Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 75: Rebirth

  • 1st Person POV

-Present Time-

It is dark... similar to when someone turns off the lights and my body feels weightless like when a plane takes a downward dive while the sensation of a gentle breeze brushing past my face continues.

Not knowing what to do, I decided to move my limbs just to check. I can feel my hands moving about and my legs walking but I cannot be sure if I’m truly moving from place to place.


I cannot even see my arms when they move. At least knowing the lack of light in this place aptly named ‘Emptiness’ in the map system, I uttered.



(“What the-!!”)

Although it has no sound, it’s not a doubt that it is an explosion of intense white light.

Certainly not what I had in mind when casting that {Spell}...

(“Does this place have some kind of {Spell} disruption kind of thing? Why am I here anyway? Is it because I touched that prism?”)

Until I noticed at the top left corner there’s a ‘Play’ icon with a currently rotating arrow indicating a cutscene is in play...

Shaking my head to refocus on the situation, I see many things spilled out while that source of bright white light starts to die down.

From clusters of gossamer silver, purple, navy blues, and glimmering stars to floating pieces of rock as they continue to expand almost endlessly outward.


Those are galaxies being jettisoned from the original explosion. Soon after, a nagging feeling of Deja Vu hits my mind. My eyes were wide in recognition of what was happening...

Oh! I know this!!!

It’s the big bang animation within the Astral Orb. I looked all around at the ethereal beauty of this phenomenon, taking it all in just like breathing fresh air. It’s one thing to see it at a glass orb and it’s a whole other thing to witness inside it up closer and personal.

The whole place has been lit up I can see everything...

(“So many galaxies, so many stars.”)

As the original explosion of light has dimmed enough and snuffed out. It left behind every celestial object as its outward expansion began to slow.

I tried to reach some of the rocks floating my way and then...


I can see my hands though... the skin wasn’t this colour before.

It’s silvery in colour and when I move my arms around it glimmers like being splashed by glitter. I tried to rub it off but it seemed to be sticking to my skin or maybe a part of it.

I also felt a strange texture, I know that skin is supposed to be supple and elastic but this...?

It feels like I’m rubbing glass even hearing the squeaks and when I tap on my skin a few times, I can hear the sounds of knocking on glass. How strange to have this feature... it is as if I’m wearing someone else’s skin.

Never mind that nothing good will come if I continue to ponder on these thoughts. Let’s finish this cutscene!

Glancing at the furthest edge of my view, I noticed that I was surrounded by a dome of tiny glimmering stars amidst the constantly spinning galaxies even if they rotate at different paces and countless rocks in varying sizes.

Touching one, I gave a slight nudge and it moved without effort as if I just gave it a stronger force than a nudge. It then moves outward carrying momentum beyond my view thereafter.

(“Fascinating... It’s an interactive cutscene...”)

I touched, nudged, and grabbed many things before letting them be. Then wonder how to proceed on this...

Until a single rock, compacted enough to become a somewhat smooth sphere ‘coincidentally’ glided towards and stopped right in front of me.

It somehow looks... lonely. Or dull? Yeah, that would be the correct word.

(“I’m sure this is a part of the cutscene but what do ‘you’ want me to do?”)

Like many other things in this place, I decided to touch it and upon making contact with that rock.

It felt like touching a sticky tape and pulling out and as a result, a patch of green was left behind like a fingerprint as I looked at my finger, I saw nothing.

How odd...

That green print spreads like mould, quickly engulfing this chunk of rock with colours of the verdant green but I also see other colours as well emerging.

I see blues between the green then lighter brown, even somehow reddish hue and wispy white. In a closer look, I see the green sway like leaves, blue waves like seas, brown unmoving like dirt, red flickered like fire, and white swirls like winds

(“Ah... it’s Earth! Or in this case, I should say Thelea”)

So this cutscene tells me, how Thelea’s made rather than reading them, I am being shown. To be honest, it's unsurprising but the animation was breathtaking.

I can even hear interstellar-like background music while all of this is happening...

As Thelea’s done, it went dark once more and that familiar sensation of a breeze brushing past my face appeared once again.

