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Chapter 717 - There is a persimmon tree in front of the house

Breakfast is ready soon.

Ye Ran immediately looked bright.

Now he is responsible for driving.

“You sleep well.” Ye Ran glanced at Mei Ruobing on the co-pilot.

Ye Ran let Mei Ruobing fall on the back seat to rest, but Mei Ruobing said that he liked to sit in the co-pilot and rest.

But sitting in the co-pilot, Mei Ruobing was not sleeping with his eyes closed.

But from time to time, his eyes were half-open and half-closed, looking at Ye Ran who was driving seriously.

“I’m not sleepy now, you can just drive, don’t worry about me.” Mei Ruobing said with a yawn.

She felt very sleepy, but she couldn’t sleep, which made Mei Ruobing strange.

I shouldn’t be used to sleeping like this.

Or maybe…Mei Ruobing likes to see Ye Ran driving so seriously.

She usually saw Ye Ran rarely look serious, he was calm and calm, as if the sky was falling down and he was not surprised.

With such seriousness as now, Mei Ruobing felt that Ye Ran was particularly masculine.

“Hehe, if you don’t sleep, the panda eyes will be more obvious.” Ye Ran teased mercilessly.

Mei Ruobing gave Ye Ran a pretentiously angry look, and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

She is a person who pays great attention to image and does not want to go to Ye Ran’s house with panda eyes.

Under this spur, Mei Ruobing really went to bed quickly, after all, she was really tired.

After driving for more than eight hours, I stopped to rest for a while.

Now Ye Ran is driving the SUV Bentley, and he has directly increased the speed to more than 250kh/h.

The car is as stable as ever, as long as the road is wide and there are few vehicles.

Ye Ran would drive the car as fast as possible.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, Ye Ran must be home on time.

Otherwise, his mother will give him a good education.


When Mei Ruobing woke up, it was already dark.

The car was still racing.

“Squeak…” When the car turned quickly, there was a sound of violent friction between the tires and the ground.

Ye Ran is fully concentrating on operating the vehicle.

In Mei Ruobing’s view, Ye Ran’s ability to drive the car so fast and stable is already quite remarkable.

But Ye Ran was helpless, this speed was too slow for him.

If it is the “King of Speed” silver thug.

Then he has arrived home now.

Seeing Mei Ruobing wake up, Ye Ran slowed down.

He saw a hotel nearby.

You can just stop for a big meal, and open a room to wash up by the way.

The two stayed in the car and had nowhere to wash.


After eating dinner, and opened the room to wash after a meal.

The car continued on the road.

“You’ve been driving for so long, should I drive it?” Mei Ruobing was afraid that Ye Ran would be tired.

“It’s okay, I’ll just do it.” Ye Ran actually disliked Mei Ruobing’s driving too slowly, of course he wouldn’t say this.

“There are still 1,000 kilometers away from your home, how can your home be so far?” Mei Ruobing originally thought that Ye Ran’s home was the imperial capital.

But I didn’t expect it to be in a small city.

Could it be that a big family is hiding there?

After thinking about it, Mei Ruobing felt that this made sense.

Although Mei Ruobing was very curious, she wouldn’t ask.

Mei Ruobing itself is not a very curious person.

She has no interest in other people’s affairs at all.

Only she has a strong curiosity about Ye Ran, but she knows how to respect Ye Ran’s privacy.

Ye Ran was quite satisfied at this point.

It’s that sometimes they are too strict with themselves, so that outsiders think that they are husband and wife.

“When you arrive at my house, you can talk less, don’t you understand?” Ye Ran repeatedly urged that he knew his parents’ temperament very well.

And Mei Ruobing is an outsider, and he doesn’t understand his parents’ temperament. He is worried that Mei Ruobing will be exposed.

As for whether Mei Ruobing would look down on his parents, Ye Ran wasn’t worried.

During his time with Mei Ruobing, he knew exactly what Mei Ruobing was like.

He is not a selfish person, and he does not think highly of himself and despise those with low status.

It’s just that I don’t like to have too much contact with others.

“I see, I can’t handle the little things you confessed to me, so I won’t be called Mei Ruobing.” Mei Ruobing smiled confidently.

Seeing Mei Ruobing smile so rarely, Ye Ran felt a bit cold behind his back, and always felt something was wrong.

Although Ye Ran admitted that he was extremely wise, he was not a **** operator after all, and he couldn’t always know what Mei Ruobing was thinking.

“That’s it, you must be obedient at that time, otherwise I will be fierce.” Ye Ran said sternly.

“Chee, you mean you don’t believe me? Besides, I’m not afraid of you.” Mei Ruobing rolled his eyes and looked very cute.

Ye Ran blinked and smiled, and he continued to drive with all his strength.


New Year’s Eve this day.

Yangsong County, Jinyun City, Yan State.

A Bentley was driving in the village.

It attracted the attention of many people in the village.

Sitting in the car were Ye Ran and Mei Ruobing.

Mei Ruobing looked around blankly.

This is where Ye Ran’s hometown is?

What Mei Ruobing saw along the way was basically a mud-tile house, and occasionally a small bungalow.

Moreover, the road is rough and bumpy, which all proves how poor it is.

“Your home is in this village?” Mei Ruobing said in disbelief.

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Ye Ran gave Mei Ruobing an expression knowingly asked.

“Then you…then why are you so rich?” Mei Ruobing couldn’t suppress her heart, it was as confusing as the stormy waves hit the shore.

“Ask so much what to do, pretend to be my girlfriend, and I’ll be at my house later.” Ye Ran drove with one hand, and squeezed Mei Ruobing’s beautiful face with one hand.

It is possible to start in advance and review the intimacy between lovers with Mei Ruobing.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that you would be so nervous when you go home, so I really responded to that sentence.

In front of parents, children are always children. “Mei Ruobing couldn’t help smiling when she saw Ye Ran’s serious expression.

“Okay, you know it well, okay, no, I’m ready to start playing.” Ye Ran has already seen his home.

Ye Ran’s home is on a slope, a standard soil house from the 1960s.

This mud house was left by Grandpa Ye Ran’s generation.

Ye Ran’s grandparents were no longer since he was born.

In front of the dirt house, there is a tall persimmon tree. The point where the persimmon tree comes out is a small river, and a small bridge is built on the small river…

The sky had turned dark, and Ye Ran had already seen the dim white flag lights lit up at home.

Soon, a middle-aged woman walked out of the house.

She looked anxiously outside the door, and when she couldn’t see the figure, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call.

But after a few presses, she put it down again.

She is Ye Ran’s mother Wu Minyu.

Wu Minyu wanted to ask where Ye Ran was, but was worried that the phone call would affect Ye Ran’s driving.

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