Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 82: Doctor’s Call

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-A Week After-


My eyes blearily open while my hands reach the phone on the bedside table.

(“Who’s calling this early in the morning?”)

I thought while checking the number, it’s not saved so it displays the whole number. With a sigh, I pressed ‘Answer’.


My voice croaked, dry since I just woke up.

“Ah! Sorry to interrupt your sleep. Good Morning, I’m Dr. Sven. How are you?” -Dr. Sven-

In a snap, my eyes are wide open and I quickly grab my water bottle to soothe my throat as I reply.

“*Ehem* Yes, may I ask what’s going on?”

Then I hear the rustling of papers in the background Dr. Sven speaks...

“It seems that your test results came up... inconclusive for both blood and urine. Do you have time for today to come up to my office for an urgent consult?” -Dr. Sven-

He emphasised the word ‘Urgent’ which made me nervous for a second before replying...

“Ah... U-uhm, yes. I do have time, at when Doctor?”

From there, I can hear the mouse clicking noise as Dr. Sven replies.

“How about this afternoon around 2 PM?” -Dr. Sven-

“Yeah, that would be great. I’ll see you then Dr.”

With some courtesy goodbyes, I closed the call and looked at the time.

(“It's 11 AM, I better take a shower!!!”)

In a rush, I took a nice refreshing shower and brunch since he didn’t say anything regarding fasting or not.

The clinic’s close enough distance that I can walk so I decided to take the scenic walk since I left home early...




The bitter cold of winter usually makes my joints stiffen and makes it hard to even type things on my phone. But now it is just comfortable... I’m sure I checked the weather and it’s going to be 5 degrees today right?

Unsure of that, I opened the Weather app on my phone as it displayed the current weather and temperature. Just like that, I can see 5 degrees Celsius blatantly appearing on the screen including that ‘It feels like 3 degrees Celsius’.

(“Huh... Well, maybe it’s because I’m walking and warmed myself up!”)

With a shrug, I went onward towards the clinic as I finally arrived. A bit early as I arrived at 1:00 PM...

“Excuse me? I have a meeting with Dr. Sven at 2 PM?”

Upon hearing it, the receptionist immediately perks up her eyes recognized me and she nods.

“Ah! Did you come early? Let me check in with Dr. Sven, he told me to inform him ASAP if you arrived. Wait for a bit alright?” -Receptionist-

I scooted to the side and waited at the provided chairs for a few minutes while she was calling Dr. Sven’s room...




“The Doctor will see you now if you’re alright with that?” -Receptionist-

I blinked a few times as my mind thought of why the doctor wants to suddenly meet like this.

(“Inconclusive results? I wonder what caused it...”)

Nope, don’t think too deeply about this. Just tackle the present like you always did!


The receptionist then gave me directions towards Dr. Sven's office as other doctors in the clinic each greeted their patients.

While I’m walking straight to his office...


“Oh! There you are, I was about to come get you. Come, have a seat.” -Dr. Sven-

He pointed to the same chair located across from his desk as I followed and sat on it while he manoeuvre himself to enter his desk.

“Ah... Okay, I wanted to talk to you about your test results. In here-“ -Dr. Sven-

He types on his keyboard and looks at the computer.

“Let us start with the easier ones. Your Urine Sample results have come back as inconclusive. Knowing that, I called the lab for the reason as they informed me it is remarkably similar to water which is odd in my opinion.” -Dr. Sven-

(“Yeah... I peed in the cup myself! I didn’t fill it with water from the sink or anything... The phlebotomist won’t tamper with it either right?”)

“So... I suggest we re-do another pee sample. May I ask, are you comfortable with the urine test being supervised?” -Dr. Sven-

Of course, that question surprised me but I understand why the doctor suggested it.

“U-uuhh... Sure why not? I think I can do it being supervised, not having stage fright or such.”

A smile began to appear on his face as he handed me a yellow top jar for me to fill.

