Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 23: Experiment

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“I see... I see....”

Nodding to myself, I decided to still use the standard means of casting {Spell} after all I agree with the ‘Unwritten’ Rule.

Once I had a quick trip to the blacksmith to purchase something in Frontera, I went back to my permanent home.

Now then!

With an excited clap, I have another schedule to do. Which is experimenting with other sections of Magicraft! Enchanting.

The reason why today is filled with crafting is because I needed a source of making Zeni. The more options for making it, the better.

After all, more Zeni doesn’t hurt to have hahahaha...

Opening up the crafting panel I tapped on the Magicraft section and navigated myself to the enchanting tab.

Per usual, I am given ‘Free Mode’ and ‘Auto Mode’ of which I choose the latter since I wanted to check what enchantment I can do on the get-go.

So far as expected, the ‘Auto Mode’ list lies empty. Indicating that I couldn’t enchant anything using this mode.

Waving my hand in mid-air, I changed the mode into ‘Free Mode’...


As the panel vanished, I was greeted with a workbench equipped with many shelves and a comfortable chair.

I haven’t checked what’s inside of those drawers but I noticed a quill that’s laid on the workbench’s countertop.

It is a beautifully crafted quill, the feather has prismatic colours whenever the sunlight shines upon it.

“Now then...”

Taking out from my inventory is a standard iron sword which I bought in my quick trip to Frontera.

“How does this ‘Enchanting’ work anyway?”

Normally in other RPG games, I just need an enchanting table and put the items in. Then select what kind of enchantments I have learned to imbue the weapon.

But this game is quite different so...

I questioned myself whilst holding the iron sword and the answer appeared once I put it on the workbench.

Slightly above the iron sword, a bluish gauge appeared labelled ‘Enchanting Points’. Not knowing what it was, I tapped the name and a panel emerged to explain.


Enchanting Points or EP are currencies used in Magicraft. Each {Spell} etched unto an item consumes the item’s EP. If the {Spell} cost is higher than the EP, the enchanting fails.


(“Okay... but...”)

I stare at the gauge and see no numerical numbers only a bluish bar.


Sitting down on the chair, I picked up the quill and began to slowly make contact with the shaft of the iron sword.

(“They did say ‘Etched’...”)

Then I begin to write the ‘Keyword’ of a {Spell} unto it to see if my hunch is correct. The {Spell} that I put is [Fireball] thinking it would be cool for the iron sword to shoot fireball for range option.



Not even the word Fire was written yet and the gauge had already emptied then I heard the characteristic fizzling-out sounds before the progress I’d made vanished.

“Hmmm... Is it because it’s too ‘costly’?”

I tried the lower level {Spell} [Flame Burst] and the result is still the same until I used the lowest tier {Spell} [Fire Bolt]...

(“Wait a second... Fire Bolt and Fire Ball have the same first word ‘Fire’ How did it differentiate between them? Nah, don’t think about it too much...”)

I shrugged before continuing to write the full keyword of [Fire Bolt].

Upon reaching the end of that, my writings glow in fiery red and embed themselves unto the shaft of the iron sword.


[Iron Sword of Fire Bolt (Unique)]

Description: A standard sword made from iron ores. When worn, the wearer can cast the {Spell} [Fire Bolt] by consuming the item’s EP.



I exclaimed while holding the iron sword since it is categorized as a beginner weapon. I can wield it as I saw a gauge on the sword itself similar to the one I used for enchanting.

(“This begs the question on how to increase the gauge...”)

Not much info is there... Hmm...

Ah! There could be some hints in the academy.

Smiling, I squished Gaia’s cheeks and ruffled his head before finally teleporting to Frontera.

Then immediately head off to The Academy. If my gaming hunch is correct, those miscellaneous books inside its library may contain information regarding enchanting. Similar to when I gained geographical information from the adventurer’s guild books.

Besides... It coincides with my schedule for the day, which is discovering what players meant in the forum when they said to ‘Read’ the books in the academy for mage class players.

