Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 25: Swamplands

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“Thanks for the help!” -Knight Player-

“The more the merrier.” -Rogue Player-

Other players promptly ran away after collecting the items.

While the Roque seemed to be very happy in looking at the ground picking some stuff, I’m pretty sure those are the glimmering spheres in his view.

Since we participated a bit late, our contribution value isn’t high enough to warrant a drop. The big boss Hydra is fairly easy to kill once a fire element is introduced.

Their HP bar constantly regenerates and each has a threshold which are their heads. If dealt fire damage the regen stopped so that is what I did most of the time while Siegfried, the knight, rogue, and other players dealt the damage.

We then wait for the night cycle to come as I’m collecting more Death Bells and their respective seeds.

-Night Cycle-


Sounds of cricket echoed within the damp decaying trees and I could see countless fireflies roaming about.

Occasionally, I hear frogs jumping into the stagnant waters and get startled by them each time.

“GEH!” -Siegfried-

He snorted as I reacted to the croaking and splashing sound at our left.

“Ouh shut it you!”

“Haahahahahaha.” -Siegfried-


The tip of my staff glowed in white light akin to a modern lamp illuminating our path.

As we walk further, I see from a distance another light and it’s faintly glowed in golden colour pretty much different compared to the phosphorescent glow of the fireflies.

“What’s that?”

I asked Siegfried who shrugged while shaking his head.

“[Detect Life]”

A pulse came from me encompassing the area and so far it hadn’t picked up any living creatures that bore threat. Leading me to be confident in moving forward towards that golden light where Siegfried followed me.

“Look! Look! It’s a plant. How unique...”

I urge Siegfried to take a look at this plant. It has a classic resemblance to Death Bell but this one has pure white flower petals shaped like a bell and in the middle of it, lies a shining gold bead.

Once I take it though, I obtained the plant but...


A loud noise seemingly coming from our surroundings immediately made me scoot over to Siegfried’s back. Surprised by the suddenness of all of this...

“W-w-what’s going?”

“Undead...” -Siegfried-

He spat the words out, readying himself for battle.

“GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH...” -Swamp Zombie-

It is an inhuman voice coming out of these figures ‘throats’. Bleached white eyes, sunken cheeks, bloated figures, flaking rotted flesh drips from their face, and exposed jaw hammering the term ‘Zombie’ although they have moss and decaying plant matter stuck on their hairs.

And their scent! Ugh... It’s like when you forgot to take out the kitchen bin for weeks!

I’m guessing this is the ‘Night-Cycle’ enemies of this Area then. That explains why there is a request for a ‘Rotten Heart’ drop.

“I’ll cast some buffs!”

“[Regeneration] [Fortify] [Resistance]”

Those buffs are both for me and Siegfried as the Zombies slowly enclosed us.

After all, they spawned around us.

“Thank heaps!” -Siegfried-

He mumbled something and immediately blades made from bones emerged from his knuckles.

Siegfried’s charges forth slashing the zombies like a miniature whirlwind while I focused on somewhere else.

“[Flame Wave]!!!”

Since the cast time is quick. A blast of red hot fires emitted from my left outstretched hand and engulfed the zombie in flames in an instant before the flames dispersed leaving them burned and singed.

I thought that was the end of it... how wrong of me to think that way.

The blackened scorched Zombie suddenly rises once more and continues its shambling movement.

As its HP bar is finally being displayed, I can see a tiny sliver of green amidst the red. This pattern happened to all the Zombies including Siegfried’s.

I hurled another Fire-based {Spell} but the HP didn’t budge still having a sliver of it.

“Sieg! They won’t go down!!!!”

I shouted as he replied.

“Same here! There must be a trick to it...” -Siegfried-

At that moment, I face-palmed myself. Of course! They are undead and I can cast priestly {Spell}. My mindset is still of mage.

“[Holy Light]!!”

One Zombie turned into ashes once they got bit by the golden light as I spam the {Spell} over and over again focusing on those who come too close.

“[Extend: Holy Enchant]!!”

Siegfried’s hands and his bone blades glowed in golden radiance as he slashed the zombies. The wounds and gashes he left behind glowed in golden particles that consumed the entirety of the zombie as they got reduced to ashes.



I sighed in relief once the zombies had been dealt with. Meanwhile, Siegfried approaches me while having ridiculous glowing hands which makes me snort a burst of laughter.

In doing so, he too laughs while waving his hands like neon lights. Then stopped as if realizing something before facing me.

“They didn’t give any orbs...” -Siegfried-

Staring at the place where the zombies were, I didn’t see any glimmering orbs that we usually loot. Without a moment’s wasted, I checked on the inventory and the plant is categorised as a newly discovered item.


