Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 34: Fields of Sorrow

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“Hmmmm... Truthfully, we got carried by our {Traits). So, we need to find a gear set that can be utilised in case we cannot use our {Trait}.” -Siegfried-

“That is true... revisiting Beast Cave would be nice.”

The thick book covering his face rustles as he nods. Maybe for mine, it is either Ancient Ruins or Field of Sorrows dungeons.

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Focus on LV 50 threshold first.” -Siegfried-

He took the book away from his face as he stood up from the couch.

“That’s true... OH! You’re not going to go training IRL now? It’s already midnight!?”

I just realised it after checking IRL time in the system. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“Coach told me, it’s detrimental to keep training so he asked me to rest for the weekdays and come back the weekend before the tournament started.” -Siegfried-

“Ahhhh... I see, that reminds me. How’s the amulet?”

I can tell his whole body twitched upon me asking it. I knew it... he doesn’t like it, it must be due to the imbuement isn’t a Light element so I need to improvise. Haaaah...

“Its... it’s fits so well with me. I-i mean the enchant!” -Siegfried-

He gave out a strange gentle smile while holding the amulet on his neck. Before full-blown panicked and grew silent.

He looks so happy receiving that amulet. Has he never received a gift before?

After a while, I noticed I stared at him for too long...

“E-eh? A-ah, I-I mean that is good then. *Ehem* do you know how many accessories we can wear by the way?”

In a hurry, I divert the conversation to other kinds of stuff as the atmosphere gets a bit awkward.

It seems that topic caught his attention as he replied while rubbing his chin.

“For rings, I think we can only wear two. But!” -Siegfried-

He emphasizes the ‘But!’ before continuing as if he had remembered something.

“If you purchase ‘Ring Expansion Pack’ from the cash shop multiple times. I heard you can wear up to 10 rings.” -Siegfried-

Huh??? Did I misheard it?? Cash shop???????

“C-cash shop? It exists??”

Siegfried looked confused after hearing my reaction before springing a small chuckle.

“Haha, sure do. It is in the players’ market in the second tab.” -Siegfried-

In a hurry, I checked.

“Ohhhh??? That one? With the dollar icon?”

“Yep.” -Siegfried-

Ahhhh... I always thought it was the conversion icon so I ignored it most of the time. After opening the tab, I can see myriads of ‘Packs’ and ‘Gacha Boxes’ on display.

There are Packs for accessories expansion, inventory expansion, etc. Hmmmm... the ‘Gacha Boxes’ have some stuff that I’m interested in. How much is it?

1 box is equal to 10 dollars. Not bad I suppose? But it's Gacha so I need a lot of boxes. With a shrug, I opened my Safe to take out 6 Skill Books. I have another ‘Gacha’ in mind...

Hehehehehe~ Here I GOOO!!!!



UPGRADE {Skill}: Mana Affinity II -> Max

NEW {Skill}: Mana Conversion

NEW {Skill}: Magic Up I

NEW {Skill}: Mana Siphon

NEW {Skill}: Status Resistance I

UPGRADE {Skill}: Status Resistance I -> II


That is a good haul...  now my <Mana Affinity> {Skill} is maxed, safe to say that {Skill} wouldn’t come out when I drew another RNG from skill books.

<Mana Siphon> gives me the ability to share my MP or drain one from an enemy. <Magic Up I> simply increase the power of my damaging {Spell}. <Mana Conversion> allows me to convert MP to HP and vice versa. <Status Resistance II> gives me a chance to resist de-buff effects a bit redundant due to my {Trait}. But! It has an additional effect that reduces the duration of de-buff I’ve been inflicted with.

That’s the only good one, after all, other {Skill} is related to physical classes which I don’t use at all...

“We still have time, want to go to Fields of Sorrow?” -Siegfried-

He’s asking while reading the book regarding monsters in the Fields of Sorrow. It is true, we still have time especially if Siegfried can play longer due to not needing to go to practice.

“Sure, Shall we?”

“Heh...” -Siegfried-

He chuckled and stood up from the couch. Following him, we exited through the eastern gate of Frontera.

-Fields of Sorrow-

The {Spell} [Teleportation] doesn’t work if I haven’t visited the place so we manually have to walk to the area. Plus, that {Spell} only encases a ‘City’ borders. As for Frontera, it would be Beginners Field, Deep Woods, Snow Fields, Jagged Highlands, and Fields of Sorrow. So, I can’t travel to another city using this {Spell}.

The travel took around half an hour if not more. Until we arrived at the area.

“Huh... Good thing we took off our winter coats.”

“Hm.” -Siegfried-

A confirming hum came from Siegfried.

This Fields of Sorrow isn’t what I imagined, I can only see dry hard grounds. Sometimes there are bones of an animal lying around as we travel further.

