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Chapter 39 - Designing express work clothes, the chief designer is angry and smiles

Yan Guo is the most populous country on Blue Star, and it is also the most important place for many international brands to settle in.

Versace injected into the market on Yan Guo’s side several years ago.

Although Versace has built itself into the world’s No. 1 clothing brand through its own efforts, there are many areas in Yanguo where Versace still failed to integrate into it.

Now there are local people from Yan Country who have become new shareholders of Versace, which is undoubtedly a great thing for Robert, who has a super high EQ.

As the largest shareholder of Versace collective, Robert attaches great importance to this new shareholder. I believe that the new shareholder has this strength and can bring the most powerful help to Versace’s business expansion in Yanguo.

After the secretary left Robert’s office, he immediately called Ye Ran, but she couldn’t get through after several consecutive calls.

It’s not that Ye Ran didn’t see the call, but he didn’t answer it. He saw that it was a foreign call and immediately cut it off.

Shenhao’s gold content is getting higher and higher, and this nuisance call is becoming more and more international. From time to time, overseas calls come to Ye Ran’s phone.

Just as Ye Ran sighed, his mobile phone rang a text message reminder.

“Dear President Ye, I am Jin Kaili, the secretary of Versace Group. I greet you on behalf of the group director. It was me who called you just now. I’m sorry to disturb you. I am going to call you again. Is this okay? “

Looking at a text message in English, Ye Ran covered his face and smiled. It was the first time that he received such a highly compelling text message.

Fortunately, his English proficiency is quite good. When he was in college, he also passed the eighth level of English major.


A few seconds after sending the text message, Ye Ran’s cell phone immediately rang.

It was the number just now, which was mistaken by Ye Ran for disturbing the phone.

A **** and charming female voice came over the phone: “Mr. Ye, hello, I’m Kaili Jin. I can speak a little bit of Yan national dialect, but I can’t write Yan Wen, sorry.”

Listening to Jin Kaili’s bad Yan Guo spoken language, Ye Ran didn’t dislike it, just because the other party’s voice was so nice, he just didn’t know how the person was.

Female secretary, it won’t be too bad to think about it.

“It’s Robert, the chairman of the board of directors of Versace Group, who asked you to call me?”

“Thank him for caring about me. I have no time to go to the United States recently. I will visit him again if I have the opportunity.”

“Ask me if I have any opinions on the group? I don’t seem to have any opinions.”

Ye Ran squinted his eyes and thought, and he suddenly had a freak-level idea.

“It seems…I have a request! I wonder if I can say it?”

“It’s possible, you can do it, Mr. Ye.” Jin Kaili said respectfully.

To be a good secretary is to obey the leaders above. Jin Kaili is a very good secretary. Fortunately, her boss, Robert, is a good person and has not put any special requirements on her.

If this new shareholder comes to Versace’s headquarters for development one day, Jin Kaili will obey any excessive demands on her.

Whether it’s hard work or high-powered physical exercise, she will do her best.

“I want you to design a set of work clothes for me. I have a model.” Ye Ran said his thoughts.

“No problem, Mr. Ye, when you send me a picture sample, I will arrange it immediately and let Williams, the chief costume designer of the headquarters, personally tailor it for you.” Jin Kaili said without hesitation.

Just designing and making a work clothes, for those chief designers, it is easy to come by.

As a member of the board of directors, Ye Ran, let alone designing one piece, it is tens of thousands of pieces, there is no problem.

Work clothes? No wonder Mr. Ye didn’t have time to come to the United States, because he was busy at work.

He’s really good. I don’t know what kind of big company Ye runs in China?

If the salary is good, I want to change my job to Yan Country. I heard that there are many handsome guys in Yan Country. I also want to find a handsome boyfriend.

Jin Kaili couldn’t help but began to think about it. The girl was pregnant with spring, and she couldn’t resist her restless heart.

After chatting briefly with Jin Kaili, Ye Ran hung up.

Then he sent his model of express work clothes to Jin Kaili.

Ye Ran suddenly had this freak idea just now because he wanted to see how the Versace design masters would design a express work clothes.