[Life Bell (Rare)]

Description: A rarer variant of Death Bell. Instead of accumulating toxins from its environment. It purifies them creating a spot of clean ecosystem within the swamp. When consumed, cures the user of minor status ailments.


I certainly didn’t miss the new red exclamation mark on the {Skill} tab as I opened it. Oh! I got a new {Skill} called ‘Harvester’


{Skill}: <Harvester I>

Description: When harvesting natural resources such as plants. Increase the amount yielded from it.

Requirement: Harvest 5 different plants, ores, mushrooms, etc.


I see... I see, wait! There’s something else to think about rather than this.

“How do we get the rotten heart then?”

I asked Siegfried, not expecting any answer as he shrugged his shoulders.

Standing up, we began to transverse the Swamplands. For a while until...


It is the sounds of bark bending to its limit the breaking apart as I jolted away from the source in instinct.

Siegfried already unleashed the bone blades to anticipate what was coming.

Then, without any warning a vine lashes straight at Siegfried and he retaliates by cutting the vines in tatters before it can reach us. That is an amazing reaction time and reflexes!

My eyes try to find the attacker as I raise my staff to increase the illumination radius. One of the trees at the back moves then another string of vines strikes Siegfried.

“Gh!” -Siegfried-

He winced from it as I extended my hand to cast [Heal]. Then... he closes his eyes as if discerning where the offending figure is.

Siegfried whipped his head so fast to the left that it looked abnormal, possibly IRL would’ve broken a neck or something and quickly he swung his arm releasing some kind of ranged attack by shooting something from his knuckles. In the party system though, I can see his HP took a hit, but I know it isn’t dangerous, knowing him. He has a passive regeneration {Skill} or {Trait} going on.


The sounds of woods creaking turned louder and I could see where it landed. An unassuming tree with three bony blades was a result of Siegfried’s attack.

It slowly moves and twists, revealing a malevolent face covered in decaying plant matter and mushrooms.

“Ohhhh!!! This is the monster we need to get the loot from.” -Siegfried-

That makes a whole lot of sense. I think the plant I picked just spawned zombies around as a defensive measure. How very interesting! I didn’t know they added a defence mechanism to plants.

“[Fire Lance]!!”

While the cast bar is being filled, the visual effect sets in. The coalescence of flames emerges into a singular point and then reshapes itself into a bright red lance. While Siegfried is fending off the array of vines.

Once it is filled, I can feel a strong force on my staff that tries to knock me back as I hold it in place more firmly.



The burning lance jets forth straight to the head of that creature piercing it and simultaneously scorching them. As the entire tree vanished akin to any slain monster. Then glimmering orbs were left behind in its wake.

“Ohhh... It’s extremely weak to fire.”

I collected the loot with Siegfried as he chimes in.

“I think most of the monsters here are weak to fire.” -Siegfried-

“Yeah, I agree. Do you want me to put an enchant now or later?”

“Later, I don’t want it to run out when I need it the most.” -Siegfried-

I nodded while checking if my request had been updated.

As if RNG gods heard my hopes and dreams and then proudly declared...


As if it would be that easy eh? I huffed in annoyance, Siegfried just pursed his lips seeing what I assume was his inventory.

“I guess we’re going for a grind again right?”

“Yep.” -Siegfried-

He emphasizes the P.


“Haaaa... finalllyyyy!!!”

The monsters we’re dealing with are called ‘Shambler’ and they are plant-like creatures which significantly vulnerable to fire attacks. Based on the book I’m reading...

Truly there’s a lot of information in here, especially the next area we’re planning to go as I glance to my right.

“Yeah, finally.” -Siegfried-

He slumped and slid on the sofa he was sitting on.

We are currently in the adventurer’s guild. Resting after submitting the requests. One trip has yielded us around 2 levels so we’re planning to do all of it again to reach level 20 and then move on to the other Area.

“And... We’re back to the grind again.”

I let out a huge sigh and Siegfried nodded in agreeance.

-After Several Trips-

“Okay... Haaa... I’m sick of the swamp now.”

I rant as Siegfried just drapes his right hand atop his face while slumping on the sofa.

“I don’t want to deal with the vines anymore.” -Siegfried-

I nod along understanding where he’s coming from. So far, dealing with Shambler our strategy is for me to cast [Fire Lance] and Siegfried protected me from its long-range vine barrage the quickest one shot.

At least both of us are now level 20...

“Hey, Sieg? Do you want to go to the dungeon or nah?”

I asked him who was resting his eyes as he shook his head.

