Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 19: Ambush

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“All right! You got the requests?”

I turned my head to see Siegfried staring at something in mid-air. Probably his own requests panel.

I noticed when I reached LV 10, that my requests were now different. It is asking me to gather and hunt in other ‘Area’ so I didn’t take any regarding that. Even slaying the ‘Boss’ has an additional description telling me to do it in that other ‘Area’.

(“I guess that’s the price of progress.”)

Shrugging, I stare at the gear Siegfried wears.

“Siegfried, don’t you need to wear better equipment? We are going to a dungeon after all.”

He waved his hand in mid-air then retracted his hand as he explained.

“If I wear armour, I lose a massive chunk of my defence as part of my class skill. So, I decided to still wear my tunic and breeches.” -Siegfried-

“But look at the condition it’s in.”

I looked up and down before Siegfried made a snort and shrugged his shoulders as if saying it couldn’t be helped while he continued to explain.

“It is a standard ‘look’ when I don’t wear any gear. I never thought it could be damaged. Even the tailor NPC doesn’t have an option to fix this up.” -Siegfried-

With a sigh, I raised my left hand and cast a {Spell}


My hands glow in white light with Siegfried looks quite confused until he notices the effects happening to his clothing.

The torn and tattered fabric on the sleeves, bottom part of his tunic, and slashes on his breeches began to entwine themselves.

Once his clothing was fully fixed, I stopped the {Spell} by closing my outstretched left hand. It doesn’t cost that much MP by what I’m feeling and I’m glad this {Spell} comes in handy.

“Thanks...” -Siegfried-

“Don’t mention it. Shall we?”

I pointed outside as Siegfried nodded and began to walk much faster than me even though I was in front.

“Ah sorry...” -Siegfried-

He adjusted his pace as I let out a small sigh. I didn’t raise my AGI after all, so my movement speed is the standard but of course, it is slower compared to many physical classes as they increase that {Status}.

-Deep Woods After 2 Hours-

“How many requests are left?”

Turning around, I saw Siegfried tapping something in mid-air fully focused on reading what he had.

Due to the bad RNG of goblin ears and Forest Wolves Fang. Siegfried reached LV 8 first before experiencing the dungeon.

“Just ‘Slay a Boss’ now.” -Siegfried-

Nodding on to his answer, I checked that it was still daytime so the dungeon beast cave would be available.

“Okay, so there’s two dungeons in Deep Woods.”

Siegfried listens calmly while I continue.

“One is Ancient Ruins which is where I got my staff. That dungeon opens at night cycle of the game while the other dungeon is Beast Cave that opens at day cycle of the game.”

“I haven’t entered Beast Cave yet and since this is still daytime I suppose we can try that dungeon?”

Siegfried smiles before he says.

“Did you get this information from the player Pochi Mochi?” -Siegfried-

Raising my eyebrows, I nodded confirming his deduction. He is the only one who made the Wikia regarding this game after all. Who doesn’t know him?

“I read his Wikia many times too. So, I knew about Beast Cave.” -Siegfried-

He then began to walk towards the direction of where Pochi Mochi mentioned on his Wikia page. Following suit, I smiled relieved as I didn’t completely memorize the path to the place.


“Wait.” -Siegfried-

He outstretched his right hand and made a hand gesture alerting me to stop moving. 

“Hm? Is there something? Are we lost?”

Siegfried shakes his head and instead, he puts a finger on top of his mouth making a shushing gesture. I can tell from his stance, that Siegfried gets serious as if he was fighting monsters back then.


A high-pitched sound echoed in the distance as my head whipped as fast as possible to the direction.

Though much faster than my reaction, he is already in front of me facing where that sound came from.


I looked down to see an arrow.

(“An attack! Is it the goblin archers?”)

Gripping my staff tightly, I whispered to Siegfried.

“Should I take out the Shamans first?”

“There will be no shamans, I don’t think ‘They’ are goblins.” -Siegfried-

My ears perked up upon hearing his reply and in conjunction...

*Clap* *Clap*

“I thought you were a noob, but you manage to block that.” -Knight PKer-

Appearing before us are a group of players indicated by the tag on top of their head. Although their names were hidden, I can tell by their gaudy appearance. It is the same people that harassed Siegfried.

Except... they have more people with them such as one player with a bow & quiver at their arsenal. Besides the gaudy knights and the archer, there are two robed figures.

