Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 40: Alchemy Stuff

-Present Time-

I was eating my lunch while mindlessly scrolling through MeTube shorts. I then lay down on my bed to take a rest and check my bank accounts.

The money I got from O.w.O has covered my monthly expenses. So, I am secure in that sense.


A particularly long yawn came out from my mouth as my eyes got a bit heavy. A sleep would be nice, isn’t it?

Then... like a push of a button. My eyes closed and I fell into a comfortable slumber.





Opening my eyes blearily, my vision is still hazy as my mind is a bit sluggish to process.

(“I must’ve fallen asleep.”)

The clock shows it is around 15:47. As I yawned again, I’ll take a shower later at 5. I blinked slowly staring at the ceiling until I was fully awake and stretched my body until it trembled from the strain.


I reached for the helmet and put it on after wiggling around to make myself comfortable. Just right then, I clicked the big button at the top.

Back to the game!!!

The helmet’s visor glowed and my world changed...

-Entering O.w.O-

It is serene in my home. The moonlight shines its silver light and everything is silent. A tranquil moment until I hear Gaia galloping towards me. It is a welcoming noise and I felt his warm fur nudging himself to my waist.

Even if I can speak to him now, it is nice to share a silent conversation like this. Stroking his back, he seemed to be greatly enjoying it since I could hear a satisfied rumble from him. I’ll keep in mind to do this more often to him.

Ah... I forgot to use the [Skill Upgrade Book]. I created more of them to be stashed in my Safe as I used the other to upgrade my <Crafter I> to <Crafter Max>.

It drastically reduces the auto-crafting time from 24 hours usually without {Skill} to only 8 hours. That is a big improvement in my opinion. Unfortunately, my grimoire is still in ‘Auto-Craft’ I know it takes a long but even with {Skill} it takes that long.

Anyway! Once I restocked my supply and re-crafted the potions. Without wasting a moment, I choose the ‘Free Mode’ crafting in Alchemy.

The familiar sight of it greeted me and I began my experiments.

Today! I’ll be making brand-new potions.

I mixed in all the High-Quality versions of Snow Root, Wind Blume, Black Rose, Bright Lily, Torch Weed, and the last ingredient Earthen Moss into the boiling cauldron. I stirred it for quite some time until they all had been turned into mush and dissolved.

Then with a pinch of Grand Root dropped in. I could hear a sizzle sound and the colour changed once more as I kept stirring.

Once it was done, I did the usual ‘Distillation’ and ‘Centrifuge’ process to create a Strong version.

After it was done I heard the usual *TING*. A potion with a myriad of colours swirling within is present on the table.

I picked it up but did not pay attention to it as I began another experiment.

Same as prior instead I used the rare variant of those plants. Resulting in a potion that has thick viscosity and it refracts lights passing through it into a rainbow.

Then another set of experiments again...

In a freshly boiling cauldron, I added Peace Bloom, Silver Thorn, and Steel Cap. All in High Quality, thinking about the next 3 slots. I tried to put in the Trinity herbs; Vitality, Stamina, and Mana.

But there is something different, adding Vitality Herb still makes the cauldron look the same but when I added Stamina Herb. It turns murky dark and becomes a sludge with a foul smell.

I see...

The system cleaned it up and I repeated the process again and just left out the extra 3 slots. For now, I added the catalyst Grand Root. Then use the usual process to make it a Strong potion. It seems the potion-making worked...

Another potion has been made, resting on the top of the table. Stashing it in my inventory, I begin another round of potion-making.

In this one I continued the previous steps, I added High-Quality Peace Bloom, Vitality Herb, and then tried Mana Herb. As it plunges in, the cauldron colours don’t change which means it worked. With that, for the catalyst, I added Creeping Bell. Simply stirring until it dissolves and makes it a Strong version.

The same can be said when I replicated the process but using High-Quality Stamina Herb, Vitality Herb, Silver Thorn, and Steel Cap. Including Creeping Bell catalyst. It seems the Trinity Herbs combined with Status ingredients, I needed them to be in the same ‘Theme’ MP for magic stuff while SP for physical stuff. Both can be added Vitality Herbs which is good...

Though, these two potions have incredibly long names so I edited it...


