Opposite Morals

Chapter 16

“So, let me get this straight”

I bring my hands to my face, rubbing my eyes in the processes as I digests this information

“First, you literally…not metaphorically…But LITERALLY destroyed the principal office after school yesterday...”

As I speak, Nora’s looks to the side, her face getting redder as she gently nods

“You…caused a commotion that was so loud and big that…the other teaching staff had to get involved”

The more I talk, the more embarrassed she gets

“Then, with your loud yelling, the staff easily overheard you, which cause yesterday's....incident to get exposed”

Her hands start to fidget with each other

“And…Not only did the police now get involved…”

As I rub my eyes staring into the black abyss

“But Ms. Smith is about to be charged with infliction of bodily harm towards you…”

I look up to confirm all the information. When I look at Nora, she is slightly cowering within herself

“So…I have three questions I would like to ask. One, are you getting charged with anything? In your own words, you LITERALLY destroyed the principal office, which is school property. Two, how will us becoming lovers help this situation? Unless I have some super power or backdoor deals, I don't see how. And finally my last question, why did Ms. Smith not got charged yet? Things seem to be obvious and transparent…”

As I ask these questions, Nora's pervious nervous face slowly gains more hope. Perhaps she gained this because I did not out right refuse her?

“Did you actually lose that part of your memory too? Huh….Samantha and I…that's Ms. Smith first name in case you didn't know. We have a…reputation for things like this happening”

As she said that, I remember overhearing some of the female students question if the principal did something to her again

“Let me answer your questions in the order you asked. I’m technically getting charged with vandalism. However it’s a lot lower and got push to the side because my actions could have been the results of the drug. I did take a lot of it yesterday”

I nodded my head as she said that. I was never into learning the law or learning the details of it. I learned enough to not get randomly arrested in my old world. But that does remind me about this worlds law. They must be different, but I wonder in which ways. So far everything Nora is saying sounds reasonable 

“To answer your second question….” She looks away again, her breathing getting slightly more rapid. “If we become lovers, then not only would the charge be lowered, it could possibly be dropped if you, the one who got the…short end of the stick for a lack of a better word, decides to take her side and claim that you and I were just enjoying each other....physically”

…What? How does that make any FUCKING sense?”

Perhaps seeing my confused look, she goes into more detail

“You see…all she did was give ME a Flibanserin without informing me”


“Wait wait wait…isn't that like super duper illegal?!?”

“What? No? Why would it be?”

I look at her with complete shock. What the fuck is she on?!!?

“...Is it your memory loss again? Giving a women an flibanserin is like giving a man caffeine. There's no regulation for it”

…You have got to be kidding me…

“Giving a flibanserin to someone is only illegal if it was given to a man…or…the women who took it attacked a man..”

She looks downward as she says that

“So…She is getting charged because you….Did advances on me? Even though I didn't refuse you??”

“That…is correct”

I don’t get it

“But I kissed you first? Not only that, I didn't physically or verbally refuse you. So no rules were technologically broken right?”

She looks back at me, with a little more hope in her eyes

“Yes, thank you for that! But the problem is the memory loss you currently have…If you wanted, you…could push charges saying that you didn’t remember that law. I am also your teacher, therefore you could also say...that I tricked or...Coached you into accepting me. You have medical records showing that you do have…minor brain damage”

Once she's done talking she reaches for my hand, gently holding and rubbing it

“Therefore, if you were to say that you....Loved me and that instead of me coming onto you, it was the reverse, then she could probably get away scot free...I hope...That's what I got from listening to the type of questions they were asking me. The only thing that she could get in trouble for would be that amount I took in, and maybe the damage I caused…But…”

As she talks, I can feel her hands slightly shake....

“But if you…say otherwise, then not only will Samantha lose her job….she would get branded as a criminal, it would show on her record”

After taking a deep breath, she stares right back into my eyes, tears forming and falling down her face

“That’s why…please become my lover…I know it’s unfair and horrible for a teacher to do this. But…I could have stopped myself from coming onto you. But I didn’t. I wanted you. I feel somewhat responsible for this. If I never pranked her with those laxatives, if I didn’t give into my desire for you, if I didn’t blow up and cause a commotion, then none of this could have happen”

I watch her tears fall, I hear the sorrow in her voice, and I feel her hand shake with more force...I could tell that see meant all of it

“So that's why she didn’t get charged yet, they are waiting for my input….”