“Heh... a full party eh? Just to target me?? What a coward.” -Siegfried-

“FUCK YOU!”  -Knight PKer-

He gave a mocking laugh while shrugging his shoulder as a seed of worry dawned on me. Leaning onto Siegfried, I whispered...

“Are you sure we need to taunt them at times like these?

He smirked as if excited by the prospect of battling as I sighed.

One of the robed figures aimed his staff right at Siegfried.

“[Fire Ball]!!!” -Mage Pker-

He shouted the spell’s keyword and in doing so, his staff glowed in fiery red and...


I thought the ‘Cast Bar’ was only for the caster to view. But it seems I can see it as well!

“DUCK!!!” -Siegfried-

He grabbed my robe sleeve and yanked it down.



Heat passed through my skin and face, it felt like I was standing in front of an oven.

“What a close call, thanks...”

I turned my head to Siegfried who still had his usual smirk on his face.

“Should we run??”

Siegfried gave a wide grin on his face while shaking his head as a ‘No’, it seems he is a PVP type of person.

“Uhm... what should I do?”

I’m not sure what to do since I’m not a PVPer myself.

“Can you deal with the archer and other robed figures?” -Siegfried-

I think I can, Star Shield can protect me and I have some spells in mind to entrapped them... confidence bubbles in my heart as I nod and reply.

“On it!!! Can you take care of the knights?”

With a firm nod and a confident grin from Siegfried, I decided to trust him. Even if I lose, my significant item is only the staff. The rest I already stored in my Safe.

Abruptly I stood up to see the archer and those two as I pointed my staff at them.

Judging by these, they are higher level than us but not by a long shot.

“Heh! You need to die first.” -Knight Pkers-

The two thug-looking knights dashed toward me using a {Skill}, while brandishing their twin swords but in an instant, Siegfried came close and blocked their move.

“You’re gonna have to deal with me first.” -Siegfried-

He made a stance and provoked them at the same time by giving a beckoning gesture. Is it me or his legs are... ‘lankier’ for lack of a better word? I swear my eyes need to be checked someday.

“Cocky bastard!” -Knight PKers-

(“Okay let’s focus!”)


Since the cast bar is filled up as quickly as I said the keyword. My staff glow in dark purple light and shadowy tendrils envelop the faces of the archer and one of the robed figures.

With this, I have disabled their vision but why are they so calm?

Glancing to the right, I can tell the other one took out something from their robe.

A strange-looking talisman as she began holding it with her two slender hands.

“[Cure]!!” -Priest PKers-

That is almost an instant cast as I only glimpse a split-second cast bar filled to full before It glows in faint white light and the shadowy tendrils enveloping the face of the archer and that mage vanish.

“Ah... a priest.”

(“That changes things... I thought it was two mages, I need to shut that priest down first!”)

The archer began to nock his arrow while the mage aimed his staff towards Siegfried.


I aimed my staff at Siegfried as I shouted...

“[Wind Wall]!!”

A cast bar appeared and began to slowly fill as the archer changed its target straight towards me with a smirk on his face including the mage as well.

(“Ah... he baited me.”)

“<Snipe>!!” -Archer PKer-

“[Fire Lance]!!” -Mage PKer-


He unleashed a straight arrow right onto me while the mage hurled a lance made out of pure red flames I decided to weave an ability while still in the middle of casting that spell. I whispered it intentionally to hide this ability of mine from them.

“[Star Shield]...”

I am enveloped with a coat of glimmering light as the arrow makes contact with my chest. It flung to the side as if hitting something hard while the flaming lance just dispersed into nothing.

“The Fuck? HOW!?” -Mage and Archer PKer-

As the cast bar filled. Heavy drowsiness began to set in as I knew what this meant. Immediately, I took out my mana potion and drank it as the sensation vanished. Including turning off the Star Shield effect as it would hamper my mana regen.

Torrents of wind began to swirl encapsulating Siegfried and the knights within. Hiding them from the view of the archer, priest, and mage. This way, projectiles will have more difficulty to disturb their battle and they cannot target Siegfried nor those thug-looking knights with buffs or attacks... I am sure hoping Siegfried will be able to take care of them...


While internally giving out my hope to the skies, I whispered while sneakily putting one hand on my back.