Then, I made weird potions like a combination of Fall Blume, Bubble Lily, and Stave Moss with a Creeping Bell as a catalyst. This... I called the ‘Exploration Potion’ since the original name is too long as well.

Another potion is cleansing potion which is made from a single Innocence Rose plus Creeping Bell catalyst.

Then another with Smoke Weed and Creeping Bell catalyst.

Fiuf... that is it, my newest potions.


[High-Quality Strong All-Resistance Potion (Unique)]

Description: a concoction made from plants that have absorbed elemental energies and developed a resistance to it. Then enhanced further by a catalyst. In a delicate process, they intermingle and become a powerful potion. When consumed, provides a significant boost to Resistance against All-Elemental Damage for a duration.

[High-Quality Strong All-Elemental Potion (Unique)]

Description: a concoction made from plants that have absorbed elemental energies and harnessed them to their growth. Then enhanced further by a catalyst. In a delicate process, they coalesce and become a powerful potion. When consumed, provides a significant boost to All-Elemental Damage for a duration.

[High-Quality Strong All-Status Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from plants that enhance one's body. Using a delicate process, it becomes a stronger variant. When consumed, Significantly increases All-Status for a duration.

[M&M Mind Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from mind-stimulating plants, mana herb, and vitality herb. Using a delicate process, it becomes a stronger variant. When consumed, Moderately Restore MP and HP. Moderately increase INT & WIS and provide [Magic Up] for a longer duration.

[M&M Body Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from body-stimulating plants, mana herb, and vitality herb. Using a delicate process. It becomes a stronger variant. When consumed, Moderately Restore SP and HP. Moderately increase  STR, CON, DEX, & AGI and provide [Physical Up] for a longer duration.

[M&M Exploration Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from bubble lily, fall Blume, and stave Moss. Using a delicate process it becomes a stronger variant. When consumed, gives water breathing, increased swimming speed, slow fall effect, negates fall damage, and deters most hostile creatures for a longer duration.

[High-Quality Strong Cleansing Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from innocence Rose. Using a delicate process, it becomes A stronger variant. When consumed, remove all buffs and de-buffs. Prevent application of buff and de-buffs for a longer duration.

[High-Quality Strong Smoke Potion (Unique)]

Description: A concoction made from smoked weed. Using a delicate process, it becomes a stronger variant. When used, it will create a smoke screen for a longer duration.


Okay!!! That is enough productivity for a day. I sighed in relief that the thing was now over.

Taking a moment, I auto-craft full stacks of all of them and browse the players’ market for an estimated price of these potions.

My eyes narrowed on the panel once I sorted into potions and Poisons.

(“Just as I thought.”)

Players have already begun selling High Quality potions on their own but it seems they haven’t found a reliable way to get full stacks as I saw them being sold only a few pieces.

I still have the advantage in this situation. Smirking, I closed the panel and used my ability to create more Skill Upgrade Books then stashed them in my Safe.

Checking the time, it’s already 17:37.


-Exiting O.w.O-

Fwaaahhhh... Stretching my body to its utmost limit. I left the bed and helmet behind to take a shower.


Feeling refreshed from it, I cooked a simple fried rice, stir-fry veggies, grilled salmon, and a small bowl of instant soup. Since I purposefully made a large batch of fried rice that will be my week’s meal.

Brushing my teeth and doing my usual skincare routine, I lay on my bed and then wear the helmet to start.

-Entering O.w.O-

Right when I logged in, I was greeted by Gaia’s enthusiasm plus a chat from Siegfried asking to grind. Of course, I accepted the party invitation and we’re going to meet up in Frontera as usual.

-Frontera Adventurer’s Guild-

Arriving soon, Siegfried’s already waiting as I waved my hand in greetings.

“Did you wait long?”

“No, I just came here.” -Siegfried-

He said while grinning. He seemed excited about the event and it made me excited too! But I need to prepare, remember, and know a lot of {Spell} to survive.

“I see, here’s the question. Do you know where we should grind?”

Once I posed that question, Siegfried thought deeply for a bit and then said something I didn’t expect.

“Lainore Forest? That is a good place to start.” -Siegfried-

Eh? That is an interesting coincidence. Same area as me...

“Huh, Lainore Forest eh?”