Thinking about it, it feels screaming again and again, Niubi’s luxury design master, specially designed a express service for him.

This kind of devilish creativity to play with luxury goods came out of Ye Ran’s idea. Innovative design does not mean that it relies on tricks to make surprises and get ahead step by step.

After receiving the picture from Ye Ran, Jin Kaili couldn’t help but OMG said.

According to the English letter SF written on the clothes, she entered the mobile phone and found that this was the name of a courier company in Yan Country, and the model of clothing sent by Ye Ran was the ordinary SF Express work clothes.

? ? ? ? ? ? With a dazed look, there is no limit to it.

Kids, do you have a lot of question marks?

Mr. Ye’s work clothes are express work clothes. She thought about it for a long time, but she didn’t even figure out what was going on.

If it is made for Mr. Ye’s staff, then one piece is not enough. If it is made for Mr. Ye, then it can only prove that Ye is always a SF express courier…

Jin Kaili couldn’t help but want to call Ye Ran to ask if this was the situation of Shenmazi.

Let Versace’s best designer, Williams, design a courier service. If you say this, it will make the Versace brand faceless.

Jin Kaili found out that this new shareholder had too much brainpower, she couldn’t keep up at all.

It’s normal to think about it. You can become a shareholder of Versace Group, and you can’t get so high if you don’t have a big brain.

Jin Kaili went directly to Williams, and she wanted to make it clear to him in person.

“what are you saying?”

“Let me design this thing?”

“who do you think You Are?”

“Jin Kaili, I can’t help but want to smoke you.”

“Long beauty, can you tell me about it?”

“Here, my status is higher than you.”

Williams scolded Jin Kaili angrily, designers are all grumpy, usually when designing products, too much work pressure.

They can’t breathe under pressure, and they often vent their depression when they are at work.

“Cough cough cough…Let’s finish it, this is not what I asked you to design, I just convey it.” Jin Kaili said flatly.

“Who?” Williams questioned.

Jin Kaiduo pursed his lips: “It is the fourth largest shareholder of our Versace Group, a person from Yanguo, who made this request. Perhaps he wants to test the level of our chief design master at Versace. If not, I guess you I’m going to lose this job with an annual salary of tens of millions.”

“Hahaha…no wonder, I’m still surprised, who else could have thought of such a creative design, it turned out to be our boss, thank him so much, he brought me creative inspiration, let me dry up, A steady stream of inspiration spewed out of the rigid brain in an instant.”

“Kelly, do you know? I’m currently having a headache for next year’s Victorian fashion show. I decided to incorporate the model of this dress into those underwear designs. This is an unprecedented leap forward innovation. It’s really great. I will work overtime all night long these days. With such a good inspiration, I want to put it into practice as soon as possible.”

“Tell this boss, two days, at most two days, I can rush to make his work clothes, and then send them to the boss immediately. Let him feel my outstanding, private order, only this family of Versace Courier service. First of all, I’m going to the Tigers to operate it, I’m so excited, giao~”

Kincaiduo was speechless, this Williams can become the chief design master of Versace, not without reason, that is shameless.

As soon as she heard that it was a shareholder’s request, he didn’t need to brew for a second, and immediately changed his face and started an excellent operation.

It is worth mentioning that the second year of the Victoria Fashion Show, the underwear of fashion models, and the shadow of SF Express work clothes are full.

The boss of SF Express also watched the fashion show through the live broadcast platform, and he was dumbfounded when he looked at the fashions worn by the models.

How did this idea feel like stealing our SF Express service, but he didn’t have the courage to say so. After saying it, he was afraid of being mistaken for him as a hype.

Do you need to copy their express clothes for clothes designed by the world’s No. 1 brand?

And that year, the sales of Versace’s clothes were surprisingly good, which can be said to be in short supply.

In an interview, Williams bluntly attributed these credits to Ye Ran.

“All the credit for all this comes from the clothes model provided to me by a leader of the board of directors. Without him, there would be no results for me today.”

Williams’ words also caused a big sensation in the fashion industry. Many people wanted to see this imaginative board leader.

Of course, Ye Ran chose to keep a low profile.

These are all things to do.

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