Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 6: Academy

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

I berated myself as the person approached me. Looking closely at who’s approaching, he seemed to be a staff of the guild. A Beast-Kin... This one resembles those of a silver-fur wolf.

“You are looking for those herbs yes?” -Wolf NPC-

“Yes, might you know where they are?”

I asked politely, who knows it would be another tip I can take.

“Certainly, those herbs specifically grew in an Area called Deep Woods. Hmmm... Vitality Herbs are common in those parts but the rest is quite difficult. I suggest looking at the bestiary & herbal compendium there” -Wolf NPC-

He appeared to be thinking of something and pointing in a direction.

“OY! Don’t slack off” -Bear NPC

Another NPC came and dragged him to the stations as more players came in.

“Sorry...” -Wolf NPC-

His voice drowns amidst other people chattering in the place.


I haven’t even had a chance to say my thanks before the wolf person got taken away. Following where he was pointing, it appears there’s a lounge where people can sit and bookshelves as well.

I decided to pick what that Wolf person told me regarding the books displayed on the shelves.

“There we go... ‘Bestiary and Herbal Compendium of Thelea’ is quite a thick book.”

I needed both hands to lift it before putting it on my lap once I sat down on the comfortable chair.

(“Page 1, In Thelea there’s a myriad of Flora & Fauna can be found each with interesting capabilities. For example; the blue slime many people have seen. They may look cute but they are fearsome. Capable of manipulating their gelatinous body to create protrusion to protect themselves but also shoot those things at prey for them to digest. Fascinating isn’t it? Makes you wonder how many more mysteries are within Thelea.”)

I see... Thelea is the name of this planet. Hmmm... continuing to read this book, it is quite interesting to read as I can feel the enthusiasm of the writer regarding the discovery of unique properties of beasts and plants alike. At the end of each passage between the listed creatures or plants. There is an accompanying unique question that sometimes catches a laugh out of me.

(“Shoot! I forgot to check.”)

I went back to the index and searched for the herbs. Indeed, it mentioned that those herbs can only be found in Deep Woods. But it also tells the reader, the location of Deep Woods.


I called that out as the panel appeared before me, In a hurry I scrolled to the map section, and I could see the entirety of Frontera.

(“It is a big city after all, hmmm... this is the adventurer’s guild. And this will be the academy.”)

She’s right, it is just the opposite side but quite far from the guild. And... Aha! The Deep Woods also get revealed on the map.

(“It is pretty intuitive on the incorporation of discovery to the map. I just wish I could access the map easily... Oh? What’s this?”)

At the bottom corner of the map display, there’s an icon similar to when one uses a computer to minimize.

Once I pressed that, the map panel suddenly got smaller and now in the bottom left corner of my vision away from my main point of view but still if I focus on I can see them.

(“A minimap!!! That’s handy.”)

I smiled as I put the book away, readying myself to go to the academy.


“It’s right here...Ah! There we are.”

Ouh... Wow... I didn’t expect it to be like this, the academy is a singular massive tower. I thought it was a clock tower I didn’t know that it was the academy.

It is gated and guarded by two figures standing at each side, they are wearing thick robes and metal shoulder plates including a mask that covers their faces.

When I approached the place, they seemed to notice my presence. As they nod, they make a gesture to come into the place.

(“Oh? No interrogation and the likes?”)

I just went past them easily, reaching the main entrance to the tower.

Inside this place, was... bigger than what it looked like outside. A spiralling staircase is at the edge of the walls where players and NPCs wearing the same kind of robes wander about.

“It is kind of hard to differentiate them without the obvious big indication tag on the top of their heads for the players.”

I continue to move forward as I notice in the middle of this open room, there’s a circular table where a figure stands.

Does it raise its hand? Not... It’s not hands rather... talons? I see wings underneath this figure's sleeve.

It appeared to be the receptionist of this academy as I approached it.

“Kawk! Welcome to the academy. How may I help?” -Crow NPC-

(“This is new...”)

Instead of being taken aback, I smiled.

“I am here to take a look around the place.”

The crow-like human tilts his head quickly like an avian before asking a question.