Once I had arrived at the familiar tower, I climbed up the stairs toward the library section. Of course, I ‘learnt’ some {Spell} from those Spell Book displays but also from loose-mouthed players and NPCs alike. While taking out any miscellaneous books from the bookshelves that have somewhat of a related title to enchanting.

(“Hmmm... Monsters… this author categorised them as mutated creatures containing what they called ‘Core’ inside their body which can be used to imbue items with a reservoir of mana. The stronger those mutated creature’s cores are the better imbuement of mana into the item.”)

“Ohh!? I have cores like that...”

My mind reminded me of my inventory safe where I put all the cores away. I see... but how do I imbue it in the first place? I continued to read this interesting book.

(“There are several procedures that we have tried to imbue an item with monster cores. But one method that’s a surefire way to do so is to convert the cores into dust with a grinder and then douse the dust into the item. It takes time but it will be stable after imbuement.”)

(“Many who have experimented on the cores to improve its efficiency in various ways often resulted in an explosion that was not worth the effort and mortal risk.”)


That is kind of scary to think about but at least I know how to use the cores now. I suppose that’s how you increase the ‘Gauge’ so I can add more {Spell} to the item.

Nodding on, I decided to move into my next schedule as I am in The Academy’s library after all. I took random miscellaneous books from the countless bookshelves adorning this place.

Each with absurd titles but one caught my attention. ‘Origin I’ is a simple leather-bound book, I can tell it is old but maintained very carefully by the librarians.

Once I began reading it, I found myself absorbed in the words written by the author. It depicts a tale as old as time when everything came to be.

(“At the beginning, everything was dark and muddy in space no life can be seen or witnessed. Until the God of Creation has descended and through their words the swirling chaos of boundless energy that we know now as Mana began to be moulded into the world.”)

(“Atop their head, they uttered ‘let there be sky’ and mana reshaped into the sky. Below their feet, they said ‘Let there be land’ and mana reshaped into soil. Through several utterances of their words fires, winds, waters, earth, light, and dark began to coexist leading to the world we now know.”)

I can picture it in my mind, a powerful being landed and almost in an instant sky and land formed then they just conjure fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark as if it’s normal adding colours to the world and life.

How odd... I can imagine it perfectly as if a video player is being played inside my head like a cut scene. I continued to read the next page.

(“Since the world is made by mana as such, that energy can be found anywhere... Mages are the ones who are sensitive enough to feel the presence of this invisible energy then can be wielded to cause magical phenomena in the form of {Spell} using their body or other things as medium.”)

“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~”

Nodding myself, I sort of understand what they are doing with this. Although it’s beyond my scope, after all, IRL doesn’t have magic or mana.

And I was thinking of getting a class {Skill} or something. I guess it is not as easy as just opening a book and reading it.

Though, it’s kind of fun to get to know the ‘Lore’ of this game world. I wonder what else? Do they have information regarding how mutated creatures came to be?

I mean... If you think about it, having a ‘Core’ inside your body would be very painful, isn’t it? I imagined it to be similar to a kidney stone. Or it could be an organ instead that hardens? That wouldn’t make sense biologically...

Eh... I shrugged thinking that this world doesn’t work with the same sense as IRL. Don’t think too hard...

After reading the entirety of the book, I closed it and stood up to leave as I wanted to try the imbuement process...

Then at the corner of my eyes, I noticed something different. A glint, only split seconds made me think it was just an illusion until I saw it again.

“That is odd...”

With a curious look, I went to that aisle of bookshelves and it wasn’t my eyes messing with me. The book itself is glinting!

There must be an important quest line I triggered or something. I thought as I gripped the spine of the book and checked the title.

‘Origin II’... Huh... a direct continuation of the previous book.

Opening it, I read its contents. This book contains information regarding practices in which mages enhance their sensitivity from the ancient practices to the modern. I mean... it’s like a ‘how to’ type of thing in summary...

