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Chapter 764 - Turned out to be a piece of emerald

Half a day passed.

Under the leadership of Wuwuli, Ye Ran strolled around several places frequented by indigenous people.

There are the lakes where they raise fish, the fruit planting bases they developed themselves, and the mountains where they used to raise cattle and sheep…

Nothing special, Ye Ran could see that the lifestyles of these indigenous people were rather monotonous, completely incomparable to the outside world of Huahua.

But these indigenous people are very content, they like this simple, united, carefree life every day.

As for those people in the outside society, although they have a very rich life, some of them are worrying about firewood, rice, oil and salt.

“Chief, I’ll take you to another place.” Wu Wuli thought of another place to take Ye Ran around.

Under the leadership of Wuwuli, Ye Ran and dozens of people came to a bare mountain.

The terrain here is steep, and most people don’t come here under normal circumstances.

Chen Jiudao and the others came along.

They must follow together, and they feel safest only if they are by Ye Ran’s side.

But they soon regretted it, it was too hot.

“Bring me here?” Ye Ran said with Watt’s expression, come here to bask in the sun?

Being so exposed to the scorching sun made Ye Ran feel a little uncomfortable.

Let alone Chen Jiudao and them.

People who are not usually living in this area can not endure such high-intensity sun exposure like these indigenous people.

The three Chen Jiudao wanted to leave here, but they couldn’t speak.

Now they have no right to speak here.

But they soon rejoiced that it was right to be with Ye Ran.

“I think the three of them like this kind of stone very much, so I will take you to take a look.” While Wu Wuli was talking, she took out a dark green gem from her waist. It was emerald and had a very good texture.

“Is there this kind of stone here?” Ye Ran came in interest, this stone is so valuable, it would be nice to bring a few back home with him.

“Yes, come with me.” Wu Wuli continued to lead the way.

Ye Ran was eager to keep up, but Chen Jiudao and the others were still bitter.

The language Wu Wuli and Ye Ran were talking to was an aboriginal language, and Chen Jiudao couldn’t understand a word.

If they could understand, they would be more energetic than Ye Ran.

The group followed Wuwuli around the mountains, and finally stopped halfway up the mountains.

“Usoli, you see, our stones were collected here, and they were discovered by an uncle in our tribe.

He dug some back when he saw the stone looks good, and said that he could use this stone to make pendants for our women.

We don’t like this kind of stone. “U Wuli said, pointing to a corner.

Ye Ran looked in the direction of Wu Wuli’s fingers, and he saw a green, seductive and beautiful stone sunken in the abdomen of the mountain.

Hey, why are there so many?

That piece of green rock is almost half the size of a basketball court.

This is already very scary. You must know that this is not an ordinary stone, but a very valuable emerald.

And this is only the surface, the ghost knows whether there will be more such stones when digging.

Chen Jiudao: “Guru~Guru~Guru…”

Lu Mingming: “Guru~Guru~Guru…”

Ma Dong: “Guru~Guru~Guru…”

The three of them were swallowing frantically, and we were still stealing a tomb fart.

Just come here to pick up a bunch and go back and make a fortune.

“Blind, what are you doing standing there? Let’s pick it up quickly.” Lu Mingming said anxiously.

“Yeah, blind man, are you really blind? Can’t you see that the minerals are emeralds?” Ma Dong’s blood rose in excitement, and his cheeks were red to the color of pig liver.

When the two saw Chen Jiudao standing there dutifully, they felt that the style of painting was a bit inexplicable.

The Chen Jiudao they knew was not like this. The Chen Jiudao they knew had his eyes shining when he saw the precious treasures and his body trembled.

The two need Chen Jiudao to go together, because Chen Jiudao is not only proficient in tomb robbery, but also in the research of gemstones, which is what they expect.

“You two are looking for death!” Chen Jiudao said with a low voice and staring.


Lu Mingming and Ma Dong finally calmed down from the state of excitement.

There was a chill that couldn’t stop, they saw Ye Ran was looking at them coldly.

屮, sloppy.

Lu Mingming and Ma Dong were over-excited when they saw so many emerald stones just now.

They have forgotten that this stone is not something they can covet.

Ma Dan, it’s really uncomfortable.

This kind of inability to start, can only do stupidly looking at the pain of wanting to stop, this time they felt it deeply.

Chen Jiudao didn’t want to cry without tears, he wanted to get those gems more than anyone else.

But he is very self-aware, these do not belong to him.

“Go, let’s go and take a look.” Ye Ran said lightly.

After Chen Jiudao and the three looked at each other, they immediately followed Ye Ran.

The three of Chen Jiudao knew that Ye Ran said this to them.

Because what Ye Ran spoke was not an aboriginal language, but Yanwen.

And Ye Ran still spoke to them.

The group soon came to the emerald.

“Oh my God, this, this…” Lu Mingming’s eyes were staring straight. He couldn’t speak for a long time. He was shocked.

He couldn’t see clearly from the distance just now, he just thought these gems would be pretty good.

But now he came closer and saw that his jaw was broken. This is not bad, it is obviously very good.

“Yes, Captain Ye is really going to do it this time.” Ma Dong looked at Ye Ran with envy.

If he could have these gems, then he would be a rich man.

“This emerald is almost completely transparent and bright in color, comparable to Colombian emeralds.

No, I think the emeralds in front of me are better than Colombian emeralds. “Chen Jiudao has already squatted down, and he touched an emerald in front of him with trembling hands.

Chen Jiudao’s research on emeralds is comparable to those expert appraisers. He can see at a glance the texture of these emeralds, which belong to the best emeralds in the world.

There are many reasons why this small piece of emerald has not been discovered by outsiders.

First of all, this small piece of emerald is parasitic on the halfway of this mountain range.

Those passing by can’t see it from standing on it. Only when they reach halfway up the mountain can they see this emerald sunken deep in the abdomen of the mountain.

And without knowing it, no one would be so boring and walk to this position regardless of the steep terrain.

Then, the people of the aboriginal tribe didn’t understand these gems, they just collected a few gems back when they thought they looked good.

If they knew this was valuable, they would have dug up this mountain range long ago.

Finally, Wu Wuli saw that Chen Jiudao and the three of them liked these stones very much.

This made Wu Wuli realize that these stones are not simple, so she thought of bringing Ye Ran here to have a look.

Otherwise, these emeralds are likely to be discovered for a long time.

“Help me choose a few better emeralds.” Ye Ran said blankly, that’s why he wanted Chen Jiudao to take a look together.

Ye Ran asked himself that he also had a certain aesthetic sense, but for the research on these emeralds, he knew that he was definitely not as good as Chen Jiudao and the others.

So let them choose a few good stones for themselves, this is undoubtedly more appropriate.

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