Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1127 - Apocalypse (5)

“These…damn green skins!”

Mountbatten fell to the ground, sliding over the blackened stone bricks in the square.

“How did they get out of the ground!”

He rolled and fired at the nearest Oak, and the high ceiling above his head twirled in his field of vision.

A machine gun bullet penetrated the enemy’s leg, and the Oak with the sharp axe roared and fell.

Two soldiers ambushed nearby threw their bayonet into Nauc’s back, but it was not enough to kill the beast, so they knew each other with a grenade.

Mountbatten got up, and more bullets came from the other side of the square.

He tried to assess the enemy’s strength, but between the piles of dead, the craters all over the ground, and the broken marbles scattered around, it was difficult for him to determine the number of the enemy.

Between a chaotic university dormitory area and a dead church, this square filled with Oak, they are violently charging, flocking to the gap that has been opened.

“Obviously they have some tools or means that we don’t know. I am afraid there is an entire Green Leather Legion here.”

Bronz said, pulling his sword out of a green-skinned body.

“We rushed in between them.”

“Then we continue to rush out.”

After standing up again, he attached a new magazine to the pistol.

The two hurried through the ruins and corpses, scanning the dark corners alertly, watching for any movement.

Bronz was right behind him, his gaze swept back and forth between the large bricks and gravel, ready to cast spells.

The bullets passed over them, and the sound of fighting from the campus became more horrible. The loud noise of battle roar and explosion penetrated this violent night.

“Lying down!”

Bronz yelled violently, a burst of fire struck from the darkness.

Mountbatten swooped on the ground, the fiery energy flashed from above, burning a large pit in the building behind him.

Then, a black figure rushed over, Mountbatten vaguely saw the flash of the blade, and conditionedly raised his pistol to parry the opponent’s attack.

The sharp blade gnawed at his gun body in the splash of sparks, Mountbatten immediately raised his leg and kicked at the attacker.

The attacker easily avoided his counterattack and turned to smash Bronz with a short staff.

Bronze’s attack gave Mountbaton a breathing opportunity. He turned over and stood up, throwing away his damaged gun and pulling out his sword.

The Bronze who was swept up wrestled with another attacker on the ground. It was not an Oak, but a human, but his friends could only fight alone anyway.

Because Mountbatten saw his opponent turned out to be a company commander, and not an ordinary company commander, but his company commander of the guard company.


Mountbatten shouted loudly that the man’s renewed attack paused. In this brief moment he saw the loyal warrior he once trusted so much, but then something else came up-some face that made the guard company commander Something twisted in hatred.

Mountbatten only noticed that Thorne had some blood-red tattoos on his face, which meant…

He joined the blood worship.

One second’s consternation was enough for Mountbatten to allow him to flash off his opponent’s attack and hide behind a broken stone wall protruding from the crater.

The bullet was still flying in the air, and outside of his line of sight Bronz was in a bitter fight, but Mountbatten had no time to take care of it.

“What happened, Thorne?”

Mountbatten shouted in distress.

“What have they turned you into?”

The guard company commander shouted a string of unrecognizable angry howls, and he lifted the saber to him.

Mountbatten stood firm and lifted the sword to parry the attacking blade. The two soldiers immediately locked in a confrontation of power.


Mountbatten gritted his teeth and said that the person he once trusted the most, tried hard to press the cold flashing blade against his face.

“This is not the person I know! What have you become?”

When their eyes met, Mountbatten glanced at Thorne’s soul and suddenly lost hope.

He saw the warrior who did not fear life and death just like himself, made the vow to dedicate his life to the country, and saw the rolling darkness and madness, the killing and betrayal that had not been exposed.

“I walk the way of blood!”

Thorne roared loudly, and every word was sprayed with blood foam.

“Do not!”

Mountbatten shouted, pushing the crazy soul away.

“We don’t have to do this! I can save you! Stop!”

“It must be so, there is no other way out of this way… we must go further!”

Humanity disappeared from Thorne’s face, Mountbatten knew that this man was hopeless, and this battle could only end in death.

Although he has already been psychologically prepared for this.

Mountbatt stepped back, parrying Thorne’s dazzling attack, and was eventually forced to lean on a boulder.

At this time, his opponent’s blade was accidentally embedded in the stone beside him, Mountbatten immediately seized the opportunity to smash the hilt on the opponent’s head.

But Thorne, who was caught in the curse of the blood god, withstood the blow, and instead slammed into Mountbatten’s face with his forehead, and then took his sword-holding arm and turned him to the ground.

They wrestled in the mud like animals, Thorne tried to press Mountbatten’s head against the broken stone, and Mountbatten tried to throw the other side away.

After a flurry of wrestling, Mountbatten turned over and lay on the ground, suddenly hearing the roar of an earthquake-like engine.

At this time, two bright searchlights pierced the night and illuminated Thorn’s figure.

Realizing what was coming, Mountbatten punched the opponent’s face with his fist, and grabbed the opponent’s neck with one hand, forcing Thorne to raise his body.

The mutiny guard company commander struggled above Mountbatten, and as the lights gradually became stronger, a roaring Occross buggy suddenly appeared from behind a pile of rubble behind them, like a sea monster rushing out of the abyss.

Suddenly, Mountbatten could feel the huge impact when the front shovel of the off-road vehicle hit Thorne, and the sharp tip penetrated the man’s chest.

He immediately loosened the opponent’s body and turned to lie on the edge of the crater, while the roaring off-roader raised his head high, and in the excited roar of the Oakes in the car, with the struggling Thorne continued to move forward .

The next second, the off-road vehicle that seemed to fall apart at any time fell back to the ground, Mountbatten pressed his body tightly to the dirt, and tried to avoid the metal monster above.

The roaring engine almost ran over against his body.

After that, everything was over, the buggy left roaring, and the person pierced in the front of the car looked like some kind of **** loot.

Then a large group of motorcycles passed by him, and the hairy face glared forward on the armored shell, and Mumbat suddenly recognized the paint on their flag.


For a brief moment, Mountbatten stared at the unit that rushed to the dormitory area. They approached the target relentlessly, and the guns were blazing.

At this time, a hand protruded down to grab Mountbatten, dragging his body with bruises and blood, and dragging him into the bunker to avoid the rainy bullets.

He looked up and saw Bronz, who was also scarred.

The sorcerer who also just killed the enemy panted heavily and nodded in the direction where the buggy disappeared.

“That is……?”


Mountbatten nodded in response.

“He is gone.”


“Maybe, I don’t know.”

“Sure enough, the intelligence is correct. The blood worshiper puts an eyeliner and a killer on your side, but I didn’t expect him to be Thorne…”

“I didn’t expect that he was so brave… upright.”

“Maybe it’s desperate, many people are desperate, and darkness breeds it.”

Bronz raised his head and watched the spearheads piercing the university’s core defense.

“I guess even if all the troops are concentrated, it is not easy to guard this place.”

“Then we must hurry up.”

“Yeah~www.mtlnovel.com~ But we have to keep a low profile and stop getting into trouble.”

Bronz said, taking out simple gauze from his pocket to wrap up the wound on Mountbatten’s head.

“Unless Ok is not a challenge.”

“My soldiers will make them pay for every inch of ruins,”

Mountbatten said, straightening up with a sore body.

Thorne left him many scars, but it did not prevent him from fighting.

“Now the traitor has been removed. For the last hope, we have to do something.”

“So we have to go to the library now.”

Deciding on a good direction, the two friends walked through the rubble and gravel again, and moved towards the Dunwich University Library that had not fallen.

There is the last hope for some victory in this **** battlefield.


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