky to haven’t called the police.

Jiang Hao went over to Ning Tao. Ignoring the crowd, she leaned into his ear and whispered, “I don’t know what you’re hiding from me, but I’m willing to give you one last chance. Remember your promise. If you can’t keep it, I will make you pay it back double.”

Her sweet, hot breath rushed into Ning Tao’s ear. Ning Tao put up with the itchy feeling that her breath caused and whispered back, “Give me an hour and don’t let anyone into this ward. Come in in an hour. If I fail to cure your father, I’m at your disposal.”

Jiang Hao nodded, and then said to Chen Zhengyi, “President Chen, let’s go out and talk. Give Mr. Ning some space.”

“Sure,” Chen Zhengyi said. “Everybody, get out of here. Don’t disturb the patient’s rest.”

“No!” Zou Yumei was furious. “President Chen, this is the hospital. As the president, how could you allow a student without a medical license to treat my husband? If you don’t stop him, I’ll call the press right away?”

Chen Zhengyi’s face darkened. “He didn’t say he was going to treat the patient. He just visits the patient. Besides, it’s your family business, not mine.”

“No, no! Ask the security guard to take this guy away!” Zou Yumei got in Chen Zhengyi’s way and prevented him from leaving the room.

Jiang Hao frowned. Zou Yumei’s importunate pestering made her very angry, but Zou Yumei was her stepmother and she could not stop her with force.

“Miss Jiang, I am more and more suspicious that someone deliberately made your father ill,” said Ning Tao suddenly.

As soon as this was said, all eyes were on him.

“What?” Jiang Hao asked, in shock.

“I suspect someone poisoned your father to give him a stroke for some ulterior motives,” Ning Tao said.

“What are you talking about?” Zou Yumei shouted in an angry voice, spit flying from her mouth and splashing on Ning Tao’s face as she rushed to Ning Tao. “One more word of your nonsense, I’ll sue you for libel!”

“You’ve been trying to keep me from seeing Mr. Jiang. Are you guilty for what you’ve done?” Ning Tao demanded in a cold voice.

“You—” Zou Yumei was choked with anger.

Ning Tao then added, “The more you block me, the more suspicious you become. God knows if you are tired of Mr. Jiang because he is getting old. You don’t want to live with him anymore, so you tried to kill him and get his property.”

“Damn you!” Zou Yulin lunged at Ning Tao and raised his fist to punch him in the face.

Ning Tao grabbed Zou Yulin by the wrist, gave him a big push, making him out.

Zou Yulin staggered and fell back. Now he even wanted to kill Ning Tao! In recent years, he had made a big splash in Shan City relying on Jiang Yilong’s capital and connections. Now he was a respectable person. But tonight Ning Tao obviously didn’t take him seriously and made him lose face twice!

Not even throwing Zou Yulin a glance, Ning Tao added, “You know your motives. Mr. Jiang is a billionaire by any means. When he has a stroke, you didn’t put him in the ICU room but in this general ward. Doesn’t that mean you want him dead?”

“You… You… ” Zou Yumei was both furious and anxious, but she could not refute what Ning Tao said.

Ning Tao continued, “I heard that shortly after Mr. Jiang had a stroke, you took your lawyer to the company. Are you trying to transfer the property?”

“Nonsense! I didn’t!” Zou Yumei finally retorted, but her face turned pale and she felt cold sweats on her forehead.

Ning Tao returned, “Ms. Zou, you look so pale, what’s wrong with you? Oh, you have broken out a cold sweat. Are you really feeling guilty?”

“I… ” Without realizing it, Zou Yumei reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Jiang Hao grabbed Zou Yumei’s wrist and dragged her out of the room. “Get out of here! If what he said is true, I’ll never forgive you!”

Zou Yumei was extremely reluctant, but she did not dare to obstruct Ning Tao anymore. Otherwise, others would suspect that she had really poisoned Jiang Yilong.

Soon the ward was quiet.

Ning Tao reached out and closed the door. Then, uneasily, he moved the nightstand and pushed it against the door.

In the hospital bed, Jiang Yilong still kept his eyes closed, but Ning Tao noticed the liquid in the corner of his eyes.

Ning Tao pretended not to see it and diagnosed Jiang Yilong by looking and smelling.

Jiang Yilong did have a stroke because of the blood stasis congesting brain vessel syndrome and the cerebral hemorrhage. He was not poisoned and it was all caused by himself.

Ning Tao deliberately said that Jiang Yilong had been poisoned for a stroke, or how could he silence Zou Yumei?

After a quick diagnosis, Ning Tao opened the small wooden box he brought and took out the ledger of the Sky Clinic. Then he grabbed Jiang Yilong’s hand and put it on the ledger of bamboo slips.

Seconds later, Ning Tao took Jiang Yilong’s hand back and opened the ledger.

On the ledger of bamboo slips appeared a paragraph of content, “Jiang Yilong, born on the seventh day of the first lunar month in the forty-third year in a cycle of sixty years; the first sin is to abandon his wife and daughter; The second sin is to forcibly demolish houses, and to adultery with others’ wives and daughters… He owns 107 points of the sin of evil intention. A prescription for sins of evil intention would help him to be rid of his sin.”

The first lunar month in the forty-third year in a cycle of sixty years was January 1966, so Jiang Yilong was in his early fifties. The stroke was indeed a recompense due to his many sins.

Ning Tao put away the ledger, bit his finger and drew a circle with his blood on the wall behind the hospital bed. Then he added a dot in the circle to make it look like a door lock. After that, he removed the key to the old clinic wearing around his neck and held it in his hand, carefully inserting it into the blood lock painted on the wall.

The key was a real key, and the lock was a painted false lock. The two were close at once.

The moment the key touched the blood lock, Ning Tao obviously felt the impact of the key on the concrete wall. For a second his heart was breaking. If he could not open the door and get back to the clinic, what awaited him would be disastrous consequences!

All of a sudden, the blood lock on the wall moved, and then Ning Tao’s key suddenly got stuck in it.

“It’s true!” Ning Tao, in a thrill, grabbed the key and turned it.

The blood lock suddenly diffused, and the concrete wall where it passed disappeared like a flame burning a paper and was replaced by a big black hole, like a time tunnel in science fiction movies.

This was the convenient door of the Sky Clinic.

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