Opposite Morals

Chapter 20

“I just don’t get it”

As I walk through the streets, a question keeps running in repeat in my mind, like a broken record

“Why…Was I so calm and collected? Was it because I knew that I wasn’t in trouble? That I already had a plan in place? Or…Is there something I’m missing?”

Once I walked for a bit, a park came into view. A small one with a water fountain in the middle of it. Around it were some benches that had a clear view towards the small playground for young children to play on. After glancing around the area, I see an open swing set. I feel my eyes gravitate towards it and refuse to look away. Suddenly a strong craving to hop on it forms deep within my soul

“Huh, I had no idea that this park was here. Might as well give into my cravings and swing”

I jog over and sit down, enjoying the cold plastic on my behind as I slowly start swinging, the creaking chain squeaks as I move back and forth. The previous question once again preoccupying my mind

“Normally…I would be what people call a bitch...Even I know that…I know myself better than anyone else…I think….Haaaaa, tends to happen when you are completely alone and do a lot of soul searching”

I glance around the area again as my body relaxes. Children playing in the jungle gym, parents watching their children while glancing at their phone or book

“I almost can’t believe that I had no idea that this park was here. Was this park in my old world? It probably was, I never really explored my surroundings…I did spend a lot of time on auto pilot….”

As I stare at the swing to the right and left of me. My eyes gets locked on the blue faded plastic that has shown a lot of wear from a lot of butt rubs. The chain has a red plastic tube over it to avoid getting your fingers pricked between the chain links. As I stare at it, a minor headache forms as a memory slowly surfaces

“Weird…Why am I getting deja vu from this swing….”

It’s a normal, everyday swing that you’ll see everywhere….As I focus on it more, the memory gets more vivid…The blue plastic slowly fades away as a blue door forms in front of me….Blue and red lights shine through the windows…The doorbell rings before a slight knock was heard

"...I remember this…This was when…"

The memory then overtakes my vision as I remember reaching for the door, opening it….

“Hey little guy…God…Fuc-....He's only around 8…Just a child…Your Levi Gold….Right?”

I look up at the two policemen, one has a sorrowful look, while the other has a look of extreme pain. The flashing red and blue lights in the background highlights their facial features as they both stare at me

“That is correct…What's wrong? Are you okay mister? You look like you're in pain!”

The look in his eyes deepens once I ask that, the pain on his face intensifies as tears slowly form in his eyes. He knees down to my height

“Yeah…Thanks for asking, young man…Look…I…have not been trained for this….Your….Mother and father have been in an accident….They…Have passed away and have gone to heaven”

My mind takes a second to process this information. I had a feeling of what death was at this point. Thanks to video games and other media I have watched with mom and dad…


Shock…Horror….Pain…every negative emotion I can think of runs through my head…Before one question bore fruit

“What….About my sister….Did she also….Go to heaven?”

I look back up at the officers. A tiny shine of hope in my eyes as I ask this question. I didn’t understand at the time that it takes 9 months for a baby to fully form. But the tears dropping down on both of the officers eyes…told me everything I needed to know

“Your….Mother was pregnant? Oh dear god…..”

Suddenly the man gives me a tight hug, tears fall from my eyes…I look up at the other officer, but he was looking away, the tears dripping from his face as a small puddle forms around his feet

“I’m right here…You are not alone little guy….”

What was the man supposed to say at a time like that? Sorry for your loss? Don't give up hope? Everything will be okay? This was just a horrible nightmare?

“Do…Do….You know….What my little…Sister name….Is? Mom…And dad kept it…A secret from me…”

The man shook before holding my small, shivering body tighter….That was when it really hit me…..My world had crumbled, it completely fallen apart…It tore away from me at the seams…Forcefully…

After that, my memory blurs. Many, many people visited me…So many questions…A lot of time looking for someone to take me in…But no one wanted me...Before I knew it, my memory cleared back up….I was swinging while looking at the moon…Bathing in the light…It looked just like this swing…exactly like it actually…

“Hey…Dad…I hope…you are happy up there…”

Tears don’t fall around me….A waterfall did instead as my head lowers. After some time passed, I looked back up at the moon, thoughts running through my head, questions, desires, my will…Everything….At a time like this, I had nothing but that…Time….A lot of it

My vision blurs again, flashing forward and once again I’m on this same swing, but this time I am looking at the clouds on a bright sunny day…The bright light does not reach me as all I could see was darkness….Until

“Hey! Hey! Listen!”

An annoying high pitch voice echoes next to my ear out of nowhere

“Heeeeeyyyy!! Hey! Listen to meeeee!!”

I looked over at the sound, A young girl was standing next to me. But the sunlight blurred her face in a way that I couldn't make it out. All I see is long white…Or was it blonde hair?

