Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Putting the metal USB into the computer, Jiang Nan rubbed his small hands together and quickly checked it!

Could it be that there was some learning information or something like that?

Or was it the little surprise that the blonde beauty gave him?

Hey hey hey…

After it open, Jiang Nan was not surprised at all!

Inside was a string of extremely complicated codes that were written through a specific pattern, so complicated that it exploded!

"Oh… a series of code keys? Is the security level so high?"

To put it bluntly, this thing was a key, mainly used to crack the security program outside the document!

And the secret key used to crack the security program was already so complicated!

It was easy to imagine how complicated the security program was! fr𝒐m freewebnσvel.cøm.

Even with Jiang Nan's level, it was absolutely impossible to crack this level of security program without the secret key!

Hundreds of millions of combinations! How to break?

Compared to this thing, Dracula's biotechnology system was nothing!

"Where did the beautiful girl get this thing? Did she get involved in some trouble?"

Jiang Nan took out his phone and wanted to call Katrina!

However, he frowned and did not call, nor did he dare to send a WeChat message!

Before she understood the situation, it was better to do as Big Beauty instructed!

Otherwise, it might bring her trouble!

"Hmm? Interesting! This key also has a location?"

As soon as he poked the USB into the computer, this key had already sent out the IP address and satellite coordinates!

However, this little trick was nothing to Jiang Nan at all!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan was rather curious as to where exactly this secret key had sent the coordinates to!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's face was filled with excitement. He didn't even go to the cultivation room!

He directly chased after it through the transmission channel of the secret key…

"Oh? What kind of system protection is this? Is it at such a high level?"

"I'll just take a look! I won't go in! I'll just take a look!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan had completely transformed into a curious baby. His fingers danced wildly on the keyboard, and the code flew away!

Meanwhile, across the ocean, the underground base in Extended Mountain, on the other side of the ocean!

In the circular hall of the headquarters of the Star Shield Bureau!

A tall, blond man in a suit was looking at the document in his hand with a frown!

All the information displayed on the document was Katrina!

"White Shark? Tsk, tsk."

At this moment, a subordinate sitting in front of the computer excitedly said, "Sir! The secret key is connected to the Internet! The coordinates are sent!"

The blond man suddenly stood up. "What? Position! Quick! Inform the Condor Spirit Martial Organization! Prepare to capture them!"

The subordinate hurriedly opened the coordinates and could not help but be stunned!

"Empty? How is that possible? The IP address and coordinates are empty! This…"

The blond man glared. "What did you say?" freё

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

All of a sudden, a security alarm sounded in the hall, and the screen lit up with red "dangerous" stripes!

"Oh, my God! Sir! Someone attacked our system firewall!"

In just an instant, the entire circular hall became busy, and the sound of typing connected together!

The blond man sneered, "How reckless! Who dared to invade the Star Shield Bureau's system?"

As a national security department door, the system stored top-secret information. The system protection was definitely the world's top!

"Oh ho! Where did this person come from? The first defense has been broken!"

"Thank him! This person is the person who tracked the location of the secret key! It is the secret key he used!"

"No! What kind of speed is this! We can't react in time!"

"Quick! Activate the Star Shield Protective Net! We must not let him in!"

[Star Shield Protective Net activated!]

The system had been temporarily locked down. Even they could not freely use the information stored inside!

For a moment, everyone in the entire hall heaved a sigh of relief!

The blond man glared. "What do I want you to do? He is alone! You even activated the ultimate technique, the Star Shield Protective Net?"

"We are the Star Shield Bureau!"

The group of people looked at each other, their eyes full of embarrassment!

Those who could work here and be responsible for the security of the system were all top hackers in the country, programmers!

But just now, he was beaten up like this by someone?

He almost lost control!

"Sir, you don't know! This person is too fierce!"

"What the hell is this speed of cracking? I'm afraid that only the legendary Hulu Man can match this mysterious person!"

"You also know about Hulu?"