Siegfried moved his lips in a questioning gesture as I explained.

“Hahaha... I see, there is a settlement for beast-kin there too.” -Siegfried-

I nodded a few times, well! This makes everything easier then. Same City and Area to grind together...

“How was your advancement quest by the way? Mine’s just a quiz about constellations.”

We teleported to Astera and walked outside the gate while talking.

“Mine is just a bit different, I need to encounter a ‘Rare’ monster inside the depths of Lainore Forest and converse with them. The beast-man leader called it ‘Beast Trial’ or something...” -Siegfried-

He shrugged, with his innate racial ability it is easy to do that.

“Got any new moves???”

I played with my eyebrows a bit earning a chuckle from the berserker. He nodded and told me, he was going to reveal it during the grind. I will also reveal my stuff too...

-Lainore Forest Grind Fest-

“Ohhhh!! So this is [Guidance].” -Siegfried-

He stares at something mid-air, probably his {Status} panel. Because of this singular buff, when Siegfried is in his Speed Morph. He has almost guaranteed critical chance and a high dodge rate.

I also see something interesting in his Beast Spirits. He can summon a small companion that helps him in attacking, defending, or supporting. Seeing it from the party list, the summoned Beast Spirit doesn’t have HP so I guess it cannot be harmed.

“Watch this!” -Siegfried-

He grinned widely after catching my attention. In front of us, is a large bear with a single tree growing on it. That tree has beehives and this creature can use ranged attack by sending out a swarm of bees. It can also heal itself by eating the honey. All of those are {Skill} since through the ID panel, I can see what {Skill} the monster has once it used them.

It is a normal monster but it can do all of that. It is showing it is a different challenge in LV50 or above.

We managed to reduce its HP to a quarter and Siegfried leapt like a predator to the bear closing the gap as much as he could. Then he shouted...

“[Consume]!!!” -Siegfried-

His stomach split open revealing rows and rows of serrated teeth like a shark’s maw with flesh tendrils spouting from the edges. It flicks and coils around the bear restricting it from moving. Then in a single ‘Chomp’ the bear is gone leaving glimmering orbs and Siegfried’s body turns to normal in a blink.

“Oooooooooo!!!!! What does it do!?”

Of course, I get curious, it is an interesting ability!

“Heh... hold your reins. I’ll show you.” -Siegfried-

He opened his right palm and clearly said.

“<Honey Drop>” -Siegfried-

A glob of honey came out from his hand and upon eating it. He recovers HP and is given a [Regeneration] buff the same {Skill} as that bear.

“Eh???? Is it permanent?”

If it is, then it’s super OP. Siegfried becomes a literal {Skill} monster.

He shakes his head.

“It would be good if it was. Once I gained the {Skill}. It will vanish after a duration based on my {Status}. Same sort of thing for the amount of {Skill} I can hold. I’m still figuring out how many, you know... the maths.” -Siegfried-

He sounds exasperated. I agree and understand, in fact, I still don’t know the maths behind my ability. My [Star Fragment] can produce 3 crystals, and [Star Shield] enhances my max MP and Passive MP regen. Then [Creation (Small)] amount. Ugh... It's a headache to think about it.

“Anyway! We need to grind more.” -Siegfried-

Thanks to his newfound ‘Consumed’ {Skill}. I didn’t need to heal him much often. So, I kept on focusing on DPS and utility {Spell}.

The longer we fought and the more Siegfried ‘Consume’ he looked so mismatched. It is hilarious and comical to see.

A fire-breathing, honey-producing, hard-shelled, poison claws, and antennas looking Siegfried.



I couldn’t restrain my laughter as I went full blast seeing how funny he looked. Siegfried didn’t seem to mind as he too boisterously laughed.

-Lainore Forest Grind Fest Done-

We finished our grind fest, back and fro for the adventurer’s guild requests. The interesting thing is, I didn’t get any Skill Books from slaying the boss now.

So, I guess the only somewhat reliable way to get it is to open Boss’ Loot boxes and hope the RNG Gods blessed you.

For me, they didn’t bless me. So, I have a lot of weapons, boss materials, and armour that I cannot use. I keep them in my Safe, might as well hoard them it’s unlimited space after all~

I can sell them if I desperately need money but for now, I am good.