I went to the toilet with him and a nurse who supervised me as I filled up the jar and then gave it to them.


“Thank you, we apologize for the discomfort but it’s the procedure you know?” -Nurse-

She looked incredibly worried even after seeing my superbly clear Business No.1 as she packed them up for send off to the lab.


Returning to Dr Sven’s office, he continued looking at the computer screen then spoke...

“Now, about the blood test. *Ehem* so far the others are within the normal range....” -Dr. Sven-

From his tone, I sense a ‘But’ incoming...

“The lab discovered several minerals in your blood that... is not supposed to exist in blood and higher concentration of trace elements. So I have a question, have you been taking other medications or going someplace like caves or mines?” -Dr. Sven-

I shake my head...

“No, the medications available at my home are paracetamol and now the light laxative you prescribed... And I didn’t go anywhere, only my house, shopping centre for groceries, and that’s that.”)

(“I don’t think someone would tamper with my blood right? That’s a big violation of lab protocols!”)

Dr. Sven takes a deep breath and lets it out at once as he begins typing several things.

“You have taken the laxatives yes? How’s that progressing?” -Dr. Sven-

“I took as per intended amount but it doesn’t help, I still don’t have any bowel movements...”

He nods with a concerned face as he clicks and types in his computer.

“Okay... Just in case, I would like to do another blood test about those minerals in your blood and maybe a CT scan of your intestines to see how bad the constipation is. And here...” -Dr. Sven-

He gave out a form...

(“Oh! It’s a referral for the blood test and another referral for a CT scan.”)

“Thanks, Doctor!”

“No problems. Once again, we do apologize for making you uncomfortable with that urine test. We just want to make sure.” -Dr. Sven-

“No, no... It’s alright! I understand where you’re coming from.”

With that, I left the medical clinic and went next door where the pathology place is.

Before I entered though, I made a quick reservation call for an appointment to do a CT scan. Thankfully, there are availabilities for tomorrow, so I guess that will be my schedule tomorrow afternoon.

Then I entered the pathology place...


(“There’s a bit of a line here.”)

After taking a number, I waited patiently...

(“In the meantime! Let me look at the form, what tests did the doctor request?”)

Ahhhh, it is a series of regular check-ups but also added trace elements testing and one test I didn’t recognize.

(“This test? I do not know what it means, never see them in my workplace.”)

After that, I whipped up my phone and began browsing the abbreviation.

(“Ooooohhhh!!! Based on here it is a test that checks all known minerals in serum. Must be a new thing they added...”)


“Number 17?” -Phlebotomist-

“Ah!!! Yes...”

I got so absorbed in reading that I almost forgot my number being called. Upon being approached, recognition flashes in her eyes as she remembers.

“H-hello, it’s me again.”

“Hahahaha! I received calls from the lab asking about your blood sample.” -Phlebotomist-

She looks at the paper and then begins the procedure like name, D.O.B, address, phone number, etc before finally starting the blood taking.

Looking at that high amount of tubes, I blinked a few times as she pursed her lips.

“Sorry, that test needed quite an amount of tubes.” -Phlebotomist-

She looked apologetic as she began the blood collection process.




“Finally...” -Phlebotomist-

“Haaaa, Finally! That is a lot of tubes.”

I looked at the contents of her kidney dish, there’s probably 15 to 20 of those tubes in varying colours. Primarily navy blue though...

“Yep, it quite a rare test for the doctor to order but sometimes it happens you know?” -Phlebotomist-

She picked one up and checked the colour as it was still the same dark that seemingly absorbed light though upon gently shaking it the consistency was similar to blood so she shrugged and began labelling them.

After that, I promptly left the place and went straight back home to change into my ‘In’ outfit.

Since I already have my lunch, I guess it’s O.w.O time! As I excitedly, wear the helmet and pressed that button.

-Entering O.w.O-

Almost immediately, I re-crafted all the potions including the better ones and re-stocked my M&M shop in the players' market.