“Why are you crying?”

I didn’t know why, but for some reason that voice compelled me to speak what's on my mind

“I…lost my father. I don’t know what to do about it”

She must have been shocked, because an awkward silence happened between us before she sat down next to me. I look at her pants being full of dirt. When I look upwards, her shirt had a video game character on it

“Oh….Well….My parents always told me to live up to their expectations! They are really annoying about it actually, women this, women that, I’m a girl, so act like one…Stop playing with dolls…BLA BLA BLA”

As I watch her feet move back and forth as she swings, I can’t help but wonder how this became her bitch feast. I stop paying attention to her as she keeps talking. Then out of nowhere I feel her lightly punch my arm

“So? Did he?”

“Oh…I wasn't paying attention…Your high pitch voice was annoying me”

“RUDE!!....Stop looking at me like you're confused too! I SAID!! What did your dad say to you?”

What did my dad say to me?....He said a lot…But he kept repeating those weird rules to me every day before mom either throws a frying pan at him, or smack him with it

“He kept saying that I need to hold his 10 rules to heart…That…I need to liv-”


At…At least let me finish my sentence…Weak dick

“All you need to do then, is to honor his desire for you! What are these 10 rules anyways?”

What?…Right when she said that, it was like the dark clouds opened up and my vision became clear…

“Right…That's when I decided to overcome my first hurdle and live my life following those 10 rules. I miss them so much, but thanks to her, I was able to take my first step forward....”

I look upwards at the sunlight as my memory fades. I re-think about my recent actions again…After enjoying Samantha’s warm hug, I felt a very, very scary stare from my side as Samantha hugged me tighter. Once I looked over, Nora…My lover…Had one scary ass look on her face as she stared at Samantha. Before world war two could start, I quickly broke away from the warm hug and giving a kiss on Nora's cheek. Then before she could react, I RAN AWAY-....I MEAN DID A STRATEGIC RETREAT!

“Which leads me here”

I look around the park one more time, watching the children play as I get my thoughts organized

“I usually cower behind others as the world passes me by. I hate standing out and I easily cave when people put pressure on me. So…Did I grow a pair of balls because I was being relied on? It is rule 7….I also followed rule 5 and rule 10….”

I think about my actions while I was in the police station. How I was willing to go outside my comfort zone and kiss Nora. I hate seeing her like that, or anyone like that really. I was able to confidently twist the truth to the police too. Fulfilling my promise to them. Was I always…That reliable?

“I’m not sure, maybe? I didn’t really have many friends or have anyone rely on me, especially someone who I was having a romantic relationship with”

Is it possible that having three women literally throw themselves at me, is making me confident subconsciously? I mean, I also have this new amazing body that men would dream for, me included. That could be changing me mentally…..

“So…If that explains my actions then…Then…THEN WHY DOES AURORA MAKE ME INTO A BETA BITCH?!?!?!”

I jump off the swing and scream at myself. Is…Is it because I can’t refuse her aggressive look? Is it because I actually find her aggressiveness as a super turn on?!? Am I that pathetic?? Or is it because I can't activate any of dad’s 10 rules against her?!!?

“Fuck this, fuck her…Wait bad wording, she would attack me if I said that…Screw all this shit! I’m going to make some goddamn food!!”

I quickly run to my house and enter the front door, feeling another dose of runners high as I entered the house

“I’m home”

“Welcome home Levi…Where were you?”

A soft voice replies back to me as I take of my shoes. When I look up, I see my perverted sister who has been showering me nothing but love and affection since I woken up in this world

“Hey Sophia…Perfect timing. I need to talk with you tomorrow. Also what do you want for dinner? I’m starving!”

Her face gets bright red as I stare at her with a lovely smile…DAMN IT CUPID!! LITERALLY FUCK OFF PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!


But instead of Sophia replying….The little shit did instead

“Hey…Luna…I wasn’t asking you though”

I look up the stairs and see Luna with her shirt off, her massive ball of desire swing left to right like they just don’t care…How could they get so FUCKING big?!?

“Oh, shush stupid. I heard about last night! Layla kept going on and on about your pizza sub at school! I WANT PIZZA! MAKE ME PIZZA LOOSER!!”

Did I ever say she was a bitch? Because she's a FUCKING BITCH

“Pizza does sound good…My little prince”

I look right, through the doorway is my mother. I can’t see what she's wearing, but her long curly hair falls behind the couch as she lays on it. When I see what she's watching on the TV, a female in American color tights is mass murdering a ton of people…Her eyes get bright red before literally cutting someone in half, a ton of blood splatters all over her….

“I wasn't expecting that…What are you watching?”