No enemies are in sight, this land is so flat that I can easily see other players too. They are resting in a camp, I presume it’s from crafting skills since I have the same one as well.

“Hey, Mag.” -Siegfried-


“Can you make a camp like them?” -Siegfried-

He pointed his thumb to the group of players crowding a campfire and tents.

“I can. I’ll deploy it here.”

“Thanks.” -Siegfried-

A camp is a temporary ‘Comfort’ Zone. Different from the Safe Zones that players know. Comfort Zones provide increased MP, HP, and SP regeneration and a respawn point if somehow one got defeated by monsters.

PKs can still be done within the comfort zone and players cannot access their Safe inventory, unlike a Safe Zone.

The cost to make one is cheap as it only needs wood and stones. By simply dragging and dropping it, a camp made for two players emerges. Allowing us to receive the benefit within our comfort zone.

“Now it is just waiting until night-cycle eh?” -Siegfried-

It is a rhetorical question, we both knew Fields of Sorrow is dead empty at day-cycle.

-Fields of Sorrow Night Cycle-


A distant cry of a mourning woman can be heard in the distance of this darkness. My [Light] {Spell} illuminates the area but the darkness is unnatural. It severely limits the illumination radius even with it being automatically upcasted.

We already pre-buffed ourselves with {Spell} so we’re well prepared to face what’s to come. Goes without saying, that we always find a quiet spot to hunt monsters in hopes no players spot us using our {Trait}.

“[Extend: Holy Enchant]”

I aimed my hands at Siegfried, his hands glowed in radiant golden light. An antithesis of all the monsters in this area.


While we proceeded further, we were startled by the sounds of moving earth coming from below.

Decayed hands grasping from below as if desperately trying to get out and they managed to do it. Dragging their body out, I can see several stages of rotting in the myriads of these zombies.

That’s right... Monsters in the Fields of Sorrow are all undead.

A shambling horde of zombies saw us and began crawling trying to consume any signs of life they desperately wanted.

Siegfried muttered and the bony blades on his knuckles retracted then regrowed along his forearms as he spun like a Beyblade. His legs have turned into twigs and shaped like a digitigrade. Emphasizing his speed and being agile.

“[Holy Radiance]”

While I’m casting it, my whole body is surrounded by faint wisps of golden threads as it coalesce.

Once it finishes casting, a wave of holy aura disperses engulfing the approaching zombies. Effectively combing them down as they vanished leaving behind glimmering orbs.

“Nice job! Haappp!!!” -Siegfried-

With his ability and flexibility, Siegfried grabbed onto one of the zombies before decapitating it and leapt into another to continue the same.

“[Holy Javelin]”

Pointing my index finger to a horde of zombies, a coalesce of golden light condensed into a single lance made from light.

Upon finishing my casting, the lance shoots like a bullet skewering a line of zombies and vanishing them into glimmering orbs.

I always check on my teammates and what they are doing as I glance at Siegfried once my situation is a bit calmer.

He chomps down another monster core, I recognise it as a Shambler one like before. Soon tendrils emerge from his back and it is shaped like a blade mimicking what he has on his arms.

It looks kind of weird though, as the tendrils have been infused with golden glimmers from my {Spell}.

Utilising the usual erratic lashing ability from it, he further obliterated the horde of zombies. I simply help from the sides shooting [Holy Light] waiting for my higher Tier {Spell} to finish their cooldown.

It is unique, I mean... the cooldown mechanic. I suppose it is to prevent magic casters from just spamming their high Tier {Spell} non-stop. If you cast the {Spell} again while it is in cooldown, it is going to fizzle out essentially wasting your MP and time.

“[Double: Holy Light]!!”

“[Double: Holy Light]!!”

“[Double: Holy Light]!!”

Haaaah... My eyes are getting heavy and the horde of zombies finally quelled down. Dunking in an MP potion, I sat and rested as Siegfried did the same beside me.

“Hehehehehehe...” -Siegfried-

He seems happy giving away a toothy grin of his. Drenched in sweat and exhaustion. We completed our requests for zombies and decided to move deeper to fight another monster.


“AAAAAAAAhhhhh... Aaaaaahhhhhhhh...” -Banshee-

A female apparition without legs floats in mid-air, she covers her face with her hands while crying mournfully as she hovers. Her skin is sickly pale and the surrounding area feels chilly.

Unlike a horde of zombies battle, this is more of a single rare monster-type thing.

She then stopped in her tracks after noticing us and slowly turned her head.

“<Owl Spirit>!!” -Siegfried-


She screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice echoed even making the grounds tremble. Revealing her forlorn face without eyes and bloody tears.

I immediately checked myself and Siegfried {Status} in the party list to see if we got any de-buff. After knowing we’ve passed the first hurdle of fighting this monster...