Then the room become recognizable; hardwood flooring, white almost marble-like walls, barred windows with broken glass, and a dusty interior.

Opening the system I have red dots of notification in the inventory tab, quest tab, and {Status} tab.

(“No doubt I’ll get more of it once I complete my quest...”)

Without further ado, I pressed ‘Exit’ in the previously ignored panel as I am now outside of the Forbidden Tower’s entrance within the mage’s garden.

Looking at my left and right, I see newly appearing Celestial Mages from the tower. It seems they begin to gather around in a group sharing their experiences like students after finishing their exam.

“Ohhhh SHIT!!!!, I forgot to get the prism. Does that mean I need to return and challenge it again?” -Celestial Mage Player 1-

“Yup...” -Celestial Mage Player 2-

“Yeee... You won’t get the cutscene if you don’t! it’s an important one.” -Celestial Mage Player 3-

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Fuck me.” -Celestial Mage Player 1-

His shoulders slumped and crestfallen after realizing the mishap while the others simply gave a nod of sympathy.

(“I’m glad that I thought of taking the prism.”)

Remembering the way around Mage’s garden, I briskly walked towards the Celestial Tower as the familiar grandeur of the structure greeted me.

-Astera's Celestial Tower-

Immediately upon entering the tower, one of the official-looking mages talked to me about being summoned to the headmaster and I complied.

Arriving at his office, he faces me with a slight spring of anticipation both good and bad.

I told him what happened inside the Forbidden Tower and also what became of his colleagues. I also handed in both Prism and his colleague's notebook.

His facial expression changes from one of surprise to deep sorrow upon me telling the battle and his defeat including the last words he said.




“I see... so that what has become of him.” -Headmaster of C.T-

“What are you planning to do with the prism now headmaster?”

He looked at the pile of prism pieces and scrunched his face in disgust for a quick second and his expression returned to wariness.

“It will be sealed and taken care of by our organization you don’t need to be worried.” -Headmaster of C.T-

With a flick of his finger and a sudden emergence of a cast bar named ‘[Recall]’.

A group of mages wearing a much more elaborate design of Astera’s robe appeared. They levitate the pieces not even wanting to make contact with them and promptly vanish.

“Now, I congratulate you for completing this old man’s favour. As an exchange, let me teach you how we normally maintain multiple states at once and strengthen your attunement to the celestial bodies.” -Headmaster of C.T-

A panel appeared and promptly vanished as red dots appeared within the system.

Then, I was outside of the tower soon after...

Sitting on one of the available garden benches in this place, I stretched and relaxed...

(“Haaaa... Done and Dusted, now let’s take a look at my new self!”)

With a tap of my finger, I checked all the notifications...


Congratulations! You have gone through Rebirth!!!! Your LV is now 1.

New Areas, Settlements, Dungeons, and many more are unlocked to you.

Class Advancement: Celestial Mage -> Astromancer

  • NEW!! <Celestial Intersection>
  • UPGRADE!! <Celestial State>
  • NEW!! [Primordial Form]


I see I see... I am indeed back to LV1 and there’s the particular tag that signifies I’m a Rebirthed player. I guess it’s back to grind! Like any ol’ MMORPG...

Ohhhh??? I got a new [Trait} ability eh? Plus new class {Skill} too. Let’s check them all...


  • <Celestial State>

Description: Harnessing mana from celestial bodies. You attuned yourself to them giving you a state reflecting which celestial bodies you have chosen. You gain new effects while attuned to a celestial body. As you learn their secrets, they grow more familiar to your body and mind.

Solar State: Attuning yourself to the Sun. A symbol of the sun will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, Significantly enhance your damaging {Spell}.

A solar ring will be glowing atop your head. Upon casting damaging {Spell} to a target or targets. Three smaller and weaker versions of the {Spell} will be simultaneously cast dealing a quarter of the damage from the original {Spell}.

Lunar State: Attuning yourself to the Moon. A symbol of the moon will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, Significantly enhance your defensive {Spell}.

