Opposite Morals

Chapter 13


I take a few deep breaths as I stand in front of my computer

“Okay…..Shit, I’m still getting pissed just thinking about it!”

I stare out the window, watching the darkness slowly take over the land

“But why does that piss me off so much?”

As the darkness spreads, the lamp post turns on, brightening up the sidewalks and roads. While I watch this happen, I pondering my feelings and emotions

“I think I know why. It's like the feeling when you hear a rich person whine and cry on social media that being rich sucks, lonely, and they act like know-it-all. Telling us, the low people on the totem pole, that we don’t understand the pressure of having money. That we don’t actually want money, we just think we do”

I feel my heart beat increase as the anger rise

“FUCK those people! I would be inclined to believe you and take your word. If first, you don’t cry in a mansion surround by expensive and nice things, and two, you give all your money away and slave away for a few years, maybe then I'll consider listening to them”

I take a few deep breaths, attempting to calm myself again. As I stare at the lamps, I remember a scene when I was 7. It was one of the moments when Mother showed her wisdom to dad.

“Listen, Stud Muffin, don’t you know the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side”? If not then shut it and listen, that means things always look better when you look from the outside. But once you're there, you realize that crap is not as good as you thought it was. Now stop whining! Man up!”

As I watch other light post turn on, I feel my emotions slowly calm down

“Right, mom, you were always right. You always tried to look at things differently. It’s one of the reasons why dad fell completely in love with you”

I close my eyes, attempting to look at things from another persons perspective

“Maybe it’s because I grew up completely alone, but I never had anyone lord over me before. I can’t relate, but I can assume that it would slowly wear me away”

I then look back at my computer

“But I just can’t help but think that the men in this world don’t understand the paradise they are in…”

I walk to the computer and sit down, glancing at the article in front of me

“The best thing to do is learn about it then. How were things so bad that society had to completely rewrite the laws 30 years ago”

With newfound energy, I jump back into the long list of articles and websites

“You have got to be kidding me!”

After reading another website, I sit back

“So, men were getting sexually assaulted so much that it became an honest, real safety hazard. Apparently back then, women didn’t take any hormone control pills. In fact, they were so new and expensive at the time, no one could afford them, and even if they could, why would they take em? Their chances of getting pregnant was slim and when they were horny, they would just grabbed the nearest guy to quickly relieve themselves”

I stare at the ceiling, complimenting things for a bit

“Who knew that the rules for men were so shotty and bullshit. You claim that she raped you? Na, that’s impossible, your dick was hard and you came. You obviously wanted it, and enjoyed it. I can’t believe that’s what the FUCKING law said”

I look back at the computer and read some of the law out loud

“If you came or got hard, then you cannot claim a rape charge”

“If you are currently employed and had sex with a women in that store or if you were on the clock, then you were providing a private service”

“If you are out in public, it is required to have sex with a women if she’s in need”

After read those three old laws, I lean back

“What the fuck is this shit? Do they not know how the body works?? Men can get hard even when they are not turned on! Things like stress, intense emotions, and fear to just name a few!”

A sigh escaped my mouth

“Okay, I have a general idea. How are things now?”

With new motivation, I went back to the internet for another hour

“So….after society got flipped, things got almost over corrected”

I go to my word document and write out my thoughts

“So, after whatever “THAT” was and society got a makeover, men suddenly had WAY more protection. For example, it is now required by law for women to take hormone pills. The only time they can get off them is when/if they find a lover and that man goes to a government bureau and signs a consent form. Another thing is that if a woman attacks a man without his consent and has been prove guilty, they will, by default, face YEARS in prison”

With more confusion than anything, I sit back

“That's just to name a few. What a crazy world I now live in. Just how is this world functioning??”

With my muscles getting sore and cramping up, I get off the computer

“That's enough of that, I can only take so much reading boring stuff before I lose interest. What I need to do now is sleep and rest up. I have another day tomorrow, besides, I’m super excited to see all the women masturbate!!”

With excitement growing, I open the dungeon looking metal door and head out

“But before that, I need to figure out where my phone is!”

As I go into the hallway, I hear muffled noises coming from the door across from mine

“Mmmmm….yes…..harder……Right there baby…..make me cum”

With shock running through me, I stay in place and keep listening to the sexual moaning

“Levi…Right there! Lick me right there baby...MMMMMMMM...I….I…..I’m going to cum!.....haaaa…..”

I’m fucking sorry, did I just hear my name?!!?

With new interesting growing…along other things, I stay in place

“I can’t believe you girl. Not only are you masturbating in my ROOM behind me, you're thinking of my brother!”

After some shuffling noises, I hear another woman's voice

“Can you blame me? He’s hot! Not only that, he’s one of the few men who don’t wear all that makeup!”

I think back to the room cleansing from this morning. Now that she mentioned it, I don’t recall seeing makeup in my room, nor did I see any in the bathroom this morning either

“Yeah….that's true”

“Why is your face getting red??”

