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Chapter 749 - The customer turned out to be a tomb thief

Ye Ran was talking about Chen Jiudao and the others at this table.

And Chen Jiudao was also talking about Ye Ran and the others at this table.

“Big mouth, fat guy, you two have a little bit of your mouth. Offending these security guards is not good for us.” Chen Jiudao said while drinking light wine. He has the habit of drinking a little while eating.

“They took so much money from us, why should we be polite to these security guards?” Lu Mingming was very unconvinced, but in his heart he was very afraid of these security guards who were tall and strong, or else He would not speak so lightly, for fear of being heard by others.

“If you have a big mouth, don’t be stiff. The blind man is right. We will ask them to **** when the time comes.” The fat man said while chewing on the chicken drumsticks. It was quite cheerful to eat.

“As long as we can get that emerald, a mere 1 million yuan in security fee is a piece of cake for us.” Chen Jiudao has a long-term vision, otherwise his net worth can be hundreds of millions.

Emerald is one of the very ancient gems, and the highest quality emeralds are more valuable than diamonds.

It is called the king of emeralds, one of the four precious gems recognized by the international jewelry industry…

Because of its unique green color, unique charm, and magical legends, it is deeply favored by Westerners.

Emerald symbolizes kindness, confidence, kindness, eternity, luck and happiness. Wearing it will bring peace to life…

The emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties Youxi emerald.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty regarded it as precious as the golden-green cat’s eye, and there was a saying that “the ceremonial crown needs cat’s eye and emerald”…

“If you are blind, we are determined to win.” Lu Mingming admired Chen Jiudao from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Jiudao waved his hand again and again, meaning he couldn’t bear it, he didn’t say more, but smiled and drank the wine by himself.

The three of them came to the indigenous tribes of Morocco to explore the monuments. Half of them were real and half were fake.

Strictly speaking, their trip was not to explore historical sites, but to robber tombs.

The three are actually tomb thieves.

Before they inquired about the news, there was an emerald ring worth hundreds of millions in the funeral of the chiefs of the indigenous tribes of Morocco.

After the death of the highly respected chief Didia, the emerald ring that he had always worn on his hand was buried with him.

Chen Jiudao and the others are now trying to find Didia’s burial place, and then steal the ring.

Ye Ran didn’t know these things. He only knew that Chen Jiudao and the others were here to explore ancient sites, but he never thought that these people would come to robber the tomb.

After the food was full, the group still did not get up and head to the indigenous tribal area.

It’s not that Ye Ran didn’t want to go, but Chen Jiudao and the others were not in a hurry.

This makes Ye Ran still very strange, what exactly are these people going to do?

After asking, I realized that Chen Jiudao and the others were going to buy something before going.

“There are many snakes, rats, insects and ants in this place in Africa, especially in the grass and woods, so I explored here.

Anti-snake and insect items such as realgar medicinal liquor must be brought with you. “Chen Jiudao said while wandering in an old shop. In fact, he did it for his own use. When the time comes to find the tomb, he will need these things.

“Oh.” Ye Ran replied. He didn’t question what Chen Jiudao said, but he was a little puzzled about what Chen Jiudao would buy next. “Then why are you buying these salt?”

“That’s the case. We will go to the indigenous tribes to explore the historical sites this time, in case we encounter an indigenous people at that time.

In order to show friendship, I am going to send them some salt. “Chen Jiudao said very rationally, but this is actually his excuse.

After all, Chen Jiudao took so much salt with him.

It is to leave a back hand for myself, in case I encounter those indigenous people.

He will give the salt to the indigenous people. The indigenous tribes live in remote areas, and salt is a very important resource for them.

If outsiders send salt to them, this can reduce the hostility of the indigenous people and treat him as a friendly traveler.

In case of being regarded as a bad intruder, Chen Jiudao doesn’t think that just a few security guards can withstand the joint efforts of the indigenous tribes to expel them.

Before coming, Chen Jiudao, who has always been meticulous in his work and striving for stability, had already learned more about the indigenous people of Morocco.

He never does things that are uncertain.

Of course, this kind of tomb robbery is not a sure thing.

The risk factor is very high, and Chen Jiudao and the others are still so keen.

The reason is for the benefit. Sometimes they can make a fortune if they get it once.


Two Wuzhi planes flew in the open air in Morocco.

Among them, Ye Ran’s T688 Wuzhi engine room.

Chen Jiudao was constantly checking the map in his hand and looking at the scene on the ground from time to time.

“Captain Ye, we parked Wu Zhi on that hill.” Chen Jiudao pointed to a loess plateau in the distance.

Ye Ran did it, and now his own Wuzhi is under his control.

Soon, the two Wuzhi landed steadily on the Loess Plateau.

Ye Ran asked the four security guards to stay to watch Wu Zhi, which was very necessary.

The others followed Chen Jiudao and walked down the **** of the Loess Plateau together.

Ye Ran, they all wear sunglasses, not to pretend to be cool.

But the sunlight in this area is very dazzling, Ye Ran and others just came here a bit uncomfortable.

Wearing big sunglasses like this will undoubtedly protect your eyes.

“When you meet the indigenous people, everyone will be more easy-going. If you can’t conflict with them, it’s better not to conflict.” Ye Ran said lightly. He had explained this before he came, and now he will say it again. Think of it as another reminder.

“Yes!” the security guards nodded in response.

Chen Jiudao also nodded in satisfaction, this is what he was about to confess.

But he knew that these security guards might not listen to what he confessed.

One more thing, Chen Jiudao was curious about the weakest security guard.

Can these Kong Wu’s powerful security guards be so convinced?

The three of Chen Jiudao led the way, and Ye Ran followed them.

Other security guards scattered around to protect them, watching the surroundings.

“Someone!” Two words popped out of Ye Ran’s mouth.

“Where is anyone?” Chen Jiudao asked.

“There!” Ye Ran pointed his finger forward.

Chen Xiazi looked in the direction of Ye Ran’s finger.

He thought Ye Ran could see it, so he would definitely be able to see it even better.

Chen Jiudao’s eyes are not much different when they are open or closed, but they can see farther than ordinary people.

Chen Jiudao watched for a while, only to find that he hadn’t seen anything.

This is not surprising, compared with the eight-fold mirror of Ye Ran’s right eye.

Chen Blind Chen Jiudao’s eyes with strong eyesight are simply the younger brother of the younger brother…

“Why didn’t I see?” Chen Jiudao looked at Ye Ran suspiciously. He felt that Ye Ran was fooling him.

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