Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1109 - Pain Engine (Part 1)


The City of Shadows is fighting fiercely, and when U-Quitt prepares to attack the enemy, a weird scene appears.

The palace guards in dark purple armor flew up!

Surrounded by a white-hot energy arc, they jumped over the head of the looming large forces of Oak, and they shone from their wrists with a shiny leaf-shaped blade.

Uquette felt the strong wind coming from his head and instinctively rolled over to avoid the shadow of the sword, but there were still dozens of warriors beside him who were beheaded instantly.

The energized blade easily cut their armor.

“What a strange shrimp.”

He slipped into the water and found that the water surface only reached his waist.

Overhead, the previously concealed heavy machine gun began to pour into the palace, and Uke poured out his anger, but the boys were still moving forward, firing with their usual unorganized blindness, even the weird appearance of the palace guard Did not disrupt their behavior patterns.


Suddenly, a corpse fell into the water next to U-Quitt, his head was blown away, and blood poured into the water to form a scarlet flower.

The boss of Oak saw that the guards were too fast and turned too quickly, and conventional tactics could not threaten them.

So he can only use some unconventional methods.

At this moment, a guard screamed and swooped over to him, and U-Quitt could see the fine lines on the man’s armor, the blood vessel-like miniature gold threads on the breastplate and legplate, and the inscription on the mask.

The guard glides down like a seabird and shoots a bright blade from his wrist.

And the kind of cry he made was like some kind of predatory nocturnal creature, as if it was some kind of speculation in Uquitt.

No humans fighting them.

“Come on shrimp!”

Uquite opened his opponent’s attack with a knife, and then jumped high to meet the enemy.

The guard twisted his body in the air, trying to avoid the blow, but he was too close, like a fish in the net.

Uquette roared and waved the machete, the crackling blade ripped the opponent’s armor and cut off the guard’s arm.

Blood spewed from the huge wound on that shoulder, and the guard rolled into the water.

Uquette almost fell with the deceased at the same time and splashed a splash of water.

At this point, the turbulent Oak team finally reached the enemy.

The volley of the pistol swept across the island, the soldiers relentlessly approached the remaining enemies, and the palace guards began to recede gradually, forming a more and more circular front.

The body of the guards in armor piled up, and the artificial lake turned pink and filled with corpses.

And the erected machine guns began to tear the machine gun whistle from the heights. At this time, any supernatural swiftness could not save them, because the entire vault was turned into a killing field by dense barrage.

The guards fell one by one, and the bullets penetrated their armor, taking away their twisted lives.

The leader of the Black Claw team came to Uquitte, he smiled brutally, and the thought of being able to deal with more humans made him very happy.

“They are running away.”

Uquette pointed at a passage behind the lake with a knife.

“Don’t let them find a foothold and continue to rush.”

“I understand, but not too much, there is news.”

The leader of the Black Claw team said muffledly:

“Goff’s kid came from the north, but under the mountain roots, it doesn’t look like much.”

“They are still there?”

“It sounds like they are in trouble, so they plan to kill every shrimp nearby.”

“Ha! Let them go, those idiots have always been of this virtue.”

Uquet said with a smile, enjoying his superiority.

For Ok, there is nothing comparable to this feeling, but it will gradually dim over time, so Ok must defeat more enemies to satisfy their desire for battle, this is their way of survival .

Fight, fight, fight again,

“After cleaning this place, we went to find real fun.”

Uquite read out his plans to the black claw leaders aloud.

“You follow too! If you can’t keep up, then go play with the husband’s friends.”

Afterwards, his soldiers cheered and followed Uquitte towards the heart of the palace.

Every kid wants to appear in the most beautiful place on the battlefield, lift the enemy’s head above the city walls, and let the whole battlefield witness.

This is the timeless flaunting capital in the tavern.

After breaking through the guard’s blockade line, U-Quitt rushed all the way to the end of the passage, and he contacted seven or eight enemies who had sneaked in from all directions along the way.

And the children who follow him have gradually reduced, but he does not care.

Until the end, Uquette stopped suddenly in front of a room that looked like a throne hall.

This place is very weird. The floor is inlaid with unimaginably fine patterns and engraved with dense and dense text, as if the text is constantly surging.

The boys behind him have been firing, bullets flying across the room, splashing debris of countless colored stone bricks.

Uquette noticed that something was wrong and hurried to a huge statue to find cover.

A wave of music echoed around him, filled with the central spire of the palace. Crystal chandeliers hung in the stamens of this magnificent marble flower, trembling and flashing in the roar below.

The room was full of various musical instruments, manipulated by many puppets, playing a kind of blurred and fallen melody together.

In the center of the hall, a huge organ was next to a row of bells inlaid with gold, and the pipes growing above penetrated the milky white morning light.

Several rows of bronze cages housed a nightmare-like creature composed of carapace and woven human tissue. The towering backpack twitched like a shrimp shell. The huge and murderous claw hooks and profits were floating in four floating attachments. Swing gently on the limbs.

They seem to have no head, only a row of insect-like compound eyes and eel mouthparts, and on both sides of the body are gill-like vocal organs, singing blindly and fanatically.

“What is this!?”

Uquite was shocked. At the same time, the strings in the hall began to sound with gunshots, the bullets began to tear the puppets, and the dissonant tone roared.

Storm-like bullets were flying around, the whole room was filled with hot metal and death, and fighting and music were no different in making noise.

Uquite felt that his limbs were full of energy just by being immersed in the loud noise. Every screaming tone and every roaring bullet made his senses overflow with violence. desire.

Heavy metal music has always been Ok’s favorite.

He protruded his head from behind the statue~www.mtlnovel.com~ Such a deep and quick assault made him both tired and excited. They advanced while fighting in the palace, killing thousands of soldiers, and finally attacked the room .

From his cover position, Uquette saw himself in the middle of the second floor of the instrument, with the lead singer’s platform in front of him.

A throne with a great shore turned his back to him, and the magnificent handicrafts composed of gold and emerald were surrounded by a circle of pulpits, on which were placed heavy music scores.

The bullets shattered a sheet of music into pieces, and suddenly there was a blizzard of paper scraps printed with notes around the throne.

The palace guards gathered at the other end of the throne room, surrounded by a tall figure wearing black-black armor. The man was surrounded by various metal tubes, and behind it came out something that looked like a fascia and skeleton.

If Juskin is present, he will surely recognize that this tall figure is the former Nutans.

But now, he has taken off the mortal body and become another kind of existence.



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