“The Girls! It a new superhero show on Nextflick”

I keep watching the show as the female…Hero fly's away with murder in her eyes

“Huh…That looks awesome! What episode are you on?”

I look at my mother with slight excitement in my eyes. This show is just like a show from my previous world! But instead of a handsome man, we have a sexy female instead! YES PLEASE!

With slight shock in her voice, Mother replies “I just started it…You wanna watch it?”

I think about it for a moment before my answer becomes clear. This could be a great way to build some relationships with my family. Perhaps I could learn a few things!

“HELL YEAH! But I need to go to the store real fast, I used up almost everything yesterday”

I see Sophia have a confused look on her face as I put my shoes back on. When I look upward, Luna is still at the top of the stairs with the same face as Sophia. Why are they…Right…Past self…

When my vision goes back to Sophia, I give her a wink before mother walks in front of me

“You're making food and you want to watch a show with me, my prince? Let me give you a ride to the store”

“Yeah…What the actual hell low life. I don’t believe it”

Luna…Please fuck off. Thank you!

When I look around, I don’t see Layla or Ruby. I hope they are home or will be home soon. It…Would be awesome to have another family dinner

“Sweet, thanks!”

As I look back at her, I feel my face cramp up. Her tight shirt hangs low. Showing the world that she is currently not wearing a bra. Her hard nipples easily showed through her thin shirt. Begging to be noticed. When I keep looking up, I see her long blonde hair that is currently wavy as it wraps around her soft edge face. When I look at her ocean eyes, I catch her face get redder and redder as she stares back at me....

As we hop in the car, Mother decides to start her investigation

“So, where were you? It was Ruby’s responsibility to drive you home today”

I look out the front window, mind racing as I try to figure out WHAT THE FUCK TO SAY!! This….This is a weird feeling. I’m not used to this…But I miss it. I’m used to always being alone and doing my own thing. I completely forgot that I can’t do that anymore…SHIT

“I went to a nearby park”

I think back to something I read on the internet a long time ago. Whenever you lie, make it as close to the truth as possible!

“Which one?”

“I don’t know the name, but when I saw it, I remembered something that happened a long time ago. I got stuck in my memory. Before I realized it, a few hours passed”

I keep watching the world pass by, too scared to look at my new mother. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that informing her that a teacher is now my lover and that I was at the police station today will end badly…very badly…

“You remember something!? That’s awesome to hear!”

I heard her voice get a little higher out of happiness as she answered me. Her breathing gets slightly more ragged

“Yeah, so please don’t blame Ruby for it. It’s my fault. I’m…Sorry mom”

Mom….What a weird feeling. She’s my mother, yet she's not…This will take awhile to get used to…As I keep looking through the window, I hear her breathing get a little more…Erotic. Then a silent moan sound echoes in the quiet car


…You have got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!......I…I really don’t…wanna look…

“Haaaaa…..Crap…I forgot my pills at the house….MmmmmmMMMmm”

No, don’t look over there Levi, just ignore it. It's just my mother masturbating while she drives us to the store. THIS IS COMPELTELY FUCKING NORMAL!!



Think damnit think! Why is she like this?!? Is it really because we are alone?!? Do males releases some fucking odor that make women horny?! Is it because she forgot to take her pills today or something??!



“I…Haaa….Am so excited and happy….Seeing you open up to us…And you're protecting your sisters…When I drop you off…Take your time…Okay?”

Don’t ask…Don’t ask…

“What about you?”

I feel the air get hotter as the car picks up speed as we fly down the road. The store getting closer at a rapid pace

“I’m….Going to get my…HAaaaaa….Hormones under control…mmmMMmMMMmm…I know that this….Makes you feel really…MMmmmm….Uncomfortable”

Even though I wanted to stop myself, I couldn’t. And how could I? When someone of the opposite sex is masturbating and making those noises, you can’t tell me that you would not look. If you said you wouldn't, then you're a FUCKING liar…

I slowly look over at the driver seat, in my view is my mother, who looks no more than in her upper 20’s. Her left hand is on the wheel while her other one is inside her shorts. The strong sweat smell slowly sneaks into my noise as the seat under her gets damp around her fun box. As I glance upwards, her nipples are even more pronounced as the shirt is slightly rolled up. As I watch her pleasure herself, I start to feel…Off

“What…The…Fuck…Is wrong with me??”

I quickly look away, trying to understand my feelings

“She's my fucking mother! Someone who raised me in this world. So…Why am I getting turned on? Is it because I’m adapting to this world? Is it because I already crossed the line with Sophia? Is it because I find it difficult to see her as my mom? Or is it because my desire for a close family is affecting me this much?”

…With my thoughts getting out of control, I watch the store get closer and closer…

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