Orc Tyrant

Chapter 111 - Ancient Echo (3)

As the ground underneath became softer and more humid, the surrounding trees became gradually sparse, and a strange white mist filled the air. The forward boys clearly felt that they were already in another environment, which was completely unfamiliar environment.

Shabal, who was successfully promoted to the warlord, walked in the middle of the team surrounded by a group of heavy-duty burned boys. Ok’s march was not disciplined, but Shabal still tried to gather the most capable guys around him because of this The place is said to be very weird, and he deserves such caution.

The originally clumped team slowly spread out after entering the swamp. The boys were carefully looking for a place where they could settle, because many reckless Oaks were already submerged in the muddy swamp, and their weight became the most deadly factor.

Shabal stood on a hard land and glanced around. This swamp is indeed not the same as other swamps. It lacks conspicuous plants. The quagmire is rolling with gray-brown slurry and a lot of algae are on the ground. Mottled traces similar to patina were formed, and the fallen decayed wood sank into it, and the exposed part had an indescribable sense of ruin.

And what makes it more concerned is that the silence here, there is no trace of any creature in the white fog, the most common thing you can hear is the muddy roll and the crackling of bubbles.

Combined with the previous rumors, Shabal had to fight with twelve points of spirit. He kept his guards on high alert and ordered all the reloading and burning boys to be ready to burn everything at any time.

Several orange-red tongues licked the humid air and dispersed a part of the dense fog. This was a waste of fuel by the guy who could not restrain the arson. Shabal usually beats such a guy fiercely, but today he thinks it’s not bad, at least to make his vision clearer.

Before this expedition, he also changed a set of equipment, not only heavy armor, but also a new set of fire-breathing equipment, connected with his armor, using a new delivery method, no longer need fart, he only needs to force Press the pressure groove on the handle of the right hand, the metal nozzle under the left wrist can spray a hot flame to scorch the guy who dared to offend him, and the new metal hose also ensures that there will not be a big problem.

The Blackfire Legion slowed down and slowly penetrated into the Silent Swamp.

A group of war gangs slowly moved away from the big army. They were attracted by a strange statue. This thing was as wide as three or four oks, half buried in the mud, and the gray surface had many crystal light spots and shapes. Like some kind of scaled creature.

“I’m good, it’s worth the old and the old.

The boss of the gang led the younger brothers closer to the statue. His eyes were completely attracted by the small crystal gems, and his brain was full of how to turn them into teeth. It is said that Gu Ke boss likes this kind.

But they did not notice at all, a series of bubbles gradually appeared in the surrounding mud pits.

The boys gathered around the statue and pointed at the big guy. They also found many ancient metal ornaments and some small scales from the ground.

“Move! Move away!”

At the order of the boss, the boys started to dig out the big guy, but before they started, the boys closest to the mud screamed suddenly, and then the solid body suddenly slid into the mud pit. Before Ok had responded, he disappeared into the mud.

“What, what!”

This strange scene immediately alerted the boss. He stared at the surroundings with wide eyes, but there was no abnormality in the calm mist.

The boys kept away from the mud pits. They gathered around the boss, holding rude weapons, and their eyes glanced around. The large mouth with protruding fangs made heavy gasps from time to time. Strong instinct told them that there must be something around What they can’t see.

They stalemate for a while like this, and at the moment when they are about to relax, the change suddenly emerges.


Dozens of mud pits scattered around exploded at the same time. In the splashing mud, a large number of scaled monsters were drilled from the mud pits. They were similar to snakes. They had strong upper bodies and had a pair of solid arms. With dirty metal weapons, it was not the legs but the thick tail that supported the body.

These muddy snakes made a cold hiss while rushing towards dozens of Oaks at a rapid speed, and some of them could even bow their tails and jump directly from the ground.

Faced with this sudden enemy, the Oaks were not intimidated, but raised their arms and greeted them with a roar.

“Dry them! waaagh!!!!!!”

The bare triangle head was smashed by a battle axe, this boy ok hasn’t had time to close, four or five sharp spear heads have simultaneously entered his body, but the pain can only stimulate his stronger desire to kill, he fiercely The ground turned off the spear shafts, and then continued to chop up the monsters with the tomahawk in his hand. He also pulled the spear head from time to time and returned it to the enemy’s body.

He didn’t fall completely until a spear was inserted from the back of his head, and he had slaughtered at least a double-digit basilisk before he died.

However, the number of these creatures seems to be quite large, and they still continue to crawl out of the mud pits, indifferently and resolutely launching shocks towards the Oaks.

Soon, this battle gang died of casualties, leaving only the boss still struggling to fight.


He used a knife to split the monster in front of him into two pieces, but five or six spearheads also poke into his body from all directions. He roared hard and swept the attackers into dirty corpses, but his consciousness gradually blurred. All Basilisk weapons are highly toxic.

A large number of broken corpses piled around him, building up a small corpse mountain, and at least a dozen broken short spears were thrown into his body. He gasped violently, feeling that his blood was gradually condensing and cooling.

The monsters finally felt afraid. They surrounded themselves but dared not step forward.

The boss of Oak suddenly laughed, he coughed up a blood clot stuck in his throat, and then raised his machete again.


The faint war roar was captured by Shabal. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. The rolling white fog obscured his sight, but he could feel a certain will, even the nerve boy around him. Feel it.

“There is a kid fighting.”

The nervous boy nodded his approval, and Shabal had just prepared to send some boys to see what happened. A strange voice suddenly came from all directions.

This sound is like a certain object dragging on the mud. The feedback is a rusty sound in the white mist, and the sound channel is very strange, like an echo. This makes Shabal alert immediately. He rides on the ancient history. On the back of the grid monster, he roared loudly:

“Copy guys! I give them all!”

As if to confirm his words~www.mtlnovel.com~The endless sea of ​​snakes broke through the tumbling fog wall and swept toward the Oks. Among them were strong, thin, and even two All of them, but without exception, they all hold fairly good weapons.

Their scales are filthy, no emotional color is visible in the vertical pupils, and there is a cold hiss between the black letter’s throughput, as if this is all their language.

The number of basilisks is so large, it is like a wave, and standing on the head of the tide is a giant snake with blue scales. They are twice as tall and strong as ordinary monsters. Beok, in addition to melee weapons, also held a halberd-shaped stick, mysterious energy gathered on the metal ornament on the head of the stick.

Under their sway, the white mist gradually condensed into a mass of ice cones and ice **** exuding coldness, rushing towards the gathering place of Ok.

When the dodge boy is hit by these ice cones, the whole body’s blood will be frozen immediately, and the ice ball will burst at the moment of the collision, splashing out countless sharp ice pieces. After the ice pieces are shot into the flesh, the whole All muscles become numb.

Without contact with the other party, the Oakes were beaten with their heads covered, and many of the boys froze in place.

But Shabal is not a guy who can admit it. He stood up from the back of the giant Scrooge, and while ordering the guards to trumpet, he lifted his stainless steel machete and pointed at the surging snake. Blame the army.

“Let’s go! Let’s go! Kill!!!!!!”

WAAAAGH! ! ! ! !

Facing the tawny tide, the green tide launched its own charge in the heated roar of war!

They are Ok, they only have offense!

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