After hearing my calm voice, her tears turn into a small waterfall as they run down her face and answered me

“Correct…Look Levi, I don’t know what I can offer you, but I am willing to do anything I can to have you help me in this”

As I look into her eyes as she seriously said that, I can't help but think….you just said something VERY dangerous to a man with “female values”. I could force you on dates. Use you as my guinea pig for my dishes....I could even force you into telling me where to buy men pants with some FUCKING POCKETS! I mean...If I wanted to look at this like a pervert, I could have her do sexual things to me...But I am not into forcing or black mailing others like that...Unless they have a kink for it...besides I feel like it would be a reward to these women...Wow what a weird feeling to have

As I stare into her hazel eyes, A memory starts to replay in my head

“Son, as the only son in the family, you need to learn and master this saying…Stop playing video games and listen to me! Why are you moving your whole arm?....Okay, make this quote a core value. In fact, it’s my last rules for women….You ready? This one is the most important one of them all”

I see my dad take a deep breath, looking at me with extreme seriousness



“NICE SHOT!!” Echo’s loudly from my TV speakers. Whaaaat! Did I just got a hole in one!? Man I'm so good at this golf game!

"OUCH! don’t hit me dear!”

I see my mother’s iconic frying pan come flying in as it smacks dad in the shoulder


“Wait…wait wait wait baby, I’m not finished!”

He then quickly looks back at me

“Now, what that means is simple, always be responsible for your actions. Don’t be like the other men in this society. When you do something you own it! So nut up or shut up!”

As the memory slowly fade I hear my mothers voice

“What are you teaching him?....It’s the women's….job to….”

After the memory fully fades, I see Nora’s red, swollen eyes, covered in tears and slight concern

“Huh, nut up or shut up…Dad...”

I mumble to myself….nut up or shut up….why….does that feel….Off….?

“What Levi? I didn’t hear that”

I look seriously at Nora. It’s obvious what I should do. Like dad said, I will take responsibility. After they died I made those 10 rules my core being. And the last rule is simple but very, very powerful. I only have one question in my mind though...

“Okay, let's do it…Nora..”

I had a lot to think about and get my feelings in order. But what Nora showed me is that she’s someone who I could trust, at least a little bit. She didn’t hide anything from me. She was blunt, came at me from the heart, and she even told me both sides of the coin. She is also very family oriented, based on what she is willing to do for her sister. Plus, she and her sister likes playing pranks on each other, that could be fun…Besides...Her temper is kind of....

I gently pull her towards me as my right hand comes to her cheek. As she came closer her previous worried face turns to shock. Then right when she was about 3 inches from my face..

“I would like to ask a question, but first”

After making sure she was okay with it, I slowly and gently brought my face to hers, giving her a slight kiss on your soft lips

“Let me steal a kiss from my sexy sport teacher”

When I look into her eyes after stealing a kiss, her eyes were filled with happiness and relieved

“Is that so? You can steal as many as you want”

I feel pressure behind my head before getting shoved forward, back into her loving and slightly sweet lips for a few seconds

“Because, I’ll steal as many as I can in return”

With a smile, she backs away, her face bright red as her breathing increases rapidly

“So, what question do you have?”

She goes back into her pill bottle, grabbing a few more before taking a water out of her desk

“I want you to be honest with me. But…Do you…like me? Or love me?”

I stared right at her when I asked this. I NEED to know this answer. I will only do sexual, romantic things to people who love me and I in return. I’m a simple creature but I have standards. I don’t mind kissing, but I’m not going past that. I did with Sophia, but she’s family. I love her for that reason alone….But I can’t help but feel like something is wrong with that. I have known her for only a few days. Yet I can confidently say that my feelings for her are true. Is it possible that the love hormone….Oxytocin….is increased in my new body? That could cause a lot of problems if that is true…I need to look into that now

Her eyes get wide before a slight amount of guilt forms on her face

“I’m…not sure to be honest. I want you, but I’m not sure if it’s because you're a man who is actually showing me affection, physical attraction, or because you're….Being so kind and understanding with me right now. I can say that being your lover doesn't give me any negative or repulsive feelings…But that's about it”

I read her face, taking in all her words into my heart. But instead of feeling sad, I feel happiness

“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear”

I give her a huge smile full of happiness as she looks at me

“That means we can formally build our relationship up from here. I don’t know anything about you Nora, but I can’t wait to learn”

“I…am starting to think I should be thanking my sister right now”

Her previous guilty looks disappears before a smile comes back

“I feel the same way Levi, you never talked and were always distant. It’s surprising to see you had this side to you. I can’t wait to learn more about you too!”

With that, the first bell rung. Looks like school is about to start it seems

“Okay, go back to class now Levi, come meet me here after school, we will go to the police station together….And thanks again for everything”

Right before I leave the room I glance at her slightly guilty looking face. I quickly grab her cheek and kissed her slightly sweeter lips for a solid 20 seconds before letting go

“Levi, 2 point. Nora. 1 point. Looks like I'm winning!”

Then with a laugh I walk out of the room

“So that's how we are going to play? Haha”

I hear her mumble as I walk into the hallway, looking forward to seeing all the women masturbating!

“Perhaps watching them can help me get my emotions in order….That makes....zero sense, doesn't it?”

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