That scream will cause instant death if not resisted either by {Skill} or {Trait}. Her specialty is inflicting status effects and finishing players off with a long-range magic attack.

Honestly? She felt like a mini-boss rather than a normal monster.

“Sieg? Can you keep her occupied for a minute? [Maximize: Vulnerability]!!”

Her body is clouded by an intense aura of shimmering colours signifying my {Spell} worked. I must say, I thought it wouldn’t knowing Banshee has the high magical defense.

“On it!” -Siegfried-

He made a taunt gesture beckoning the banshee to target him. Her haunt figure faces Siegfried now and taking that chance...

“[Maximize: Holy Judgement]!!”

That is the highest light-based {Spell} I knew. As I aimed my staff at the banshee the cast bar appeared. Wisps of golden light coalesce around me condensing into a bead on the tip of my staff.

Meanwhile, the banshee uncannily moves fast towards Siegfried extending her deathly pale hands. Even if he’s guarding himself, it is pointless as Banshee is a Ghost creature.

He took damage from the banshee’s grasping hands and pursed his lips in annoyance. My eyes glance at the {Status} panel at the party list.

He got inflicted with the de-buff preventing him from regenerating and reducing the healing received. Just like when I’m fighting Arch Specter.

“Just a little bit more, Sieg!? You alright over there???”

“Yeah! Don’t mind me, I can handle it.” -Siegfried-

He keeps kiting the Banshee and occasionally lands a hit or two using the enchanted natural weapon.

Once the cast bar is completed, the golden bead at the tip of my staff vanishes and in turn, the area surrounding the banshee glows in the same light.



A strong beam of golden glimmering lights rains from above to engulf the banshee.


She screamed once more, with Siegfried and I resisting the [Death Scream] ability.

In a split second though, I can see her HP dropped to 0. It might be an overkill though...

At that moment, her gaunt figure changes into more lively colours and returns to her face as if she went back in time to the time she was alive and well. Smiling gratefully she then dispersed into golden dust. Leaving behind glimmering orbs, tons of them compared to the horde of zombies.


I sighed a breath of relief as intense drowsiness began to settle. Shoot, I... forgot... to... so sleepy... I want to sleep.

“OIII, MAG??” -Siegfried-

The last thing I see is him running towards me. His black shaggy hair swayed from him and then total darkness.




Opening my eyes, I’m in a camp I’ve set up.

“WAIT!?? WHA-?”

“You fell asleep, chill. I carry you here to rest. We’re not dead.” -Siegfried-

His voice comes from beside me, it seems he’s playing with the campfire, throwing sticks to burn.

Ahhh... I must’ve miscalculated the amount of MP I needed. Upcasted {Spell} has increased MP consumption plus meta magic options added more.

“Haaaa... It is my mistake to not calculate MP consumption. I guess it’s my {Trait} downside, I suppose.”

Siegfried curiously tilts his head as if asking ‘Go on’.

“My other {Trait} made my {Spell} upcasted to the highest tier I can reach.”

His mouth formed ‘O’ realizing the predicament I am in. I cannot choose which {Spell} is being upcasted.

“Hmmm... How about using the original lower tier {Spell} first? Pretty sure if they are upcasted, the {Spell} MP cost isn’t as high.” -Siegfried-

His advice is logical and that is what I’m planning to do anyway.

“Yeah... Shall we?”

“Heh. We shall.” -Siegfried-

We go off again fighting banshee.

It gets easier once I get a knack for it...

I constantly spamming upcasted low tier {Spell} like [Holy Light] paired with [Vulnerability]. Combine with Siegfried’s constant attacks. We changed our tactics from Burst to Steady.

And of course, in terms of Steady DPS. Siegfried is the best at that as he unleashed a barrage of jabs, uppercuts, left hook, right hook, bob and weave. All with malformed bony blades growing out from his hands plus it is imbued with Light element.

Since Banshee drops a lot of loot in one go. We managed to complete the request with just a few of them.

The cycle repeats until...

“Oh! We’re LV 50 now.”

I said it after ‘purifying’ a banshee with Siegfried.

“Ah... I just noticed.” -Siegfried-

We tune out so much in grinding and I check on the system as I glance at the IRL time.


I shouted, wide-eyed. While Siegfried’s just stiffened and his whole body trembled. Oh right, it’s 8 AM in his time!

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAH~ We forgot the time.” -Siegfried-

He boisterously laughs as I chuckle. I might as well screw my sleep schedule am I right?

In a hurry, me and Siegfried teleported to Frontera just so we could log off safely.

We did Fields of Sorrow ‘World Boss’ in the grind. Yeah, that is what players named the boss found in ‘Fields’.

“See ya tomorrow! A-ah! I mean this evening.” -Siegfried-

“Hahaha~ yup, See you~”

With that, I logged out from the game too.

-Exiting O.w.O-

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