"Nonsense! Who doesn't know Hulu? He is a god!"

The blond man's face was black. Fortunately, the system was not successfully hacked! Otherwise, things would be big!

In the Maple Forest Villa, Jiang Nan took out a fairy stick and held it in his mouth!

His eyes were full of fighting spirit!

"You're quite reserved. You won't even let me take a look? I'll do it! Just do it!"

As he spoke, he threw his slippers to the side and placed his two feet on the keyboard on the computer desk!

Both his hands and feet started to tap at the same time. His entire posture… seemed rather strange!

"I'm going to use my full strength!"

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Star Shield Bureau!

Everyone looked at the Star Shield Protective Net that was disintegrating at an extremely fast speed, their faces filled with fear!

"They're starting to attack again?"

"This person! He is a god!"

"The Star Shield Protective Net can't even withstand it? It's over!"

The blond man exploded. "What are you doing! Stop it! It's going to be broken!"

"Sir… After the Star Shield Protective Net is activated, we are unable to transfer the resources, and we are unable to operate it. That was already our last resort!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the screens in the hall instantly turned black!

Jiang Nan excitedly rubbed her small hands together!

"Let me see what secret you are hiding. Why are you covering it so tightly?"

He then clicked open a system document. Jiang Nan looked at the symbol on the document and the signature, and his expression froze!

The Star Shield Bureau of the United States!

Jiang Nan, ah, this…

At that time, her face was pale, and cold sweat was flowing down her forehead!

Fuck fuck fuck! The system of the Star Shield Bureau?

The coordinates of this key were sent to the Star Shield Bureau?

I seem to have gotten into trouble!

He is a national department, and I have invaded his system?

You can't catch me, can you?

I didn't do it on purpose!

Why don't you explain it to me and prove that you don't have any ill intentions!

Star Shield Bureau Headquarters – Round Hall!

After a full thirty seconds of darkness, a line of words suddenly appeared on the screen!


(Don't be nervous! I'm just here for a stroll!)

At this moment, everyone in the entire hall had the expression of seeing a ghost!

"Arrogant! This immortal must have done it on purpose!"

"He didn't steal any documents! He just came in for a stroll?"

"Humiliation! A merciless humiliation!"

"Hmm? Why does this style seem so familiar? He can't be a gourd man, right?"

[Jason Buffett's Resentment Point +1000!]


The blond man, Buffett, turned green!

This is the US Star Shield Team! You came here to stroll?

You really came in! The system was paralyzed?

You really don't treat yourself as an outsider!

If this were to spread out, where would we put the face of the Star Shield Team?

"Not good! Sir! There are many people using the loopholes created by this immortal to steal the documents!"


Buffett: !!!

"What are you waiting for? Cut off the Internet, cut off the network cable!"

[Jason Buffett's Resentment Point +1000!]


Looking at the completely paralyzed Star Shield Bureau Headquarters, Buffett's brain was buzzing!

Is this person sick? Don't let me catch you!

The key was in this person's hands, but there was no way to investigate it!

Looking at Katrina's information, Buffett gritted his teeth. "We can only start with her! Where is she? Is there no clue yet?"

The subordinate said, "The entire line has been locked down. A carpet search!"

"There are many people who have seen her! But now, most of the people in the country are in a mess because of the matter of the bar-colored body! The difficulty of the search is too high!"

"And they are also looking for the secret key…"

Buffett said angrily, "Find her even if you have to dig three feet into the ground! The key is our last insurance! We can't let it fall into the hands of others!"

"Otherwise, no one will be able to bear the consequences!"

"Yes! Sir!"

After turning off the computer, Jiang Nan pulled out the key and threw it into his alternate dimension!

"I've already explained it! They probably won't blame me, right? After all, my attitude is so hot and friendly!"

However, he was a little worried about the blonde beauty. Even the Star Shield Bureau had intervened?

This matter was not ordinary!

What was the use of this secret key?

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