“Yeah... same.”

I agree with him after all the meta nowadays is to level up and then deal with the dungeons that you want the loot of.

Siegfried slightly moved his arm from his face while using his free hand to check on the time. I can hear a small gasp from him as he says.

“It’s already 12:00 AM!?” -Siegfried-

He whipped his head towards me...

“I am sorry but I need to log off, my coach will kill me if I’m late for training.” -Siegfried-

He said it apologetically while I chuckled.

“Hahahaha... It’s okay! It’s 10 PM my time so I’ll stay a bit longer. All the best for the training!!”

“Thanks!!!!” -Siegfried-

He gave me a wide grin as I cheered for him. Before vanishing, He gestured a thumbs up.

(“Hmmm... now what should I do?”)

As soon as I think that, my head is filled up with so many tasks. First of all, let’s open the skill book item I just got from slaying the boss request.


<Mana Affinity II>

Description: Moderately Increase Max MP and Passive MP regeneration.


Out of all options, this one is the best and what a stroke of luck I have. To get the same {Skill} from the previous pull. Hahaha... to think they can combine to get an upgrade. I don’t need to purchase a Skill Upgrade Book with a corresponding rarity then.

Oh yeah!! I need to check up on the items I sold.

(“Hm? Wait...”)

I didn’t see the items anywhere and instead, I have a lot of Zeni like... 2 million.

I see... so they have all been bought! Hurrayyy!!!

Who purchased it?

I tried to take a look but it seems the players' market didn’t disclose any information about it. I shrugged, not that important anyway.

Well with this amount of Zeni, I divide 70% of it to become real money and the rest would be my Zeni savings.

Nodding in satisfaction, I decided to venture outside the adventure’s guild towards the church.

-Arrived at the Church-

Many white-robed priests and priestesses wander around or do their daily liturgy.


My eyes wander around...

Those kind people at the forum mentioned priestly {Spell} can be found in the inner sanctum of the church but...

Seeing how many praying priests there are. I don’t think entering the sanctum is simply just walking in. Let me observe a bit more, in the meantime...

My [Blessed] buff almost ran out anyway so might as well. After I got my buff refreshed by the NPC priest outside, I stared at a newbie player wearing a tunic and breeches approaching the sanctum.

They seemed to be in conversations before the newbie player began casting the [Heal] spell and soon after the priest’s NPC allowed them to enter.

(“I guess it’s like a check if you’re a priest or not to enter”)

Well then... knowing that, I just replicated what the newbie players did and I entered the sanctum easily.


It is like a whole different world inside the sanctum. Many priests players or NPC alike are praying. The decoration placed on this building is simply astounding. It involves the feeling of a medieval church with lavish stained glass and polished wooden benches to sit on.

There is a rather high-standing NPC in the middle giving some kind of preaching.

Several civilian NPCs or Players are praying to statues in the chamber. Six of them to be exact... anyway, I’m here not for this but for...

My eyes wander until I reach several altars where newbie players read some kind of scripture.

There you go!

I just knew upon seeing it, that it displays priestly {Spell} as I scoot over and browse.

Hohoho!!! It works just the same as the Spell Book display case at The Academy.

Not wasting any moment, I opened up my player’s journal and began neatly writing all the {Spell} keyword and their effects.

(“Priest {Spell} most of the time composed of supportive or defensive effects but I can see some damaging {Spell} and ones that are especially potent against dark element enemies.”)


I expected to see Tier 1 and 2 {Spell} but turns out it also displays Tier 3.

This must mean... each 10 Levels, unlocked a higher Tier to learn. After all, it is the only big change I have made. But since the start, magic caster players can already use Tier 1 and 2. Explaining why on LV10 I don’t have any upgrade in terms of Spell Books.

I nodded to myself after understanding the mechanics.

Once I was done with all of this, I returned to my home to check up on Gaia and Mr. Golem.

“Hm~ You all have been doing very well.”

“*BAA!!*” -Gaia-

He bellows accompanied by a vast wiggling of his tail while I’m giving scritches on his neck.

Mr. Golem is hard at work... I’m thinking of adding more help to the farm but, the {Spell} [Summon Golem] can only have one at a time.

Maybe there’s a higher Tier version of it?

It could be... I need to re-check The Academy’s library later. Opening my inventory and crafting skills, I started to make more potions as usual with the intention of selling them.




All done!

“It's already 11:00 PM, I need to sleep if I want to wake up early tomorrow for work.”

Immediately I felt something missing when I talked to myself as I recall what I said.


I’m not working anymore...



I can play all night long!!!!!

A wide mischievous grin adorned my face as I decided to still play.

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