“Kawk! Would you like a guide?” -Crow NPC-

“That would be very helpful, thank you.”

The crow human simply plucks a single feather from his wings tucked underneath his sleeves. He threw it into the air and before long, the black feather shone and transformed its shape.

Into a small black rotund bird. Flapping its tiny wings, it made eye contact with the raven humanoid before flying away to perch on my shoulder.

It was incredibly soft on my cheek as I held my desire to pat the chubby chick on my shoulder. With a deep breath...

“Thank you.”

The rotund chick chirps

“No problem pu~ pu~, the tower is divided into five floors please follow me.” -Chick NPC-

It took flight, with the wing flapping as fast as it could to keep its body afloat. I desperately tried to withhold my laughter and quash it down as much as I could.


Shoot, I let it out a bit... Oh good... The chick didn’t notice anything.

“The first floor is our library where you can purchase Spell Books or Scrolls. It is open to all, feel free to peruse it once I finish giving the guide Pu~ Pu~” -Chick NPC-

It’s slowly moving towards the second floor where I follow suit after admiring how vast the library is and how many players and NPC alike perusing books.

“The second floor is our experiment room. Where mages train their spells and see how they affect their surroundings. From the second floor to the fifth floor is restricted access only to Mages. Since you are one, you’re allowed to go through this. Pu~ Pu~” -Chick NPC-

It continues to fly as best as it can towards the third and the fourth.

Those two are the dorms while the fifth is where the Archmage resides. Since I don’t have any correlation or reasons to visit the Archmage, the chick only tells me so before flying away to the raven humanoid’s side.


Once more, they move too fast before I can properly say my thanks to them.

I backtracked to the 1st floor where the library is and began perusing its spell books.

“Eh? 50000 Zeni for a spell book?”

My eyes widen in shock at how pricey a single spell book is and the one I’m watching isn’t used for combat rather it is a spell that enchants a weapon to a particular element for some time.

“It's called [Frost Enchant] hmmm... A Tier 1 spell that I can cast. Wait...”

I quickly called in ‘System’ and checked on one of the {Trait} named [Words of Power I]. The description of it mentions ‘it changes the way {Spell} work’.

(“My [Elemental Bolt] and [Force] work the same though... what’s the difference?”)

I tilted my head in confusion after re-reading the passage of the skill several times.

(“I have an idea though... But it is a stretch.”)

Before I decided to start that idea, I needed to know first how {Spell} is learned and used.

Based on the spell book lying around here, I suppose you purchase them and use them like an item. The book is then consumed and the specific {Spell} is learned.

My eyes glance at other players beside me, one purchased with a smile. It seems my suspicion is correct in that regard.

“meh... can’t hurt to try...”

Climbing the stairs to the second floor, there are sets of training dummies arranged at different distances. I hear all sorts of flashy spells being cast.

“Hey that’s neat~ You can rent a private training room like in the Adventurer’s Guild.” -Random Mage-

I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the ones beside me. He appeared to be talking to his teammate behind him who got interested as well. In small discussions, they tap the air before their figure vanishes. Presumably towards the private training room.


The unique blue panel greeted me once more, and it mentioned the private room too. For a cost of 1000 Zeni per hour.

“Hmmm that is a good deal, plus if my {Racial Trait} are unique or powerful...”

Then it’s better to keep it a secret as my trump card. I decided to use the private training chamber as I pressed the ‘Yes’.

I see 1000 Zeni deducted from my inventory and my whole world has changed significantly.


I am in an empty room and by its size I guess it's as big as a soccer field. Multiple panels are displayed in front of me.

Each has unique options such as where to spawn the dummies. Simply drag and drop kind of thing. If I extend my hand it will be ‘placed’ far and if I retract my hand it will be ‘placed’ close to me.

I spawned one in front of me, within my arm's reach as I waved my hand making the panel scoot over to the side and not covering my view.

“Let’s do it!”

I rolled my sleeves and began casting a spell. My idea of this skill is that it doesn’t need the usual consumption of a spell book. Rather I ‘learned’ {Spell} as long as I knew or said the ‘keyword’.

