Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 27: Frontera Sewer

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

My view is greeted with many tunnels and pipeworks. Beside me and a bit under, there were branching canals where murky brown waters flowed.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

Sounds of dripping water echoed in my ears and the pungent smell of waste harassed my nose. Looking up, the Stony ceiling prevents me from seeing daylight while the tunnels of this sewer system are being lit by lanterns.


The pungent smell is still uncomfortable even though I have prior experience in the form of Trash Potions.

Nevertheless, I moved forward as my footsteps resounded inside the tunnels.

“Let’s see here...”

Taking the left route, the lanterns lodged in the walls help pave the way until the scent becomes more pungent.


-After a while has Passed-


What is this black sludge?

My vision narrows to the sludge splattered on the walls. I do not want to touch it as it reminds me of when you left potatoes for far too long and they have started to rot.


I scratched my eyes a few times upon seeing the black liquid undulate as if it were a living being. Then...

I saw it clearly, the black sludge coalesced into a half-spherical form and started to move away.

It appears I have stared at it for long enough. From the corner of my vision, a panel emerged indicating I had identified whatever that was.

“Necrotic Slime... that is new.”

The only slime type of creature I know is the blue slime at Beginner’s Field Area.

Necrotic.. necro... so it is related to corpses or death. Does that mean there are corpses inside this sewer?

Maybe just dead rats or pests...

I whispered under my breath.

“[Extend: Muffle]”

Since the cast time is quite quick, the bar only appears for a fraction before magic occurs.

My whole body is surrounded by a thin force field and to test it, I waved my hand around and stomped the ground.

No sound... Good, it works then.

This {Spell} is designed to silence any noises I make for example my footsteps, crinkling robes, and of course loud noises coming from heavy armour. So this {Spell} comes in handy...

In a moment of curiosity, I sneakily follow this Necrotic Slime. As it appears they haven’t noticed me.


The longer I followed this slime, I saw more and more similar types of slime appearing out of pipes, gaps between the walls, and even from those brown murky waters.

(“I wonder why they are like this?”)

It could be because they discovered food. I mean they are after all scavengers.


As I continued to travel, I momentarily halted myself after seeing where were the slimes going.

I thought...

I thought it was just dead rats or fish that somehow stuck inside the sewers.

I certainly didn’t expect this!

Right in front of me is a mound, large enough to block a tunnel but also.

Hundred, countless black sludge slimes are around it seemingly attaching itself to the mound as I maneuver myself closer until I can see what they are doing.


I smell something.

Something truly awful harassed my nose even more compared to the scent of waste in the sewers. This one smelt like rot, decay, and death.

That is when I finally see...

That mound is made from corpses, humanoid ones in several states of decay. The worst ones are at the bottom while somewhat fresh is at the top.

Huh... Normally I would’ve been scared shitless by this sight but I think seeing the ‘Arch Specter’s boss and ‘Zombies’ made me immune to this.

Now, the Necrotic Slime all conglomerate at the bottom and I assume they are eating away the corpses. It also made me wonder, why there are many corpses in the sewers.

I mean... aren’t they supposed to be in the graveyard near the church?

That was the moment I heard footsteps I immediately hid behind one of the corner walls away from prying sight.

“These slimes again! They are ruining our hard work.” -Person 1-

I couldn’t see who was talking as I still hiding away and continued to listen.

“Shush. They can help with removing unwanted corpses you know?” -Person 2-

“Haaa... I know. Let’s start.” -Person 1-

I’m so curious!!! I want to know what they are doing. With a deep breath through my mouth, I leaned my head to the side to see what was going on.

Two figures draped in black robes seemingly stood in a pincer against the mound. They raised their hands above and the slimes dispersed away as if repelled by their gesture. Then, they began a chant and my eyes revealed something else.

A cast bar...

Souls that have departed, We beseech thee, Return to this mortal world, and arise.!!!!” -Person 1 & 2-

Then, I can see twitches somewhere inside the mound and half-rotted hands emerge. Soon after a single corpse has been reanimated into a zombie-looking thing as it groans. Those mages repeat the chant over and over again raising several undead...

While I’m here watching and in deep thought. I drink what I see, embedding it into my memory so I can report all of this to the GM.

But of course, I also thought of something else. Mainly of their {Spell} usage...

There is a discrepancy between the ‘Keyword’ of the cast bar and what they are saying. The cast bar is saying they were casting a {Spell} named [Summon Lesser Undead] and... Instead of simply shouting, whispering, or saying the ‘Keyword’ they gave a somewhat long chant corresponding to the cast bar.

From my view, I didn’t see any player tag so they are most likely NPCs. I guess that is the way they cast {Spell}.

The gears in my mind turned and I deduced that they were necromancers practising the art of raising the dead in the sewers. A cliché scenario to be honest but a welcome one with my Promotional Quest.

Hmmm... onto the next question. How in the hell that mound of corpse is here?