Phases of the moon will be displayed atop your head. Upon casting a defensive {Spell}, you will gain temporary HP called ‘Ward’ based on your INT {Status} and the Tier of the {Spell}. Whenever you take damage, The Ward will take the damage for you and if it is reduced to 0, you’ll take the remaining damage. The Ward will last until it is reduced to 0. You can share The Ward with other players, they will receive the same amount of Ward HP as yours.

Astral State: Attuning yourself to the Stars. A symbol of stars will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, Significantly enhance your supportive / utility {Spell}.

Glimmering stars will swirl atop your head. Upon casting a supportive / utility {Spell}, you will gain [Guidance] buff. You can freely transfer the buff to an ally or an enemy. If an ally and/or you are under the buff [Guidance], non-detrimental chance effects will be affected (for example; resist status effect chance rate, dodge rate, critical rate, drop rate, etc). If an enemy is under the buff [Guidance], the detrimental chance effects will be affected (for example; reduced status resistance chance, reduced drop rate, reduced dodge rate, reduced critical chance rate, etc). [Guidance] buff can exist three on an ally, two on an enemy, and you.

Duration: Infinite

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Requirement: LV 100 Celestial Mage

  • <Celestial Intersection>

Description: Utilising the convergence of celestial bodies, you force yourselves to simultaneously attune to all of them.

In this condition, you will gain all the effects of <Celestial State: Solar>, <Celestial State: Lunar>, and <Celestial State: Astral> including their unique effects for the duration.

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour

Requirement: LV1 Astromancer

  • [Primordial Form]

Effects: You can use this ability depending on the amount of your INT and WIS {Status} per day (6/day). Once activated, you can dismiss the effects early.

Unleashing the inner power within, for 10 minutes you are engulfed in glimmering starlight. In this condition, your HP, SP, and MP will gradually be restored and the amount depends on your INT and WIS {Status}. You also ignore the Casting MP Regen penalty and Casting Moving Penalty for the duration.


Okay, it’s a ‘State’ type of class {Skill} and {Trait}. Both are pretty handy to use, though the {Trait} one is more useful.

These penalties, if what it meant what it read...

When casting {Spell}, during the moment when the cast bar is being filled your MP will not Regen naturally except using potions. Players also know that moving while casting will cause the {Spell} to cancel itself. These are the common rules of spellcasting the whole reason why positioning is important as a magic caster...

So judging by what I read, My MP will still Regen even if I’m casting and I can move now while casting? That is quite neat... I can think of many strategies that would work with that! Though being engulfed by starlight would cause me to be spotted in any distance, so that’s something to think about...

Nevertheless, I grinned happily as I closed the panel and then checked my {Status}.

Hmmm... I’m not a Celestial Mage anymore rather it is an advanced class after a Celestial Mage named Astromancer. Does that mean other players would have different advanced classes?

“What should I do now? Hmm... Ah! I know.”

Maybe it’s time to visit Beginner’s Field once more to see what changes and probably level up there since I wouldn’t get EXP by hunting mobs above my LV...

Before I can click on Safe Point though, I hear the tell-tale *PING* of the chat system indicating I received a message...



-You’re OL?

-Wanna go hunt for a bit? I just get Rebirthed so I’m LV1 now


-Yes, OFC!!! ^•^

-Oh wait...


-Wait what?


-I have a friend who might want to join as well. She’s a Bishop!!


-Are you sure? You know that we’re not exactly human.


-Yeah, but she’s Fiend! I haven’t told her that I know her race yet though so uh...


-A Fiend Bishop? That is something...

-Well anyway... Invite her to the chat.


Hovering my finger to her IGN, I hold for a bit until a new tab appears and click on ‘Add’ which will create a group chat.



-Oh? Mag! Do you need something?


-Yeah, I am asking if you want to grind LVs with us.


-Sure! I haven’t Levelled Up after Rebirth so this will be great!

-Who’s the other one if I may ask?


-The vanguard berserker, Siegfried.

-Just got Rebirthed too. So, we’re LV 1


-That’s great! Where should we meet up?”


-Preferably, Frontera’s Adventurer Guild lobby area?


-*Thumbs Up*


-*Smile Emoji*


I begin tapping at Frontera’s Safe Point to initiate teleportation as My view changes to the familiar environment of Frontera and take a deep breath of fresh air.

