Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 30: Improvement

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“There we go...”

This one is a catalyst like Creeping Bell. But this one focuses on increasing potion potency instead of duration. I assume the drawback would be reducing its duration for this one.

Looking above the sky, the sun slowly sets as dusk comes in. Siegfried witnesses the sight as well, he seems to stare at the setting sun until the place turns dark.

-Night Cycle Snow Field-


The tip of my staff glowed in intense light brightening the area. It seems it is as strong as those headlights used in soccer tournaments.

“That is brighter than usual. Is this your new ability?” -Siegfried-

He comments after all it is far obvious to my previous [Light] {Spell}. I can see the downside here, I have no options to reduce it. As all my {Spell} is upcasted no matter what.

“Yup. Bear with me, I can’t control it.”

He nods.


“At least with this light, it’s so easy to see everything.” -Siegfried-

We delved into the Snow Field as he and I noticed a difference in the environment. Usually, it is thick snow but now icicle spires and blocks are growing from the ground.

I also hear ice crackling somewhere and it gets louder.

“Watch out!!!” -Siegfried-

He stood in front and I could hear ice breaking in front of me.

Eh? Since when did Siegfried have a shield? Wait...

‘That’ is not a shield rather his forearm unnaturally expanded bearing resemblance to a shield once he connected both of his forearms.

Ah!!! Not the time to ponder!

Stretching my left hand to the attacking enemies.

“[Double: Lightning Bolt]”

Six bolts of sparking lightning shoot from my hand simultaneously and hit something. I didn’t think of targeting anything so it is spread out like a shotgun.

A floating block of ice where pieces of icicles orbiting it. I can see some sort of glowing ‘core’ inside of that block.

An ice elemental...

“*Whistle*, That’s nice.” -Siegfried-

He saw my 6 bolts and I smiled.

“I’ll show you mine.” -Siegfried-

Dipping his hand into a tear in space which I assume would be inventory. He pulled out a glass sphere containing an image I recognize as a ‘Shambler’ monster.

(“What are you going to do with that?”)

 Internally, I commented while raising my left hand.


In a split second, a wall made from hexagonal force field plates was erected. Blocking the incoming icicle spikes of the ice elemental.

*Crunch* -Siegfried-

“Huh? Did you just ATE a core???”

I looked at him incredulously. But once he did, I could see Siegfried’s transformation.

At first, two protrusions grew from his back. It looked like a mound but it elongated further and further into a tentacle or tendril made from sinew, skin, and muscles.

“See!?” -Siegfried-

He excitedly tells and I can see a proud smirk adorning his bang-covered face.

My barrier held the attack from Ice Elementals easily because it is designed to withstand magic attacks.

“Ehhhh... how do you control it?”

He sucked his lips, focusing on something and those inactive tentacles began to twitch and then move.

“It is... kinda weird, it feels like an extra limb. I’ll manage. Hehe. Let’s see if I can add something.” -Siegfried-

He mutters something, no doubt activating a {Trait}. His hands and forearms don’t change still having the same look but his newfound tentacles though...

The tip of it bulges like a flower bud then smaller protrusions grow into pointy ends as if something ‘inside’ of it trying to get out.


Sharp bony growth came out from those protrusions turning those tentacles into a morning star mace.

“Heh~, I can do this too? Thought my arms only.” -Siegfried-

“Whoa... Try it! Try it!”

I pointed to the ice Elementals and with a firm nod from Siegfried. The tentacle lashes out straight to the ice elemental. The range is quite far as we have fought Shamblers.


The tentacles’ tip hit the ice elemental with such great force breaking its body apart in one shot. I mean... in the books, Ice Elementals are significantly weak to Wind Elemental Damage and Blunt Damage.

“I take it, they are your Blunt Damage version?”

My eyes glance at the expanded forearms he has plus the tentacles.

“Yep. Heheeee~” -Siegfried-

His smile widens into a more mischievous one and moves forward in gusto. His body turned bulkier, and in turn, his tentacles also grew in bulk.

Soon he’s amidst the Ice Elementals and his tendrils twitch and move erratically lashing to anything in the vicinity like an AoE. Obliterating the Ice Elementals, even the ones trying to cast a {Spell} named [Icy Mist].

“*Clap* *Clap*, you got an AoE now!”