Before I got that answer though, the black-robed figures promptly left the scene and following behind them are a handful of Zombies. Not as much as me triggering the ‘Life Bell’ defence system.

Once they left, Necrotic Slimes began to return and indulge themselves in the mound of bodies. I guess that question will be left unanswered at the moment as I change direction towards the black mages’ way.

Thanks to my [Muffle] spell, my running footsteps are silenced and even I didn’t make any sound when I got clumsy and stumbled upon a wall.

Until I’m back to see those robed figures and tiptoe myself just so I can continue to spy on what they are doing.

Turning into a corner, these figures seemed to direct their zombies to station themselves unto a large unused pipe before changing their clothing into unblemished white robes.

(“Haaaaah!? Isn’t that the Priest's robes?)

How ominous... hiding amidst priests and the church. I see them climbing up a ladder before their figure promptly vanishes due to them being out of bounds.

Before long, I quickly retreated to the exit as the prompt to ‘Exit’ the dungeon appeared. After all, I got all I needed since the Quest only needed me to investigate.

-Arrived at the Adventure’s Guild-

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“Come in.” -GM-

His rough voice resounded through the door as it clicked open and I entered it. Upon seeing me, he raised his eyebrows and then asked.

“So, did you complete your Promotional Quest?” -GM-

With a firm nod, I began to say what I had seen and recount it.


His eyes narrowed after hearing what I said.

“Corpses... Necromancers...” -GM-

He muttered those words and heaved a heavy sigh while massaging his temples. Before giving a meaningful glare at the owl lady she silently nods.

She rummaged something using her plumage to hide whatever she was holding and where she took it then brought it to the GM’s table.

Some kind of crystal ball with something written inside. He touched it and the crystal ball glows ever so faintly. I didn’t see a cast bar or anything like it as what enchanted items do.

A blurry field engulfs us and the GM opens his mouth.

“Can you repeat what you told me again?” -GM-

“Uhm... Sure.”

I recounted it again and I could see the crystal ball glowed in green light. I have a hunch that this magic item is used to detect lies.

“I see...” -GM-

His eyes narrowed and more serious with the owl lady's expression growing dire in a split second before returning to normal.

“You are free to go. Congratulations on becoming a D-rank adventurer! Keep improving and always be careful of your safety.” -GM-

He gave out a heartfelt smile and discussed in hush with the owl lady as I left the room.


You have been promoted to D rank Adventurer!

More Requests have been unlocked with more danger and rewards.

Increase Requests Limit and Increase Promotion Threshold Limit.


Ah... Good, good. I nodded to myself and smiled with satisfaction. Immediately I went to the reception table on the 1st floor to check up on what requests I could receive.

Since I am LV 20, all the requests are pointing to the next area ‘Snow Fields’ and there are two versions of the request.

The usual simple ones such as kill, gather, slay, etc. Then uncommon ones like escorting, protecting, and investigating. The latter one provides more rewards but I think it’s more... Troublesome.

I’m not planning to take any at the moment since I wanted to level up with Siegfried.

Exiting the guild, I sat on the provided bench while scrolling through the players’ market list.

Hm. If I sorted them based on categories like ‘Ingredients’. Aha!

An entire list of ingredients is displayed in front of me as I scour them around. I’m trying to look for my Incorporeal potion ingredients and their prices.


My brow furrows as I let out a sigh of defeat. The prices for them are ridiculous. I mean the effects of the potion are quite good for magic caster classes. It changes the player’s state into ‘Ghostlike’. Making them resistant to any physical damage but taking a higher amount of light elemental damage.

No wonder the prices are sorely high and the potion itself too. Those materials aren’t from plants but higher-level monsters and rare drops too. With a heavy heart, I decided to leave that be and even if I made one I wouldn’t sell it.

Finishing up, I logged out from the game as it was already late enough.

-Exiting O.w.O-

Stretching my whole body till I let out a ghastly shriek before huffing in satisfaction, I put away the helmet on my bedside table and coiled a blanket into a burrito version of me.

(“Hehehehe... I already turned off the alarm.”)

Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep slumber...




Although my eyelids were heavy, I could open them to see a blurry image of my room and I needed a couple of blinks before I finally fully awake.


I yawned fighting away some sleep and checking my phone to see the time. It is afternoon already and I stand up from my bed to get myself a breakfast. A lunch?

Lunch... I confirmed myself when I stared at the open gaps between the window curtains.

Once I had eaten my lunch and cleaned all the mess in my kitchen. Finally! I can laze on my bed with a satisfied smile.

“No work!”

“No pressure!”


Lazing around on my bed, I curled up with a blanket on. I thought this moment of peace would be everlasting but...

My eyes glance at my phone which’s currently ringing its signature ringtone if someone made a call.

Crawling myself there, I picked the phone up and saw who’s the caller.

An unknown number... should I answer? I mean if it is a scam I can just hang up as usual. Eh, whatever ...

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