Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 55: Saintear, The Holy Kingdom

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

From here forth, a massive gate around 10 metres tall made from sturdy materials lavishly decorated with golden highlights blocked my view alongside it are towering looking stone walls stretched far and wide protecting what I think is the kingdom inside.

Oh? Upon coming closer, there are depictions engraved on the surface of the gate. Showing celestial beings in higher positions and below them are praying figures as those beings gave their blessing to those praying figures.


Ah! I need to wear my winter coat overall...

It is pretty cold here as I can see a slight blue tinge covering the edges of my vision including the de-buff icon in my {Status} bar.

Those structures are heavily layered by snow as I approach them alongside other players.

It seems many of them are in the Priest Class players category.

(“Should I disguise myself then?”)

Looking at my reflection I can immediately tell that I’ll probably not be welcomed. I mean... I’m wearing ominous-looking mage robes for goodness sake.

Taking out a white robe that I used to disguise, I changed my gear into it and unequipped my weapon as well.

“Now, I look like a priest.”

Proud of my disguise, I stepped out from the snowy forest and bushes back to the main road.

Two guards, heavily armoured so much so that I can only see slits on their helmets. They also have elaborate symbols and talisman dangling on their necks showing that they are a person of faith.

“State your business.” -Guard 1-

His voice is firm but not loud as I reply. I have decided on what image I’m going to impersonate.

“I am visiting the Basilica for my pilgrimage.”

I tried to be as clear and concise as possible as the guard looked up & down before speaking.

“The Basilica is that way. Pilgrim, may God of Light shine his light upon you.”

That massive gate was already slightly ajar as I entered the place.

(“Fiuf... my disguise worked!”)

I opted to not change my gear and kept the disguise as I continued to explore the place a bit.

Per usual with gaming rules, never go to the main area. Instead! I must explore the sides before going to the Basilica.

I mean, from here I can see that large structure over there.

From this distance, I can tell that it’s going to be a massive building plus looking quite fancy in terms of decoration. Catching many people's attention...

Saintear’s Basilica is the biggest structure in the Kingdom. Based on the name, I suppose this is a Theocratic nation. If similar to Frontera’s Castle, I believe that place is where the leaders of this nation are located.

Shrugging, I simply avoid the path leading to that structure. After all, this place is quite interesting...

Besides the numerous Priest Class and their advancement. I also see other classes like Paladin Knight’s advancement or Inquisitor another priest's advancement.

I see... I see...

This kingdom is divided into 6 cones or districts if I say so myself. Each with its own unique ‘Theme’ based on the six elements and respective deities.

The fire section consists of their armoury and smithing as I got several new auto recipes from them. Lots of players visit the Fire section to repair their gear. Statues or symbols regarding the God of Fire are spread wide here. It shows that this district is their manufacturing or production area.

The water section consists of libraries and from that, many players who are interested in lore will visit the place including me as I take it upon myself to spend some time reading history books. Symbols of the Goddess of Water are etched into the books and buildings. Ohhhh... I see schools here, fit the theme of ‘Place of Learning’. I guess this is their education area.

Earth section consists of farms and living areas, placed quite a distance away to give more room for them. NPCs mainly live there. Small idol statues for the Goddess of Earth are here and there being prayed and given offerings of harvested plants. This would be the residential area.

The wind section consists of inns receiving players and wandering NPCs. Juicy gossip often can be heard here. The idol of the Wind God is being displayed in several stores with copper coins as an offering. They remind me of those cat idols for good luck. Those general stores and grocery stalls combined show that this is their market district.

Light sections are mainly for uhm... it looks like a hospital more or less. So I assume it would be a place for healing since I see injured players or NPCs being hauled in and coming out looking fine. I can also get services in replenishing EP gauge or potion ingredients. They revere the God of Light in high intensity here with massive statues and symbols adorning their uniform.

The dark section is the catacombs and prison. I am quite amazed at how often players get jailed in this kingdom. Even Astera isn’t that frequent though... These players got jailed mainly for casting {Spell} which is not on the Priest list as I’ve noticed. I can safely assume folks here do not like Mages. I guess the God of Dark clergy also acts as a judge here in Saintear. Thankfully the jail time is not that long as I observed a player being imprisoned and after 30 minutes or so they got released. Though, judging by their pallor face I think they do not want to experience jail time again.

I made sure to not cast Mage {Spell} and refreshed my memory regarding Priestly {Spell} that I discovered myself and from the SoloBishop MeTube video.

Now, with all the key places discovered in my Map System. Time to tackle the main course of Saintear, its Basilica.

-Saintear’s Basilica-

Approaching from one of many entrances, I can see that its architecture is inspired by Vatican City. What a fascinating place, I never went overseas before so this game helps scratching that wanderlust itch as I entered.

Marbled floors, stained windows depicting important figures of Saintear, and their walls engraved with the history of Saintear.

It's quite silent here as if all players knew not to speak in these sacred halls. Some players have taken it upon themselves to be tour guides for newbies using a party message system to silently tell them.

At least based on what I’m witnessing. I mean, if they look dazed in mid-air staring at nothing while the ‘Leader’ or the ‘Tour Guide’ is busily typing something. My mind will lead to that conclusion.



The NPCs passing by look at them as if they saw a weird scene.

Moving on!

Ahhhh... I see now the reason why they have multiple entrances. Each hallway will lead to the central.

Based on the podium and lectern, I believe this is where the higher-ups made their announcements or sermons. At the moment it’s empty...

Hmmmm, in between those hallways leading to the podium grand spiralling staircases are leading upwards.