“Hahaha, yes! Thank you thank you...” -Siegfried-

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

“Though It has a cool down and duration so let’s finish this before it runs out.” -Siegfried-



We managed to complete the Ice Elemental slaying and gather its rare drop. Ahh!! Don’t forget to mine all the stones, wood, any kind of metals, and jewels too.

After that, it is as simple as returning to the guild. Come back to Snow Field, and repeat until we reach LV 30.

I just realized it myself, the ‘Slay Boss’ requests don’t always give Skill Book. Instead, on your first and second Boss slaying request on an Area they are the one that gives Skill Book.

Siegfried noticed it too since I told him about the pattern.

That is why I have 4 Skill Books right now plus, I found the rare variant of Snow Root and also its uncommon variant as well during our hunt.

There are lots of critters in Snow Field ranging from white bunnies, to fluffed-up owls, et cetera. They are good additions to my Mini-Biome Project.

“Well, it’s time for me to log off. Early practice tomorrow!” -Siegfried-


I stopped him mid-clicking in the air. He then faces me then...

“Hm?” -Siegfried-

Let me take this, I took something out of my safe. An amulet with black gemstone embedded in its centre. There is a Latin word engraved on its side and my M&M mark at its back.

“What’s this?” -Siegfried-

He points to the amulet in my hand in confusion as if not knowing what it is and I extend my hand to him so I can gladly say...

“My gift!”

I declared proudly.




Siegfried seems to be stupefied by my gesture. He grew silent for quite a while after my declaration. Did he not like it?

“You didn’t like it?”

As if that question broke whatever held him in silence.

“N-n-no! It’s just I didn’t expect a gift. Hehahahaha, what’s the occasion?” -Siegfried-

He seems incredibly flustered as if not used to receiving gifts. Meanwhile, I tilted my head, isn’t it obvious?

“It is for your upcoming tournament! I *physically* cannot attend, so I thought of giving you a gift for support and congratulations.”

(“It is also a gift because you’re my first friend in O.w.O but I cannot say that! It's too cheesy and he might think I’m a lonely person. I mean it’s kind of true in that regard but still embarrassing!!!”)

“Mmm...” -Siegfried-

He took the amulet carefully as if it could break at any time. I made sure to have it’s durability maxed out so it won’t break though...

He then began scratching his cheek with his finger.

“U-uhm... thanks! I’ll work harder on my training.” -Siegfried-

He gave a small smile and abruptly turned away then logged out.


Now then!

Onto my next schedule. I have a lot of tasks to do after all.

Glancing at the system panel that displayed IRL time. It is around night nearing midnight, I haven’t felt physically tired at all so I can keep going for a bit.

First thing first, I check my crafting and collect my potions for selling.

I waved my hands mid-air inside the adventurer’s guild. It is a common gesture for players so no one reacted to it. I navigated to the crafting section...

All right! That’s done, I’ll collect all of them.


Hmm? That sound...


You have obtained a new {Skill}

<Crafter I>

Description: Slightly reduces Crafting Time.

Requirement: Craft 200 items in any crafting {Skill}


Nice! Extra stuff...

These potions are now being sold into the players' market. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any potions that can be compared to mine. So, I need to guess the prices...

It is a ‘Support’ potion maybe I’ll sell it at 30k Zeni per potion? But what if it is too expensive?

Scratching my head, I decided to put it at 20k per potion the same price as my healing one. Once registered it to the players' market, I teleported to My Temple.

Greeted by Gaia as usual, he gallops beside me to the Mini Deep Woods biome and Mini Swamplands biome collecting the corresponding ingredients.

Once I replanted them with the help of Mr. Golem who took care of Mini Deep Woods.

 I opened up the crafting section again.

Artisanship section... Auto craft the decor for Snow Fields biome and store my captured critters in my safe for now. Then Magicraft to Alchemy and begin auto-crafting a new batch of potions.

Ohhhhh! It’s not 24 hours anymore rather 18 hours, I see I see... that makes my crafting easier then.

Once I’m done with all of this, I have something in mind to try especially with my new {Trait} of upcasting.

“[Summon Golem]!!!”

The cast bar is quite slow as per usual and once it is finished. The original Mr. Golem melted into molten metal and turned into a blob.