There are many ideas inside my head besides those things but this is the one that makes sense.

“[Frost Enchant]!!”

My hands suddenly glow blue and mist comes out from them as a cast bar appears and fills near instantaneously. Once it is full, I can see some snowflakes emitted from my glowing blue hands as the {Spell} have finished.

In my {Status} I can see a new icon of a buff added to the bottom of my name. As I gave a small pleased smile.

“It worked! It is true then... I only needed the keyword of the {Spell} to learn them. Gosh... this would mean I need to manually memorize them as it isn’t listed in the {Spell} list.”

(“And I don’t even have one to boot. Hmmm... Wait... I remember there’s a journal section in the system.”)

In a hurry, I called in the system while my hands still had that blue glow and cold mist emitting from it.

“Aha! There it is.”

The journal section of the system is a blank page where I assume, I can add things to it as the keyboard display panel popped in once I navigated to this section.

I began to type {Spell} that I know into a neat list divided by elements as I have {Trait} corresponding to the elements.

The training dummy in front of me lies unmoving as a multitude of ideas surging in my head.

“Let’s try this one, [Fire Ball]!!!”

It’s far different, not even a cast bar appeared rather...


What came out from my hand was just the sound effects of something fizzling out.

(“It doesn’t work, I expected it to be. [Fire Ball] must have been a higher Tier spell.”)

(“Hold on a minute... my {Racial Trait} [Fire I] it says that I can use Tier 1 Fire based {Spell} does that mean I am restricted until I upgrade that Trait? Hmm... I think so, that’s the conclusion I got.”)

Nodding to myself with that result, the sensation of energy being sucked out descends on me. As I grew woozy all of a sudden.

(“Even if it failed to cast, it still cost MP? I better be careful.”)

Once I sat down to recuperate my MP. I feel much better now as I extended my left hand, I remember what other mages cast in the open for all training rooms.

“[Flame Wave]!!”


The cast bar filled incredibly fast to fill up as bright red hot flames evoked from my left hand and it burst forth in a cone shape in front of me engulfing the training dummy in flames.

It only happens once, before the flames vanish quickly but I can see the training dummy has a sprinkle of embers still left behind.

I can check what kind of de-buffs are being applied to the dummy as I see a ‘flame’ icon below the HP bar and tap on it for further details.



Description: Dealt constant fire magic damage equal to the de-buffer INT stats.


(“I see... not bad, I guess I can apply this at the start but it’s a bit...”)

I stare at the distance between me & training dummy including what is covered by that spell.

“It's too close range.”

Shaking my head, the idea to apply was thrown to the side as I put the {Spell} into my journal notes.

I poured everything I had overheard from them into the notes and tried them out as well.

Many of those {Spell} are from higher Tier resulting in draining my MP more than usual.

So I have a break in between, even if I’m used to it. The sensation of being drained and tired is uncomfortable.

Once I finished everything, I went to the training room panels and decided to quit the session as I was thrown back into the familiar second floor of the academy.

“[Inferno]!!!” -Random Mage-

She made a flair movement opening her arms as if welcoming what was going to happen. In doing so, a column of scorching red pillars engulfed a cluster of training dummies.

“Whoa....” -Random Spectator-

Other players watch that sight in awe including me too. Looking at that spell made me wonder what kind of Tier that {Spell} is.

I then promptly left the second floor towards the first floor as I wanted to check the ‘Scrolls’ and ‘Spell Books’ the academy sold.

Not for purchase! Rather... I want to *ahem* analyze them better...

I put the {Spell} I ‘learned’ into my journal even if they are above the Tier I can cast. As I begin to notice a pattern.

I can only purchase Tier 1 to Tier 2 {Spell} and they are the ones displayed in the library. Other players who I assumed would be higher level than me saw different things as they bought a completely different spell than what spell book I saw.

That made me eager to level up as I wanted to use that flashy spell as soon as possible. Wouldn’t be cool to do that?

I chuckled at myself as I decided to come out from the academy and straight to the Adventurer’s Guild for Gear and requests.

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