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Chapter 47 - You say forget it, do you forget it?

Seeing Lao Wang not listening to himself, Chen Hao became angry, and then seeing Ye Ran sneer at him all the time, he became even more angry.

Even the people below didn’t listen to Chen Hao’s words, one can imagine how bad his character is.

At this moment, Ye Ran’s cell phone rang.

It was from Li Zimu, it was already past seven o’clock, and Ye Ran hadn’t arrived yet, she was worried to death.

She knew that Ye Ran was delivering express delivery recently, but it was time to get off work at seven o’clock in the evening.

“I’m here, it’s downstairs.”

“Someone stopped me from coming up.”

“He said I’m a garbage courier, and I don’t deserve to be here.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ran looked at Chen Hao coldly.

“Seeing you are so pitiful, forget it, you can go up there, haha.” Chen Hao felt that the humiliation was almost over, and he didn’t want to make things worse.

“Do you think that this matter, you say forget it, do you forget it??” Ye Ran curled up the corner of his mouth and looked straight at Chen Hao.

With this look, Chen Hao couldn’t help but sift the chaff, so terrible, how could it be like this.

How could it be possible for a courier to have such a strong aura, it is almost impossible, a bit stronger than Zhang Dali, his servant.

Just when Chen Hao showed horror, something worse happened.

Li Zimu walked out of the elevator, saw the scene in front of him, and contacted what Ye Ran told her just now, she could guess that it was Chen Hao that blocked Ye Ran’s way, **** it.

“Papa……” Counting loud slaps resounded across the hotel.

Chen Hao was vomiting blood when he was beaten, and his handsome face was good, but now it is swollen like a pig, which is terrible.

“Chen Hao, are you wrong? Even Ye Dong, you dare to stop and you were fired!!!” Li Zimu’s cold temperament showed the image of a domineering female president.

Ye Ran also looked at Li Zimu with interest, the ice beauty in front of him was very energetic.

(◎c◎), Ye Dong……

The other staff were also taken aback. This young man in the express service turned out to be Ye Dong from Litai Group. What a joke.

But why did he come in a SF express service? It should be a neat suit and a gorgeous outfit.

“Ye Dong… Ye Dong, I was wrong. If you don’t remember the villain, please forgive me this time.” Chen Hao hurriedly bowed in front of Ye Ran, apologizing sincerely.

Ye Ran still kept a sneer, ignoring Chen Hao, first let Chen Hao continue to suffer, then let Zhang Dali deal with it.

“Zimu, I’m starving, let’s go.” Ye Ran naturally grabbed Li Zimu’s A4 waist.

Li Zimu also catered to Ye Ran very much and took the initiative to approach Ye Ran.


When did our president become so gentle…

This is what they have never seen before.

Usually Li Zimu always looks cold, which can only show that Ye Dong’s charm is too great.

“Chen Hao, you are taking the blame and deserve it.”

“Yes, I’ve seen him upset with this scum.”

“You see Ye Dong is the atmosphere, so he looks like this Chen Hao, caress about everything.”

“Last time I was in the toilet, this beast was doing everything to me. If it weren’t for me shouting, I would…”

“It’s okay, President Li won’t let him go. It’s time to get rid of this malignant tumor.”

And Chen Hao now looks decadent, he feels so moldy, why does Ye Dong wear a courier suit to cheat me.

The old security guard looked fortunate, dictated by his conscience, if he followed Chen Hao’s instructions to drive away Ye Ran, then the iron rice bowl would be gone.

What made Lao Wang even more happy was that he was promoted the next day to fill the vacancy after Chen Hao left.

Lao Wang’s eyes were wet with excitement. He knew that this must be what Ye Ran and Ye Dong said. He graduated from junior high school. How could He De have this opportunity to work as the director of Litai Hotel.


With Ye Ran’s arrival, everyone in the hotel lobby stood up.

The third shareholder who greeted them, everyone was stunned by the new shareholder.

So young and handsome, yet so calm and steady, and the person who was most surprised was Zhang Dali.

Isn’t this the courier last time? Since Ye Ran came wearing a courier service, Zhang Dali confirmed it at first glance.

That’s right, this is the little express courier who made her addicted at a glance.

“Why do I want my daughter to be single forever? Hey, it’s too difficult.”

Seeing Ye Ran holding her baby girl Li Zimu’s slender waist, and her baby girl was shy, Zhang Dali was upset.

Before, she encouraged her daughter Li Zimu to seize the opportunity to accept this young new shareholder so that she can hold her grandson.

Now she regretted saying that, she herself… also wanted to… take Ye Ran.

“Everyone, this is our new shareholder, Ye Ran.” Li Zimu solemnly introduced.

There was a warm applause on the scene.

“How can you be so handsome.”

“I really like it, I don’t know if I have a girlfriend.”

“There is no one and it is not your turn, nor look in the mirror to see how ugly you look.”

“Bah, baah, I can’t be YY, whoever sees such a beautiful man is not greedy.”

“Don’t you guys scream, don’t you see President Li standing next to him, his cheeks are all red?”

After a brief introduction, Ye Ran took his seat.

Li Zimu took Ye Ran to the middle table.

There were the most important people in the group. Zhang Dali was sitting in the upper seat, and the two places beside her were empty.

One was reserved for her daughter Li Zimu, while the other position was reserved for Ye Ran.

“Ye Dong, please sit down.” Zhang Dali said politely.

Ye Ran took the seat calmly and gave Zhang Dali a sunny and handsome smile.

Zhang Dali only felt that her heart, which had been silent for decades, seemed to have returned to 20 years ago and began to feel like a deer bumping into each other.

This Ye Ran’s charm is too great, but it’s impossible for an old cow to eat tender grass.

Ye Ran is such an excellent young man, how could it be her turn, that Ye Ran can’t be caught with money, with good looks? She is already a middle-aged woman.

As long as Ye Ran can be her son-in-law, she will be satisfied.

With Ye Ran’s arrival, more than 50 people on the scene began to eat. It was almost eight o’clock in the evening, and they were already starving.

Li Zimu took all the things that happened just now to Zhang Dali.

Zhang Dali’s face turned gloomy. If Chen Hao hadn’t flattered her, she couldn’t control herself for a while, and had had several ambiguities with Chen Hao.

Otherwise, Zhang Dali would have chased Chen Hao away. In the Litai Group, several people responded to her that Chen Hao is a moth scum.

“I will let that Chen Hao get out. He will never appear in the imperial capital again, otherwise I can’t spare him.” Zhang Dali said softly in Ye Ran’s ear.

Ye Ran did not say that silence represented approval.

This gathering was held for Ye Ran, and some of the main officials of the Litai Group went to Ye Ran to offer him a cup.

Ye Ran couldn’t drink so many people, so he responded with tea instead of wine.

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