Now here’s the difference...

That blob splits into three individual blobs and changes colour into the standard muddy brown. I guess it is time to check which golem base I can choose.

“Ohhhh... I have other things besides iron now; cold iron, silver, gold, mithril, adamantine, and more ‘????’ signifying I haven’t discovered those metals yet.”

At the moment, through mining, I have iron and cold iron. Not a lot for the latter one since it is a ‘Chance’ drop but it is enough for this {Spell}.

“[Summon Cold Iron Utility Golem]!!”

That is a mouthful...

The blob changes colour from muddy brown into a grey metallic colour that shines underneath the day cycle of my home. I also saw a hint of bluish tint amidst the grey shine.

Once the magic sets in, I have 3 small and pudgy golems. I called them; Mr. One, Mr. Two, and Mr. Three.

Mr One and Mr Two will be in charge of Mini Deep Woods and Mini Swamplands respectively.

Given my voice command, they started to pitter-patter away to the designated section and began their work of planting, harvesting, and replanting.

Though... it seems they have additional behaviour sets in. Mr. Two uses a {Spell} to make itself hover so it doesn’t get stuck in the mud.

They both took care of small critters. It looks like they can interact with them which is good...

Though odd in terms of environmental effects. In my case, due to how this is my home. I don’t suffer negative terrain effects from it nor the peculiar scent.

Well... it has {Spell} to make up for any weaknesses. I shrugged and commanded Mr. Three to take care of another section on the opposite side of Mini Deep Woods and Swamplands.

This will be the Mini Snow Field, I decided as I planted all the things that were supposedly inside that Area.

Although... I don’t understand the logic of converting stones and woods into patches of snow or mud but hey, it makes everything easier I guess so no issue on my part.

Hm. The usual option to release those critters that aren’t available must be due to the biome mismatch. I’ll leave it until my crafting is done then...

On to the next one!!!!

Ruffling Gaia’s fluffy fur, I teleported to Frontera. Heading towards The Academy. The system gave me that hint and most likely it is regarding the advancement of my class.

I couldn’t help but skip a few steps walking towards The Academy. For now, I have <Mana Sense> and <Meditation> as my {Class Skill} I wonder what I’ll get when I advance.

Arriving at the library, I was greeted by the all too familiar scent of books old and new. Sounds of pages flipping, hushed conversations from NPCs and Players alike.

In my vision though... I can see some bookshelves have something glimmering on their shelves. It is begging my attention...

Moving closer, that glimmering thing is the spine of a book. Similar to what I have encountered gaining my {Class Skill}.

The concept of elements. Assuming I read it, I would trigger the advancement quest.

I decided to leave it on top of a table until I checked other books as well.

This bookshelf has The concept of matter and immaterial.

That bookshelf has The concept of senses and mind.

Another bookshelf has The concept of life and death.

In the corner, another bookshelf has The concept of time and space.

I see, I see...

Hmmmmmmmmmm... there are a lot of options, it’s kind of hard to choose now.

Ouh? I missed a bookshelf. It is located in a hidden corner akin to the bookshelf containing ‘The concept of time and space’.

This one has a book called ‘The concept of sun, moon, stars, and celestial bodies’. Which is more words compared to others.

Haaaaah... I took all the books out and laid them on the table. 6 books are in total, staring right at me asking to be read but it is hard to choose which one.

I mean this is an advancement! A big change in my class so I don’t know...

Ughhhhhhhhhh adgsiakevsondwkaldbowsb, which one???  What if... What if I read them all? Does that work? I highly doubt it.

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fine! Fine!!! Let’s just think about ‘Theme’. It is simpler than trying to think about min-maxing.

My {Race} has {Trait} related to spacey stuff like [Star Shield], [Star Fragment], and now [Star Burst].

So it is either ‘The concept of time and space’ or ‘The concept of sun, moon, stars, and celestial bodies’. Personally, the latter is more fitted to my ‘Theme’.

Turning my head, I stare at the book. The hard leather cover depicted pictures of a planet where on top of it lies a sun then below it lies the moon. Stars can be seen around it like an accompaniment.

Opening this book seemed so heavy knowing that this would change my {Class}. Even Pochi Mochi still doesn’t know if it is possible to change classes later on...


Here goes nothing...

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