(“Sat and listen. To the sounds of leaves swaying by the winds. To the streams within rivers and waterfalls. To the chatters brimming with life. Within there, you’ll find mana flowing within and through it you can understand what you cannot.”)

It’s... cryptic to say the least.

But it's the quest item needed for whatever quest I have triggered. While I was reading, my mind was somewhere else as I began to think about how to take this book from the library. I know it is illegal to just take it and I do not want to incur the wrath of those intimidating guards outside the Academy.

Glancing to my left and right, I can see NPCs mages reading other books. Players discuss {Spell} they have learnt.

I internally sighed, it’s not the environment that the book depicts. It’s more fitting to the Deep Woods instead.

Upon closing the book though, I heard in my head a ping akin to a notification on my phone. I knew immediately that I got something as I checked my system panel.


You have received [Copy of Origin I (Unique)] and [Copy of Origin II (Unique)].



My eyebrows wrinkled as I opened my inventory to check in details. The icons of those are pieces of stacked parchment where the description says the passages of the book I have just read.

(“What does all of this mean?”)

My curiosity is piqued to the limit with the ‘Schedule’ being thrown out of the whack as I wanted to discover this ASAP.

I always trusted my gut feeling and gaming sense. So, I decided to head out towards Deep Woods.

Making sure to avoid encountering enemies in the process or if I did encounter one, I would dispatch it as quickly as possible. I finally arrive somewhere inside the Deep Woods without any enemies or players.

“Okay... the book mentions to sit and listen.”

I did just that, I sat on the soft soil near the hard roots of a tree then closed my eyes listening to what was surrounding me and focusing on it.




Nothing’s happening but I still calmly listen...

It is kind of enjoyable and calming. The leaves of the trees rustling and swaying by the winds. I can vividly imagine it going on and on...

Is that...

That is the sound of water rushing from upstream. I can ‘feel’ as if I’m being slowly doused in cool waters like when I intentionally took cold showers.

It’s refreshing!

Unintentionally, I gave a small smile. It’s been a while since I’m feeling this relaxed. Whilst I continued to listen.

Aha! Birds chirped as they left their perches to fly away. Slowly but surely it becomes these sounds intermingle and harmonize into music. My mind can vividly imagine it all, how peaceful this is…

My head grew heavier by the seconds as I took the chance to lean on the roots of this tree while still closing my eyes...







Something is tugging my hair...

Opening my eyes, I can see tufts of brown fur and horizontal pupils staring directly at me. Then I glanced down and saw its mouth chewing on the strands of my black hair as the stench of its saliva stung my nose.


The creature stiffens after noticing I have awoken and abruptly ran. Simultaneously, several birds and small critters did so as they fled to nearby bushes.

“Did... Did I just?”

I couldn’t believe what’s happened, I had fallen asleep at one point. In a dangerous area to boot! How can I be so careless!?

Checking my HP and inventory, I can tell that I haven’t been damaged or my items stolen. As I heave a sigh of relief.

I also noticed a red exclamation mark blinking within the system panel and out of curiosity decided to press it.


NEW!! {Skill}: <Mana Sense>

NEW!! {Skill}: <Meditation>

NEW!! {Skill}: <Sleeper>


I needed to blink a few times considering I got some {Skill}.

Hmmm... Mana Sense and Meditation are classified as {Class Skill} with differing level requirements as Mana Sense didn’t need levels while Meditation needed one to be an LV 10 Mage.

I suppose each level threshold will give me some kind of quest lines in The Academy or maybe... an advancement? Well, that is another incentive for me to keep levelling up I suppose.

Let’s see here...


<Mana Sense>

Description: Allows the user to sense the invisible energy known as Mana.


Toggle On: Changes the user vision so they can detect mana.

Toggle off: Default Vision

Requirement: Mage Class


Description: Enter a state of deep trance while in this state. The user will be immobile but able to take action. During the skill’s duration greatly restore MP over time.

Duration: 5 Minutes.

Cooldown: 1/Day.