“Ah yeah! Do you want to see the Elf settlement?”

We talked about the Safe Points, I discovered an Elf settlement while Siegfried discovered a Beast-Kin settlement. We agreed to exchange locations to unlock more Safe Points the more the better!

Siegfried nods as he prepares for a bit. He is muttering under his breath. I can see a change in his body proportion.

He is already tall by human standards but in this case, he turned a bit taller. Then from his shaggy hair, pointed ears can be seen. He also turned leaner and filled out instead of the lanky build he usually had.

Siegfried is now... An Elf.

“It’s very handy.” -Siegfried-

He smiled as we entered the elf settlement rather easily due to my {Title} and his appearance. The elven guard's remark on Siegfried's shaggy appearance commends him for battling through the monsters and suggests taking a bath in their public bath.

“Do take care of your hair, it's Elven pride and joy! Get some Freshen Poppies, crush them, and lather it on your hair guaranteed you’ll have luscious hair like my daughter!” -Elf Guard 1-

“Apologies, he recently had a daughter that’s why he’s a bit more enthusiastic about hair and skin care.” -Elf Guard 2-

The elf guard's pointy ears turned red as a tomato after being outed by his friend.

It seems Siegfried can speak other races' language as long as he transforms into them.

After he unlocks the Safe Point, Siegfried’s turn to invite me to the Beast-Kin settlement.

“Wait a sec.”

I cast a {Spell} [Disguise] to myself as my appearance changes. From my head, spouted two rabbit ears and I can feel a bump on my behind. I even have whiskers to add.

It is only an illusion so if I got struck by [Dispel] this appearance will vanish. I hope the guards didn’t realize this...

Siegfried looked stupefied by it and he gave a small chuckle at my appearance then commented.

“It fits.” -Siegfried-

Unlike the Elves who use the trees as their home. Beast-Kin have huts made from differing materials but I can see a pattern here.

‘Herbivore-derived’ Beast-Kin uses plant-based materials while ‘Carnivore-derived’ ones use leather. Nevertheless, their huts are sturdy and I dare say I will be comfortable staying in one.

Arriving at the gates, it seems the jaguar Beast-Kin guards recognise Siegfried and me.

“Oh? Black Wolf, did ya’ get a mate?” -Guard NPC-

Siegfried immediately sputtered in shock while I blinked a few times to digest that information.

“No!!? This one is not my mate. We’re travelling buddies.” -Siegfried-

“Whoa! Relax, I just messing with ya’ the boss’ here if ya’ want to see ‘im.” -Guard NPC-

After having a certain distance from the guard, the atmosphere around us is... awkward. My mind is racking a way to break through the ice a bit.

Seriously! Who opens a conversation like that? Ugh... A sudden idea crossed my head as I asked.

“Black Wolf? How did you get that title?”

Hearing my question, Siegfried's stiff posture relaxed and then he began to explain.

“It’s because I encountered a Black Wolf spirit for my advancement quest. He demanded a fight and we fought. It was super fun! Sure I lost many times but you can try again. The Boss’ AI is advanced.” -Siegfried-

“Just a fraction of a second being caught off-guard will be the end of me. All of its attacks are defence-piercing so armour doesn’t help. Truly for the Berserker kind of thing. It can also howl inflicting status ailments. I got caught off-guard at first since it opens with that move then instantly being floored. For the rest, I used my Owl Spirit state to prevent that kind of scenario. Then I need to state change to other stances and micromanage each mechanics.” -Siegfried-

He then told the tale of his battles as I listened while we walked around Lainore Forest gathering woods, stones, ores, and ingredients.

“Can you use potions while in there?”

“Sure do! I use tons of them. Your potion shop is a lifesaver.” -Siegfried-

Eh? I blinked a few times.

“You know of my shop?”

“Haha... I mean, M&M and Magie Magia. You can put the two and two together.” -Siegfried-

He scratches his cheek with his index finger.

“!!! You should’ve told me. I can give you a friend’s discount plus some freebies.”

Siegfried raises both of his hands and shakes them in earnest.

“No, I would never. It is your hard work and it needs to be appreciated.” -Siegfried-

It stunned me as I gratefully bowed.

