Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1124 - Apocalypse (2)

Bruce could hear the sound of the killing.

He can distinguish it clearly, just like a sheet music in front of reading, he knows the very different kind of battle between Oak and the salient volley used to assist a wave of offense and defend a fortification. the difference.

Mountbatten handed over to the church where he was stationed in a place that was not suitable for the great warriors.

Not long ago it was a refugee refuge, but now the simple fortifications have become the only line of defense against the Oak Legion with great advantages.

“Sounds bad.”

A shadow blade crouched next to the narrow window frame of the church and said that his helmet reflected the cold light.

“They may break in.”

“Our wizard friends can deal with them temporarily.”

Bruce sneered.

“That Oak warlord wanted to cut off some more heads, that’s all…can you hear me?”

The man then tilted his head and tried to listen.

Their hearing, like other senses, has been strengthened, but this shadow blade cannot seem to understand the meaning of Bruce.

“Hear, sir?”

“Chain saw axes, but they’re not cutting steel or other weapons. They’re cutting stones and metals. Ouke can’t cross those roadblocks for a short time, so they are trying to cut a passage from the ruins.”

The man nodded immediately.

“General Mountbatten knows what he is doing. Ok only knows one way of fighting, and we can use this.”

Bruce frowned when he heard praise for Mountbatten. It was the failure of these so-called generals that caused the situation to fall into the abyss step by step. They were the people who should be blamed for this war, but they are now regarded as the saviors. .

He cast aside his bitter expression and stared through the church window at the plaza filled with burnt black ruins below.

Miraculously, the windows of the church were intact, although the high heat of the explosion distorted the window frames.

But the swelled and faded vines around the window reminded Bruce of a giant insect eye.

The inside of the church is more weird than the outside. The green twisted stones used to build the inner wall form a tall, spooky organism. It seems that a group of highly toxic gas instantly petrified when it rolled up.

The altar at the back of the church is composed of dark purple stone, and its shape is like a spreading biofilm, as if some complicated organ was dissected and nailed to the wall for easy observation.

As soon as he entered this place, he felt very wrong, not at all like a sacred place.

Obviously here is also penetrated by blood worship. But even those cultists can only run away in front of Ok’s offensive and discard their sacred altar.

“Ok is not an enemy to worry about, brother.”

Bruce said casually.

“You need to worry about us.”

“We, sir?”

“Those who are lurking around us and believe in evil spirits are the dangerous opponents.”

Most of the surviving shadow blades are defending the church, and Mountbatten deploys a large amount of support firepower here, and then leads a force to garrison the nearest trench.

There are also several mortal teams scattered in some hidden bunkers around.

Most of the heavy weapons are arranged on the roof of the church, and the sniper is located near the window of the church or in a deeper bunker. Most of the soldiers of Bruce’s troops are arranged in the bunker outside the church, or they are in Early in this siege was inside a barricade made of falling concrete.

More than two hundred shadow blades, a church in the defense zone, a throat leading to the center of the university.

Suddenly, the movement in the distance caught Bruce’s attention, and he looked out from the twisted window towards the darkened house ahead.

A dark green shadow flashed.

He smiled and knew exactly how Oker fought.

“The enemy appears!”

He warned his troops.

“The third block to the west, second floor.”

“Confirm the goal.”

The non-commissioned officer in charge of fire support replied that he was an unsmiling officer and regarded war as a mathematical problem solved by shooting angle and fire intensity.

Bruce heard the mortar company operating on the roof and aimed the only heavy weapon at the area he pointed out.

“Western Front, ready to meet the enemy!”

Under Bruce’s order, the two companies quickly seated by the window of the church on the side of Bruce.

The tension before the war was so wonderful, Bruce heard that the joy of death gradually sounded in his blood, and a burst of ecstasy thrilled in his veins.

A white-bladed battle in a blood-stained battlefield means an opportunity to sublime in the war, but in order to keep the memory of the battle from being wiped out, this upcoming death and glory gradually emerges, and the manic expectation is necessary at the moment of his circulation less.

“See them!”

The officer sent a report from the roof.

“Oak forces! The main force is scattered on the front line of about 2 kilometers, there is armor! Tanks and armored vehicles! Field artillery, forward! Mortar, one shot with one shot, two shots with two shots, three shots with two shots Filling, covering the open space in the middle distance, overlapping firepower!”

“Warlord Guard.”

At the same time as the cannon sounded, Bruce whispered.

He can now see the enemy. Hundreds of men in heavy armor, with guns and rockets all over their bodies, gathered behind the empty doors and windows of the building ruins.

Such gorgeous equipment is only possible.

The warlords are already on the battlefield.

“They will first wait for the support force to be in place, and then they will use armored vehicles and tanks to transport the troops forward. The infantry will get off at medium or close range, and everyone should not fire before they appear.”

In the distance, the tracks were roaring and turning, the huge metal battle flag was shining, the paintings on the heavy armor were still gorgeous, and the dirty car tank crushed the broken ruins into powder in the forward.

Each tank is full of howling Ok, and under the stimulus of flames and blood, they treat any non-Ok as a worthy enemy for destruction.

Perhaps for the careless Okr warlords, the survivors of these first offensives were all worthy of ignorance and ignorance, but he obviously did not consider the existence of the shadow blade.

Being able to face the most elite Oak forces once again made Bruce lick his lips expectantly. These fighters are valuable opponents.

He is willing to respect these enemies, or win their respect…

Through the telescope, he can see the enemy’s heavy infantry stepping into the battlefield with strong confidence. They look like actors participating in a grand parade, not soldiers marching towards the war.

He can already taste the moment when the battle is about to really start.

He even longed for the fierce battle to begin immediately, but he also knew that after the time was right, the seductive taste of the battle would be even more wonderful.

Guns from the tank began to penetrate the walls of the church, breaking a window, and splashing fragments of marble and glass on the ground.

“Don’t fire!”

Commands from superiors were communicated one by one. No matter what the situation was, the soldiers under Mountbatten were still the most experienced soldiers, and they would not act like the undisciplined Ok.

Bruce glanced carefully out of the window and saw that the rough-shaped trucks made the passage cleared by the gunfire dusty, and the larger tanks followed closely. www.mtlnovel.com~ served as a mobile fort, will A large brick shattered from its outer wall in the trembling of the church.

A few field guns also fired. The artillery tried to paralyze the approaching tanks, while the weapons erected on the trucks tried to destroy the counterattack on the roof.

Suddenly, a torrent of gravel and smoke suddenly rose, and the track of a tank broke apart, the huge metal machine lost control and slanted to the side, and the other exploded in a colorful fireball.

The anti-armor mines placed play a role, but that’s all.

Instead, the gunfire was more violent, and the body in the gray military uniform flew through the window.

But everyone knows that those corpses are just appetizers, which kicked off the grand death feast.

Bruce stretched out his claws, savoring the fighting desire that gradually accumulated in his body until he felt he could no longer bear it.

The familiar whisper of his claws also became part of the melody, and he realized that he began to slip into the dance steps of the duel, and the wild power sharpened in countless kills circulated in him.


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