Judging by the NPCs and Players using those staircases. It meant that the upper floor was not a prohibited area so I decided to explore.

-Saintear’s Basilica, 1st Floor-

(“What’s that?”)

Before arriving on the 1st floor, I already hear several magical sound effects and players shouting their chant as I take a peek at what the first floor has.

It seemed to be a prayer hall, quite vast as I could see a guard railing in the middle of this chamber and an opening to see the podium below.

Ahhhh... now I know why other players making those sounds, they are trying new {Spell} from those lecterns and might as well join in.

-After an Hour or two-


Stretching my body to its utmost limit, I huffed in satisfaction after expanding my player’s journal about the new {Spell} I’ve learned.

Plus! I discovered a new thing...

I know these lecterns are personal since each displayed {Spell} corresponds to the player level and class. But... it seemed to me, that it displayed all of the classes {Spell}. Ranging from Paladin {Spell}, Bishop {Spell}, Dark Priest {Spell}, Inquisitor {Spell}, Druid another advancement of Priest {Spell}, and many more so I have a whole pool of {Spell} that’s randomly chosen relating to ‘Faith’ themed classes.

Hmmm, I shouldn’t complain since it is a great thing to have. Filling up my player’s journal for all sorts of {Spell} to use even if it’s a niche situation.

“Everyone, can you please gather? I want to try a support {Spell}.” -Bishop-

My ears perked upon hearing that announcement alongside my curiosity.

A Bishop Class player stood in the centre while near her was another bishop. Several players gathered in curiosity as the bishop player started to cast a {Spell}.

“[Benedictio Santissimi Sacramenti]”

I can see the {Spell} name and cast bar from here, though oddly the other bishop that stood next to her also casting the same {Spell}. Maybe it’s a kind of ritual type of thing?

It takes a few seconds before finally it’s filled up and every player near them including me suddenly gets a buff icon.


[Light Imbued]

Description: Your element is changed into Light, Greatly decreased damage taken from four elements, Greatly increased damage taken from Dark Element, and Immunity to Light Element.


I see, I see... That {Spell} imbued not the weapon but the characters into an element. [Petrify] works the same but it is mainly used offensively.

Hmmmm, I can think of a way to turn this into an offensive {Spell} if it works on Monster but I doubt it. Most Priestly {Spell} target allies.

Bringing up my player’s journal, I began to record every bit of {Spell} being outspoken by players or whispered as I could see their cast bar and {Spell} name even if they tried to mutter it.

Overall, it’s a big progress in terms of my arsenal.

-Further Exploration-

The spiralling staircases don’t end there. Instead, there was the second floor which can be used as a Respawn Point. It has dormitory-like beds arranged in a manner that ensures privacy for each occupant. Including designated showers and a fireplace to keep the chamber warm.

NPCs often used those rooms too besides us players. It is quite comforting to know players here interacted with NPCs in a wholesome manner. Pretty sure outside the Safe Zone of the City, malicious players might try something else.

The third floor is a room filled with hard-working NPCs writing letters, reading scriptures, and a combination of both governing work and ceremonials. I’m allowed in because of the Emblem I possessed since I didn’t see any players here.


The fourth floor, it’s a massive room with a round table in the middle. Adorned by stained glass windows overlooking the entire Kingdom. The chandelier of rainbow colours glimmers on top shedding some light to the glamorous room.

It exudes the feeling of an ‘Important’ place. Including each of the six sections, there is an altar where behind it are Deity Statues on a much bigger scale and even I can tell it’s been maintained with utmost care.

Take a moment to appreciate its architecture and design. I decided to leave the fourth floor, it is incredibly tempting to open all of those caskets and drawers or even take a peek behind those statues just in case there are any secrets.

But those actions are definitely ‘Illegal’ regardless of the fact I have the emblem. I doubt it can protect me from illegal acts.

Anyway! I already got what I need from Saintear. But might as well check in with the adventurer guild. I believe they are in the Wind Section...

-Saintear’ Wind Section-


Entering the all-so-familiar adventurer’s guild. I was greeted with the usual long reception tables and their green uniform clerks from myriads of races.

Players grouping in front of the Request Board talking to themselves, Clerks telling information or talking to one another make this place livelier.

It was comforting, to say the least, as I sat in one of the provided sofas picking a book regarding Saintear’s surrounding area and its flora & fauna.


Most of the Saintear creatures are water elements, understandable after all it’s 75% winter weather throughout the year based on this book.

It listed several floras that I already discovered so I don’t feel the need to gather more. Faunas are more for players who delve into cooking like Siegfried.

“U-uhm... You are Magie Magia correct?” -Clerk NPC-

She caught my attention as I stopped reading and nodded, confirming her question.

“Ah... Good, I have a letter dropped by Saintear’s Holy Order for you.” -Clerk NPC-

I raised my eyebrows in slight confusion before taking the glimmering orb displayed on top of her hands.

“Thank you.”

She slightly bowed and then returned to her station. While I glanced at my inventory regarding the letter icon appearing in it.

Clicking on it, a panel appeared describing the contents of that letter.

(“Ahhhh... It’s an invitation letter from Saintear’s Holy Order asking ‘Us’ to meet up with the Holiest of Holy”)

Well... Uh, if I compare it I guess it’s like an invitation to meet with a powerful figure. The way it mentions ‘Us’ I assume I need to be there with party members so Siegfried.

I’ll message him now so when he goes online it will be in his chat system.


Stretching my body once more, I think that’s enough venturing for now. I need to save up energy for later. Opening the system, I teleported to my home.

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