“[Star Fragment]”

I can feel a small weight of something on that hand as I consciously ordered it to levitate to the far left of me hiding behind one of the trees. It’s strange... I used it amidst the adrenaline an ability I have never tried before, but I knew at the back of my head how to move it around. As if I’m connected to it or it felt like an extra limb to me.

“TCH! Dispel that wall!” -Archer PKer-

(“Ah! I got distracted... bad!”)

He commanded the priest and began nocking another arrow, where she began to clasp her hands together.

“[Dispel Magic]!!”

The cast bar appeared once more but this time I’m not letting it fill.

“No, you don’t! [Magic Arrow]!!”

Shooting from my staff are three bluish transparent arrows directly straight to the priest. Which dealt miniscule damage but it disturbed her spell-casting. As the cast bar vanished and her {Spell} didn’t go off...

“Deal with the mage first, you dumbass!” -Priest PKer-

She began healing herself from taking that small of damage as I could tell it seemed their ‘cooperation’ wasn’t as good as I thought.

The archer dashed to the side while the mage seemed to move to the other trying to pincer me as my mind was fully calm but my heart was beating so fast from adrenaline.

(“This is not good for my heart!!! Huhuhu...”)

“[Flame Burst]!!”

I pointed my staff to the mage as the cast bar filled up.

“[Barrier]” -Mage PKer-

Rather than a blue dome I’m used to casting, this mage conjures a wall of translucent hexagonal shapes. Which I assume protects against magical attacks too, a better spell compared to [Shield]. Yet it’s only protecting the front of the mage... how interesting...

The mage seemed to be sure that he was protected since he kept his calm.

I almost let out a chuckle as the cast bar is filled but no {Spell} burst forth from my staff rather... my eyes glance at the figure behind me...

“AGHHHHHH!!!!” -Archer PKer-

The Archer was behind me, right? Haha... it worked!!!!! It seems I can interchangeably choose between the Star Fragment or Me as the medium for {Spell}.

He was enveloped in searing flames and then continued to burn until the priest cast a [Cure] spell combined with [Heal].

“Bitch!!! He’s not a normal mage...” -Archer PKer-

He drank a potion while cussing me. Heh~ I’ll take that as a compliment.

Staying silent, I moved the crystal somewhere else closer to the priest while portraying a cautious caster to the trio.

(“Siegfried! Hurry up...”)

-Perspective Change 3rd Person POV-

(“He is pretty smart.”) -Siegfried-

He thought while assessing the situation. The [Wind Wall] spell protected everyone within against projectiles and also blocked vision preventing priest from targeting their healing and buffing spells.

At first glance, one would see Magie just blatantly trapping Siegfried with the knights but this situation is advantageous to the berserker.

One of the knights swung its blade to Siegfried’s right shoulder as he seamlessly dodged and then gave a strike of his own. By elbowing hard to the chest, taking some wind out of the knight's pipe.

“GUH!” -Knight PKer-

He took several steps back but the other managed to slash Siegfried’s giving the usual big gash visual effect. To the players, it would feel as if they had a paper cut.

The knights maliciously smiled as they dashed once more to gang up on Siegfried.

(“I don’t think sound can come out from [Wind Wall] knowing how loud it is.”)

Siegfried maintains his usual smirk before turning into a big grin as he allows himself to be damaged by these knights until his HP is brought around less than half.

Then he began dodging and stopped retaliating as the knight noticed what was going on and taunted.

“Now who’s the fucking coward huh?” -Knight PKers-

Siegfried whispers once getting into enough range from the knight to not let them hear him.

“[Morph: Monstrous Strength]” -Siegfried-

“We are gonna kill you and get those sweet lo-!” -Knight PKers-

The knights mocking conversation stopped mid-sentence as they saw and heard what was happening.

First is the noise, the sound of fabric torn apart by something growing within. Following suit, as if they can hear the stretching of the skin to its limit.

Their eyes began to stare at the figure before them, in trance they felt an unsettling feeling seeping into them.

Second to notice is the visual, his body enlarges into bulkier stature, muscles growing in size, and his height & width expand. Much taller than a normal human and of course in this case stronger than one. Although it is misshapen in terms of human proportion... deepening the uncanny feeling they had. Sometimes one of the flesh undulated and twitches as if it hasn’t gotten used to the shape.

