Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1114 - Death plague (below)

“Boss, there is a ladder here.”

“Well done.”

Love murmured and walked over to examine the kid’s discovery.

Indeed, behind a corroded statue of an ancient warrior was a stairway deep into the sand-colored wall. The passage looked rough and unpolished. The stone was covered with potholes and was eroded by the years.

As a deputy of Grak, he didn’t appear on the front line at this time, but plunged into the intricate underground of Tyre for a very important reason.

The warlord gave him a very important task, a task he had to complete even if he died.

“Get up.”

Love waved his hand and whispered to the boy behind him.

“Lead ahead, lead the way.”

“Yes, head.”

After finishing his answer, the guide boy rushed into the dim passage without looking back, and Love led the elite men in the army.

They are all gigantic big guys. If the entrance of this passage is also very spacious, it can barely allow them to pass through the tall body in armor, otherwise they will have no choice but to find it.

Love walked all the way, the steps extended down about ten meters, and then led into a wide and low hall.

“The walls here must be hollow.”

A lady’s hand tapped the wall with thick fingers. They were all cruel butchers, but also cunning hunters, who would not miss any traces of prey.

“I heard that Xiami likes to build a house underground and hide his body inside.”

Love pointed to the niches and said that there were crippled and decaying skeletons, and some of them were covered with tattered shrouds.

“This may be the place.”

With that said, the guy who led the way had led them through the hall.

As they deepened, there were more and more corpses, and those skeletons were stacked together by two or even three.

The corpses here are not all over the past hundred years, but also some ten years ago, or even a few years ago.

Suddenly, the lead boy turned around, raised his gun, and pressed his finger on the trigger.


“I Xunsi heard something.”

“Nothing behind.”

Love looked back, and the passage behind him was empty, only the footprints they left on the dusty ground as they passed.

The leading boy is a famous scout in the legion and the strongest special warfare boy. His senses are very sharp, but he is also very neurotic.

“Go ahead and cheer up, this place may…”

“There is movement!”

The leading boy roared violently and used a flamethrower in his hand to spray a bright orange flame into the darkness ahead.

“What do you see!?”

The special warfare boy stopped suddenly and scratched his head.

“I’m not sure, but whatever it is, it’s gone now.”

The flames leaped in the alcove in front of them, devouring the dead bones hungry, and Lov leaned out of his head and saw that there were no enemies in front, only those who died in the battle of Tyre.

“Now there’s nothing there, concentrate on it, don’t be surprised! You are Goff’s kid.”

The team speeded up, expelling the idea that the enemy might be hidden in the ancient tomb from his mind, and quickly walked through the burning niches.

The hall leads to a wider room, and Love guesses that it must occupy all the space between the two drainage pipes.

The only light came from the flames of the flamethrower muzzle in the hands of the special warfare boy, and the yellow fire light illuminated the huge stones that made up the mausoleum.

Halfway through the walk, Love saw a sarcophagus made of black granite. The surrounding statues were human figures kneeling on the ground. Their heads were hanging down, and their hands bound by chains reached forward.

The walls are covered with sculptures depicting various ceremonial war scenes.

“Go ahead and find a way to go.”

After he finished speaking, he approached the sarcophagus and stroked the huge surface with his hands.

A human figure was carved on its coffin lid, but he knew that it could not be a depiction of the dead in the sarcophagus, because its face had no features except for a pair of triangular eyes made of colored glass sheets.

Suddenly, Love heard a mournful, cold, biting song, even with thick layers of stone walls, and the sorrowful tones of the sorrows still penetrated into the spire mausoleum.

“What’s the bird’s name?”

Love held up the gun and looked up at the dark dome, but saw nothing but the brutal sacrifice murals.

“It seems that we must go down below.”

They quickly found a secret ladder near the sarcophagus, which was buried deep underground, and without thinking much, Love led the boy down.

But in one go, they encountered a sudden attack by the enemy, and they also met another group of horses here.

“Love? It’s nice to see you.”

Senkai, the guard’s captain under Chalkin, smiled and waved at Love, who was hiding next to a collapsed temple.

“I guess I might run into you, but I didn’t expect you to walk so slowly. Grak must have told you why you came here.”

“Your crap!”

Sporadic gunshots echoed in the ancient tombs of Tanpang. Senkai’s command team surrounded the temple ruins, holding the gun tightly, and occasionally shot a shot at the guys who were moving between the shadows.

The Love team that was hit at the beginning was also crowded with them by the ruins.

Love remembers clearly that the enemy was wearing some armor exclusive to the guardian of the human lord, consisting of polished silver and black.

The weapon they carry is a round magazine and a fast-firing submachine gun, which is also the favorite weapon of the Tyre human gangs and guards.

Obviously, the dog that Bellow had raised had sharpened his teeth and was ready to bite the owner.

But Love’s goal was not to find evidence of Beiruf’s failure.

“We have a good cover, and we have a defensive position. Let’s set the fire first and then launch a surprise attack on the enemy.”

He nodded when he heard Keson’s plan, and his squad stooped right down to the rubble wall.

The temple was in a trough, on both sides were the spires they had just come down from, and another one beside them.

The whole temple is a rough hollow stone column with glaring faces carved on its surface. More than ten arcades around the base provide entrance and cover, and the darkness in it is lit by the fire of the muzzle from time to time.

There are many large and small temples scattered between the towers, and the statue of the great deceased in Thyre City for thousands of years stands abruptly among the gorgeous buildings or the ruins of the temple.

After observing it, Luofu pointed to the spire mausoleum at the end of 100 meters.

“I have enough soldiers to form a complete offensive and attack that position! Kaisen, clean up the surrounding horns to ensure a safe starting point, and then send some kids to the first floor of the spire to provide cover firepower. !If possible, send heavy weapons

Go up. “

Gunshots came from the east side~www.mtlnovel.com~ Love saw more running and jumping figures approaching them, and some of them were wearing cloaks, and they had a very ominous breath on their bodies.

“It seems that this is not just a graveyard.”

Love, who has dealt with humans a lot, knows that it is probably a wizard, a neuron in humans, but they are much more difficult than a neuron.

“This is probably the location of its church. I have fried the church once in the past, and those shrimps are like crazy.”

“No wonder they are all crazy.”

Kason pouted uncomfortably, then fired two shots at each other, knocking down two people who were about to throw grenades.

“Shrimp love their Shrimp God.”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, hurry up, you know we have to let that stuff appear immediately.”

Love stared at Kason’s face and whispered.

“…The thing called death plague.”


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