I renamed the ‘Better’ potions as M&M Life Potion V2 and although I haven’t stocked up much only 50 pieces of it. They’re all sold out!

(“Nyehehehehehehe, I have more money!”)

I converted 70% of it to real money while keeping the 30% as in-game money.

(“What else I’m going to do now?”)

I’ve done a couple of fetch quests from NPCs and those rewards aren’t very uhm... worth it, I mean it’s a simple fetching quest.

I guess it's time to explore other areas of Frontera! Oh!!! Before I forget...

Still in my home, I went to where Tree of Life’s growing and wielded my artefact as it unfurled then I closed my eyes with the intent to continue observing that archer as the familiar clicks & clacks ensued from my weapon.

The darkness of my view brightens as I see a snowy landscape and a distant snow-top mountain reaching the skies. Trees in the corner have been picked and cleaned leaving behind branches and clusters of icicle spikes growing beneath them.

His figure was located at the centre of my view as I glanced at his surroundings counting how many of his allies.

(“I can see Sage player, Cardinal, and that Tank. But where’s the rogue?”)

That’s bad news for me... I am planning to go through ‘Frozen Field’ to search for alchemy mats since it’s around the same LV-ish as me so concealing magic can still work against the monsters there but not to them!

Just as I thought of that, several ideas appeared in my mind and one of them was to fight them.

(“But that could mean I’m stomping on a lion’s tail, what if they call in reinforcements after? Hmmm...”)

One sinister idea shines bright in my mind. I remember in other MMORPGs there’s another method of PK using Monsters which I have fallen from many times.

By utilising the monster’s aggression, I can lead them to this group and force a battle. That means the numerical advantage will least be equal, though not level advantage.

Plus I need to do it safely... how?





Wait a minute...


My smile turned into a dark grin as I remembered that my buffing even healing {Spell} can affect whichever targets due to my {Trait} ignoring allies or enemies tag.

In regards to pulling the aggro, My [Fragment] is regarded as an entity even if they only have 1 HP. I can make them protected, if they have [Aegis] on and being provided my MP Regen from <Mana Siphon> since [Fragment] can’t Regen MP on their own...

If I buffed my [Fragment] with movement speed magic. I think I can make this push-and-pull mob aggro method work, buffed the monsters with various magic to even out LV difference, and hopefully it drives them off from Frozen Field or outright kills them!

I can see from my spying, that they purposely avoided monster-dense places while patrolling for targets to PK.


My grin gets wider and wider as I navigate my hands to teleport to Frontera’s safe point after opening my eyes.


Upon arrival, I quickly turn to one of the corners in an alleyway as I cast.

“[World Teleportation]”

Already decided on where to go, as if the system had read my mind. A prompt appears in front as it says.


You’re about to enter Frontera’s Area: Snow Field. As you’re a Rebirthed player would you like to enter Frozen Field instead?

Yes / No


Pressing ‘Yes’ my world view promptly changed into a land heavily covered by snow with a distant mountain in the distance. Dead withered trees with branches coated in icicle spikes adorned the surrounding as I am 100% sure it’s the same place as that archer and his group.

I decided to make a hideout in a cluster of withered trees while thinking about how to tackle this.

It’s a pretty wide Area so first, I will scout using my fragments. In case I immediately found them...


Upon muttering the activation word, several star-shaped crystals formed in mid-air shining their prismatic colours.

It is hard to notice but there’s an animation played when I make my fragments. I need to take that into account when they discover my location or my fragments get destroyed from out of MP or physical force in the midst of fighting against a Rogue.

(“Fragments, use [Aegis].”)

Ordering them all to use that ability, the fragments are shielded in a faint sphere of prismatic light as I muttered beneath my breath.

“<Mana Siphon>”

Faded blue tethers connected between me and 7 fragments as I smile.

(“Let's begin!”)

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