“What the!” -Knight PKers-

Their eyes widened in shock seeing the abrupt change. It is abnormal, the ones they are fighting aren’t human but rather a monster wearing human skin.

“Y-y...” -Knight PKers-

Before they can finish their sentence though, Siegfried growls and then activates a {Skill}

“<Bloodlust Rage>”

Steam came out from his mouth after his skin turned a reddish hue, and the dishevelled shaggy bangs that covered his eyes parted just slightly to reveal intense glowing red eyes.

“MONS-“ -Knight PKers-

Within 5 seconds, both knights’ figures vanished.

-Perspective Change to 1st Person POV (MC)-


A blue dome protected me from a barrage of arrows unleashed by the archer while I was taking the full brunt attack from the mage and priest.

“How is he still survive????” -Mage PKer-

“I don’t know!??? Keep on hitting him!” -Priest PKer-

“[Fire Ball]!!” -Mage PKer-

“[Divine Smite]!!” -Priest PKer-

A blast of heat akin to an intense summer’s wind blew to my face and blinding white light prickled my skin. They gave a slight numbing ache but were otherwise unremarkable.

“[Freezing Field]”

“Cancel his casting!!” -Archer PKer-

He nocked another arrow noticing I was casting a spell. The mage pointed his staff towards me and shouted.

“[Counter Spell]!!” -Mage PKer-

(“Oh? That’s new...”)

My cast bar didn’t get interrupted at all even though the visual effect of his {Spell} worked.

(“I see... Star Fragment is the medium as such he needed to target that thing to cancel my {Spell}.”)

With an internal shrug, it was already too late anyway as the cast bar filled up.

Near instantaneously, the ground where the priest and mage are covered in sheets of ice. Those two are encased in a block of ice. Essentially they are out of combat...

“Wha-?” -Archer PKer-

He seemed to be shocked, I couldn’t blame him. As I dunked down another mana potion while the archer seemed to do the same for the stamina version of the potion.

“Oy!!! How in the hell did the priest get CCed? You told me you have <Status Resistance>!!!” -Archer PKer-

He ranted while moving back to hide behind the trees. With no answer replying to him as they have been frozen solid.

With a whisper, I uttered.


I targeted the priest as I needed her to be out of combat as soon as possible. She poses a great deal of threat in terms of supportive capabilities. While the archer can be deflected by my Star Shield ability and mage spells don’t deal that much damage.

Instantly, her frozen avatar is covered by multi-shaded colours as I continue to cast another spell by aiming my staff at them.

“[Lightning Burst]!!!”

Crackling lightning began to coalesce to a single point of my staff creating a sphere of electricity. It sparks fly to hit the solid ground leaving behind soot marks.

Once the cast bar has been filled, I can feel the impact of the spherical ball of lightning shooting out.


Upon reaching the middle of the mage and priest, a loud thundering noise echoed throughout the forest.

The frozen blocks are shattered and the electricity disperses as the priest's body vanishes. I can hear some notifications on the system but I don’t have the time to check!

“[Star Shield]!”

Glimmering lights enveloped me like a coat as I saw the mage’s wounded visual effects and the archer was nowhere to be seen. With this I am protected, I feel ‘normal’ so I think I have enough MP to deflect an arrow or two.

“Shit! He ran away.” -Mage PKer-

He looked to be in a panic, I couldn’t hear what he said though but this was my chance!

“[Icy Burst]!!”

“[Barrier]” -Mage PKer-

I smirked as the spell didn’t come from me rather...

“GYAAAA!!!” -Mage PKer-

A wave of white surges behind him and encases him in ice as the mage’s body vanishes.

“Hah! I suspect your {Spell} only protected you in one direction.”

“Good Work.” -Siegfried-

I turn my head so fast that it hurts a bit to where I put forth [Wind Wall]. Dang... I forgot to cancel the {Spell}, he must have waited until its duration ended.

“Sorry, I forgot to turn it off.”

(“How long has he been there? Did he see it?”)

He shook his head and instead gave me a satisfied smile as if saying ‘It's All right’.

While I’m leaning my head to the side seeing nothing left behind. Except for glimmering spheres like from that priest and mage, I have PKed back.

(“Let’s just hope he didn’t see it...but if he did, I better be honest.”)


I sat down on the solid soil and I let out a heavy sigh of relief.

“Never doing that again... My poor little tiny itty bitty heart.”

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