With some more noises of things getting moved, I hear my sister’s voice again

“To be honest, I saw his bare chest”

“WHAT?!?! How was it?!? Were they soft looking?”

“No, his looked hard and firm. It looked even better than that video we watched recently. The weird part was that he didn’t even cover himself!”

I look down at my chest that is still covered with the school outfit

“Now that I think about it, I still never looked into what’s appropriate for men and women to show. It sounds like a man should always have their chest covered…huh….”

While talking to myself, I didn’t pay any attention to the noise inside the room. As I was about to walk away, the door suddenly opens

“I can’t believe you walked into the bathroom right after he showered!...Ah”

When I look up, in front of me is a short girl with dark brown hair. She has a piggy hair style. Her long buns start from the middle top of the back of her head and it reaches to her shoulders. As her pink eyes look up at me, the first thought that comes to me is…

“I never knew my sister had someone so cute over”

As I watch her eyes grow wide, another thought runs through my head

“And to think that she has such unique and soul stealing eyes”

After thinking that, her face then gets red and she starts to shift back and forth

“Hey, Estella, what wrong….Levi?”

As I look up, I see my adorable sister with an embarrassed face staring at me with a shocked expression

“Hey Layla, I wish I knew you had a friend over, I could have cooked you both something to snack on”

After all, I’m looking for any excuse to make food for the family right now!

“...Did you hear…wait...You can cook…? Since when?”

“Of course! Let's go see what we have! I’m a little perch”

Without waiting for their answer, I excitedly walk down the stairs and into the kitchen

“Finally! I can cook food for a family member! Having her cute friend over is a wonderful plus! What should I make?!”

I quickly look through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry. As I hunt things down, I hear Layla and Estella walk into the kitchen

“Hey….why is he acting so different now?”

“I’m not sure…I never seen him in the kitchen in my life”

“I never knew that he cooked. I thought he belong to…”That” group”

“I thought so too, I did hear a rumor that he acted different in school today”

“Oh I heard that too! But I didn’t believe it! To think the Ice Prince was actually nice to a woman was shocking!”

“And that's not the only shocking thing he-”

They both go quiet when I glance back at them

“We have a lot of odd things, but I think I can whip up some pizza subs! What do you gorgeous ladies want?!?”

With maybe to much excitement in my voice, they look at each other before slowly saying their order

“I….guess I’ll like a 4 cheese one. I don't care what cheese you use”

“Then I guess I’ll have one with pepperoni and peppers…Hey Bro, do you really know what you're doing?”

As they tell me what they want, I quickly grab everything I need as I throw it on the counter

“Yep! Just give me 25 minutes! You don’t need to stay here, I’ll carry it to you when I'm done!”

Then after turning to give them a bright smile, I start cracking. First I turn on the oven at 425 degrees. Then I prep the bread by grabbing foil and adding some butter on both sides of the bread. Right afterwards I add the pizza sauce, then mozzarella on all three, for Estella I also add parmesan, feta, and just some random taco cheese. After grabbing the fresh peppers, I quickly chop them up in thin slices. I then add them to Layla and I, along with pepperoni. Afterward I add more pizza sauce and put on the top piece of bread. I wrap them up in foil and throw them in the oven for 25 minutes

The entire time was making them I had a bright smile and was humming my mother’s favorite music tune

During the process, Layla and Estella stayed in the kitchen, talking to each other and every so often stopping to watch what I was doing

After taking out the subs, a strong aroma spreads throughout the downstairs

“Wow, they actually smell amazing…”

Layla’s shock voice echo’s out as I put the subs on plates and put them in front of them

“Sorry for the long late ladies. I hope they meet your expectations!”

With excitement burning in my eyes, I watch them sit down and get ready to have their first bite

“Well…thank you for this, Levi, you didn't need to”

“Nonsense! It is my pleasure!”

I give Estella a huge smile. Then before they could chow down, one of my sister’s walk into the kitchen

“That smells wonderful, got any for me?”

As Sophia walks in, she glances at me. When she does both her and I faces go red. To break the awkward silence, she sits down next to Layla

“Of course sister, anything for you all”

I hand her my sub, the burning desire to know how they thought growing to a whole new level

“Please…please try it and tell me how it turned out!”

After staring at my beaming face for a few moments, a shy smile grows on her face

“Sure…you look happy….Had a good day?”

As she ask this, Layla and Estella have already started to chow down on their subs

“Yeah…I had a few hiccups at school, but other than that, today was amazing”

While I talk to her she takes a bit of the sub, her eyes brighten up and then starts to shove the whole thing in her mouth

“Holy crap this is good!”

“Right!?! I never knew our bro knew how to cook!”

“It’s so good”

I always wondered how chiefs felt when they saw their customers eat their food. But after watching those three literally shove the food in their mouth…I had a good idea…it felt fucking wonderful….those smiles made everything worth it

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