Opposite Morals

Chapter 18

After putting my shirt on I quickly ran to my classroom, the sounds of sad sighs and horny females quietly mumbling to themselves can be easily heard

“NOOoooo….Take it back off…Haaa….”

“If…If only he could allow us to admire his body more”

“God that was amazing”

“Don’t worry, I got a video of him running!”

I think I just heard something that crosses my personal rights…As I get back into the classroom, the…Smell wave closed lined me

“Haaa….HUMMM…..I…I’m going to be sick”

My eyes water, my nose said “Fuck this shit I'm out” and stopped working….Just what the hell. People said this smells good? What type of drugs are they on?? Could they share some with me? Because this….This is what hell uses as torture…It’s a hard to describe smell. Sour, sweet, lube, poop, pee, plastic, and other smells I just can’t describe. I….I can’t do this

As I was about to pass out, the teacher walked in and wrinkled her nose. Then, I swear I saw an angel descend into her, giving her bright white wings, a golden hue surrounds her as a halo forms around her head


“What the FUC-…..LADIES!! What the hell? Learn about modesty!”

The teacher walks to the windows and opens every single one then she looks at me with pity before going back to the front

“This…Is awful! It smelled like you all had an orgy, then you all decided to pee and shit over each other! What is wrong with all of you?!?! Sure, Levi allowed you all to masturbate, and this is what you do in return?!?!?”

She looks at me again, but her eyes are also full of tears. Then looked back at the other students

“Everyone, we are having our class in the field! Levi, please go ahead and find a spot for us….I need to talk with the ladies here real fast”


I quickly, with more speed than I thought was humanly possible, ran out the FUCKING room and into the hallway, holding my eyes that are coved in tears. Both out of happiness to get the hell out of dodge, and with the strong terrible smell making me feel ill. As I ran, I can hear the teacher yell at full volume at the other students


Did I call her an angel? Because right now, she just became my personal guardian angel. Now I feel guilty that I have no idea what her name is…..whoopie. Once I’m outside, I look for a spot. After looking around, I decided to lay down in the shade with a ton of trees around

“This place is perfect. I have a lovely tree covering me, it's on the hill, so the students can easily see the teacher when she's on the bottom of the hill, and there's a water fountain over there that sends wonderful water ASMR sounds my way. Perfect!”

Right when I lay down, A small earthquake was felt to my side. When I looked over, a beauty with long blond hair, white eyes, with a scary grin on her face. As I look down, her gorgeous body is a feast for the eyes with her shirt slightly unbuttoned, allowing a wonderful view of her black bra as they make her big breasts tight against her thin body. It makes a nice contrast to the white school uniform….Wait…I know these breasts…I know that smile….

“Well well, I like the way you're looking at me. Stare all you want. Since I like you, It’s free of charge”


“Ummm….Hey….Aurora….How are you here? I…I thought the teacher wanted to talk…with all of you”

As I look up, the predator eyes me down like prey. Her white pupil eyes keep taking all my attention. I have never seen those types of eyes before, and man is it gorgeous. I want to keep staring at them. The white pupils are like a puzzle, making me wonder if they are real, and if so, how? But as they get a sharper and sharper look, I quickly look away while slightly shivering….

“Shit those eyes went from beautiful to terrifying so quickly!”

“Mmmmm….Can you stop seducing me already? You already have my full attention, you know?”

As I look back at her, her face is slowly getting red, her breathing rapidly increases as her fingers slowly reach for her breasts

“As for your question….Haaaa…..Man I can’t wait to eat you up!....I was let free because of this”

She then pulls out a small bottle from her breasts…Wait…So women use their breasts as pockets in this world too?!? That's fascinating. I had no idea. With them wearing pants and other clothing with pockets, and with this world having no culture with hiding their breasts, I had a feeling that they wouldn't….Who knew?


FUCK GROW UP!! GROW A PAIR OF BALLS!! Why am I so scared of talking to her?!?!?

“Hahaha, man you're so adorable when you stutter like that. This is a mint air freshener, or cologne I guess? Both fit this description. See?”

She then brings it to my chest, before spraying it a few times. A strong, overwhelming mint overtakes my nose. It…smells so goddamn good!! I already feel my stomach calming itself down! Wow….I need to carry some of this with me from now on…Makes me wonder if mint is a neutral smell, or if it's gender specific? I need to figure out if I have money and buy a few of these. Perhaps with different flavors too? I could get my favorite smells and some stupidly powerful ones too

“Purrfect, now you smell like me….Looks like I marked you”

….What did she just say?….Purrfect?....No…

“I…Haaaaaaa….You know you want this….so without further ado, don’t mind me”

Then, without warning, she shoves her face into my chest, smelling my clothing strongly while her arm tightly grabs my waist, locking me in place….WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?! GET OFF! GET OFF DEMON! I BANISH THEE!!!

“A-Aurora….What are you…Doing!?”


“HAAAaaaa…..What am I doing? Smelling what's mine?”

I’m sorry. WHAT?!?!? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!?


“Man you really do get me! With that petrified look, I’m going to eat you up sooner rather than later”

After smelling my chest, I feel her hand go into her pants, the sound of wet, dripping water echo's between her heavy breathing

“If you don’t like it, then push me off? But you won’t, will you?”