It’s been a while since I’ve been here, the familiar background OST. Players screaming about what they were selling, they wanted a negotiated price compared to the market if they did that. People running about doing their daily activities. Some random Bard and Dancer Class players performing together to get Zenis.

Frontera’s always the ‘Social’ hub of players so it’s understandable that the city is chock full of players including the Rebirthed ones like me.

Walking around the place, I moved in the direction of the adventurer’s guild until I saw the familiar green tile roofing and conglomeration of players.

“Now, I wait...”

I sat on their comfortable couch, reading their adventurer’s handbook regarding monsters as it is updated.

(“Ohohoho? The new Area within the beginner’s field is called Beginner’s Challenge.”)

How does one access it then? Is it by the simple entrance? Maybe I would get prompt upon approaching the place...




“Thelea to Mag, Hello???” -Sieg-


My head immediately whipped to the source of the sound seeing Siegfried’s appearance behind me...

“WAH! Ouh... I swear sooner or later I’ll put a [Sigil] that will trigger wherever I got startled.”

He raises his arms in mock surrender with that mischievous grin of his.

“Kehehehe.” -Siegfried-

He snickered before taking a sit beside me waiting for Booba to read a monster book for Rebirthed Players.

“Mag? What’s this?” -Siegfried-

He points at the floating knotted ball that orbits around me.

“Oh, that? That’s my new weapon.”

Siegfried asked in curiosity as I glanced left and right to see that we were somewhat secluded from the main lobby.

Opening my left palm, it halts before floating towards me and resting on top then unfurls.

“Whoaaaaaa...” -Siegfried-

“Yeah, it ‘Whoa’ I couldn’t believe that I got it when I reached LV100”

He nodded a few times before rubbing his chin.

“Its kinda familiar though... “ -Siegfried-

*SNAP* He flicked his finger in recognition remembering something he saw.

“AH! It is similar like what Madam Burns held.” -Siegfried-

Now it’s my turn to get curious as Siegfried told me.

“Eh? Madam Burns? You sure???”

“Go ahead, check it on Pochi Mochi’s forum. You can open it here too. The new patch allowed us to do that now.” -Siegfried-

“Owhhh so that’s what it did.”

I distinctively remembered when the helmet downloaded something... hovering over the system and I scrolled aside myriad tabs until reaching a newly added one.


Tapping on the tab ‘Browse’ opened the all-so-familiar web browser and opened Pochi Mochi’s forum.

Pinned at the top and have lots of likes are a cluster of pictures or short videos depicting Madam Burns, Zephyr, and Pochi Mochi.

They are all in an interview type of scenario, especially regarding the Guild opening and its rules...

My ears aren’t listening rather my eyes stare at their outfits.

Pochi Mochi is wearing a martial arts uniform complete with a headband. On the headband, there’s an icon of Shiba Inu having their cheeks squished. The symbol of his guild, as he is titled the ‘Guild Master’.

(“Hehehe, that symbol is super cute!”)

*Ehem* A-anyway, there are two of his vice guild masters; Madam Burns and Zephyr. As the general rule of guild making; one Guild Master and two Vice Guild Master.

Zephyr the elven spirit archer, wore verdant green leather armour set as if she’s covered in leaves clustered in a way that looks like scales. Her weapon still be that bow made from ivory tree branches where buds are growing.

Madam Burns is wearing a stylish scarlet-coloured mermaid dress of a mage’s robe. It is designed in such a way that looks like flickering fire when she moves. Her weapon is the one that intrigued me, after all, it looks sort of similar to mine.

It’s a floating black orb currently resting on her right hand, which reminded me of Obsidian. It has bright orange veins on the surface of that weapon and occasionally, I see tongues of flames appearing...


I nodded to myself seeing the image and I heard a rushed footsteps as a figure approached us.

“Huff... Huff... Am I the last one?” -Booba-

Both, Siegfried and I nod. Looking at the last one who arrived late. Now with her hood off, I can see her features.

Booba has long hair, deep auburn matching her brown eyes. Sharp and defined jawline and breathtaking face depicting beauty.

She must have spent many hours sculpting in front of the character creation mirror to achieve that!

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