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Chapter 886: Open a security branch in Magic City

I could hear my father Su Baojin say that.

Su Qingying’s heart is undoubtedly warm.

If her father didn’t support him, she would feel very guilty.

“I should be back tomorrow, when our family will get together.” Su Baojin smiled lightly.

“Good dad, dad, me, me… I actually don’t want to be with mom…”

“Daughter, Dad understands, you don’t need to explain. Go and see your mother, she is very sad.

Remember to say a few more good things to her, and wait until I come back. Do you know? ”

“I know Dad, then you take good care of yourself and contact your daughter anytime if you have anything…”

Su Qingying chatted with her father Su Baojin for a while.

He hung up the phone.

When walking out of the meeting room.

Su Qingying saw Wang Xuezhi chatting with her mother Zhang Jiali.

Dare to love that Wang Xuezhi supported Su Qingying in the election just now.

This made her feel ashamed of Zhang Jiali, so she said a few beautiful words to Zhang Jiali.

To be beautiful is nothing more than Su Qingying is very good, so I decided to support Su Qingying as chairman.

She would not tell Zhang Jiali that she supported Su Qingying in order to repay Ye Ran’s favor.

The ugliness of the family should not be exaggerated.

Su Qingying walked towards her mother Zhang Jiali, and Wang Xuezhi saw it.

In order to leave room for their mother and daughter to chat separately.

She said goodbye to Zhang Jiali and left first.

Seeing Wang Xuezhi leaving, Su Qingying shouted, “Mom.”

Zhang Jiali immediately replied with a cold face, “Don’t call my mother, I don’t have your daughter.”

Su Qingying looked embarrassed and stepped forward and took Zhang Jiali’s arm, “Mom, don’t say that, I know my daughter is wrong.”

“Wrong? You are embarrassed to be wrong now? How dare you be so aggressive to me at the meeting just now?”

“My daughter just didn’t want to make mom worry about me all the time, so she did it.”

“Huh, it sounds so good, now that I have a lot of skills, I can’t control you anymore.

Okay, can’t I leave you alone? Let me go. ”

“Mom, we are a family, and my daughter didn’t mean it just now.

With someone else, the daughter will not be so easy to talk. ”

“Well, you Su Qingying, you know that we are a family, but you didn’t put mom in your eyes at all.

Do you know how uncomfortable I was just now?

do you know? I ask if you know? “At the end of Zhang Jiali’s speech, she couldn’t help crying while hugging Su Qingying.

In front of her daughter, Zhang Jiali has always been a strong woman, let alone crying, even if her brows are rarely frowned.

But now I really can’t control it. I didn’t expect my daughter to beat her one day.

“Mom, I will be very obedient in the future, let’s go home and say.” Su Qingying comforted her mother Zhang Jiali.


Magic Litai Hotel.

Lu Guanghong appeared here.

“Brother Ye, Qingying’s niece has been successfully elected as chairman of Su Fu.

At first I was very worried for her, but she was elected easily. “Lu Guanghong is here to announce the good news.

Originally, it was enough to make a phone call, but Lu Guanghong wanted to report to Ye Ran.

He wanted to meet Ye Ran more and get acquainted with friendship.

“I know.” Ye Ran smiled faintly. Even if Lu Guanghong didn’t tell him, he was 90% confident that Su Qingying would succeed.

The reason for this 10% failure is that Su Qingying herself.

If Su Qingying hadn’t withstood the pressure of her mother Zhang Jiali, then Ye Ran would have lost everything.

Fortunately, Su Qingying not only withstood the pressure.

And it is stronger than ever.

“Um… you know all about my brother, did Qingying’s niece tell you?” Lu Guanghong asked.

“Guess.” Ye Ranyi smiled unfinishedly.

“I’m going, won’t you handle Wang Xuezhi’s brother, right?

I think it must be like this. With Qingying’s ability, it is very difficult to get those board members.

You’re good, brother, even if I show up, those people won’t necessarily give me face.

After all, their connections are not worse than mine. “Lu Guanghong looked at Ye Ran with admiration and said.

“Don’t talk about it, I have something to ask my brother for your help.” Ye Ran smiled faintly.

“Ah? Really? Brother, you quickly say, I can’t ask for it.

You helped me so much before, and I feel I owe you a lot.

And brother, I don’t like to owe a debt, haha…” Lu Guanghong laughed.

“That’s it, I am going to open a security company here, and I want my brother to say hello here when I arrive.” Ye Ran shrugged and said.

“You want to open a security company here? This… is very difficult.” Lu Guanghong looked embarrassed.

“Huh? Is it difficult?” Ye Ran looked dumbfounded. Lu Guanghong was eating like this in Demon Capital. This shouldn’t be difficult.

“It’s not a matter of money. If it’s money, my brother can help you a lot.

But there is a Heilong Security Company here. If you open another one, they will definitely be fine to find something to suppress you.

Brother, do you know who is the boss behind Heilong Security Company? “Lu Guanghong’s expression was inscrutable.

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