Requirement: LV 10 Mage Class


Description: Allows the user to sleep in command.

Requirement: Manage to sleep in-game within a hostile zone.


I stare at the <Sleeper> skill and internally chuckle. I mean... I don’t know what kind of usage but hey a {Skill} is a {Skill}...

Smiling, I decided to return to my home and started to do the enchanting task that was... slightly left behind.

The familiar workbench appeared before me and I began to rummage each of the drawers.


In one of the drawers, there is a ‘Hammer’ and ‘Chisel’. Including a ‘Grip’  that suspiciously has a circular type of groove to put something into. Which I took and laid it out on the top of the workbench.

Bringing out the core, it’s my first time seeing it out in the open as it is always inside my Safe. It is the same size as a tennis ball made out of hard material.

To me, it looked like a crystal. Which is odd... thinking a solid object this big can fit inside a living creature. Also, there is some sort of small image within the crystal that has the same shape as the creature it originates. I guess that’s how players or NPC can identify which monster it came from.

Nevertheless, I used the ‘Grip’ to hold the core in place then began chipping away the crystal into smaller bits and dust.


I opened more drawers as I found more and more things that I needed. Like a ‘Mortar and Pestle’ which I use to grind chunks of the core into fine dust.

Once I got a handful of them, I drizzled a little bit on the iron sword.

My eyebrows quirked in confusion after realizing that the dust was being absorbed by the iron sword.

I begin to drizzle more of the dust as the process of chipping away the core, grinding them, and then pouring them. The process repeats again and again until the core is no more.

That is when the iron sword vibrates and faintly glows as I pick up the quill and the ‘Gauge’ is displayed with more vibrant colours than the usual blue.

I also noticed that in ‘Auto Mode’ the process of converting the core into dust has now been unlocked. Although... It says ‘Non-Elite’ cores which I think there’s a hidden categorisation between cores dropped from normal mobs and elite mobs like bosses...

Nevertheless, I wanted to see the difference as I tried to enchant the {Spell} [Fire Ball] and it just fizzles with ‘Gauge’ emptied as quickly as I wrote ‘Fire..’

However... it is different when I downgrade a {Spell} level as it seems [Flame Burst] {Spell} can be enchanted to the imbued Iron Sword.


[Iron Sword of Flame Burst (Unique)]

Description: A standard sword made from iron ores. When worn, the wearer can cast the {Spell} [Flame Burst] by consuming the item’s EP.


As usual, the ‘Auto Mode’ for these has been unlocked. Though... to be honest, I think the Enchanting process needs to have a more personal touch compared to Alchemy.

“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~”

Nodding, I equipped the sword and below my vision at the corner. I can see a small bluish ‘Gauge’ with a visual indicator of a ‘Sword’ appearing.

Meaning, this ‘Gauge’ is the EP of the equipped iron sword.

“[Flame Burst]”

I am pointing the tip of the sword to nowhere while saying the keyword of that {Spell}. Then...


The iron sword glows in red light and immediately shoots a sphere of flames in the direction I’m pointing. I didn’t even see a cast bar! And the bluish ‘Gauge’ got reduced yet didn’t recover at all.

“I see...”

The EP became the weapon’s MP but didn’t recover over time like the MP. In return for that, the {Spell} cast by those things doesn’t have any casting time at all.

Another question popped into my head after...

How do I refill the consumed EP then?

The answer came sooner than I anticipated when the dawn arrived at my home. The EP ‘Gauge’ immediately filled back up.

(“It is per day then...”)

I nodded to myself before unequipping the iron sword and bringing back my trusty staff.

Haaaaa... Fiuf...

That’s done for the day, I need to rest for a bit.

I decided to do that, after selling those two iron swords that I had just made.

“See you later, Gaia! Muah! Mr. Golem keep up the good work!”

I kissed his cheek and squished it. Then said encouraging stuff to the golem who probably wouldn’t be able to understand it as I left the game.

-Exiting O.w.O-

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