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Chapter 760 - Hard work pays off

“Blind man, this snake is locked in a sarcophagus, how can it still be alive?” Ma Dong was very puzzled about this.

“Have you seen it?” The blind man shone his flashlight at a certain part of the sarcophagus cover, and he could clearly see a mesh hole there.

Ma Dong understood at a glance that someone from the indigenous tribe would come to feed this python from time to time, no wonder the snake was alive all the time.

After Lu Mingming pulled out the undead snake, he quickly threw it aside.

But he was also spattered by snake blood.

When he pulled the snake body out just now, although it was pulling the snake tail.

But the **** headless snake leaped towards him.

Lu Mingming was inevitably infected with snake blood.

Now in the sarcophagus, there is only a mummy wrapped in white cloth.

It is the “mummy” that everyone often says.

These indigenous people believe that after death, their souls will not die.

They see the death of a person as a continuation of “life” in another world.

That’s why he is so keen on making corpses and repairing graves.

After the death of a high-status figure like the tribal chief.

They are often mummified and preserved.

Put it in an airtight tomb and it will last for a long time.

Quietly waiting for the dead soul to come back and cling to the body again.

Then why don’t other people make mummies after they die?

The making of mummies is not as simple as imagined.

Its production process is very complicated, troublesome, and costly, so ordinary people are not eligible for this treatment at all.

The first step in mummy making is to hold a corpse hunting ceremony.

The second step is to hold a cleansing ceremony, that is, the corpse is dissected, the internal organs and bone marrow are removed, and then the corpse is immersed in an antiseptic solution to dissolve the oil and wash off the epidermis.

After 70 days, the corpse was taken out to dry.

Fill the cavity with spices and coat the outside with gum to prevent the dead body from contacting air and bacteria.

Then wrapped the body tightly in white cloth.

In this way, the long-lasting “mummy” was made.

The third step is to recite the mantra, opening the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth of the “mummy”, and stuffing food into its mouth.

They think that in this way, the dead can breathe, talk, and eat just like living people.

The last is the burial ceremony, where the “mummy” is placed in the sarcophagus.

Send them to the “eternal residence” they built for themselves during their lifetime, which is the tomb.

Wait until the soul is resurrected and reborn.

With the hook he brought, Chen Jiudao carefully searched on the mummy.

“I don’t have this hand.” Lu Mingming, who was watching from the side, said. He just saw Chen Jiudao lift up a hand of the corpse, and there was nothing above his shriveled fingers.

“It should be the other hand.” Ma Dong said, covering his mouth. He had already smelled the stench from the sarcophagus. If he hadn’t waited to see the treasure, he would have wanted to go to the side and vomit first.

Chen Jiudao hooked up the other hand of the mummy.

The result is still no.

Is this really weird? Isn’t this the corpse of the chief?

Chen Jiudao was at a loss. The news he received could not be wrong, otherwise his former senior brother Chen Yongqiang would not come here either.

He was quite sure that the valuable emerald ring was buried with the dead chief.

“Blind man, it seems that we have been tossing for nothing this time.” Lu Mingming looked disappointed.

“Could it be that there is a problem with that map? The chief is not buried here.” Ma Dong suspected that there was a problem with the map.

Chen Jiudao had a sullen face, he was not in the mood to talk to the two of them now.

He couldn’t return without success, he was very unwilling to come here in vain.

Although they had obtained two large gems in the cave before, Chen Jiudao was still not satisfied.

Before he washes his hands, he wants to fish as much as possible.

After working for another five years, he is ready to stop.

I’m getting older, and I will lose my life if I continue to do it.

Chen Jiudao continued to carefully explore other parts of the mummy.

“It turned out to be worn on toes, and the effort paid off.” Chen Jiudao finally showed joy.

Ma Dong and Lu Mingming, who were originally disappointed, heard what Chen Jiudao said.

Hastily shined the flashlight at the mummy’s feet.

They saw the bright, green emerald ring at a glance.

Under the strong light of three torches, that emerald ring is indeed very eye-catching.

“It’s great, let me just say, we will definitely get that ring.” Lu Mingming said with a splash of saliva, he was so excited.

“Just know that you don’t want to be an afterthought, but I heard you just said that we were tossing for nothing this time.” Ma Dong smiled and glared at Lu Mingming. He was not very happy.

Chen Jiudao didn’t say a word to them, he had already put on his gloves and was carefully taking the emerald ring.

After a while, Chen Jiudao held the emerald ring worth hundreds of millions in his hand.

He didn’t immediately wrap the ring and stuff it into the bag, but held a flashlight for identification.

Chen Jiudao wants to determine the quality of emeralds.

In this industry, the appraiser’s ability is not inferior to that of a professional expert.

“Blind man, how?” Lu Mingming asked concerned.

“Big Mouth, don’t you say a few words. Didn’t you see that the blind man is busy studying?” Ma Dong pretended to be angry, and he was busy trying to understand, “Blind man, is this ring worth 100 million? “

“More than 100 million, this ring is worth at least 300 million!” Chen Jiudao originally frowned and studied, but now he saw that the texture of this emerald ring was top-notch, and the frown immediately bloomed.



Ma Dong and Lu Mingming took a deep breath. Although the breath here was dull and disgusting, they felt very fragrant and delicious now.

At that time, they really sold three hundred million. Although they didn’t divide the stolen goods by 1:1:1, each of them got 100 million, but they can at least get between 5,000-80 million in stolen goods.

For two people, this is already quite satisfactory.

Chen Jiudao is their leader, and he gets the most spoils every time.

Ma Dong and Lu Mingming have no opinion on this.

That is to say, the two people are more open minded, so that Chen Jiudao is quite satisfied with these two partners.

They have been working together for 8 years, and they know each other well.

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