“Ummm…The students will be coming soon….Please let go…”


“Na, I don’t think I will”

With that, she hugs me tighter, her lips hovering in front of mine, the smell of her warm breath goes across my face. It smells like sweet bubblegum. As I get over the strong mint and bubblegum smell, my body starts to react. The dragon woke up with a yawn. It gets tight in my tights as it tries to escape its cave. With no other option, I close my eyes and try to ignore her as she pleasures herself. With my vision gone, my sense of smell increases. Besides smelling bubblegum and mint, another, sweet smell lingers in my mind. A pleasant smell that makes it hard to describe. But it makes me want to shove my face closer to it. I feel my brain get muddled as the smell gets stronger. I then feel her hand on my stomach, feeling out my abs. Tracing them ever so softly. What felt like hours, yet only seconds, everything ends as I feel her shake and spasm. Then the previous hot hug gets replaced with cold air. As I open my eyes, I see her predator look as she hovers over my lips. Threatening to steal a kiss from me. But instead of devouring me, she backs away after another spasm

“FUCK…Haaaa…Man you are just perfect! You always leave me wanting more”

Then, she comes closer, shoving her face into my chest again. Inhaling deeply before planting a kiss over my clothes. A long, lingering kiss like she doesn’t want it to end

“And with that, I marked you again, but this time a different way”


What…what do I do to get this fucking demon away from me?!!? Why am I so scared of her?!?!? And damn it dragon stop getting hard you FUCKER!!! Recently you have been ignoring my orders!!!

…Wait…Am I…Yelling at my dick?....What's….Wrong with me?….

I look back at Aurora, fear, excitement, desire, disgust, and other feelings showing on my face as she backs away again

“And you attack me back with that look…Yummy”

She then licks her lips again, every so slowly, like she's enjoying the taste. As I look over her shoulder, I see the other students come over with their heads down. Then my guardian angel comes into view

“What a perfect spot Levi. How thoughtful of you. Don’t worry about the perverts and their unreasonable sexual…Actions. I had a good talk with them. If this is a problem tomorrow, then we will need to talk”

With the nod of my head, she heads down the hill, then to a nearby tree. She pulls out a white board from her stuff and hangs it up before turning back to the class

“Now that we got that over with, let's finally start writing class, shall we?”

With that, the second most boring class started, writing. The only saving grace besides being outside and enjoying the fresh air, is that only a few of the students are masturbating. Whatever the teacher said must have really bothered them. Because when I glance at their faces, they are red with shame. Ever so often I catch one of them glance at me before looking away with a guilty look. THANK YOU MY FUCKING ANGEL!!

With this peaceful atmosphere, class quickly comes to an end

“With that, school is now over. Make sure you study and finish your homework for next week. And don't you DARE forget about what I said earlier this class period. With that, be safe!”

She then looks at me with a wave and walked away, till the very next day, bum bum bum bum bum da-bum

Wait….Why did I randomly hear that in my mind?...Weird

After shaking my head, I gathered my stuff and ran towards Nora’s office, completely ignoring Aurora booty call…or whatever she wanted! BYE-BYE DEMON! YOU’LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!!....Again

Once I closed the door, I locked it. Terrified if the tiger followed me. After turning around and realizing that Nora wasn't here, I sat down and prepared myself

“Okay, Levi. Just tell them the truth, Nora and I are lovers, I came onto her and she accepted my advances. How hard could this be? It’s not a complete lie, I did force a kiss on her after all”

After some time passed by, my sexy sport teacher came in

“Hey there cutie…I was looking for you. We can go in a few minutes. Let's wait till some students leave and get into their clubs. Even though the whole school will figure out everything soon enough, I would rather push it off as much as possible. Is that okay with you?”

As she talks with me and ask that question, she walks to her desk and pops some pills

“Yeah, that's fine by me, this would be a good time to get our story straight. But I have a quick question, why haven't the police come grab me yet?”

Nora looks at me with a confused look before she realized something

“Right, memory loss. That's easy to answer. You never went to the police and all evidence showed that what I said was true. You see, getting sexually assaulted as a man is...commonplace. Because of that there's nothing to hide or be ashamed about. So when you didn’t come forth, the police had no reason to grab you right away. Though I wouldn't have been surprised if they came during school. My guess is that no one wanted an investigation to happen, especially if everything was blown out of proportion. I wonder if they called you though?”

I went into deep thought when she said that, comparing it to my previous world laws. Was that a thing? I remember that in my second year of high-school, one of my friends got a false charge against him. We warned him that the chick was cray cray. She said some crazy shit and my friend got a wonderful call from a nice police officer informing him that he has won a lifetime chance to visit the back end of a police station! The best part of it all? If he decided against this visit, he would get his very own personal pickup ride in the backseat of a cop car! With the experience of getting his hand cuffed to boot! With a wonderful call like that, how could he not go?

“Yeah, my friend was a complete dumbass”

“What was that…Sweetie?”

I shake my head and look at Nora

“Nothing, just remembering something stupid my friend did one time”

“What was that?”

I look deep into her hazel eyes, then with a laugh I said

“He put his dick in crazy”

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