“Uhm... thank you for buying them. It helps a lot.”

Hmmmm how should I repay Siegfried? Ah!! I know what to do! Opening up the friend list, I clicked on his name and initiated a trade.

“A trade?” -Siegfried-

Tilting his head in curiosity, Siegfried presses yes and I immediately put in several potions I just made.

Siegfried flustered as the potions kept adding to the pile of trade.

“Oi? Oi!? What is this??” -Siegfried-

“A gift! My potions will be added to the shop soon after. I wanted you to be the first one to have it. I won’t accept payment back! I’ll send it through the mail if I have to! In exchange give me feedback on how it performs!”

I cheerfully smiled and was firm on my decision. It appears seeing my expression, Siegfried heaved a sigh of defeat and accepted the trade.

Even though his eyes were covered by the bangs, I could tell he was surprised by the effects of the potion. I mean... he is staring at mid-air but his expression didn’t lie.

His lips curved into a heartfelt smile like when he got the amulet from me. I feel happy seeing someone like that, I’ll think of a nicer present once he finishes the tournament.

“Oh right! Let me show you my stuff.”

I gave him a smug stare which earned a curious look from him. Leading towards a secluded place where no players or at least few players roaming about, I extended my hand. If I can summon living things that would give a lot of ‘Oomph’ compared to spawning items.

Here we go!

“[Create: Song Bird]”

Three pudgy birds appeared before my hands, they chirped singing their song before flying away into the depths of Lainore Forest.

Siegfried stood aghast upon seeing it. He just stared into the distance until he couldn’t hear the song of the birds then snapped his neck to me.

“Wha-?” -Siegfried-

He points in the direction where the songbirds flew.

“Haha... It is my {Trait} ability, I can create small beings for now. I can’t control them so uh... they just escaped. Good to add some ‘Life’ to my home though at least.”

It is my turn to be a bit embarrassed compared to Siegfried. Mine is more of a non-combat ability.

“Wait... can you spawn a monster creature?” -Siegfried-

“I never tried, I thought of it but if I cannot control it then wouldn’t it just attack me?”

“But you’ll never know until you try. Besides you have me to be your vanguard.” -Siegfried-

I sighed, nodded, and then used my ability once more. Might as well make the weakest monster just in case.

“[Create: Blue Slime]”


Like a pop of a balloon, I can hear three squelching sounds as my eyes are greeted with 3 blue blobs. It slosh around never attacking me but it detected Siegfried.

Their liquid body turns solid and spiky, it then bloats then squeezes itself shooting a spiky protrusion to Siegfried.

“Eh!? Uh... Sieg? Sorry!!!”

Siegfried gracefully dodged the attacking slimes, and I went to the party list to check if I had summoned a minion.

Nope, my character name doesn’t have any sub-tab that shows blue slimes only the golems. Which means I have no way to direct them.

“Can you control them?” -Siegfried-

“No, they won’t attack me but it seems will target other players.”

Hearing that from me, Siegfried grew a bone blade from his forearm and dashed before spinning at an incredible speed. Slashing the slimes and immediately defeating them. I mean they are LV1 enemies...

It simply vanished leaving behind glimmering orbs just like when we killed a monster.

“Huh... Interesting.” -Siegfried-

He rubbed his chin seeing the glimmering orbs. I mean, I am a monster spawner too besides an item spawner. If I can summon medium or large and defeat it, I’ll gain a lot of monster mats.

Does that mean I can summon bosses? Well, that would be for the future as I can only spawn in small things.

Siegfried then grinned as he gripped my shoulder with excitement.

“Can you summon a herd of goblins? Or or or a pack of wolves?” -Siegfried-

I raised my hands in surrender. Overwhelmed by his sudden burst of energy.

“Ah!!! Sorry *ehem* I got too excited.” -Siegfried-

“It is alright. I’ll spawn the goblins and after that, I’m out for the day. My ability is limited per day after all...”

He nods a few times and I spawned in 3 goblins. Shaman, Shielder, and Archer all targets Siegfried.

He expertly defeated them and of course, I got the loot too. We parted ways after realizing it was already way past midnight.

As usual, I went to My Home and logged off from there.

-Exiting O.w.O-

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